*Sunday Afternoon - 4:15pm*
Kyōtani hadn't been home when I arrived at his house, but his mother almost hugged me to death upon answering the door, wailing about how brave I was. We sat down to have a cup of tea and I asked her about my plan to thank her son, pleasantly surprised when she thought it was a lovely idea.
"Bless your heart, (Y/N)-Chan! He's going to be thrilled!" She beamed as we heard the front door unlock. "Oh, Kentarō, honey! (Y/N)-Chan is here to see you!" I bit my lip as I heard his steps quicken and he walked through the door, scratching his arm absently. I stood up and bowed a full ninety degrees.
"Thank you for last night...I'm sorry I didn't get to thank you properly..." I said quickly, straightening and frowning as I took in his appearance. He was more bruised than I expected, and the split in his lip was pretty nasty.
"Don't mind..." He murmured, shuffling awkwardly. I wanted to hug him and thank him over and over, but it would be too embarrassing for the both of us with his mother right there.
"Um, to show my gratitude, I actually have something I want to give to you...if you're up to coming over to my place?"
The nerves in my voice were apparent and I waited with bated breath for an answer. He looked taken aback, but nodded, motioning to the door.
"Alright. Mum, I'll be back later." I turned to farewell his mother and was pulled into another hug.
"He's going to love you, sweetie!" She whispered in my ear, letting me go and grinning ear to ear. I blushed, saying goodbye as I led Kyōtani out the door and to the street. We just walked in comfortable silence most of the way, and he only spoke as we started up my driveway.
"You didn't have to get me anything..." He insisted quietly, giving a short sniff and rubbing his nose against the back of his hand.
"I know, but this was for you even before you did what you's just the perfect time to give it to you..." I replied, grabbing his hand and leading him around the back.
His hand is still so's nice...
Neither of my parents were home, but Gōra and Fuji raced over to sniff and greet us with happy tails and playful barks. I shooed them off politely and dragged the boy to the middle of the yard. I was hesitant to let go of his hand, not because I was nervous, but because it just felt...right.
"Now, close your eyes!" I ordered, turning to face him. He gave me a suspicious look.
"Trust me. Please?" He sighed and closed his eyes. "Great! Don't peek, okay? I'll be right back!" I raced off and grabbed his surprise, making sure that I was quiet and positioned myself directly in front of him, adjusting the decoration I added for shits and giggles.
"Can I open them now?" He mumbled, fiddling with his hands.
"Yep!" I will never forget the look on his face as his lids popped open. His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped as he saw the grumpy little doberman puppy in my arms, adorned with a big red bow I had found in the study. He looked to me, then the puppy, then to me again, repeating this for a moment, completely speechless.
"You're kidding...?" He waited as though he expected me to start laughing and tell him I was joking, but I shook my head, offering the pup to him and smiling brightly. My cheeks were pink as his eyes sparkled.
"I'm dead serious. He's all yours. I knew he was from the moment I saw him in your lap. Dad was more than happy to adopt him out to you." He took the puppy to his chest and smiled; a genuine, ecstatic grin made his entire being glimmer like a beacon. My heart began to swell in my chest.
"I..I don't...I mean...thank you so much, (Y/N)-Chan!" His voice broke a little as he knelt down, hugging and patting his new pet as it yapped and licked at his face; stub wriggling like a cut sausage on its backside. I crouched too, admiring how happy he looked, and how happy it made me to see him like this.
"I already asked your mum for permission. She agrees that you deserve him, so you don't have to worry about that." What happened next made my heart stop completely. Without any warning, he pulled me into his chest, hugging my tightly with the little puppy squirming between us.
"Thank you! You're the best, (Y/N)-Chan!"
Am I breathing?! I don't think I am...Holy shit, he's so warm...come on, heart! I don't wanna die in his arms!
He pulled back as though he hadn't just broken character and started to play with the pup again, tracing its ears where the bandages had been only days before.
"I have a collar ready at the store, just need to give him a name so D-San can add it to the tag." I said, slightly fanning myself when he wasn't looking. It was endearing watching how the cogs in his brain turned as he thought, staring into the deep brown eyes of his new friend.
"Kirā..." He said softly, and the pup cocked it's head, lolling its tongue to the side.
"He likes it! Your little Kirā!" I giggled, pulling my phone from my pocket to text the pet shop owner. "I've been working with him, so he knows basic commands like sit and stay, but I'll make sure to train him up like I did with Fuji."
We sat in the yard for ages, mostly in silence as we played with Kirā. He occasionally asked questions, and I had brought out a small, cheap collar and leash to use before I could give him the one I had ordered, along with a small bag of food and dishes.
"I gotta get home..." Kyōtani grumbled, sighing as he stood up and fixed the leash to Kirā. I nodded and got up too, making sure to give an extra scratch behind the pups ear.
"You take care of him, okay?" I said with a soft smile, walking with him to the front gate.
"You know I will." He responded, smiling down at his companion. He hesitated after closing the gate, looking back up at me and we stood quietly for a fair while. "Thank you...again..." He murmured. Swallowing, I made a bold move. Quickly; not unlike a strike of lightning, I leant over the gate on my toes and planted a kiss on his cheek, turning and dashing away to hide my tomato of a face.
"T..take care of yourself, too! B..bye, Ken-Kun!" I called out in a fluster, almost sprinting my way to the front door.
Holy fucking shit! What did I just do?! Why am I like this?! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
I screamed in my head as I disappeared into the house.
If I had only turned around, I would have seen Kyōtani just as red and flustered as I was...
***Kyōtani is just a fluffy little cinnamon-roll and I love his guts! Yeah, I stole Light Yagami's alter ego for the pup cuz we all know our Mad Dog would call his dog something like Killer***
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