Chapter 2
At Daphne's house, Daphne is waiting outside for Fred with her luggage's, Fred then show up in the Van and pulls up. "Huh, sorry, I'm late, Daph," Fred told Daphne, as he exited out of the Van. "The traffic was murder." Fred then help Daphne with her luggage's, "Is, uh, this everything?" "Uh-huh." Daphne said, as Fred picked up her things. "Got the maps?" Fred asked. "Yeah." Daphne answered. Fred stop at the back off the Van and placed down Daphne's luggage's, "Are you sure you haven't forgotten anything?" "Heh, Fred, what is with you," Daphne asked Fred. "Yes, I'm sure. I'm sure." "Well, then..." Fred said. He then open the door and everyone jump out, "Surprise!" "Happy Birthday Daphne!" everyone said, as the laugh and the gathered around Daphne. "Gosh," Daphne chuckled, it's great to see you all. I've been working so hard, I guess I forgot my own Birthday." Daphne then notice Megan, "And who's she?" "Daphne, I'd like you to meet Megan Cruz," Hiro introduce Daphne to Megan. "She's a friend of ours." "Nice to meet you Daphne." Megan told Daphne, as they shook hands. "Pleasure, meeting you Megan." Daphne said. "I hope you don't mind," Fred told Daphne. "But I-I asked the gang to come along." "Oh, Freddy. This is the best birthday present ever," Daphne said, as she hug Fred. "It'll be just like old times." "With a new friend on the road with us." Miles added Megan. "Yeah! Rold rimes!" Scooby said, as he licked both Daphne, Fred, and Miles. "Yeah, great to see you too Scoob." Miles chuckled. "Hey, hey, easy boy. It's great to see you, too, Scoob." Fred told Scooby.
"Speaking of old times, look what I have for you, Scooby," Velma told Scooby, as got out a box of Scooby snacks. "Scooby Snack!" "Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Oh, boy!" Scooby said, as he stand up. "Like, oh, boy! Oh, boy! Oh, boy!" Shaggy said, as he ran up next to Scooby. "Go along, guys." Velma said, as she threw the Scooby Snacks and Shaggy and Scooby chased them. Shaggy stop and open his mouth to catch the Scooby Snacks, but Scooby ran by and ate them. "Hey!" Shaggy said. Both Brenda and Fluttershy giggled. While Scooby eats, Velma walked up to Shaggy and pour some Scooby Snacks on Shaggy hands, "I've been saving these Scooby Snacks for a long time." Scooby then got a disgusted look, "Yuck!" Shaggy then eats the snacks and got a weird look, "Like, too long, Velma. They're stale." "I don't, they're taste fine to me." Bloger said, as eat some Scooby Snacks. Rarity, April, and Wasiba then got their face green in disgusted looked. "Don't worry, guys," Fred told them. We're goin' to New Orleans for our first segment, "Haunts of Louisiana." "And New Orleans has some of the best food in the world." Daphne said, which got Shaggy and Scooby exicted. "And the best ghosts." Velma added, which got Shaggy and Scooby scared, even Rainbowdash, Raph, Casey, Haruna, Ash, Clement, and Wasiba are scared. "I hope." Daphne said. "Oh, I'd have a feeling you'll have your ghost Daphne." Bonnie said, remember her friends ghost encounter. "Say isn't Louisiana where Brenda turn into a..." Pinkie said, but Brenda quickly cover her mouth. "Uhh, Pinkie," Brenda told Pinkie. "I thought we deicede to not to talk about it." Pinkie then move Brenda's hand, "Oh, right. Haha, I forgot." "Well, let's get going." Daphne told her friends. "Yep." Leo said. "New Orleans, here we come." Hiro said. "Hold it. There's just one more thing." Fred said, as he removed the signed on the van saying "COAST TO COAST WITH DAPHNE BLAKE" to reviled to say. "THE MYSTERY MACHINE". Shaggy laughed, "Groovy!" "Oh, yeah!" Sunset Shimmer said, as she high fived Sci-fi Twilight and Gogo. Baymax blinked in confusion. "Perfect! Mystery Inc. is back in business." Velma said. Everyone even Megan high fived and started their trip to Louisiana, not knowing that four villains are watching them, Bretha, Mildred, Bonniabella, and Commander Sapphire. "Oh, how exicted that the team reunited with Mystery Inc." Mildred said. "Oh, quiet Mildred," Bretha yelled at Mildred, as she walked up to Commander Sapphire. "Did they agreed to join us in destroying Brenda and her goodie tussu friends?" "Ohh, they're in alright." Commander Sapphire answered. "Good, Bonniabella get the jet ready." Bretha told Bonniabella. "Yeah, yeah, on it," Bonniabella said. "Where are we heading." Bretha smiled, "We're headed to Moonscar Island."
(Hope you all like chapter two, so I haven't been updateing my storys lately. Ever since I gradated from high school I've been falling behind on work and plus I couldn't find the transcript for this movie. But it turns out well. Peace out)
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