Halloween. (Chris x Carrie)
Another special? Y e a h .
Short but sweet. Requested by no one :)
"You want me to wear a costume?" Carrie tilted her head, her gaze narrowing at the pretty girl in front of her, "my mom would kill me if she found out-"
"I'll find a way to sneak you out, as always," The blonde gave a small smirk while her head was tilted, "come on, Carrie- it'll be fun!"
"What's the point, though?" She gave a quiet sigh, her eyebrows furrowed together as if she was looking for every single reason there was.
She didn't get Halloween, and she never would.
"That's a good question," Chris shrugged, her gaze flickering between her light pink nails and the shy girl in front of her, "but sadly, I don't pay attention in history class."
Carrie gave her a slight disappointed look, but it was obvious she was faking. She cared for Chris, even if she didn't obey as well as she, "why not?"
Chris grinned, twirling a curly, blonde strand of hair around her finger, "I'm too busy looking at you."
Carrie's eyes widened along with her face heating up. These sorts of comments made Carrie feel all sorts of emotions — emotions she couldn't describe, "w-well the lesson's way more important than me."
"No way." Chris shook her head, quickly kissing her hand, "nothing's more important than you."
"I-" Carrie let her hair fall loosely over her face, "let's just look for costumes."
"What happened to questioning the point of Halloween?" A smirk formed at her lips.
She knew how easily flustered Carrie got, and of course, she often used it to her advantage.
The comment seemed to make her blush more, with the giddy feeling in her stomach slowly increasing, "well- you know- I changed my.. mind?" She gave a small, awkward smile.
Chris chuckled then smiled back, "Alright, Carrie. Do you have anything in mind? Such as- there anything specific you want to dress up as?" She intertwined their hands, guiding Carrie around.
"Nuh-uh, not really." Carrie shook her head, letting Chris show her around, the pink blush still decorating her freckled face.
"It'd be cool if we matched," Chris bit her lip, looking around the place with a wondering gaze, "y'know?"
"Yeah," Carrie mindlessly hummed, running her free hand through her slightly messy, straight hair, "I guess."
"Uhm.. do you have a favourite movie? Animal? Something you like?"
"I like lions, I guess? But that's not really a costume."
Chris smiled loosely at her. She adored her. She would never understand why she hated her for so long, "really? I'd never thought you'd say that, you seem more like uh.. cat person."
"Technically, lions are cats. Just bigger." Carrie returned the smile, only more anxious looking.
Chris giggled quietly, "good point." She wrapped her arm around the shorter girls shoulders, "but you know what'd be cool?"
"I could dress up as a devil, and you as an angel."
Carrie tilted her head, "I mean— I like the idea, but you actually want to be a devil?"
"Yeah. It'd be cool." Chris chuckled, a slight smirk tugged at her lips.
Carrie was still confused, another thing she would never get — why did people want to dress up as the devil? Or anything scary, for that matter. But she eventually nodded her head, still confused, "okay, sure."
Carrie tugged in the sparkly halo above her head. It felt weird to her, honestly.
She never dreamed that she would dress up for Halloween. Or in a pretty, white dress like this.
A knock on her window suddenly caught her attention. Carrie jumped, then carefully walked towards the noise, relieved to find it was just Chris herself.
This was yet another thing she would never get used to.
"Hi Carrie." Chris grinned as she opened the window, examining her outfit, "You look beautiful."
Carrie smiled shyly, blushing at the comment, "thank you. You as well."
Chris found herself gazing at Carrie for far too long, until she finally held her hand out, "come on?"
She carefully took her hand, before shutting the window. Carrie then clumsily climbed down the ladder with the help of Chris.
Once she was finally down, Chris intertwined their hands, "have you ever been trick or treating before?"
"Hm? Oh, no." Carrie shook her head, looking up at Chris.
"You'll like it, I bet. It's fun."
"I'm just glad I get to spend time with you." Carrie murmured, her face heating up from embarrassment.
"Really now?" Chris smiled, turning to face Carrie fully, "no need to be embarrassed. I feel the same."
"Y-you do?"
"I do."
Carrie seemed to blush as bright as Chris's costume, "I- should we go now?"
"Sure," Chris hummed, "you can sleep over at my house, if you want."
"I don't think my mom would-"
"Fuck your mom," Chris sighed, rolling her bright, blue eyes, "come on, Carrie. You'll have fun. I promise!"
Carrie looked around for a brief moment, before caving in, "fine, okay."
"You won't regret it." Chris have a reassuring smile, "I promise you, you'll have a great time."
Carrie faintly smiled back at her, "I believe you."
Happy Halloween, now excuse me while I have a horror movie marathon
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