"You need to get out of here, Anti-"
"I know, he's been possessing you for days and torturing you, and it's all my fault. For that I am sorry. Also, sorry about earlier too when I bit you and scratched your leg, I'm generally not a fan of strangers, especially in cat form." Marvin apologized, wincing as he straightened.
"You're this Marvin guy that Anti's after?" Dean chimed in, Marvin looking at the male with a glimmer in his eyes.
"The one and only."
"LET ME OUT!" Anti roared in rage, Schneep pressing a hand to his head as he took a step back and squeezed his eyes shut.
"Don't worry, I can take care of him." Marvin assured Schneep, limping towards the German and pressing a hand on his forehead.
"Hello Anti, nice to see you again glitch bitch."
Schneep peered around in the darkness to find Marvin and Anti standing face to face, the demon's face lit up with a grin.
"About damn time, I knew you'd come back. Your emotions were your downfall, just like how they'll be the downfall for the rest of humanity." Anti sneered coldly.
"Leave him alone!" Schneep snapped, stepping in between the two.
"You stupid, stupid human! If you want me to leave, then get out of my way so I can take what's mine." Anti demanded in a dangerously calm tone.
"Henrik, I sold my soul to him for my powers seven years ago, and now my time's up. I appreciate everything you've done for me, but I'm just a stranger, I can't let you suffer more because of my mistakes." Marvin interjected gently.
"To me you are not a stranger, you're Zauber." Schneep countered fiercely, Anti roughly shoving him out of the way.
"I'm tired of you getting in my way!" Anti yelled as Schneep stumbled before hitting the ground, Marvin moving to intervene.
"Stay out of this, I'll deal with you later." Anti warned, the magician reluctantly staying back as Anti stormed towards Schneep.
Marvin pulled his hand away from Schneep's head as the German's eyes snapped open, two black orbs staring back at the magician.
"How the hell did that help exactly?" Dean questioned angrily as Anti turned to look at Dean with a grin.
Cas and Sam immediately appeared next to Dean as Anti strode forward towards him, Anti turning and punching Sam in the stomach before taking the knife out of his belt.
"Say goodbye."
Anti pressed the knife to his neck and dragged it across his skin in a horizontal line, creating a deep red gash with blood flowing out like a fountain as he laughed.
Marvin muttered something unintelligible under his breath as he tackled Anti to the ground, sending the knife skidding away from the demon.
"You're too late." Anti proclaimed victoriously, Marvin struggling to hold the demon's body down.
Marvin let go as Cas touched two fingers to Anti's forehead, black smoke pouring out of his mouth before he fell still.
"Cas, can you heal him?" Dean asked, gesturing to Schneep's wound.
Cas knelt down by Schneep and searched for the German's pulse before shaking his head, standing up with a grimace.
"I guess it's time for some magic then." Marvin spoke up, kneeling by Schneep and holding a hand over the wound.
His eyes glowed a brighter blue as a pale green magic engulfed his hand, stitching up the cut until it became a pale scar on Schneep's neck.
"What the hell?" Dean breathed in disbelief, Sam silently watching in shock.
Schneep gasped and opened his eyes as Marvin removed his hand, the magician slumping to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut.
"This isn't over, another demon will be sent soon to get Marvin's soul." Cas told Dean as Schneep sat up, noticing Marvin's body.
"Vhat happened? I-I thought I-"
"You did die, he just saved the life using his magic voodoo." Dean interrupted, Sam walking over and checking on the magician.
"He's alive, probably just exhausted by whatever it is he just did." Sam stated, grunting as he lifted Marvin up in his arms.
"Take him to our hotel room, I vill make sure he is actually okay." Schneep directed, Sam and Dean exchanging a look before doing as the German wanted.
Sam laid Marvin down on the bed Schneep was occupying that morning, Schneep taking a bottle of water out of the mini fridge.
Schneep carefully lifted up Marvin's mask and poured some of the contents into his mouth, the magician's face deathly pale and his lips almost colorless.
"You'll be okay mein Zauber, I vill make sure of it." Schneep promised Marvin softly as he covered the magician's face with the mask once more.
"You should take the other bed, I'll just use the fold up cot in the closet." Dean offered Schneep, the German shaking his head in response.
"No, I am fine with using zhe cot, you can take zhe bed." Schneep protested, Dean shrugging as he crashed on the second bed while Sam returned to the couch.
Schneep pulled the fold up cot out of the closet and set it up by Marvin's bed, telling the magician stories of the people he had saved in Germany until he felt his homesickness disappear and his eyes start to droop shut.
"Goodnight Zauber, sleep vell." Schneep whispered, falling asleep to the sound of the rhythmic breathing in the air from Sam and Marvin as well as Dean's snoring.
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