45 Last Words
"You okay?" I ask. We've been sitting on the floor for five to ten minutes. I'm wondering what Fiona and the guys are up to. Hopefully not looking. That'd be awkward.
Lucas grunts. He hasn't said much, which is okay. At least he's not pushing me away. I can't imagine what he must be going through.
"I'm okay too. Smashed my body like freaking Hercules. Arnold Schwarzenegger's got nothing on these gains. All the doors are scared. I'm officially their pimp."
No appreciation from moody patootie.
"I'm sorry..." He murmurs, forehead still on my shoulder. I try to lift his giant head, but he refuses. What a baby.
With a mighty grunt and two hands, I force him to look up. My heart melts a bit as I'm greeted by a grumpy, broody Lucas.
"Hey, pretty." I smile and he rolls his eyes. "If you're that sorry, you know what you can do?"
"Give me a thousand orgasms. In different locations. Public places, I have a thing for bathrooms, to be honest? But I also wouldn't mind a park. Maybe a hiking place. We could try... a museum. Actually no. That's too risky. Oh! A beach! At night. That'd be nice."
"Are you serious." He deadpans. "That's what you're thinking right now?"
"Uh, yeah. Have you see your face? It's very... um, how do I say this... sittable."
He scoffs with a ghost of a smile. My magic is working.
"Ridable. Grindable. Don't know if that's a word, but we'll go with it anyway."
Lucas yanks my waist towards him, knocking the air out of my lungs. "Shut up."
I rub my face against his neck. "But in all seriousness, Lucas... your mom and the boys are waiting outside with very delicious food."
"What?" He slowly pulls back. "They're here?"
"You didn't know?" I'm just as confused as he shakes his head. "They're here to have dinner with you."
Pain paints his face and I bite my lip, continuing. "It would mean a lot to them... especially your mom."
Before he can argue, I get off of him and step back. He rests his forearms on his bent knees, staring into nothing with some inner turmoil.
"I'm going to go get them, okay?" I say softly, walking out when he doesn't respond. I wave them over and they slowly come in.
"Baby, you okay?" Fiona asks and he just nods.
"Hey, man." Lev's deep voice rumbles in the space. Kai gently smiles. Ashton just stares.
"Where should we set up?" I ask Fiona, eyeing the bags in her hands.
"Oh...uh... " She approaches a center table with six chairs and sets the bags. "This will do."
Lucas doesn't give anything away. The addiction to please people eats me inside.
"Lights! Do we have maybe candles we can light?" I look at Lucas who gestures to the cabinets behind the bar. I scurry and rummage until I find a set and place them on the table.
Warm glows flicker in the blue night. Fiona takes out a container of pasta, a charcuterie board, garlic bread, various cheeses and vegetables. Even a bottle of red wine.
I reach for Lucas, but he shakes his head. Ashton Lev, and Kai linger behind their chairs.
"Sit, sit. Go ahead, guys." Fiona puts a little bit of everything in everyone's plate. "It's still warm, don't let it go to waste." She looks at us. "Layla, come on, guys. Come sit."
"Let's go." I say to Lucas, approaching the table as the rest of them sit. He doesn't move and the group tries not to notice.
With an apologetic smile to Fiona, I take two plates and sit on the floor with him.
"Lucas... come on." Fiona chides.
"It's okay, we like to be peasants. It keeps us humble." I say over my shoulder. "If any of you can spare a change, please throw us a nickel."
"Get up, bro. Don't let your woman sit on the floor." Ashton smacks his lips and gets up with Lev.
I'm thinking 'aw, how sweet, they'll sit with us.' Wrong. They grab Lucas's arms and drag him to the table, spewing curses and death threats.
"Everything looks incredible." I say. Kai pours everyone a glass of wine.
"Thank you, sweetheart." Fiona responds.
"Eat before I shove my foot down your throat." Lev warns Lucas.
"Eat baby, it's your favorite." Fiona points at the lasagna.
"Yeah, baby." Ashton pushes his fork into it and flies it like an airplane. "Open up, aaah."
"My God... this is glorious." I moan, biting into a garlic bread. "Wow, wow, wow."
"You're competing with bread." Ashton raises his eyebrow at Lucas. "And the bread is winning. Bread, Lucas, bread."
"Do you always have to tease my son?" Fiona scolds. "Don't you know how special he is?"
"Oh, he's special, alright." Ashton smirks. "Why do you think I protected him through high school? Had to put a helmet on him so he wouldn't bump into anything."
I snicker while Fiona glares. Lev and Kai seem amused, but not Lucas.
"See, even his girlfriend agrees." Ashton points with his chin.
"Excuse you." I sass. "Don't cross the line or you'll get smacked across the head."
Lucas smiles a little at that.
"See, your women are the one defending you." Ashton pinches his fingers. "They got more balls than you, man."
Fiona says 'stop that' as I say 'do you want to die?' at the same time, making everyone laugh. Even Lucas chuckles.
"You're not eating any of your food." Fiona frowns at his pull plate.
"I'm not hungry."
"No food, no kissing." I blurt, turning red.
"Shit." Lev drops his fork. "That's serious."
"Don't threaten something that you'll regret." Lucas mutters, suppressing a smirk.
"Honey, the only one regretting it will be you. Keep yourself in check." Fiona sips her wine.
"No, she will. Lucas is a great kisser. Best I've ever had." Ashton jumps in.
"Shut the fuck up, Ashton." Lucas says.
"Language." Fiona chides.
Kai lifts his glass. "To Layla... for being such a scary, but a very caring person in Lucas's life."
"Aw, yes." Fiona lifts hers too. "Cheers Layla. You've been such a blessing."
"Cheers, wildcat. I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself." Ashton gives a downward nod.
"You're awesome, girl." Lev does the same.
"Cheers." Lucas murmurs, giving me a private look, blurring everyone else in the room.
"If you can, please convince Lucas to watch the video." Fiona whispers when she hugs me.
"What video?"
"His dad filmed a video. It's his last words." She holds our embrace as Lucas and the boys clean up. "It would change everything. Just try to convince him, okay? It's important."
No pressure. "Okay..."
She kisses my cheek. "Thank you... thank you."
"You're really not hungry?" I ask when everyone leaves.
"No. And I'm not a kid." Sure you're not.
I look around, crossing my arms. "What now?"
"Now..." He follows my sight. "We'll lock up and go home."
The silence on our way is weird yet isn't. So much has changed. Feels like we skipped months. Maybe years. Whose place are we going to? Is one of us staying over? Should I ask or go with the flow? I choose the last one.
Lucas looks at me and takes my hand, intertwining our fingers on my lap. My heart wraps in a cozy blanket.
"You okay?" He murmurs and I nod. "What are you thinking about?"
"Not much. I'm just sleepy... "
"It's late." He checks the time. 12 AM. His thumb brushes slow circles on my hand. "Would you... like to spend the night with me?"
I frown at him, taken aback and nervous. His tone is so intimate. So direct. It's new.
"Whatever you're comfortable with." He adds, looking ahead, then back at me, as if battling with himself. "I just want to be with you... if you're okay with it."
"Yeah... " I say and he smiles a little. "Okay."
He unlocks the door, but doesn't switch the lights. Still holding my hand, he leads me to the bedroom and turns on the bedside lamp.
"You can use the shower, if you need." He opens his closet and hands me a black shirt. "To sleep in. And I'll give you a toothbrush."
"Why, I'll just use yours." I tease as he walks to the bathroom.
"That's fine. I don't care." He takes his shirt off, unbuttons his jeans, then smirks a little when he catches me staring. He pulls the zipper down. "Do you want to join me?"
"No." I sit on his bed. "I'm good." I have not shaved nor thought this through.
Lucas closes the door and turns the water on. If I don't shower, I'll be less tempted. I'm not sure if tonight is the best night. The theme has been too heavy. I'm still a little triggered.
Also... I need to see if I can convince him to watch that video. Fiona said it was important. That it'll change everything. Did she text it to him? I pick his phone from the dresser and indeed, there's a text message from 'mom.'
A few minutes later, the water turns off and squeegee noises appear. I'm guessing he's wiping the shower walls. What a clean freak. But he's okay with using one toothbrush.
He opens the door, hips in a black towel. Muscles pump from exertion. Maybe I do need a shower. A cold one.
"Why are you holding my phone?" He asks, but with curiosity, not anger.
"You got a text message. From your mom..."
"I know." He comes close and takes it, putting it down without a glance. "She sends it every year. I'm not interested."
I frown. "But it's from your dad... aren't you at least a little bit curious?"
"So she told you." He raises a displeased eyebrow and I shrug, causing him to sigh. "I just don't want to hear a lecture, Layla. I got enough shit in my head. I don't need to hear him say what a disappointment I've been."
"What if you're wrong? What if it's the opposite? Why would your mom want you to watch it, if it would make you feel bad?"
"I'm not interested."
I wrap my arms around his waist, pressing my cheek against his chest. I'm scared to push him. But I know he's wrong. He's just scared too.
Some of the tension glides off his body and he kisses my forehead. I close my eyes, and he cups my cheek, tilting my face to look at him.
"What's wrong?" He asks and I bite my lip. "Talk to me."
I lean into his palm. My chest aches for him. For his loss. I really wish his dad was here.
I push my palms on his stomach and make him sit on the bed. I tuck my legs and sit next to him. He watches me carefully as I hesitate.
"I would do anything to know what it feels like to have a dad like yours." I say, my voice calm. "Mine forgets my birthday, shames me for my hair, tells me I'm dramatic when I'm sad, thinks I'm unappreciative when I don't jump with joy at the gifts his assistant sends."
His chestnut eyes burn with anger, chest slowly rising and falling with steadying breaths.
"The relationship you had with your dad is something millions of people only dream about." I say, taking his my hand. "You are so lucky. So loved. You are really blessed."
He focuses on our hands. "I know."
"I'll never be loved like that by my dad. And that's fine. I'll make peace with it. I'll accept his shortcomings." I lean closer to him. "But yours loved you so much, Lucas. That's why you need to hear him."
"I can't." His tone tightens with pain and fear.
"No matter what he says, it can't be worse than what you've been telling yourself for years. It's not fair to make these assumptions. You always tell me not to, yet here you are. Assuming what he thinks, instead of hearing him."
"Watch it." I give him his phone and cup his face. "I promise it'll be okay."
Without looking back, Lucas takes his phone. My heart flutters, but he is so slow. Ten years later, when I'm old and wrinkly, he unlocks his phone and opens the text message.
I peek under my lashes to see his eyes stuck on the video attachment. Fiona said it's important. I feather a supportive kiss on his shoulder.
With a deep breath, he taps the play button.
A bearded man with salt and pepper hair, and the brightest smile I've ever seen holds the camera in a selfie mode. A backyard party is behind him with people dancing and cheering as he steps inside a house and closes the door.
"Hey, son." He says with a deep, gentle voice. I'm scared to look at Lucas and distract him.
"I had to step away, because I can't stop thinking about our argument..." The camera wobbles as he moves into a bedroom, switches a light on, and leans against a wall.
"I know you're probably angry. I get it. I would be too." Round hazel eyes look at me.
"I just want you to know, that I'm not mad at you.... I'm mad at myself. I'm mad for not being there for you. For not hearing you. For not being a better father to you."
"I'm sorry, son. I'm sorry for being so stubborn and not seeing how much you need me. For not staying with you when you asked me. I should've done better. I failed you."
I hold my breath, trying not to tear up. My chest shatters as he looks away with a sigh.
"If there's one thing I wish you to learn from this old fool, it's that... never go to bed angry. Doesn't matter if it's your wife, your kid, your best friend, yourself — especially yourself — don't go to bed angry. Life's too short for crap like that."
He looks back at the lens with firm attention.
"I love you. I love you so much, I can't explain it." His eyes shine so warmly, it's impossible. "You have a pure heart and I am honored to be your dad. Your friend. Your business partner. My talented little boy. I can't wait to see what you do. I'm proud of you, Lucas."
A sniffling sound makes me look up at Lucas, struggling to hold his pained tears at bay.
"I love you, son. Always and forever." He does a kissing gesture with his hand, followed with a peace sign. "D.R. out!"
Lucas cries quietly, covering his face with his hand. I wrap my arms around his neck as he leans into me, lowering us on our sides.
He scoots me high and buries his face in my chest. His tears soak my shirt as he holds onto me. We stay like that for a while.
When his breathing calms and his body relaxes, he lifts his head and kisses me.
~ A/N ~
I hope you guys liked this chapter <3 BY THE WAY, we have SUCH fun chapters coming up. (Hint, hint, Halloween...)
This chapter is dedicated to Manya707 who made the cover for this book. Thank you for being a friend and for reading my stories! ❤️
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