"You know where he is, don't you?"
Schneep looked around in the darkness of his dream to see a figure that looked similar to him dressed in all black holding a knife, his pitch black eyes boring into Schneep's blue ones.
"Who are you?" Schneep countered, retreating back a step as the figure moved forward towards him.
"The name's Anti, I'm a demon." They answered, a wide grin on their face as they twirled the knife in their hands.
"Now, tell me where he is." Anti demanded, running his finger along the dull side of the blade of his knife.
"Who?" Schneep replied with a confused frown, Anti tilting his head back and laughing in response.
"You really think that playing dumb will save you? You know exactly who I'm talking about Doc." The demon sneered, pressing the tip of his knife to Schneep's chin.
"Either you tell me where the damn magician is, or I'll kill you and everyone that cares about you." Anti threatened.
"Zhat's not a very long list." Schneep remarked bitterly, Anti smirking as he lowered his knife.
"I like you, you're like me in a lot of ways." Anti mused, his hand abruptly shooting out and wrapping around Schneep's throat.
Schneep gasped for breathe as he was lifted up into the air, his feet dangling helplessly as he desperately clawed at Anti's hand.
"I will only ask you one more time before I really get angry. Where. Is. Marvin the Magnificent?" Anti questioned in a dangerously calm tone.
"I-I do-don't know!" Schneep choked out weakly as black dots danced in his vision, Anti scowling as he tossed Schneep's body like a rag doll away from him.
Schneep coughed as he struggled to regain his breath, managing to push himself up off of the ground with a grunt as Anti sauntered over.
"You really didn't know, did you? Wow, you humans are so blind." Anti chuckled, shaking his head.
"That cat, what did you call it? Oh yes...Zauber. German for magic, right? Well, that cat is actually a magician named Marvin, and he owes me his soul." Anti stated casually.
"Vhat? Zhat's not possible, crossroad demons aren't real, and neither are shape shifting magicians." Schneep argued.
"You're wrong on both accounts Doc. I know you only believe in logic and that kind of bullshit, but what else would explain me being in your head?" Anti pointed out, gesturing around him.
"Simple, zhis is just a nightmare, and I'll wake up and forget all about you." Schneep answered confidently.
"Oh really now?" Anti replied, looking at his knife before throwing it at Schneep with deadly precision.
Schneep's eyes flew open with a ragged cry of fear, his hair plastered to his forehead with sweat and his body shaking.
"I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay." Schneep chanted, refusing to believe otherwise as he got out of bed.
The German walked towards the kitchen to make breakfast, but froze when he felt something in his head take control of his body.
"You really thought that I was a nightmare? How cute."
Schneep shivered at the sound of his own voice that sounded deeper and foreign to him, his body unwillingly entering the kitchen and grabbing a kitchen knife from the knife block on the counter.
"If you won't tell me where Marvin is, then you'll have to help me look for him." Anti declared.
"Leave me alone, please!" Schneep pleaded, wishing he could control his movements as his body walked towards the door.
"Either you cooperate, or I'll-"
"I know, you'll kill me and all zhat jazz. Vell tell me zhis, vhere vould you go after zhat?" Schneep interrupted.
"I can kill you, then use your body as a meat suit without any regrets or second thoughts." Anti shot back, shutting Schneep up instantly.
"Since you hit Marvin, he's weaker and unable to hide himself from me anymore. If he was just at the hospital you came from, then he couldn't have gotten far from there." Anti thought aloud, suddenly appearing outside of the hospital.
Schneep felt ill as Doctor Iplier jogged outside towards him, not noticing the knife in Anti's hand until too late.
Anti swung his knife at Doctor Iplier before the American could react, his chocolate brown eyes filled with shock, betrayal, and pain as the knife left a long horizontal cut along his neck.
Blood coursed down the doctor's white lab coat and looked around him as Anti walked off, Schneep sobbing as he fought to free himself from Anti's control.
"You can't win Henrik." Anti taunted, fresh blood dripping down the blade of his knife as he searched for Marvin.
Anti fell silent as the sound of sirens grew closer, the demon disappearing before reappearing inside Schneep's operation room.
"Fucking great, now hunters will be on my trail." Anti growled angrily, Schneep pounding on the walls of his mind as he cried for freedom.
"Fine, If I've already drawn attention to myself..." Anti trailed off as he waltzed out of the room with his knife raised.
"I might as well go big before I go home."
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