25 Stuck
Chapter 25
"Are you fucking kidding me?" I smack the shit out of my broken car.
Fifteen minutes late to work due to oversleeping. And by oversleeping, I mean tossing and turning only to pass out at sunrise.
You'd think a sleepless night after a sensual concert would mean a good thing. You kiss a tall, dark devil and get whisked away - or in my imagination, get thrown against a wall.
No. Not what happened.
Now my hair is wild and frizzy. I didn't have time to put makeup on. And my car has given up. Fucking cheap ass piece of shit.
Fucking Lucas.
No, not like that.
I can't believe I'm late especially after that kiss. He's going to think that he's the reason. I hope he has good health insurance. His neck is going to break off when his head grows big.
Which head.
Well, since my Uber made me forty minutes late, another five minutes for coffee won't do anything.
I rush to the break room, thankful it's empty.
"Wow Layla, you're so late. Wild weekend?" Gia follows after me with a smile.
"Shouldn't you be in a meeting?" I strain, rummaging the fridge for hazelnut creamer.
"Yeah... just came to grab some water. Are you okay?" She drawls.
"Mhm, just need my caffeine kick." I laugh and shove a random pod in the coffee machine.
It won't turn on.
"Why do objects hate me!" I cover my face and bend over the counter. "I just want coffee! Just a little bit of coffee."
"Whoa." I hear a voice behind me. My heart goes on overdrive.
Hand around my throat. Pressed against his chest.
I whip my head to see Gia no longer there. Wow, that was a fast conversation. I turn to the coffee machine and assume a super chill position.
Lucas stretches his arm and does something magical to it. The slutty appliance starts making sounds and drips hot liquid in my cup.
Um. Let's just move on from that one.
"You're welcome." Lucas says sarcastically when I stand mute, unmoving.
"Thanks." I focus on my cup in case it decides to escape. One can never be too careful.
"Did you oversleep or something?" He looks at my hair.
Moving my hair aside. Lips on my neck.
"Why can't I oversleep every once in a while? I have a life too. I get busy."
"I know you get busy." He taunts with amusement.
Fingers dragging up my thighs. Tracing the top of my breasts.
"Shouldn't you be in a meeting?" I squeak.
"Yeah. I saw you come in, wanted to check if you're ok. You've never been late before."
Hips in his control. Ass against his jeans.
"My car broke down." I pop the lid of the creamer and die when the stench of spoiled milk attacks my nose. "Why, God, why?"
"Drama queen." Lucas chuckles under his breath, opening the fridge. "What flavor?"
A slow, perfect kiss. Taste of sweet mint.
He twists the plastic cover off, opens the lid, reaches the bottle over my cup, pours it.
"Do you want more?" He looks at me.
"Do you want more?" He murmurs.
"Yes." I mutter at my black coffee. Lucas pours.
"You fucking know how I like it, just do it." I jerk to snatch the creamer but he pulls back.
"Easy, easy. Vicious." He widens his eyes and pours the right amount. "Just a little more. You had enough sugar on Friday."
I put a lid on the cup - a bit too aggressively - and place my hand on my hip. "You done?"
"Yeah, just wanted to see you angry with your hair like that." He presses his lips to not laugh. "You look like you escaped from a mental hospital."
I roll my eyes and go to the two hour meeting that I'm now an hour late to.
Thirty minutes left until I go home. I sit in my office and wait for the clock to turn.
Today was proof that kissing Lucas was a huge mistake. It's already so awkward.
If I didn't leave him that night, things would've escalated. People would eventually find out.
What would they think? What would Grant think? What would it do to my promotion?
What does it even mean? Are we starting an office affair? Was it a one time thing?
I decide that I need to march to his office and have a normal, adult conversation. Thankfully he's alone when I walk in.
"Miss me already?"
"We need to talk." I close the door and sit in front of him, leaning on his desk. "Something happened." I lower my voice. "We kissed."
"Did we? I thought I kissed Michael."
"What does it mean?" I whisper-yell.
"What do you mean?" His eyebrows knit together.
I look around in a 'do I need to spell it out for you' fashion then look back at him.
"Can you try in English?" He deadpans.
"Are we going to forget that it happened?"
He studies my face. "Is that what you want?"
"Probably. Probably a good idea, right? Otherwise no one will take me seriously if they find out. How am I supposed to be a leader if I break our own rules."
"Sure, because the CEO who's married to the Head of Marketing will be shocked to hear that people kiss at work."
"He owns the company. He's not going to fire himself."
"Half of the people here date each other. I know you live in a cave and don't know anyone's name, but believe it or not, some people have a life."
"You're such a dick." I scowl, slumping in my seat.
"Yeah, because you're a... " Lucas throws his hand up, exhaling harshly. "Man, I came to work in a good mood."
"Well, I'm sorry for trying to have a conversation. Do you realize you don't give any straight answers though? You either ditch my questions or you turn them around."
"Because they're stupid questions."
"How are they stupid! This is what I mean. This is exactly why we're forgetting it. Nothing happened. Just wipe it from your memory."
"Fine. No problem." He stares without an expression.
"I think we need a solid week of distance to go back to normal." I mentally plan to bring coffee and lunch from home, and not leave my office unless it's for a bathroom break or a meeting.
"Sure. Whatever."
"Cool. This is good."
There's a knock on the door before it reveals Grant in a grey shirt and black jeans.
"Good news. We're pitching concepts to Hershey's in two days. Get ready to go to San Diego."
"Who?" Lucas and I ask at the same time.
"You two."
"Why Grant, someone needs to be here to oversee the team." I chuckle nervously. "No problem, I can stay."
"Last time you stormed into my office and fought to go with Lucas." He deadpans.
"No, I just mean... my car is broken!" I click my tongue with deep regret. "I can't drive."
"Well, I don't think Lucas would mind carpooling with you." He glances warily at Lucas. "You've been working together for four years. I bet you're pretty close."
My body freezes. He knows. Everyone knows.
"He means we're friends." Lucas drawls, looking at me like I'm an idiot.
"Of course we are." My voice is a pitch higher. "We're great friends. Been friends for a long time. We were friends on Friday."
Grant blinks at me few of times. "Maybe take tomorrow off. Go to the beach. Visit a museum. Watch Netflix. Don't think about work."
"Great idea." Lucas gives me an annoyed look. "Pick you up on Wednesday."
~ A/N ~
Road trip time muahahaha. Whose side are you guys on? (Vote to wish them luck!)
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