The next four days flew by with little progress. He still needed a bop or two to the nose before he would greet me, and there was even a day I had to go and refill my spritzer. Luckily there had only been two other physical altercations, which Iwaizumi had stated was a surprise. Safe to say I was starting to think he was a lost cause.
Finally the weekend rolled around, and I was ecstatic I didn't have to deal with Oikawa for a few days. It was a dreary Saturday afternoon, clouds dappling the sky in mixed hues of grey as I strolled down the street, Fuji trotting along beside me. No leash was needed; she was so obedient, we could go anywhere and she wouldn't stray far from my side. I had to pick up some extra supplies for the rescue puppies my father had brought home the day before; five little dobermans, all illegally cropped and still on the mend. My heart had almost broken when I saw their bandaged ears and tail stubs. The door jingled as I walked into the pet store, and the calming noise of squawks and yips swirled around me.
“Welcome back, (L/N)-San! I'm just finishing up packing your father's order now.” The owner greeted me with a warm smile. Fuji sped past me and propped her front paws on the counter, flopping her tongue out and wagging her bushy tail. “And hello to you too, Fuji-Chama!” He chuckled as he offered her a strap of jerky, giving her a gentle pat on the head.
“D-San, you spoil her!” I laughed, pulling out my wallet and handing him the amount my father had given me for the order. He smiled back before leaning over a little, lowering his voice.
“Could you keep an eye on the counter for me while I finish your order? There's some eerie looking young man over by the puppy pen...he comes in every weekend and just sits there patting them for hours...but I just don't want to take any chances.” I nodded, a little confused.
“Uh, sure thing. I'll go check him out.” I waved him off and wandered towards the opposite end of the store. The baby whines of little puppies grew louder until I finally laid eyes upon the eerie young man the clerk had mentioned.
“Kyōtani-Kun?” The poor boy nearly leapt out of his skin, yanking his hand away from the little terrier he had been petting. He blinked at me for a few seconds before shifting to his usual glare.
“What?” He muttered, straightening up. He was a head taller than me, but I had never been intimidated by height.
“I just wandered over to say need to be all shitty…” I sighed, scrunching my nose. His glare softened a little.
“Hi…” His voice was so quiet I could barely hear him.
“Don't worry, I'm not gonna spray you. I'm off the clock.” I chuckled dryly, nodding my head to the little puppy who was whining for more attention, jumping up against the side of the pen eagerly. “You like dogs?” He nodded once, turning a little pink around the ears. I guess he doesn't like anyone knowing he has a soft spot; especially not his tormentor.
“Yeah.” I smiled a little. At least I knew he wasn't all grit and grump.
“Wanna meet one of mine?” I asked, not giving him a chance to answer before I pulled my fingers to lips and whistled. “Fuji-Chan!”
Ticka ticka ticka
Her steps echoed on the linoleum floor as she appeared from where she had been sitting by the counter, ears pricked attentively. Kyōtani’s eyes lit up a little, but he tried his best to not let any emotion break through onto his face.
“Cute…” He whispered to himself, but I heard it clearly. I reached down and ran a hand through Fuji’s coat.
“This is Fuji-Chan.” I bent down so I could reach my dogs ear. “Fuji-Chan, this is Kyōtani-Kun.” The boy fiddled with his hands for a moment, pursing his lips. His glare had gone.
“Um..can...I pat her?” I was a little taken aback by how nervous he sounded at that moment, but it quickly turned into a friendly smile.
“Of course!” I stepped back as he approached, bending down slowly and reaching a hand out to stroke the Akita's head. He was gentle; it seemed so out of character.
“Good girl…” He murmured, giving her a generous scratch under the chin. Fuji uttered a pleased whine, swiping her tongue across his palm, which made the corners of his mouth twitch, just a smidge.
“(L/N)-San! It's all ready to go!” I walked back to the counter, leaving Fuji with Kyōtani.
“Thank you, D-San.” I said, kind of slouching at the sight of so many heavy bags to drag home. Kyōtani wandered over, keeping a bit of a distance with Fuji leaning on his leg, sounding her complaints for more attention.
“Oh, you know each other?” D sounded a little surprised and I nodded as I started gathering the supplies.
“Yeah, he's my friend.” I smiled, wishing I had brought some kind of trolley. D seemed to notice and gave me a look of pity.
“Are you sure you'll be able to carry all of these home, my dear?” I started to admit my dilemma when Kyōtani stepped forward and picked up the rest of the bags; more than I was already carrying.
“We'll manage…” He said quietly. I blinked for a few moments in complete shock, but soon a smile crept onto my lips.
“Yeah...we'll manage. Thanks again, D-San! I'll probably be back sometime next week!” I bid him goodbye and we walked out the door to the street.
“Um…” I glanced over to Kyōtani, who had his head down as he walked a distance beside me. “You called me your friend….” I tilted my head.
“Well...yeah? Don't get me're a shit and a half to deal with at club...but that doesn't mean you're not my friend.” I gave him a soft smile, giving a silent giggle as I noticed his face turn pink.
“You're weird…” He muttered, but it wasn't aggressive. I stuck my tongue out at him.
“You can't talk, Mister Bark n Bite!” He shot me a scowl, but softened a bit once he saw me smiling.
“Shut up…”
***Anyone know where "D" is referenced from? Drop a comment if you do hahaha it's a pretty pathetic cameo idea but I couldn't think of a name***
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