Chapter 13
Meanwhile, Loretta's group are walking and jumping from one island to the next, searching for their friends and family. "Man, we've been walking for hours!" Sid groaned. "I know. Maybe we should take a little break?" Mirandos suggested. Loretta looked up ahead, then looked back to her friends, "Yeah, your right. Let's take a quick break, then we'll continue."
Sticks then sit on a rock to rest on. "Hey, careful where your sitting?!" A voice said. Sticks screamed and jumped onto Lincoln's head, again. "Not again." Lincoln frowned. "Sticks?! What's wrong?" Sid asked Sticks. Sticks pointed to the rock she sat at, "That rock just spoke!" "Yeah," the voice said, then Bashful (7D) popped out behind the rock. "Cause, I'm hiding behind it." "Ahh! Tiny man!" Sticks screamed, still holding on to Lincoln's head, holding on to tight. "Okay, oww!" Lincoln said, starting to feel the pain on his head. "Bashful!?" Both Loretta and Mirandos said, surprised. "Deddna?" Deddna said. "Hey gals and Deddna." Bashful told them, coming out of hiding. "Uh, you guys know this little dude?" Zuma asked the three, looking at Bashful. "Yes, this is Bashful, a friend of ours from Jollywood." Loretta answered. "Wait, Bashful? As in the 7 dwarfs, Bashful?!" Sid said, with stars in her eyes. "Uh, we're prefer to be called the 7D and yes, I am the Bashful." Bashful added.
"Bashful? Did you found anyone?" a voice said. Everyone looked behind Bashful to see Rocky (PAW Patrol), Pikachu (Pokémon), Sci-fi Twilight (MLP Equestria girls), Ed (Ed, Edd, N Eddy) and Arnold (Hey Arnold [after the Jungle Movie]) walking up to them. "Rocky!" Both Zuma and Rex said, as Rocky ran up to them. "Zuma! Rex! I'm so glad you guys are okay!" Rocky told his pup friends. Pikachu ran up to Denne, "Pikachu!" "Denne!" Denne said, happily seeing Pikachu. "PRETTY KITTY!" Ed shouted in excitement, while seeing Sticks on Lincoln's head. "Kitty!? I'm a badger, you one brow freak!" Sticks shouted, still holding onto Lincoln's head. "Okay, I have enough! GET OFF OF MY HEAD!?" Lincoln shouted, as he managed to get Sticks off his head and Sticks hit the ground. "KITTY!" Ed shouted in excitement, running up to Sticks and hug her tight. Sticks struggle to get free, "Gwa, let go of me!?"
"Ed, can you please let go of Sticks?" Arnold asked Ed. "How did you know my name!? Are you a government agent to steal information!?" Sticks asked Arnold, still struggling to get free from Ed's hug. "What!? No! Brenda and her friends told me and my friends about you and your friends!" Arnold explained. "That's what a government agent would say!" Sticks said. Then Bashful felt some rumbling from the ground and got scared, "Uh, guys do you feel that?" Then everyone felt the rumbling and heard a loud roar heading towards them. "Um, Mirandos? You don't think?" Loretta asked Mirandos. "Yeah, I think it is." Mirandos answered, nervously. "What is?" Sci-fi Twilight asked nervously.
Suddenly a Grimm Beowolf appeared and roared loudly at the group. "Grimm!!!" both Loretta and Mirandos screamed. Bashful screamed and hid behind Sci-fi Twilight, shaken in fear. "WHAT IS THAT!?" Rocky screamed, as he, Zuma, and Rex hid behind Ed, who is still hugging Sticks, who is still struggling to get free. "That's a Grimm," Loretta explained, as the group step back slowly. "And that one there is a Beowolf." "You mean the one from Remant." Sid asked, remembering the stories of Remant she was told. "Yep." Mirandos answered.
The Beowolf growled at the group, while a 16 yr old girl with light peach skin, light darkish blonde short long side braid hair, dark hazel green eyes, wearing a orange, light and brown dress, and brown boots is watching this happen behind a Krang crystal. "This is bad!" Lincoln screamed, as the group back up. "WE'RE GOING TO GET EATEN!!!" Bashful screamed. Then the girl jump, with her eyes glowing orange, onto the Beowolf. "Leave them alone!? You Beowolf!" The girl shouted, while holding it by the neck.
The group was in shocked to see the girl. "Woah, who's she?" Rex asked. "I don't know?" Arnold answered, while in shocked. Then the girl summon a scythe and used it to cut the Beowolf head off and it disappeared. The girl landed on her feets, her eyes stop glowing and turned to the group, who are still in shocked, she smile to them and wave, "Hi, I'm Autumn Oz." "UH HELLO, CAN ANYONE GET THIS ONE EYE BROW FREAK OFF ME!?" Sticks yelled, still struggling to get free from Ed..
Meanwhile back at the Technodom, in the equipment room, Tadashi just finished explaining to Chris what's going on. "Woah, I can't believe this!" Chris said, shocked. "Yeah, that's why we need to find Brenda fast. Before it's to late." Tadashi added, while Jenny is sitting crisscross on the floor, petting Shadow, who's on her lap. "But, even if we would able to find her. We still have to get pass those bots." Jenny added. Chris leaned back and accidentally fell over, hitting flat on the ground. "Chris?! Are you okay?" Tadashi asked Chris, while he and Jenny, who's still holding Shadow in her arms, checked on him. "Yeah, I'm fine," Chris answered, then he saw a robot head in front of him. "Uh, but I did found something."
Tadashi and Jenny looked where Chris is looking and saw the robot head. "Is that a robot head?" Jenny asked. "I think it is," Tadashi said, kneeling down to take a good look at it. "But, I'd never seen ones like this before." Shadow then jumped out of Jenny's arms and curiously looked at the robot head. "Easy Shadow? We're not sure if it's safe?" Chris told Shadow, while getting himself up. Shadow then touch the robot head with his head with his paw, the head started to beep, making Shadow scared and ran behind Chris.
The three looked at the robot head worried, then the beeping stop and the robot head eyes turn on, "Aww, finally! I'm back online!" Then the robot head saw Tadashi, Jenny, and Chris, with Shadow behind him, staring at him in shocked. "Why, hello there!" The robot head said, cheerful. "Uh, hi?" Jenny told the robot head, still shocked. "Greetings, my name is Professor Honeycutt. But you can call me Fugitiod." Fugitiod introduce himself. Tadashi was in shocked after hearing Fugitiod's name, "Professor?!" Fugitiod then noticed Tadashi, "Why, Tadashi! It's good to see you again!" "You know this robot, Tadashi?" Chris asked Tadashi. "Yes," Tadashi replied, while picking up Fugitiod's head. "Though, I'd remember you being more human, Professor?" "Oh, this. It's a long story. But, I ador the armor, when did you get it?" Fugitiod asked Tadashi. "Uh, it's... a long story," Tadashi answered. "Oh Professor, these are my friends Jenny, Chris, and the baby black jaguar there is Shadow." Shadow walked up to Fugitiod's head while Tadashi kneel down and touch him with his paw. "Why that tickles!" Fugitiod said, with a chuckled. Tadashi smile, then frown bit and look up, 'Just hang on a bit longer, Brenda.'
Meanwhile at the Technodom bridge, Krang Prime is in raged. "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT BRAT MANAGE TO GET HER FRIENDS HERE!!!" Krang Prime shouted. "Not to mention that Tadashi manage to escape." 2nd Doof added, while working a device. "No matter," Bill said, floating around. "Without him being part of her. Brenda won't be around for long." "Don't forget, Doof put a special gift for Tadashi in his helemt." Bretha smiled evilly. "Right and I'd already sent out my secret weapons out to handle our enemies." 2nd Doof replied. "WHAT DOES THIS MATTER? I THOUGHT YOU'D SAID YOU TAKE CARE OF OZPIN!" Salem yelled, which startled Dr. Eggman. 'Crazy witch.' Eggman whispered. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Salem shouted at Dr. Eggman. "I said, an awesome Grimm creator!" Eggman quickly said, nervously. Salem slowly turned away from him and Dr. Eggman breath relefed. "Oh, you will Salem. You'll get him, after this machine is done and we'll take over all the worlds." Bretha said, while Krang bots and Normbots are building on the machine.
At the other side of Dimension X, a 15-year-old girl with short, ginger hair and light brown eyes with slightly tanned skin, wearing a white shirt with long black sleeves worn over a short-sleeved pink jacket, a red skirt, and black and white sneakers with light pink socks, is looking out the world. "Honoka." the girl said in worried. "Nagisa!" a girl voice said. Nagisa turned around to see 14-year-old girl with tanned skin and shoulder length auburn hair with her bangs worn back with a few clips. With orange eyes and she has noticeably thick eyebrows, wearing a pink-striped shirt with a yellow jacket, a crimson skirt, and pink sneakers, looking at her worried, "Any luck?" Nagisa shook her head, "No, nothing Saki." Saki sigh, then Flappy (Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star) came out of his Crystal Commune. "I'm hunger~lapi!" Flappy said. "Me too~mepo!" Mepple said, from his Heartful Commune. "We know," Nagisa told Mepple, while looking at their friends range from 13-, 14-, 15-, 17-, and 20-year-old girls, an infant girl, a hamster, a teddy bear, a little pup, and a little moon spirit are resting for a bit. "Everyone, don't worry we'll find you."
(Well, here is chapter 13, this chapter is decaudated to the late Gilbert Gottfried. Also, I have fun putting in the Pretty Cure characters. Don't worry there's more to come soon. Till then peace out)
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