43 Party's Over
I cuddle Federico that night and wait for my phone to ring. A text saying 'gotcha!' or 'oops, sorry for overreacting,' maybe a thumbs up emoji. But the notifications never come.
Next morning at work, I catch Lucas striding out of Grant's office with his shoulders tense and eyes impatient. He heads straight to the break room, where I timidly follow.
"Good morning." I stand next to him as he takes a bottle of painkillers from the cabinet.
He goes towards the fridge, but I beat him to it and hand him a bottle of water.
He mutters 'thanks' and chugs it, squeezing the plastic. He lowers the bottle with a harsh exhale, looking at nothing on the floor.
"I'm sorry." He says, meeting my eyes. "I didn't mean to snap last night."
"It's okay, I'm not mad." I shake my head. "Do you want to go for a walk later, maybe get some ice cream?"
"I'll be busy."
I hesitate. "All day?"
"All week."
"With... what?" I frown, but he's already moving. Opening the cabinet to put the medicine back, finishing the rest of the water.
"Work. What else." He shrugs, then raises his eyebrows at me. "Let's go next week."
"Okay... " I say to the empty room as he leaves.
I don't bother him for the rest of the day, since he's so 'busy.' But I snoop around in other conversations and rummage through my emails to check if there's an emergency client coming that I might not be aware of.
The Board of Directors are here next week to announce the VP, maybe it has to do with that? Why wasn't I asked to help? Is there a reason all the pressure is on Lucas?
When I see Grant around lunchtime, heating up pasta in the microwave, I approach.
"Hey Grant, do you need help with anything?"
"Uh... no, these machines are pretty simple to operate." His lips curve up with a wary smile.
I chuckle. "I meant with work... Lucas said he's got a lot to do. I was thinking maybe I can take some of the pressure, since I'm not that busy."
He clears his throat, now focusing on the 'simple' machine. "Oh, that. Uh, Lucas asked for more. I didn't just give it to him."
"He's intentionally burning himself out?" Isn't Grant worried?
The aroma of tomatoes and garlic seep into the room as the pasta heats in the microwave.
"Basically..." Grant mutters. "But hey, we got that happy hour this Friday and I won't be here. You can look after the team to make sure everyone behaves."
"Sure... " A small part of me is excited to be trusted, but it's hard to care at the moment.
The microwave beeps. Grant takes out the steamy bowl and sighs. "What a waste, huh?"
"What is?" I inspect the food to see if it's burnt.
"The recipe... " He twirls a fork in it and hands it to me. "It's truly one of a kind."
I'm surprised at the casual gesture, but out of interest, blow on the steam and eat. My eyes pop at the rich bursts of flavor.
"Incredible, isn't it?" He smiles. "And it's not even the original one."
"What's the original one?" I ask, chewing.
"Only Lucas knows, he's the one who created it. His sister just learned it by taste, but it's missing something."
"Be right there." Lucas's voice echoes from the hall and Grant quickly shoves the bowl back in the microwave, shutting it closed.
"So we'll have a DJ and a bartender for happy hour..." Grant tells me as Lucas walks in.
It's obvious he smells it. It's all over the room. I remember the first time he saw Grant heating it. He didn't approve of it back then either.
But this time he stops by the door, like he's battling with a decision. Finally, he looks up at us, indifference all over his face. He mutters that he forgot something and walks out.
"That's my bad." Grant presses his lips, turning to the pasta with regret.
I don't hear from Lucas all day. I give him his space. He's clearly asking for it. Demanding it.
Besides, if this is about his dad, who am I to fix anything? I don't know about grief. Don't know if pushing him will hurt him more than he already is.
So on Tuesday, when I knock on his office door, I do my best to be gentle.
"Hey Lucas... I'm really sorry if I went out of line on Sunday. You're Lev's best friend and I just met Shushan. It was disrespectful of me to assume you hadn't thought about their wedding."
His eyes go slightly wide at my words and his fingers drum anxiously on the table.
"It was normal for you to ask." He says. "You were just looking out for her."
"Yeah, but it was insensitive." I lean on my forearms, searching whether he'll let me in. I try to smile, try to not let my heartbeat rise with fear. "Do you want to go get ice-cream?"
A sliver of a smile tugs on his lips before it disappears. "Next week, alright?"
"I'll die until next week." I blurt and desperately hope he chuckles. He doesn't.
"I'm sorry, Layla." He shuffles papers across from him, piling them in stacks. "But I can't."
I sink back in my seat, not ready to leave like this. He's avoiding eye contact. Telling me he's done talking. But this is a two-way street.
"Did we move too fast?" I ask.
"Us. Are you creating a distance between us? Regretting anything?" I'm shocked for being so bold. I should act up. But how can I be immature when something's wrong with him?
Lucas takes a slow, deep breath. Studying me. Evaluating. His lips press into a line before pulling the bottom one into his mouth.
A part of my heart rips and drops into my stomach. Tears threaten to form. I grit my teeth and harden my eyes to not let them.
"I see."
"I got work to do, alright?" He brushes me off, organizing everything mundane on his desk. Pens, sticky notes, receipts, trash.
"Of course." I get up and walk out.
Federico looks at me, leaning against the vase of pink flowers. They're almost wilted, but I'm waiting for them to completely dry so I can glue them on a canvas and make a wall art. The yellow flower from San Diego is there too.
That single word is souring all this. Stripping the colors and smiles away with that cold and distant look in his eyes.
The way he smiled at me in that flower field, cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. The way he stroked my hair and pressed his lips on my forehead. The way he hugged me and stood up against my dad.
What the hell am I supposed to do with that? Who do I talk to? I try Casey. I tell her what happened.
"Oh honey, I don't know." She cooes on the other line. "You told me yourself that Lucas is difficult. You were telling me not to go out with him. Maybe you were right."
"That was before I knew him." My voice is defensive. How dare her speak badly about him? "There's clearly something he's holding back and I don't think it's about me."
"Maybe, but it's not healthy. Couples are supposed to communicate and be honest."
"So what?" I scoff, sitting up in bed. "Just because something's unhealthy, you have to just abandon it?"
"I mean... " She softens her tone. "You're only going to hurt yourself if you keep pushing. Fixing his issues isn't your job as a girlfriend."
"I'd have to be an idiot to assume I can fix someone." I smile, fighting back the tears. "You don't think I learned that from my parents?"
"I didn't mean that, I just think Lucas isn't dealing with this in a healthy way and it's affecting you—"
"Of course it's affecting me. So what?" I raise my voice. "If Jacob gets sick, will you leave him just because he might get you sick too?"
"That's not the same—"
"How is it not the same? The only difference is that this is emotional. You don't leave someone just because their broken heart might break yours too. Where would we all end up if we only stayed together when things were okay?"
"Who are you talking about—"
"People, Casey, people!" I don't know why I'm crying, why I'm hurting. The fact that Lucas is alone right now is not fair. And I don't know if I'm overreacting. I'm confused and she's not helping. "I'm going to go, I'll talk to you later."
"Babe, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make it worse, I just—"
"I know, just please give me some space." I hang up and grab the teddy, hugging it to my chest.
Wednesday is just the same, but worse. I hardly see Lucas. It's as if Grant is trying to keep us away. I get paranoid that this really has something to do with the promotion.
What if they've already decided that Lucas is going to get it and that's why he's upset, that's why he's pushing me away. But asking him will make me look pathetic.
A part of me questions if I should look for other jobs just to be safe. I'm helping Gia and Ashton with their business accounts. Both are doing well. But I'm not getting paid.
I busy myself for the rest of the day, looking for job opportunities online. Nothing interests me. They're just other versions of what I already have. And for some reason, I don't care.
This place is my investment. Four years of everything. Every spare time and ounce of energy. Missed vacations and relationships. A puzzle piece I've miserably put together to make something out of myself.
I even reach out to my dad and ask for his opinion. We get on a call where he gives me a Ted talk on the importance of discipline and knowing my value. Tells me how to negotiate if anyone tries to take advantage.
It's the only form of intimacy. When he's all business and I'm all ears. Learning from him like a good employee. His version of comfort.
Except now, with Lucas in my life and everything he's brought, my dad's comfort is a crumble that leaves me cold and hollow.
On Thursday, I decide that I've had enough. He has gone an entire week ignoring me, pushing me, and it's starting to really hurt. There's a fine line between unhealthy and toxic.
And I'm going demand a better effort. I need him to break out of his shell, otherwise I'm gone. I won't do this. I won't play this game.
But just as I march down the hall towards his office, Lucas storms out in complete rage and dashes towards the elevators.
My steps drag to his office, where Fiona is in Grant's arms. I quickly pull back, holding my chest, wondering what the hell just happened.
My phone rings with Shushan's ID, but I'm too shaken up to speak, so I decline.
"He shouldn't be alone again." Fiona sniffles. "He can't keep doing this to himself... "
When there's no reply from Grant, I move away just in case they walk out. I call Lucas, but he doesn't pick up. I text him to call me back, but I doubt that he will.
I wonder if I should go ask Fiona for help, but it doesn't feel right. So I stick around, lingering around the halls, hoping she'll run into me, but it never happens.
Friday is the worst. It's happy hour. Everyone's in a party mood.
Lucas isn't here. He didn't come to work at all.
Grant leaves sometime in the afternoon without an explanation. I'm all alone.
I should relish such leadership. Overseeing the team, being trusted. I should be walking around with my head held high, making sure everything's alright. But who am I kidding? Why am I here and where the hell is Lucas?
It's 8 PM and I have to be here for another two hours until the party's over. When Shushan calls again, I palm my forehead for forgetting to call her back and hide in my office.
"Layla... I have something to ask and I need you to tell me the truth." She says.
"What?" What now. What the hell is it now.
"Did you... did you talk to Lucas about the wedding, by any chance?"
I stop breathing. "Why?"
"Oh fuck... " She chokes and I gasp for hearing her curse for the first time. "Does that mean you knew about his restaurant?"
"I mean, I know that he has it but he's not operating it—"
"So you knew!" She starts crying. "My God, I had no idea or else I'd never say anything! I'm so stupid—"
"I'm begging you please tell me what the hell is going on before I go insane."
"It's... it's not my place to —"
"Shushan please. Give me something. Tell me whatever you can. Why is Lucas acting so weird? He's not even here today!"
"It's his dad... his dad passed away on this day."
My eyes dart all over the room. "Alright, okay, but, but what does that have to do with your wedding?"
"Oh... " She whimpers. "I don't want to say something I'm not supposed to—"
"Shushan, please! I need to help him!"
"Where are you right now?"
"I'm at work!" I stifle my shout. I hate myself for being here.
"Okay, listen..." She says. "Go to the restaurant."
I freeze. "Now?"
"Yeah. He's there."
My breathing picks up as I grab my bag. I glance at the fifty people mingling outside with drinks in their hands over the music.
"But be prepared to walk away... " She continues. "You might not be able to do anything."
"What do you mean? I don't understand." I switch the lights off and open my door.
"His mom and the boys are there, I hope they tell you. But if they don't and you need to talk to someone, I'll be by my phone. Okay?"
"I got to go." Fear overwhelms my chest. "Text me the address, I've only been there once."
"I'll be here. Don't forget." She says before hanging up.
"Everyone..." My voice wavers as I try to get their attention. "Party's over."
~ A/N~
What do you think is waiting for her? Will Layla set aside her fears to reach for him?
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