Chapter 30 Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune, Six of Pentacles, Two of Cups
Tim had the weekend to himself to go Christmas shopping. He hated online shopping because he had done it for the years he worked in the Pacific, so he was braving the crowds looking for the perfect gifts. Sheridan would have more toys than her room would hold. It made him happy, and he was grateful the house was a four bedroom so she could have her own playroom. Impulsively, he opened up the NannyWatch app on his phone as he waited to get a cup of overpriced coffee.
Sheridan sat next to her new stuffed cat, talking to it and stacking blocks like she had done at Cassandra's earlier in the week. She even called it Prissy. Reaching up, Tim adjusted the new hat on his head. He still wasn't used to it. It was slightly tighter than his old one, but he knew soon it would fit perfectly. The surprising gift made him feel something he hadn't in a long time. Suddenly, all of Cassandra's wonderful meals and chatty emails and their card games seemed to mean something more. He was falling in love with the curvy songstress, lured to her like a sailor sung to by a siren. Sheridan's tower of blocks fell, and she laid down with her head on the giant cat plush and squeezed its paw. Tim smiled knowing Cassandra was now singing to his granddaughter. He watched Tiana carry Sheridan out of sight and knew it was naptime.
Closing the app, he glanced down at the jeweler's cases beside the long coffee shop line. A gaudy ring with a yellow stone caught his attention and he knew exactly what he wanted to get Cassandra. Looking ahead at the line, he shook his head and stepped away. Walking out of the crowded mall, he paused at a small plus-size boutique seeing her favorite sunshine yellow. He walked straight to the rack. He had no idea what size she was as he looked through the silky yellow flowered dresses.
"Can I help you sir?"
He turned to look at the dark-skinned woman with her hair up in a wrap. "Yes, I need to figure out what size I need for my... friend?"
Her eyebrow went up, as she asked, "Friend, not girlfriend?" There was a slight judgement in her tone, and he knew what she was implying.
Instead of getting angry, Tim breathed in through his mouth and out through his nose before he answered, "Not yet, but I am hoping she will say yes." He looked the clerk up and down. "She's taller than you by about four inches, and her waist is." He held his hands in the measurement awkwardly then apologize for looking at her chest, "But she, forgive me, she is a little larger chested than you." He shifted uncomfortably as her gaze intensified.
"I meant no offense, ma'am. Grandma raised me not to disrespect women."
The woman looked at him oddly then her full lips curved upward. "Hon, with your manners, you can look all you want." She laughed when he blushed slightly, then she pulled two dresses off the rack. "Come here." She pointed at two mannequins. "Which size do you think she is?"
"Definitely not that one." He pointed at the slimmer figure first then looked at the other. "But maybe a little wider in the hips and chest than that one."
"That's a size eighteen, it's the largest one I can get but the measurements are on the small size, so I think your girl is an eighteen or twenty." She looked contemplatively at him. "Are you certain you want to buy the dress without her to try it on?"
"Yes, ma'am, she isn't able to handle large crowds in public places." He licked his lips as he thought about seeing Cassandra in sundresses. "Can we put them on this dummy?"
The clerk nodded and quickly redressed the mannequin. Tim studied it carefully, he was certain the eighteen was the right size now, but thinking about how Cassie's weight fluctuated since summer, he decided what he would do. "Can I buy two sizes?" He asked.
"You can't return it for a refund, only store credit," the clerk warned. "These are made from recycled Saris from India."
"I won't be returning either of them. They are her favorite color. I just want one she can wear in the summer too. She always loses weight in the winter and gains in the summer," he revealed surprised at how much he had noticed about her.
The clerk appraised him again. "What other size do you want? The twenty-two will be looser than the twenty."
"That will be fine," he agreed as she took the two slightly different dresses to the counter and boxed them separately.
She tipped her head, asking, "Do you need undergarments?"
"I'll let her get those. We aren't quite there yet," he admitted as he tapped his card.
"But you are in a place where you just bought her three hundred dollars-worth of one-of-a-kind silk dresses?" She smiled at him.
Tim grinned as he accepted the receipt. "She spent a thousand on my new hat." He tipped the brim at her. "Have a nice day, ma'am. Merry Christmas."
He felt lighthearted as he went back to his SUV and put the bags and boxes in the back. He headed to Black Bear, he knew exactly what he wanted to give her to go with the dress and he hoped the jeweler in the cassino town still had it. Parking in the VIP section he got a room for the night and went by his favorite poker tables.
"Hey, cowboy. You got a new hat." The dealer smiled at him. She was dealing Blackjack to four people. "Poker tourney starts at eight."
He tipped his hat at her. "I'll see you then." He went to his room and left his bag on the bed. He needed to iron his shirt for tonight, but first he needed to go to the jeweler's store across the street. He hurried before they closed. The cases held jewelry with stones of every color, but he walked straight to the yellow ones. Looking over the Citrine, golden Topaz, and yellow Sapphire jewelry, he didn't see the one he had seen before.
"Excuse me, do you have more necklaces? I am looking for one that has an oval citrine drop pendant, about 2.5 carats, with small round stones and diamonds."
The clerk interrupted, "You mean the Ross-Simons one?"
"Maybe?" He tipped his head at her.
She went into the back and came out with two of the necklaces he wanted. "You're lucky, they were going to be sent back after the holidays. It's on clearance."
"Lucky me," Tim grinned. He examined the stones expertly and picked the second one because it was lighter and had better clarity. The cost with the discount still made what he spent on Cassandra twice what she spent on him, but he knew he would win it back tonight at the poker table, so he wasn't worried. As she put it in a gift box, he could almost imagine it around Cassandra's neck. He also bought a yellow topaz honeybee charm and citrine ring bead for the bracelet he gave Molly years ago.
Back in his room he put the jewelry in the small safe then ironed his shirt. While he was out a bottle of his favorite bourbon was left in the room with a card from the floor manager. He'd drink at the table, so he decided to take the expensive bourbon to his cousin. There were perks to being a high roller. The restaurant was serving farm raised bison which he didn't enjoy as much as his family's red angus, but it was still good. Sitting at his usual table, he ordered the table maximum in chips as four other players sat down.
"Hello cowboy," a familiar voice greeted him. "How's work offshore?"
He smiled at the talent scout and answered, "Better now that I am home with my daughter and granddaughter."
"I see you got a new hat. Not afraid it will change your luck?" He asked as he unwrapped a cigar. Their usual drinks were set beside them.
"Nope," Tim responded with a grin. "You still..." He waved his hand around the table in case the other players didn't know.
"Yes, and I appreciate your discretion. Any way I can get you to join me? The offer still stands." He chewed his cigar while returning Tim's smile.
"Nope, I'm running my Grandpa's Ranch and have everything I could want in life except love."
The older man chuckled as they all placed their first chip on the felt. "Lucky at cards, unlucky at love."
"That's what the old timers say," Tim agreed then he glanced at the cards on the table. "I'm Tim."
"Call me Archie."
Twenty hands later and he had only won three. He was down nearly four thousand dollars. They had a break while two other players went to the restroom.
"Son, have you lost your touch?" The talent scout asked worriedly as Tim pulled off his hat and dropped it on the table then ran his hand through his blond hair.
"Just not getting the cards tonight," Tim admitted. He reached to put his hat on then looked at it and started laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"You know that old timer's saying?" Tim smirked as he held the cream fur-felt Stetson.
"A lady bought you the new hat?" Chewing his cigar, Archie grinned at him, "Looks like your luck is changing."
"Looks like it is." Smiling broadly, Tim put his hat back on and stood up. "Been a pleasure to play with you, Archie."
"You too, Tim. I was hoping you'd be the next Doyle Brunson, but looks like you've got other plans."
"Yes, sir, I do."
Tim handed two one-hundred dollar chips to the dealer, thanked her for the game and wished her a Merry Christmas. He cashed out and went up to his suite. It had cost him four thousand, six hundred, twenty dollars to figure out he might be getting lucky at love. With Selene married and starting a family with Tank, Tim hoped the curse she put on him was finally lifted. He knew he would have to be careful because Cassandra was as broken as they came. He logged into his NannyWatch app and turned up the volume. Sheridan was asleep in bed holding her kitty's paw. When the music song stopped, she squeezed it again. Tim fell asleep listening to Cassandra's voice too.
Two days before Christmas, Tim drove over to Cassandra's because the air was just too cold to ride. Snow from the last fall was still covering the ground and the only set of tracks were from Nick's truck. He put his hand on the boxes. His palm was sweating. It was the first time he had come to Cassandra's without Sheridan.
He parked and then lifted the boxes. Cassandra was standing beyond the tempered glass of her sunroom, staring at him in confusion. He smiled his best as he walked up to the porch. "Merry Christmas, Darlin'."
Cassandra stared at him in surprise as she held the door open. "You shouldn't have or are those for Nick and Erin too."
"Nope, there all for you." He handed the dress boxes to her. "Open these first."
She sat down with a bemused look and blinked back tears. She and Erin had never celebrated Christmas gifting while she was growing up and had only started doing it because Nick insisted. She trembled as she unwrapped the first of two boxes that were tied together with a wide golden ribbon. The silky dress inside was the colors of marigolds, sunflowers, and aspen leaves.
"Oh my gosh, it looks like a summer day." She breathed out happily as she glanced at the size. It would fit her.
"Do you like it?" He asked as Miss Priss sat beside him and purred loudly.
"I love it," Cassie gushed because she had never seen such a beautiful dress. She looked at Tim as he ran his large hand down the Maine Coon's back.
"I got you two," he revealed as he looked at the old cat with such affection, scratching under her chin. "One for now and one when you gain your weight back."
Cassie suddenly felt like cold water had been thrown on her. "My weight back?"
Tim looked up, worry clouded his eyes, "Your summer weight, you always gain a little in the spring and summer." Hurriedly he added, "It looks good on you."
He was confusing her. Handsome, mature men like Tim didn't like plus-sized women, did they? She looked down and opened the other box. The second dress was four sizes larger with more cream tones and pale yellows. It was more beautiful than the first. Tears leaked from her eyes. She couldn't seem to breathe in or think of anything to say.
"Oh, Darlin', don't cry. What's wrong?" Tim begged, moving to kneel on one knee in front of her.
"Y-you d-don't care that I'm obese?" Stammering, she choked on the last word.
"You're not obese," he refuted her, "You're full figured, and beautiful." He carefully cupped her face and made her look at him.
Through his glasses, Cassie could see the worry and sincerity in his tourmaline blue eyes. "Really?"
"Really. I realized something a few days ago. I can't play poker anymore. My luck has changed. I am no longer lucky at cards... I'm hoping it's because I'll be lucky at love." Tim leaned forward very slowly and kissed her.
Cassie couldn't believe what he was saying, her heart was beating so hard she thought she might be having a heart attack, but the dress boxes slid off her lap as she bent forward, kissing him back. It gave her a thrill like singing the perfect aria.
Tim broke the kiss because he felt like he would pass out from lack of air. His hands had dropped to her waist where his fingers pressed into the fleshy firmness. He wanted to explore every curve of her, but he knew he had to be gentle and patient. "I have one more gift for you."
"But I only bought you one gift," she murmured, staring at him with glassy eyes.
"Every meal you've cooked me is a gift. Every time we've played cards or just talked is a gift. You don't know how lonely I've been, Darlin'." Tim inhaled in through his mouth and out through his nose to try to calm his racing libido. He wanted to carry her into the bedroom, but they weren't there yet.
Cassie shudder with how he looked at her. No one had ever looked at her that way, not even Hjalm. She suddenly felt the absence of his hands at her waist as he reached over and picked up the smaller box. She never looked away from his eyes as he tore it open and put something cold and metal around her neck. She looked down when he did. The golden color of the afternoon sunlight laid at the top of her cleavage.
"Oh," she exhaled a squeak. "I can't... it's too much." She had never seen a more perfect piece of jewelry. Her hands shook as she touched it.
"You will... And on my birthday, we are going to have a proper date. You're going to wear this and one of your new dresses. We will have flowers and candlelight, and I will bring takeout from the best Italian place I know." Tim stood and pulled her to her feet. "Say yes, Cassandra."
She nodded shakily. Her fear was ranting, but she could barely hear it over the joyful cacophony of her heart. "Yes, Tim. I'd love to."
She chewed her lip for a moment then asked nervously, "You don't mind my weight?"
He slipped his arms around her and squeezed gently. "I think you're perfect." The breathy desire in his murmur made her kiss him. It lasted a very long time.
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