*Your Home - Not long after school*
"Sit!" I held my hand up firmly, staring deep into big, brown eyes. The Akita tilted its head, waiting for another command.
"Lay!" Flat on its stomach.
"Roll over!" Grass gathered in brindle fur as it obeyed, giving an extra little wriggle halfway through, much to my amusement.
"Beg!" Forelegs up to its chest, tongue lolling out to the side.
"Shake!" I extend my hand, and it's met by the dogs big paw. The padding was soft and warm.
"Cuddles!" I braced myself as it leapt up on its hind legs, giving a quick bark as it happily nuzzled into my neck, licking when able. I giggled, ruffling the thick tufts of fur along the dogs back, calmed by her musty scent.
"Good girl, Fuji! Who's my best girl?!" I cooed to the loveable mound of fluff as it hopped down, spinning in delight at the pitch of my voice. Before I could start again, loud, aggressive barks could be heard around the side of the house. I lived on the edge of town, and I had a large yard, full of kennels and grass so our dogs could roam as they pleased. They were never too friendly to intruders, though.
"Iwa-chaaaaan! Get them away from me!" I knew that dagger-like squeal anywhere. Gritting my teeth, I signal for Fuji to follow as I trudged along towards the noises, stopping to cross my arms as I sight Iwaizumi, paired with a wailing Oikawa clinging to his back; feet off the ground and nudging his foot at my snarling Mastiff. "(Y/N)-Chaaaaaan! Call them off! Call them off!" I could hardly stifle a chuckle as I whistled, waving my arm.
"Heel!" The three dogs halted immediately, running to stand by my side. "What the fuck do you want?" I asked with a hiss, reaching down to pet the dogs, praising them for their good job.
"So cruel, (Y/N)-Chan! They could have eaten my face off!" Oikawa cried, yelping as Iwaizumi all but hurled him off onto the ground.
"Sorry, (Y/N)-Chan, but we came to ask you for help." He said politely, brushing off his shoulder. I cocked my brow, softening a little. Only a little.
"Dog trouble?" I asked, prepared for a request to continue training Iwaizumi's puppy.
"You could say that?" Oikawa sounded unsure as he picked himself up, backing to stand behind his friend to stay away from the dogs. As much as I hated their presence at my house, I couldn't help but feel curious. Why was he unsure?
"I'm listening..." I drawled as I motioned for them to follow me to the backyard. The sound of Iwaizumi dragging his captain across the lawn almost echoed, but eventually the three of us were seated by the garden. Well, Iwa and myself were. Oikawa was too scared to get too close. With my lug of a mastiff curled up like a wannabe lap dog between his legs, Iwa started to explain their predicament.
"So, we have this second year on the team...Kyōtani...he's..."
"Fucking crazy!" Oikawa jumped in, flinching as Fuji yawned in his direction, showing off her fangs. Iwa shot him a glare but continued.
"Shittykawa here dubbed him Mad Dog. It fits, really...but the problem is, he won't listen to anyone. Not us, not the coach...he's close to being kicked off the team, but he has so much potential..." I leant back, trying to understand where the story was going as I scratched my dog behind the ear.
"So...what does this have to do with me? I don't know anything about volleyball or angsty teenage boys..." I muttered, confused of my part in whatever they were planning.
"He's basically a dog, (Y/N)-Chan! We want you to work your magic and domesticate him!" Oikawa announced, grinning. Did I hear that right? They want me to train a teenage boy? Like a dog?
"Gōra, speak!" I smirked as my mastiff let out a loud, booming bark, causing Oikawa to squeal and dart across the length of the yard. Even Iwa jumped, scooting away from the dog as its tail thudded lazily against the dry earth.
"Uh...As much as I hate agreeing with Shittykawa...this might actually be our only chance to get Kyōtani to really listen to someone..." The third year murmured, composing himself after the fright.
"The other day he actually barked back at a dog on one of our runs, (Y/N)-Chan! He barked! The mangy thing ran off yelping in terror!" I bit my cheek as Oikawa called out from the fence line.
" want me to treat this kid like a dog? Train him like I trained Kiba-Pi?" I narrowed my eyes as I looked between the boys, who nodded slowly, as if scared about my answer. I couldn't help myself. I burst out laughing, letting myself fall into Fuji's side, clutching my stomach. "You've gotta be kidding, right?! That's like, ultimate kink central! Get the brat a dominatrix, not me! There is no way in hell he's that bad!" Wiping my eyes of tears, I tried to regulate my breathing, swallowing my cackles. It didn't help that both boys were tinged pink with embarrassment.
"Even the coach agreed it was worth a shot..." Iwa's words almost made me choke. They were actually serious? Bringing my knees up to my chest, I pursed my lips, thinking about their request.
"What would I get in return?" They perked up at the sudden change of my tone. I couldn't believe I was actually hearing them out. The whole thing seemed utterly ridiculous. Oikawa had moved a little closer, but still had to raise his voice so we could hear him properly.
"Coach said it would count towards extracurricular activities since you're not in a club!" Well shit. That was actually a good deal.
"You get full reign on how you approach it. Believe me, I think it's ridiculous too...but he has too much potential to waste..." Iwa rubbed the back of his neck, keeping his eyes on the ground. The last thing I wanted to do was help Oikawa, but the fact that Iwa, even the coach, wanted my could I refuse? Especially with an offer like that.
"I'll do long as Stinkykawa buys me onigiri every lunch for the next month." I said after a long silence, partnering it with a long, exasperated sigh as I stood. The boys lit up; hell, Oikawa looked like he was about to cry.
"(Y/N)-Chan! I knew we could count on you! I love you!" He bounded towards me with his arms stretched out and I swear it was in slow motion. Bless Iwaizumi and his strength, because he snatched him mid leap, right before he grabbed me into a hug, and held him by the scruff.
"Thank you, (Y/N)-Chan! I'll meet you by the gym after classes tomorrow?" I nodded and waved them off, taking the extra effort to give Oikawa the bird.
"(Y/N)-Chaaaaaaaan!" He blubbered, fighting against his companion as they rounded the corner. Fuji nudged into my palm, nuzzling my skin as I sighed, bending down to ruffle the fur of her chest.
"They're probably exaggerating...nobody can be that hard to handle, surely..."
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