58 Safe
So, Lucas has gone off the rails.
I feel like Alice in Wonderland and he's in between the Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat.
I feel like he's become one of those twin girls that hold hands in the hallway? The ones in blue dresses with a creepy song?
I don't know, I've never seen the movie. That's how much of a chicken I am. I am scared of an image.
And Lucas.
Friday night, I leave this fool, after his... dramatic love confession — which I've only replayed like a million times. And yes, wasted time in front of the mirror, performing different responses.
"You love me? Oh but monsieur, por qué such an... imbecile and random timing, eh?"
"Foo foo, fa la fli, poo poo ko ka ka."
"Lucas, you idiot. Did you have to be so bad at communicating? You sell pitches to clients for fuck's sake. You freaking trained me. You used to be cool. What happened to you?"
I'm just kidding. I miss him so much. And I want him. In every type of way. So much that I make weird sounds at random times of the day when I think of him. Mostly groans of frustration.
On my way to the kitchen, around people, in front of the TV. I did it once in front of the cashier at a supermarket. He thought I had a problem with the way he was scanning.
I need him to do all the right things so I can feel okay around him.
And he is.
But it's too perfect.
And I'm already hyperventilating.
For example. I do my sexy walk as I leave his restaurant on Friday, I get in the car, I even stick my elbow out of the window like a movie actress as Gia drives off. I was just missing cool sunglasses and a badass background music, but I had both in my head.
And what does he do?
He texts me at midnight and asks...
"Are you home?"
So, I worry that maybe something happened. I text...
"Yeah, what's wrong?"
To which he replies...
"Nothing. Just wanted to know you're safe."
And then...
"Goodnight, Layla. Sweet dreams."
Are you kidding me? Who does that? What's wrong with him?
I love him.
So I go...
"Goodnight motherfucker."
It gets worse.
He texts in the morning. 8:47 AM.
"Morning, monster."
Excuse me while I turn into a fondue.
Am I lame? Is this lame? It is, isn't it? I did. I was a pathetic marshmallow being swirled in the chocolate warmths of Lucas. Wee.
"Morning, Lucas." I played it cool.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm in bed..."
"Me too."
I cry internally that I'm not there and think of his weapon that's probably sitting in black briefs that hug those wicked hips. And I'm biting my lip like a pervert, frozen on 'me too.'
"What are your plans for today?" He double texts because I was daydreaming for ten minutes.
"Working out then working." I feel bad for not asking him questions, but come on. I'm not making it easy.
"Busy woman." He texts. "When am I taking you out, then?"
"Taking me out?" I play dumb.
"Tonight?" He texts.
"I'm busy tonight." I have a date with the bathtub and a naughty novel about a priest.
"Then tomorrow." He concludes.
"I'll let you know."
"8 PM." Then he texts. "No actually, 8 AM."
"Yeah. And wear something comfortable."
What could we be possibly doing at 8 AM on a Sunday morning?
"What are we doing?" I ask.
"We're going to have fun."
Comfortable clothes.
I'm going to wear the best comfortable clothes in the world.
High waist denim with a little flare and a white crop top with a heart neckline and thick straps. Chunky white sneakers. Straight hair that goes to my lower back.
I get in the car and realize that he's in a white t-shirt and denim jeans with white sneakers.
And Ray-Ban sunglasses that match his brown, tousled hair.
He's smirking at me with lopsided, enticing lips. Hands so... there on the steering wheel.
Please, woman. Get a grip!
"Hey, gorgeous." He freaking says. I am cool. I am cool.
"So, where are you taking me?" I roll my eyes. Oh my God.
"Six Flags."
I'm super excited. I haven't been to an amusement park since high school. Plus, a whole day with Lucas.
Not to mention, the long lines we're going to be in. Think of the opportunities. He's uncomfortable with PDA and can't touch me. I'm going to kill him.
We haven't even entered the place, we're in line to get inside, and I already turn around and slap my hands on his chest with a devilish smirk.
I make that frustrated groan that tells him he's my steak.
"Be appropriate..." He stretches his neck away from me, smiling a little.
I just laugh wickedly, not taking my eyes off of him. "So many people around..."
He rolls his eyes with a scoff. I don't think he's thought this through...
He grabs one of my belt-loops and spins my back on him, getting behind me in a protective stance. Not touching, but oh so there.
Bodyguard mode on.
Can't say that I hate it. I don't. It unleashes me even more.
I've never been able to be comfortable in public. Always on guard. Always have to be aware and tense for any danger — ranging from awkward conversations to what people might think and where I need to be.
Not with Lucas.
He takes care of everything. I just turn my mind off and blissfully follow. He uses three methods to guide me.
1. Holds my hand, which is wow. 10/10.
2. Drags me by my belt-loop. A bit disorienting. 9/10.
3. Twists the top my head. Always reminds me of a crane machine claw. 10/10.
The only downside so far is that it's incredibly hot. I brought a scrunchie to put my hair up, but I will suffer for the cost of making Lucas suffer. I know he likes my long hair.
I see him checking me out. He wants me.
He's all over me.
For example, I twist my hair up with one hand and fan myself with the other, he bends down and blows on the back of my neck. When I turn to half smile and half give him a warning, he just straightens up and turns his head, like he stole from a cookie jar and he's not even sorry.
"I need to use the bathroom." I say the instant we walk in.
"You have a bladder of a five year old."
I don't. My ass is just sweaty. I need to dry off.
"Yes, I do." I nod as we reach a line of twenty women. The men's line is only three.
"Alright..." Lucas takes out the map he grabbed at the entrance and unfolds it. "Let's see where we're going to get started."
I watch him actually pull out a pen from his pocket and click it on. He starts numbering the rides, evaluating them, and deciding the road we'll be taking.
"Did you seriously bring a pen with you?" I ask and he nods, not even looking at me. Full attention on the map. And he calls me a five year old?
He keeps talking and I'm not even listening. But I'm enjoying the view.
When he's finally done and looks up, I smile and nod. He doesn't suspect anything.
"So..." I start as he folds the map back. "Did you know that once I tried to pee like a guy?"
"What?" His earlier excitement fades off.
"Yeah..." I laugh and widen my legs. "I stood over the toilet and just peed standing up. It was weird."
"You don't say..." He stares half amused and half disturbed. "I wonder why."
"You can get me water." I raise my eyebrows, looking away.
"Can I?" He says sarcastically and twists me around again. "Your turn."
I walk to the bathroom and dry my butt. Tell it to not let me down today. I whip my hair back and forth for volume then strut back out. He's amongst a crowd, standing in a nonchalant alpha position — legs in a wide stance, shoulders back, everything symmetrical.
"Smile." I tell him as I stand before him and he does. I push my fingers into his dimples.
"You happy?" He asks, staying still like a good boy. I should've brought him a treat.
"Mhm." I nod, turning on my heel to walk with him. I wonder where we're going to eat.
"Well, we're not eating there." Lucas randomly says, looking at some rice bowl place on our right.
"Why not?"
"Cause that kid said it sucks." He points over his shoulder. "If a kid says it sucks, then it sucks."
"What kid?" I ask. "How'd you even hear him?"
"I hear everything." He says so calmly that I know it's the truth. I hope he doesn't hear my silent farts. I've done two already.
He leads us to our first ride. Says it's easy. I get nervous as we take our seats in the cart.
"Did you know that one time, a woman with really long hair got on a roller coaster and it got stuck in the machine that ripped her entire scalp off?" I ask Lucas as we buckle up.
"That's a rare event that'll never happen again." He assures me.
"How do you know this won't unlock?" I jerk the restraint up and down a couple of times. Seems alright. I turn to Lucas and do the same to his. "Are you sure this is okay?"
"Yes..." He laughs and I worry, because I'm not in his seat to know for sure. He might be dumb.
"Okay..." I start to nervously giggle as the cart goes up the track. The laughing doesn't stop all the way until we're at the top. No one's been talking. It's just been the sound of the machine and my freaked out giggles, accompanied with Lucas's evil laugh.
The first one isn't so bad. I survive. But by the time we wait in the second line, both of us are sweating.
"It's so hot!" I squint under the blazing sun.
Lucas unfolds the map and holds it over my head.
"Here." He stands like that, providing me with shade that I bet everyone in line hates me for.
I grin like an idiot, looking up at him. "What about you?"
He brings it over his head with a cheeky smile. "Then you have to come close."
I take a step forward, our chest just inches apart. Lucas chuckles and bumps our foreheads like baby goats. I don't even mind that he's sweaty or that people are staring.
Lucas is Satan.
The second ride is insane. It flies backwards like a rocket until your soul detaches from your body, then flies up into the sky until your heart comes out of your throat.
Then it drops you down and makes you wish you're dead, and flies you forward back where you started. Strips ten years of your life under ten seconds.
"Are you okay?" Lucas looks at my shaking hands that fail to undo my belt. "Here..." He reaches and does it himself. I stand up on wobbly legs and have to hold onto the sides to walk out.
Third one is worse. It's a standing-ride and the restraint is so intense, it completely blocks Lucas from my peripheral vision. I am tossed fast in so many directions that my stomach hurts.
I discover that I have a talent for shrilling. If Lucas thought that I was loud before, then he knows now I win first place for 'scream like your village is on fire.' My terror is so loud, it'd make the villain in a horror movie run in the opposite direction.
In the middle of the ride, Lucas places his hand on top of mine and keeps checking in on me after.
"You just have to know that you're safe..." He says as we walk out of the ride.
"The person who made that belongs in hell." I spit, glaring into nothing.
"Do you need to go sit down? We can grab something to eat."
Please, I taste this morning's pesto turkey in my mouth.
"No, I'm good. Let's go to the next one."
When we stand in line for the fourth one, my palms are on my knees, bent forward with my head upside down, dying from the heat.
Out of nowhere, cold water pours on my neck, making me gasp.
"You looked like you needed it." Lucas says. I lift my head, noticing behind my hair that he's in front of me with a water bottle. "Do you want more?"
Instead of responding, I drop my head, breathing heavily. Without a warning, he pours more and this time it goes over my hot scalp.
I cry out from shock then with pleasure — not erotic at all, especially bent over. I slowly come up, tossing my hair back.
"Better?" He smiles and I return it.
"Thanks." I say, but I sound like an eighty year old male smoker from all the screaming.
When the fourth ride is over, I conclude that I hate roller coasters and that I never want to come back. But Lucas is having so much fun that I don't want to say anything.
"You don't feel good, do you?" He studies me when we wait in line for food.
I don't like lying, so I just stare and try not to grimace.
"Do you want more water?" He asks.
I just take a seat on the lower level of the railing, facing his thing that I miss, which I try not to stare at. Lucas patiently pours water in his large palm and brings it to the back of my neck, gently brushing it over.
This doesn't count as making a move, he's just helping me from passing out.
The water trickles down my spine and I try not to sway from its calming effects. Not to mention the feeling of his strong hand around my neck that he can easily snap.
Thanks to him, I'm much better when we wait in a long line for the fifth one. So much better that I have my operation back on.
We're leaning on the railing, facing each other. He's so unbelievably tall and for a reason I don't understand, just a thousand times hotter in public. Maybe it's the forbidden thrill?
No doubt I'm looking at him like I want to rip his clothes off and I'm not even one percent ashamed. No, I'm just resting my arms on the railing behind me and smirking.
Lucas tries not to smile and looks away, rolling his eyes here and there.
My eyes lower to his golden, thick neck that's inviting my teeth with his smooth skin.
"No." He laughs as I approach and pulls away when I stand on my tiptoes to bite him.
He pushes up the railing and sits at the top.
"Did you just do that so you're out of my reach?" I ask.
"You know your crotch is in front of my face, right?" I look at his lap that's at my eye level. There are some crumbs from his earlier burger and I brush them off with my finger.
His head whips down at my hand on his crotch and he almost slips back, but braces himself. He dusts himself off with a strained chuckle.
The line moves and we mosey foreword, then stop again. I whip to Lucas and he already knows I'm about to act up. He gets that 'oh God, not again, but I like it' smile that he tries to hide by looking away, turning his chiseled jaw to the side and stretching his neck.
I get all in his space and tilt my face up. He dips his chin down but otherwise doesn't move. Come on, he keeps chuckling, I know that he's nervous.
I narrow my eyes and praise in a sultry, cocky voice. "You're so well-behaved."
He drums his fingers on the railing like they itch. His jaw twitches as he looks away and acts indifferent. I travel my eyes to his hand, then back at his face, smirking under my lashes to let him know that I noticed.
My boldness goes to shit when we buckle up for the ride. Some 'nice' strangers offer us their front row seats, because they're still waiting for their friends.
"You're okay." Lucas tells me. "Just remember that you're safe. Enjoy the ride."
The train rides up the track while I mentally chant 'I'm not going to die, I'm not going to die, I'm not going to die.'
It goes so high, it's impossible to see the bottom. Then it stops for a dramatic pause.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no." I freak out and shut my eyes.
"Open your eyes!" Lucas yells as the train drops and I snatch his hand in a death grip.
Even though I'm still shrilling, holding his hand gives me enough comfort to open my eyes in the middle of the way. Still terrified, but at least facing it this time.
Lucas holds his wrist when I let go at the end.
"Is your hand okay?" I ask and he nods, but keeps stretching it as we walk to the next one.
He also buys every overpriced picture of us from the booths by the exit. The ones that get taken by on-ride cameras.
"Oh my God, I'm so buff." I look at my muscles that were tensed with fear and Lucas sarcastically agrees. In the picture, he's throwing a fist pump with a victory cheer while his other hand is clutched against my chest.
I'm so exhausted from adrenaline, all I want is to sleep. Lucas seems tired as well.
"Let's go home after this one?" He asks as we stand for our sixth ride and I instantly agree.
Of course, he'd leave the worst one for last.
It's 360-degree rotating seats that extend off the tracks. Not to mention, a head-first, face down, two hundred feet drop. As you dive, the track twists into loops with midway sheer drops, creating a complete sensory overload.
"Promise that you'll open your eyes?" Lucas looks at me.
"Okay." I lie.
The cart begins to lift. Our backs face the track. The front provides a view full of luscious trees that reach the blue sky. It's peaceful and stunning and actually quiets my mind.
Our seats slowly flip upside down. Then drop. I shriek and shut my eyes, but as the sun hits my face and Lucas laughs next to me, something inside makes me open my eyes.
It's insane.
We extend so far off the track, it doesn't even feel like we're on it anymore. Up, down, left, right, twist, back, drop, flip, who knows.
I'm lost in a swirling green blur at a hundred miles an hour, screaming and giggling at the same time. I relax. I let it do what it wants and in return swell with empowering bliss.
When it's over, I'm grinning ear to ear.
"I'd do this again. But at night!"
~ A/N ~
I thought there'd be more torture, but both are so whipped, I think they're just happy to be together after a painful week. Though I'm sure the tension will rise when they get some alone time hehe
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