29 Natural
Chapter 29
Hand on my mouth. Pressed against the wall.
He looks at me.
His upper lip curls. He moves his hand from my mouth to the back of my neck, grips my hair. Brings me forward. Crashes my lips to his.
I whimper at the mere force of it. It weakens my knees. A low growl vibrates in his throat in response and he shoves me against the wall. I flinch, expecting my skull to crack or spine to break, but he shields me with his hands and pins me with his hips.
He releases a small groan at the back of his throat and cups my face.
I kiss him back with my own anger and greed. Pulling his hair, making him mad. Biting his lip, smiling at his hiss. Fisting his shirt, hoping it rips.
Lips, tongue, and teeth devour my neck, licking and sucking. My body ignites while he holds me tight against him. Breathless moans escape as I arch under his will.
"Is that good enough for you?" He menaces in my ear, thick and low. "Huh?"
Goosebumps spread down my spine, craving to hear that tone again.
"It's a good start." I whisper, fighting back a smirk.
He fists my hair and chuckles as I dig my nails into his shoulders and stifle my whimper.
I glare into his cockiness and push him back. Smack him against the opposite wall.
I throw myself at him and capture his lips, biting until he grunts and digs into my hips. A part of me wants to slap him, but I don't know how he'll react.
He grabs my ass and picks me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist as he walks down the hallway into the living room.
Random objects get kicked before his feet. Maybe a chair. A coffee table. A shoe. Who knows. Who cares.
He drops me on the dining table, hitching my breath, puts his hand around my throat and forces me down on it. I look up at him, clenching my legs at how he stands above me, glaring like he wants to rip me apart.
"Fuck... " His breath is heavy as he drinks me in.
"What?" I smirk up, enjoying the view myself.
His lips pull on one corner. "That fucking body... " He comes down and kisses me again with a low growl that makes me moan.
"Fuck Layla... your moans... " He buries his face in my neck. Trails hungry lips across my chest, grazing his teeth. I lift my spine, legs around him, grasping his biceps.
Fuck, I want him.
"Lucas... we're going too fast." I whisper out of breath.
His kissing slows down and he pulls back. His animalistic rage simmers into a soft gaze.
He studies my face and cups it in one hand, lowers his lips to softly press on mine. A blanket of comfort washes over immediately and I hum into the kiss.
He hovers his lips, pressing his forehead against mine. "Better?"
I nod, feeling suddenly so small and taken care of. He kisses me again and rubs his thumb over my cheek. "You okay?"
I smile this time and bite my lip. "Yeah, I'm okay."
"Good." He kisses again.
I cup his face. Brush my fingers over his jaw. Breathe him in. He takes a deep breath and pulls back. A smile small on his lips.
"Come on." He takes my hands and helps me up.
I sit up, hair a crazy mess. He helps me off the table and pulls me close. His hand softly rubs my back, looking down.
"Did I get too rough?"
I shake my head immediately, fighting back a smile.
"Did you get scared?"
"No." I giggle a little, feeling suddenly shy.
"Then what is it?" He murmurs.
"I just... you're too good. I won't be able to stop myself." I mumble, looking away.
He looks so smug that I roll my eyes and push him away. He chuckles after me as I walk into the kitchen.
"Hungry?" He says behind me. Amusement still in his voice.
"Starving." I deadpan, resisting a grin.
"I'll be back." He says and quickly disappears.
I'm guessing - hoping - he has a monstrous boner. I chuckle under my breath and open the fridge to see what looks good.
"Go change!" He yells from the room, popping his head. His eyes rake me up and down. He licks his lower lip. "Yeah, definitely go change." He disappears again.
I put some chicken pasta on the stovetop to heat up and go to my room. My body is trembling with nerves and excitement. I feel like I'm high. My head is fuzzy and giddy. I keep smiling.
What a dumb idiot. What's up with us?
Maybe if I slap myself I'll snap out of it. No, let me do some jumping jacks. Squats. Squats with deep breaths. Warrior pose. Macarena. No.
I'm just going to lie down on the floor.
It's official. I am so, so, so infatuated. Hardcore crushing. Absolutely weak for Lucas.
I hear his door close and lift my face off the carpet. There is no way we're going to fuck. Too soon. Too fast. Recipe for a disaster. Must resist. We'll resist. He'll be a gentleman.
"No matter what happens, promise me we won't do anything tonight." I come out of the bedroom in soft yoga pants and a loose, off the shoulder shirt.
Lucas already has the food on the coffee table along with drinks, plates, and utensils. He has a remote in one hand, going through movie options on Netflix.
"You have my word." He says, biting his lip.
"Don't do that."
"Do what?"
"Don't be cocky."
"How can I not be cocky." His smile grows wider.
I smile too. "Because you're not that special."
"Sure." He chuckles under his breath.
I blush crimson and take a seat beside him. I'm not hungry anymore. All I want to do is climb on his lap and kiss him some more.
Lucas wraps his arm around my waist and sets me on his lap. I make a questioning sound that gets silenced with his lips. He pushes my hips down and grinds me against him.
I hold my breath and resist a moan.
"I promise. You have my word. Just let me kiss you." He murmurs and cups my face, biting my lip.
A jolt of weakness and pleasure trembles through me and I give in. Letting him do whatever he wants. My underwear gets damp.
We're moving too fast.
"Okay..." I pant, pulling back. "Put on a movie, keep your hands to yourself. Please."
"What did you just say?" He smiles huskily, chestnut eyes on fire.
"I said please." I whisper, watching him suck in a breath.
"Say it again."
"Make me." I smirk. "Later! Not now!" I jump off his lap when his eyes flash with danger.
He chuckles and goes for a plate of food. "Be careful with what you say."
"Yes, sir." I reply under my lashes. He gives me warning stare. I giggle.
"Pick a damn movie." He throws the remote on my lap.
I tuck my legs under me and lean back into the couch, scrolling through the options.
"No stupid chick flicks." He says, eyeing the TV.
"Aw." But that's all I watch.
"Fine. Just make sure it's funny."
"I am guessing you're not into anime, right?"
He glares at me, I widen my eyes with feigned surprise. "Just checking! Jesus. You never know."
"Let's watch a show, it's going to be a long night."
"Sounds good."
"No Korean drama either, huh?"
He clicks his tongue. I snort under my breath.
"Well, what do you want to watch?" I ask.
"You." He says with playfully wicked eyes.
"Hmm, I knew you had good taste."
"Cocky bastard." He chuckles.
I shrug. "Seriously, tell me. What do you usually watch?"
"I don't know. I don't have a specific taste."
"What do you want? It's not that easy! What do you want?" I re-enact the Notebook scene. He suppresses a smile.
"Okay, let's watch something intense. How about 'You'?" I ask.
"Seen it."
"Nice. Okay." I'm getting frustrated.
"Let's watch Lucifer." He suggests, sensing my impatience.
"Fuck no."
"He's dumb."
He looks at me like I've lost my mind. "You're dumb."
"I must be. I kissed you." I say with a small smile.
"You little shit." He throws a pillow at me. I laugh. "Pick a damn movie before I get mad."
I bite my lip to not say 'yes daddy' because he might take that shit serious and I am not actually into that. It's just glorious to amuse him with it.
Fifty years later after he nixes Vampire Diaries, The Originals, and New Girl, we settle for a cartoon. 'Spirit Riding Free.'
About a wild horse.
Getting tamed.
Sort of.
"Are you going to stay there or come cuddle me?" Lucas snaps five minutes into the movie.
"Jeez, you're so sweet." I drawl, earning a grumbled eye roll.
"Get over here."
My nerves resurface from the intimacy and I hesitate.
"Layla." He warns. I bite my lip. This is an odd dynamic when I think about it.
"You come here."
He gives me 'are you for real, you stupid' type of look and stands up. I try to keep a straight face as he comes close, turns his booty to me, and starts to lower down on my lap.
"Stop!" I shriek and laugh, pushing him away.
"What? Hold me." He feigns nonchalance and proceeds to crash my legs.
"Get off of me you giant hippo!" Oh my God I'm going to break. My bones. My bones.
He sighs. "Fine... your loss."
He stands up straight, takes my hand to pull me up and takes me to his side.
I'm trying to figure out how we can cuddle without officially cuddling. I feel like that's too official. And I don't know, it makes me panic. Does he think nothing of it? Is it casual to cuddle? Is cuddling now a thing?
Lucas lays down on the couch, facing the TV. He pats his chest, motioning for me to get close.
I lay my head on his chest and turn my body sideways, pressing against him. Tense. Unsure.
Lucas smacks his lips and bends my leg over his hip. He pulls my arm around his waist, making me really sink into him.
"Relax." He tells me, but it's gentle, not condescending.
"I'm trying."
"What's wrong?"
"It's too intimate."
He scoffs. "It's bad enough I have to restrain myself. Shut up and watch the movie."
I bury my face deeper in his chest, taking deep breaths. I wonder if he can hear my heartbeat.
His fingers draws random shapes on my arm, soothing me. He cups my chin and makes me look at him.
"Thanks for not leaving." He says.
"Thanks for the violence." I tease.
His lips pull up. He kisses the top of my head then rests his hand on my lower back, fingers on my butt.
~ A/N ~
When there's chemistry, there's chemistry. I don't even know. They take me by surprise lol.
This chapter is dedicated to nataliaskov for always commenting and brightening my day with her positive vibes. Xoxo ❤️
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