I had to shake myself to make sure I wasn't seeing things. One minute everything was fine, and the next, utter chaos. I had seen the ball go up, and down, and up...and straight into Oikawa’s face. It was truly a sight to behold; the pretty boy clutching his bleeding nose squealing about being hideous the rest of his life. That wasn't why I was shocked. It was the fact that Kyōtani had started a fight with poor Yahaba.
“You need to look where you spike the ball!” The setter yelled, exasperated with his hands tugging a little at his hair.
“You toss it, I hit it! Not my fault he got in the way!” Kyōtani had such a rough voice; I was actually surprised he could speak after our earlier encounter.
“He was in position! How do you expect a permanent position if you don't pay attention?!” These words seemed to get the boy riled, because within a blink of an eye he had his teammate off the floor by the collar, snarling in his face. I couldn't just sit by and let this happen. Standing, I marched over, spritzer in hand, and stood at close as I could to the menace. Yahaba looks terrified, poor thing.
“Kyōtani-Kun, you put him down right now!” I deepened my feminine voice, aiming the spray bottle and giving it a single pump. He flinched and turned to snarl at me, but he didn't let go.
“Fuck off!” He spat, but it didn't scare me.
“I said drop him!” I spoke again, accompanied by another squirt straight into his face. He looked beyond furious at this point, but he still wouldn't let go.
“Drop him…” My voice lowered another octave and, finally, he obeyed, letting the boy fall to the floor and and skitter away in fright. I immediately turned my frown upside down and lowered my weapon. “Good boy! Now, come with me.” I turned and took a few steps, but he stayed put. We had everyone staring, but I didn't care. I raised a brow and lifted the bottle again, patting my thigh. “Come on.” He gritted his teeth and followed me, muttering what I would only believe to be obscenities under his breath. I made him sit down at the bench and handed him a towel to wipe his dripping face, standing before him, hands on my hips. “What was that all about, hmm? You can't just lose your temper like that and get physical! I may not know much about volleyball, but I know enough to understand that Yahaba-kun is right. You hurt Oikawa-senpai because you just smacked the ball with no direction!” If I was a boy he would have knocked my lights out, but he just sat there, clasping the material of his shorts with whitened knuckles. I could hear his teeth grinding from where I stood, and it got on my nerves. “You go and apologise to Yahaba-Kun right this instant!” I sounded like a mother scolding her child. He didn't respond. Sighing heavily, I held the spritzer up and cleared my throat. With a twitch of his eye, he stood up and moved to approach his first victim; his movements were stiff. Yahaba shrunk away, expecting to be attacked again.
“Sorry…” Kyōtani muttered with a slight bow of his head before coming straight back to me. I shook my head and sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.
“So believable…” I mumbled to myself sarcastically. “Okay, now we're going to apologise to your captain. Properly!” I ushered him towards the other side of the gym, where Oikawa was with Iwaizumi, sitting with a towel to his nose and his head tilted back.
“You have a strong arm, Mad Dog-Chan!” The captain said with a strained chuckle, voice all distorted from the towel.
“Mmhmm…” Kyōtani shrugged, hands in his pockets. I was losing my patience quickly.
“Ahem...Kyōtani-Kun...isn't there something you have to say to Oikawa-Senpai?” I said firmly, nodding towards the annoying captain.
“I said properly, Kyōtani-Kun…” As if he was a rusted hinge, the boy bent over in a tense bow, hands clenched by his sides.
“I'm...sorry...Senpai…” He spoke through his teeth before turning and storming off. Iwaizumi looked extremely impressed.
“Wow, (Y/N) less than two hours you've already done what nobody else could in six months…” He said with a low whistle, nodding his head in approval. Meanwhile, Oikawa was beaming at me with sickeningly rosy cheeks, teary eyed as he pulled the towel away from his face. It was already bruising.
“(Y/N) called me Senpai!” I could almost feel the excitement radiating off him as I shuddered, remembering he was right.
“Shut up, Wonkykawa…” I pointed to his nose and he zipped his lips immediately, touching lightly at his face to make sure I was only joking.
“If you're still willing to help us after that...I can ask the coach for a spare uniform jacket? You can be the teams official obedience trainer!” The strong pat on the back I received from Iwa nearly knocked the wind out of me. I just shrugged, turning to watch Kyōtani as he stood at the sidelines of the court. He looked frustrated, but not exactly angry. I couldn't quite pin that expression.
“Yeah, sure...but that means Wonkykawa has to listen to me…”
“Stop being cruel to your Senpai, (Y/N)-Chaaaaan!”
***I don't even know where this is going anymore but my stubborn ass refuses to drop it, even if it's trash hahaha - if you're reading this, bless your soul for giving my writing a chance!***
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