I simply watched him. The rough, flaxen haired boy had never really sat still long enough for me to really study him until now. He was slim, but toned; not really a surprise being in the volleyball club. His skin was pale and sported many minor bumps and bruises from being too careless, and his fingernails were incredibly dirty.
What really struck me was his face. When it wasn't twisted into some type of scowl, or wrinkled by anger...he was really quite handsome. Pointed features with a sharp, defined jawline. His eyes were a dark, smouldering amber, able to pierce through any soul if he chose to shoot one of his hateful glares...and his lips; thin and slightly chapped, now glistening from the grease of his food…
Wait. Why was I staring at his lips?! I shook my head a little, blinking away the thought.
“Um…” I looked up quickly as the boy started to speak, clearing his throat as he fumbled with the empty box in his hands. “Thank you…(L/N)-san…” I smiled softly, leaning back to prop myself up with my hands on the grass behind me.
“Call me (F/N), please. (L/N)-San makes me feel old...and I'm younger than you.” He hesitated, looking confused once more.
“.....(Y/N)...Chan…” My chest fluttered a little, which threw me off, but I quickly shoved that mysterious reaction away and smiled as he continued. “My mum threatened to force me to quit volleyball…” He looked down at the adorable character on the Lawson's packaging, forehead creasing as his brows dropped. I frowned, now absently gnawing the inside of my cheek.
“I'm guessing you didn't take that so well…” It wasn't a question, but he nodded, sighing and slumping his shoulders.
“Yeah...we had a screaming match and I left...didn't go back…” He mumbled, dropping the cardboard container and rubbing his face. I leant forward and placed a hand on his knee, causing him to stiffen immediately and pull his hands away.
“You know what I'm gonna say, right?”
“No buts! She'd be worried sick about you, and, no offense, but you reek of sweat. You need a shower.” I wasn't mad at him. Not at all, but I kept my voice firm to let him understand I wasn't going to drop the subject if he refused. Slowly, he nodded.
“Fine…” He mumbled as I stood up and offered him my hand.
“Good boy! I'll walk you home, okay?” Reluctantly, he took my hand and let me help him up, grabbing his rubbish so we could throw it away. His frustration was apparent, but I didn't let it get to me. I was just glad that he was listening to me without a fight.
I was definitely surprised to discover that he lived a mere two streets away from me. It was a quaint house; off-white lattice with climbing green vines twirling up the length. A pretty little garden added to the inviting aura, full of tulips and forget-me-nots. As I started towards the door, he let out a short whine of complaint. It was adorable, really, and I was beguiled.
“You sound like a puppy!” I giggled, giving him a kind smile. He huffed, throwing his eyes to the side with a quick grunt.
“You can go...don't gotta walk me in…” He muttered.
“Knowing you, you'd probably run off again if I don't, so just quit being difficult for once.” I responded as I approached the door, knocking four times before he had the chance to object. Faint rustling and then a click, and the door opened. A stout woman peered out, eyes rimmed with red. She had short ebony hair and the same amber eyes as Kyōtani behind her rounded glasses.
“Can I help you?” She asked politely, sounding drained. I reached behind and dragged Kyōtani to stand by my side.
“I've come to return your runaway son, Kyōtani-San.” I smiled as her eyes lit up and she literally pounced on the boy, making him stumble backwards as she hugged him tightly.
“Kentarō! I was so worried about you! Where have you been?! I almost called the freaking police!” She wailed, nearing tears as she peppered his face with kisses. He squirmed, grimacing and blushing whilst I giggled behind my hand.
“Mum...I'm fine...please stop…” He grumbled, leaning away from her pecking lips. She stepped back and turned to grab me into a hug of my own, nearly cracking my back with how hard she squeezed.
“Thank you so much for bringing him home! I hope he wasn't much trouble!” I hugged her back, shaking my head.
“No, not at all! The moment I found out I dragged him back here.” She pulled back and beamed, grabbing my hand and pulling me inside.
“Please stay for some tea and dinner! I cannot thank you enough!” Kyōtani sighed heavily as he followed us all the way to the kitchen.
“I'll have to be back home for dinner, but I'd be happy to stay for a cup of tea. Thank you, Kyōtani-San.” I gave her a small bow and she waved her finger, tutting me.
“None of that, my dear! Please call me Rumiko! Oh, how rude of me! I never even asked your name!” I couldn't help but smile at the flustered woman as she began collecting cups and tea bags from her cupboards.
“My name is (L/N) (F/N). I'm a friend of your sons from the volleyball club.” I swear she almost dropped the mug in her hand as she turned around, mouth agape.
“You're a friend of Kentarō’s?” She nearly teared up again when I nodded.
“Yes, ma'am.” A delighted squeal echoed through the room and I had to refrain from rubbing my ear to stop the ringing sensation. That would have been rude.
“I never thought I'd live to see the day that my little boy would finally make a friend! And with such a pretty girl, at that! Look at that (H/C) hair!” She gushed, clutching the mug to her chin.
“Mum!” Kyōtani barked, ears coloured red as he stood a little behind me. I was a little flushed too. His mother's face turned strict as she gave him an unimpressed look.
“You should have told me you made a friend! Anyway, go take a shower! You stink like sweat and filth!” She shooed him away, earning a slight growl but she acted like that was completely normal. I chuckled again, amused by how caring the woman was with her ruffian son. “Sorry about him, sweetheart. You have no idea how happy I am that he has someone to talk to now...I was worried.” She returned to making our tea and I heard the rattle of pipes as water began to run somewhere upstairs.
“To be honest, it took a bit of work to get him to say even more than a word to me...but once we found out we had something in common, he opened up a bit.” I took a seat at the dining table and smiled in thanks when she came over and handed me my tea.
“If I may ask, what would that be?” She queried, sitting across from me.
“We both love dogs. Both of my parents are qualified trainers, and we often foster neglected ones as well. I grew up surrounded by them, and when your son offered to help me carry some supplies home last week he stayed for a while and played with a litter of rescue pups. It was quite a sight.” I ended with a chuckle, taking a long sip. I wasn't nervous at all; Rumiko seemed like a lovely woman, but it was strange that her son didn't quite take after her softness.
“Oh my, I can completely understand then! He's loved dogs since he was just a little baby! When he was small he used to run around barking and, sometimes I even had to whistle to get him to follow me in public!” She laughed, grinning at me so that her crows feet crinkled in a becoming way. I almost spat my tea, covering my mouth to keep it inside.
“That's adorable! Actually...I was basically the same. Once my dad had to carry me barking and howling inside one night because I insisted that I wanted to sleep in the kennel with his Shepherd!” We both continued to laugh, and she reached across the table to take my hand, still smiling warmly.
“Thank you so much for giving him a chance, (Y/N)-Chan. I know he's a difficult boy to get along with...but it means so much to me knowing that he isn't all alone anymore.” If I wasn't such a composed person by nature, I would have broken down crying in that moment. It had only just hit me that he had nobody else apart from his mother. Kids at school avoided him, even the volleyball team was scared of him. I didn't want that to continue, and I suddenly realised that I truly did care about this boy.
“I care about him. He may act rough, but I can tell that he's honestly a sweet, kind person. I promise you, he won't be alone again.” I said softly, squeezing her hand in mine. A cough sounded behind me and I jumped a little, turning to see Kyōtani standing in the doorway, a towel draped over his head. He wore a white T-shirt and pale blue board shorts as he dripped on the linoleum. He was looking at me as though I had just said something completely unbelievable.
“Ah, Kentarō, honey! Would you like some tea?” His mother asked, standing up.
“I'll pass…” He murmured, walking over to the fridge, grabbing out a can of some type of soda. I glanced at my watch and quickly downed the rest of my tea, standing to give his mother a polite bow.
“I'm really sorry, but I need to get home now. My parents will be wondering where I am.” Rumiko tottered over and hugged me again; one of those tight ones where you're rocked to and fro.
“Next time I absolutely insist that you stay for dinner, young lady! Thank you so much again for bringing my baby home safe!” I had to bite my cheek to avoid laughing in response to Kyōtani’s frustrated groan.
“I promise I will, Rumiko-San. Thank you for the tea, and please make sure he doesn't stay up too late. He's been pretty tired the last few days.” I decided it was best to not bring up the fact that he had been sleeping at the park or in class, and I gave them both a little wave before I headed towards the front door, grabbing my bag along the way.
“Kentarō, you should walk her home! It's the least you can do!” His mother was pushing him after me, but I turned and shook my head.
“Oh, no it's fine. I only live a couple of streets away, and he really needs to have a good rest. I appreciate the thought, though!” His mother sighed and nodded in understanding, giving me another kind grin before she walked back to the kitchen.
“Well be safe dear! You're welcome over anytime!” She waved and disappeared around the corner, leaving me with an awkward Kyōtani, who I turned to address.
“If I find out you stayed up late or ran off again, I'm gonna kick your ass, got it?” I said in mock sternness. He sighed, nodding and switching the can between hands.
“Right…” He grumbled, clicking his tongue. I gave him a wave and turned to walk down the steps. “Uh...w..wait…” I stopped and rotated, almost stumbling back when I realised he had moved much, much closer.
“Y..yeah?” Why the heck was I stammering? Slowly, he reached out and patted me on the head. It was kind of stiff and heavy handed, but he left it there for a few moments. The chill of condensation dripping from his palm made me shiver, and I felt like I was frozen in place for a good minute before he spoke again.
“Th..thank you...for…” He cleared his throat, pulling his hand away and stepping back. “...for caring…” He rubbed the back of his neck, casting his gaze to the inner wall of the entryway. I swallowed and nodded, moving slowly and blindly down the steps before I could finally stop myself staring.
“O..of course. I'm here for you...Uh, anyway, don't do something stupid like that again or I really will beat your ass, Kentarō-Kun!” I paused for a moment, realising that I had unintentionally referred to him by his first name. He had snapped his head back to look at me, eyes wide and mouth open slightly. “Um, see you at school!” I spun on my heel and raced off, nearly leapfrogging the gate as I sped down the street without giving him a chance to respond.
Fuck shit fuck fuck fuck! Why is my heart beating so fast?! From running? No, it started before that...Perhaps the tea? Maybe, but it wouldn't speed it up this much…It must be a heart attack. Yeah, it better be...because I don't want to face the reality that...maybe...just maybe...his face was the reason...
***Longer chapter this time yay. I just randomly picked a name for Kyōtani's mama so I hope it fits haha - things are starting to get a bit deeper now, so thanks a bunch if you're reading!***
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