32 Come Over
*warning: this chapter includes a brat/dom dynamic that may be triggering to some*
Chapter 32
"His arm might be swollen for ten days?!" I exclaim as I read about bee allergies online.
Lucas dropped me off at work and went to the pharmacy. It was after 1 PM by then, so Grant told him to just stay home. Apparently last time, Lucas got a fever and became too drowsy from the medication.
"Whatchu doing?" Gia pops her curly head in my office.
I jerk back from the computer and blush red. Great, it looks like I got caught watching porn.
"Nothing." I hastily click the mouse to close all irrelevant tabs as Gia moseys in.
She sits across from me with a bag of cheese puffs. She pops one in her mouth, crunching loudly and continues to stare. I look side to side, getting uncomfortable.
"Where's Lucas?" She tilts her head.
"Hm... " She nods. I shift in my seat, she smirks. "How was San Diego?"
"Great." I say too quickly. Her smile widens. "Yeah, the meeting went well. They liked the idea."
"Oh, yeah?" She eats another cheese puff. "What else happened?"
"Nothing." Damn it, slow down. "I mean, not much. Grant's house was nice. The beach was pretty, and I, uh, I made a delicious omelet. Yoga. Did yoga. The traffic back was horrible."
"Mhm. Nothing happened between you and Lucas?" She leans forward and puts her hand under her chin. "Spending the night under the same roof? Two hot bodies colliding—"
"No hot bodies. We were cold. And in separate rooms. With air conditioner and clothes."
Gia narrows her eyes. I sigh in defeat. "Alright, we kissed. But please don't tell anyone!"
She smacks her lips. "Relax, no one cares about who you kiss. Besides, your private affairs don't matter. It's not like we don't know you're the hardest working person at this office."
My tension softens. "Really? You mean that?"
"Of course!" She gives me a strange look. "How can you doubt that? You're the first one in and the last one out. We'd be lost without you."
I stick my bottom lip out and try not to throw my arms around her. She smiles at me gently.
"And if you happen to have a crush on a handsome guy... " She shrugs a single shoulder. "Who the hell are we to judge?"
"You're so cool, Gia. Honestly, thank you."
"I know." She chirps, striking a pose. "Anyway, why isn't he here?"
"Um..." I chuckle. "He got stung by a bee and had a bad reaction."
"Oh, no." Her eyebrows furrow. "Is he okay? How did it happen?"
"He should be fine, I don't know. He was in a flower field and reached to pick a flower."
Gia's eyes fall to the flower on my desk. Her mouth opens with shocked excitement.
"That's adorable!" She gushes, clapping her hands. "Oh, he's such a cheeseball."
Yeah, such a cheeseball. Images of him slamming me against the wall and laying me down on the dining table take over my mind.
"Are you going to go nurse him after work?" She wiggles her eyebrows.
"That sounds desperate, so no."
She scoffs. "The guy got stung and you think checking in on him is desperate? Call him."
"Trust me. It's so rude if you don't. Come on, I bet he'll feel better to know that you care."
"You're so intrusive." I chuckle at her. She grins, waiting. I shake my head. "Yeah, I'm not calling. It's too awkward."
"Fine, text him."
"What do I even say!" I put my hand up when her eyes turn wicked. "Never mind. I don't want to know."
It's almost 5:30 PM so I guess it's reasonable to check in. So I grab my phone.
'Hey, just texting if you need anything. How's your fever?'
"He's texting!" I announce when the text bubbles appear. Gia suppresses her smile.
'Horrible. I'm dying.'
"He's not doing well." I grimace, panic rising. Gia scoots closer to check the screen right when Lucas sends another message.
'I need a nurse to tend to my needs. Know anyone available?'
Gia cackles. "Told ya! Tell him you're on your way."
"Hell no." I smile. Jesus, this guy is a freak. What do I even say? I am so flustered that my mind is drawing blank.
"Today would be nice." Gia complains.
"I don't know what to say!"
"Say si papi, hauling ass, take your clothes off."
"Oh, sure." I drawl sarcastically.
"Do you want to go see him?"
I bite my lip. "Yeah... "
"Then stop being a little bitch."
"Gia! You're an ass!" I laugh at her crudeness "This is nerve-wrecking, I don't even know where we stand."
She points her chin at my phone. "Find out."
Damn, she can be stern if she wants to be. But she's right. I type away.
'Do you want me to come over and help out? I can bring food.'
"There. No games. If he makes another joke, I'm going to take that as a no." I say out loud. Lucas texts back pretty quickly.
'I was going to ask. My buddies are coming over later, you should come. They're fun."
"What?" I can't believe my eyes. "Gia, he wants me to meet his friends!"
"What?" She shoves her face in my phone to double check. "No way! That says a lot."
"B-but, it's so sudden. Why? Why would he want that?"
"Girl, stop messing! This is what you asked for. He's taking it serious. You can't bail."
I palm my forehead with dread. "But I'm awkward, Gia. They won't like me."
Her eyes soften. "First of all, I like you. Second, worry about whether you'll like them."
She gives me an encouraging smile when I don't say anything. "Go. You have nothing to be afraid of."
Gia's influence has power. If it wasn't for her confidence in me, I wouldn't be in front of Lucas's door right now.
Still, my nerves have fully kicked in. Why did he ask me to come over? Did he miss me? Or is he trying to scare me? Are his friends going to make fun of me? Or will they ignore me?
I smooth my pine-green summer dress and throw my curls over my shoulder.
Deep breaths.
I knock on the door. Seconds later, the knob turns and Lucas appears in front of me wearing a black long sleeve. His eyes drift swiftly at my outfit. A small smile tugs the corners of his lips.
"No nurse outfit, no entrance."
He chuckles when I glare and motions for me to come in. I hand him the bottle of whiskey I brought with me.
"You didn't have to bring anything."
"It's my first time here. I couldn't come empty handed."
I follow him into the living room. The space is all shades of gray. Pearl gray walls, peppery gray floors. A long, sectional couch with a large TV. A black glass coffee table. Rustic wood furniture with minimal details. Every inch is polished and sparkling. Nothing is out of place.
"Your place is cleaner than mine." I wander over to the sleek, dark kitchen.
His deep voice follows behind me. "Habits. We got into a lot of shit in the Marines if our bed wasn't perfect every morning."
I'm too nervous to make up a clever reply. I can't believe I'm in Lucas's apartment. This is insane.
"What time are your friends coming over?" I clear my throat.
"Anytime now." He absentmindedly scratches his forearm, drawing my attention to it.
"Is it itching?"
"A little."
"Can I see it?" I step closer.
He rolls up his sleeve and my knees go weak in all the wrong ways. The red bite is swollen and dark. It's taking up his entire forearm, making me grimace.
"I'm sorry. I feel so bad." I cover my eyes, looking away.
"Yeah, you should." He says suggestively, unrolling his sleeve. "Maybe you'll want to make up for it."
My lips part at the dozen images that sentence creates. I slowly raise my eyebrow.
"Should I get on my knees now or... "
He looks stunned for a moment but quickly gains his composure when I smirk.
"Now. Let's go." He puts his giant hand on top of my head and tries to push me down. I laugh and smack it away, making him chuckle.
Electricity charges between us as we sober up and look at each other. He clears his throat. I bite my lip.
"Do you want anything to drink?" His voice is heavier as he holds my gaze.
"Please..."My tone is soft and docile. Like a puppet with its strings held by him.
Lucas paces forward, causing me to step back. My back finds the counter as he cages me in.
"Say please again." He stares into me, hands on the counter by my sides.
Amusement tugs my lips from his intensity. I guess I have an effect on him too.
"Give me a reason to." I look up under my lashes and watch his throat bob.
Lucas captures my lips and wraps me in his arms. Curves melt against muscles as he pins me with his hips, towering over me.
I place my hands on his biceps, but he takes my wrists and twists them behind me.
I whimper at the pain. At how I can't move. At how exposed and vulnerable I'm forced to be.
He lifts his other hand to the back of my head and owns my neck with unhurried lips. I gasp, writhing, yet firmly locked in place. His mouth teasing with tongue and teeth.
I'm in a trance, quickly growing out of control. So when his hand moves to my breast, I know I might completely lose it.
But as I pull away, Lucas yanks me back.
"Did I say you can move?" He grips my hair and holds me like a prey, eyes piercing into me.
His stern features overpower all defenses, unleashing the need to please. Be punished. Praised. Whatever he wants of me.
He moves his hand again to cup my breast, but I fold forward to fight it. "Please... I d-don't want to be turned on in front of your friends."
His movements still and he pulls back.
"Why not? It's only fair." He taunts with a quiet chuckle, tone shifted to normal.
He tenderly brushes his hands over me. Smoothing my hair, stroking my cheek.
I take a deep breath, in awe at how this dynamic flows with a mind of its own.
"Did you like that?" Lucas lowers his chin and carefully looks at me. Joke's on him, I want him to get rougher. Maybe I should slap him.
"Maybe." I smirk, biting my lip. He gives me a boyish grin and exhales in relief.
"Yo, donkey we're here! Open the door!"
Someone loudly bangs on the door and I flinch, holding my chest. Lucas sighs and goes to open the door, muttering "here we go."
Three men step inside, yelling at the same time. I send a quick prayer to God.
Please, don't let me be an outcast. I want to socialize like a normal person. I have no reason to feel insecure.
While they complain about how shitty Lucas's garage is, I take my chance to study them.
One is in all black, like Lucas. But maybe a hundred pounds heavier. He's got a full beard, sleeked back hair, and a very deep voice.
The other is bald, well-built, slightly shorter than Lucas. He's in a graphic t-shirt and sneakers that for sure cost a fortune.
The last one is the smallest, just a bit taller than me. He wears glasses and stands in a perfect posture.
To calm my nerves, I turn to the grocery bag I brought with me and take out the homemade cheese boreks.
When the lid comes off and the smell fills the air, everyone gets silent.
I turn to the four men staring at me like I have two heads. Or like I just parted the sea.
"What's that?" The one with the deepest voice asks accusingly.
"I-it's a cheese borek." I shrivel, bringing the thing closer to my chest.
"Cheese what?" The bald tilts his head and scowls a little.
"It's a puff pastry with different kinds of cheeses... " I timidly eye Lucas, pointing over my shoulder. "Can I use your oven to heat them up?"
Four of them stride forward and surround me. I stare wide-eyed as the first one grabs a little pastry with his brawny hand and takes a crunchy bite.
"You made these?" He frowns with intense green eyes.
"Yes?" Please don't kill me.
"Is it good?" The bald one eyes him suspiciously. The deep voiced guy takes another bite.
"It's really good." He raises his eyebrows.
"If I heat it up—"
The bald one grabs his own borek and takes a bite, stunning me silent.
"Mm, Lucas! She's a better cook than you!" He yells with his mouth full then looks at me. He has the most beautiful hazel eyes with thick, dark lashes. "Where'd you learn this?"
"YouTube." I offer a small smile.
"May I try one?" The skinny one asks in a calm voice.
"Of course..." I reach the container toward him.
"Let me see." Lucas says and takes one too.
Four men chew little cheese boreks in silence. Cheeks puffy and crumbles on their lips.
"Um, so... I'm Layla... "
"This shit's good."
"You make good shit."
"Thank you so much. So, uh... who are you?"
Lucas snaps back to reality and rolls his eyes. "Excuse my barbarian friends. They don't get to be around women often."
"What are you saying, I'm around you all the time." The bald one frowns at him confusedly.
"That's not true. We spend a lot of romantic nights together when you're not around." The deep voice one tells the bald one.
"Lies. You're not as flexible as me. Lucas likes to twist me like a pretzel. You're like a ball of dough."
"Can you guys shut the fuck up. I told you to behave." Lucas glares at them.
"I'm Kai." Skinny guy smiles at me and grabs the glass container. "Let me take that. Your arms are probably getting tired."
"Don't eat it all, you chicken shit." The big one says to Kai then shakes my hand. "I'm Lev. If Lucas ever bothers you, call me and I'll kick his ass."
Lucas scoffs, but seems amused. I return Lev's smile. "It's nice to meet you. And don't worry, I have no problem kicking his ass on my own."
"That's what I'm talking about." He grins then releases the manliest giggle I've ever heard. Instantly, his murderous demeanor shifts into a cuddly bear.
The bald one shakes my hand next. "I'm Ashton. The handsome one that Lucas wants but can never have."
"Never lower your standards." I tell him, earning snickers from him and Lev.
"You know what, fuck all of you." Lucas rolls his eyes with a suppressed smile and walks toward Kai to open the oven. "What temperature and for how long, Layla?"
"350, and just a few minutes."
"Ey, that's longer than you'll ever last, Lucas." Ashton hollers, laughing at his own joke.
"I have a question." Lev grabs my attention with his deadly tone. I immediately still and think of what crimes I might have committed.
"What shampoo do you use?" He looks at my hair.
"What shampoo do I use?" My voice reaches an octave higher.
"Yeah." He takes a strand of my hair between big fingertips then pats his own hair. "I use organic shit from Korea, but mine never looks as shiny as yours."
"Oh, uh." I laugh, focusing on his hair. "Honestly, your hair is amazing."
His eyes light up. "Really?"
"Oh my God, yeah. Your hair is thick and full of volume. I wish I had that."
He giggles again and I infectiously smile. "You hear that, Lucas?" He tilts his chin up proudly.
"Yeah, yeah, your hair's shit. Fuck off."
"What about my hair?" Ashton points to his bald head and smirks when I stammer. "Just teasing, I lost all my hair when I became friends with Lucas. I don't recommend."
I fold forward and laugh, which makes him square his shoulders. "Yo, Lucas! This is how you make a woman laugh. Watch and learn."
"Oh my God... " I take a deep breath to calm down. "Do you guys always make so much fun of him?"
They smile a little, sneaking glances at Lucas, and I swear there's a secret I'm not a part of.
~ A/N ~
Sorry I updated late today. I'm fighting a cold and my brain is all fuzzy. Hope you liked Lucas's friends and the steamy moment between him and Layla!
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