Alien: 1
Mars, the Red Planet, is the fourth one of eight. Its distinct reddish appearance is due to the presence of iron oxide and rust particles on its surface. Interestingly, many people assume this is the sole reason for its red hue, but the reality is quite different.
It's full of blood.
Type: Mars
In the eerie depths of an alien realm, a spine-chilling encounter unfurled between two entities from disparate worlds. The first, a bizarre and menacing creature, wielded a long, crimson tentacle adorned with razor-sharp teeth that snatched hold of the arm of an otherworldly being, its skin a curious shade of brown. A gut-wrenching *screeeeeeech!* echoed through the alien landscape as the creature crushed its victim's arm, momentarily gaining the upper hand.
Yet, what followed was nothing short of astonishing. The alien's arm exhibited a swift regeneration, defying the laws of nature and eliciting an ear-piercing scream of defiance in response to its assailant.
The beast itself was a grotesque marvel. Its elongated limbs bore an uncanny resemblance to those of a predator, equipped with short, powerful legs. What made it all the more haunting was the conspicuous lack of eyes on its nightmarish form. Instead, a strange, transparent green dome crowned its head, hinting at an enigmatic interior filled with mysterious fluids. Beneath that diaphanous barrier lay a ghastly maw, teeming with razor-edged teeth, poised to deliver terror to anything that dared to cross its path.
Yet, the attacker was an enigma of nature, a true aberration in every sense. Composed of a disturbing amalgamation of red, pulsating biomass, it appeared to be a malevolent manifestation of chaos. An array of green unblinking eyes were haphazardly scattered across its grotesque form, creating an unsettling sight that seemed to challenge the very boundaries of reality. Sinister, sharp teeth and menacing spikes adorned its ever-shifting body, giving it an aura of constant, unpredictable danger. One couldn't help but imagine that this monstrous being had sprung forth from the remnants of a now-ruined astronaut's suit, melding with the horrifying unknown.
And then, there it was—the most unsettling feature of all—the colossal eye that dominated its gruesome countenance. This eye, with its mesmerizing, glowing pupil, bore a peculiar symbol: a circle with an arrow unfurling outward—a cryptic emblem that only deepened the mystery of its origin and purpose.
The once imposing red biomass now dwindled and retreated into the fractured remains of the astronaut suit. What had previously appeared as a monstrous entity now resembled a pitiful, nearly disintegrated suit struggling to maintain its form. The suit bore the harrowing marks of a fierce battle, adorned with grim splotches that resembled blood, a gruesome testament to the violence that had unfolded.
Within the confines of the broken visor, a horrifying sight revealed itself. The red biomass had taken refuge inside, mingling with the shattered glass and twisted metal. Amidst the chaos, the ominous eye with the peculiar glowing pupil remained visible, its eerie presence both fascinating and unnerving.
In a desperate bid for survival, the suit's amalgamation of red tentacles flailed chaotically, resembling the movements of a spider on a wild rampage. Each tentacle sought anchorage to any available surface, scuttling and attaching to anything within reach.
The agile alien creature, undeterred by the disintegrating form of its assailant, lunged forward with a ferocious metallic bite. However, the suit's desperate evasive maneuvers allowed it to dodge the imminent crushing blow, narrowly escaping destruction.
In a daring display of aggression, the red biomass creature launched one of its long, toothed tentacles, aiming to ensnare the alien's head. However, the alien's head proved to be surprisingly resilient, thwarting the attempt as it promptly chomped down on the attacking tentacle. Unfazed by the setback, the biomass retracted the now bitten appendage, soon regenerating it with astonishing speed.
As the alien relentlessly advanced, exuding an air of fierce determination, the biomass retreated in a frenzy of chaotic movements. Its writhing tentacles clutched at anything they could grasp, seeking purchase to facilitate an escape. Scrambling desperately, it managed to reach a nearby hill, adorned with jagged red rocks. Climbing with a sense of urgency, it seized one of the rocks and hurled it at the alien's torso in a final act of defiance.
The rock struck the alien, causing a palpable impact, but astonishingly, the alien shrugged off the blow as if it were a mere nuisance. In a startling turn of events, the alien began to grow in both size and appearance, undergoing a metamorphosis that elevated its already formidable presence to even greater heights.
In a moment of sheer intensity, the alien creature underwent an astonishing transformation, growing five times its original size. Its movements became eerily reminiscent of a primal beast, agilely running and climbing with remarkable speed and grace. As if embracing its newfound power, the alien developed a tail bristling with menacing spikes, and dorsal spikes emerged from its back, still dripping with fresh blood, adding to the creature's aura of menace.
The red biomass, sensing the imminent danger, hastened its climb up the gigantic red mountain. The alien, fueled by an apparent hatred, relentlessly pursued the biomass, its pursuit fueled by an unyielding determination to eradicate its foe from the planet.
Among the numerous writhing tentacles of the biomass, a desperate eye on one of its limbs watched the menacing creature closely. But in a vicious turn, the alien's mouth revealed a horrifying appendage—a tongue with a mouth of its own—which promptly bit off one of the tentacles, causing the biomass to falter in its ascent.
As the relentless attacks continued, the biomass gradually lost both speed and mass. It was a disturbing revelation: the more biomass it lost, the weaker its regenerative abilities became, a dire predicament for its survival.
The alien creature, now more ferocious than ever, seemed to revel in its prey's diminishing form, biting off more tentacles with each relentless assault. The biomass was shrinking before their very eyes, its once formidable shape now reduced to mere fragments.
Despite the adversity, the biomass pushed itself to the absolute limit. It clung desperately to the astronaut suit, now resembling a vulnerable starfish seeking refuge within its shell. Propelled by the instinct for survival, it hurled itself forward at maximum speed, attempting to outmaneuver and escape the relentless onslaught of the alien menace it had initially underestimated.
Amidst the chaos and imminent demise, the red biomass exhibited a surprising glimmer of cognition, a flicker of consciousness in its struggle for survival. As it frantically escaped the clutches of the relentless alien, it couldn't help but question the cruel twist of fate that had befallen it.
"No...," it pondered with a tinge of desperation, "all of this, just to become the prey?"
A sense of disbelief washed over the biomass, as it grappled with its self-perceived identity. "Wasn't I the Archetype?! The Archetype Mars, chosen by this Planet as the strongest being here!" It wrestled with the incongruity of its supposed prowess now being reduced to a mere hunted target.
With the alien's pursuit closing in, the biomass's desperation surged. "Then... Why?!" it questioned, seeking some semblance of reason behind its plight.
The distance between them narrowed, and in its heart-wrenching struggle for survival, the biomass felt a profound desire to defy its impending doom. "I... Don't... want to die..." it lamented, realizing the fragility of its existence.
Frustration and despair mingled within the biomass's fading thoughts. "Like an Useless Prick!" it exclaimed, grappling with the harsh realization of its perceived insignificance in the face of the relentless alien predator.
Their ascent led them to the summit of the mountain, revealing an unexpected sight—a dormant volcano, seemingly indifferent to the profound struggle unfolding atop its crown. In this moment of revelation, the alien closed in, sensing the vulnerability of its prey.
In a last-ditch effort to survive, the biomass gathered what little strength it had left. The alien's final, ferocious attack claimed 99% of the biomass's body, leaving only a minuscule fraction—a fragment that contained the original eye and a remnant of biomass.
In a last ditch effort, the remaining biomass jumped in the mouth of the volcano.
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