The Fallen*
*Slightly religious, just be cautious if you are offended easily.
Full name: Carnie Melodius
Age: Around 13,020, but on earth, she is currently eighteen.
Gender: Female
Personality: Carnie may be difficult to like at first - she's mean, stubborn and annoying at first glance - but once you get to know her, she's very likable. Carnie is fiercely protective of her friends, and she uses the phrase "You break their heart, I break your neck" a lot. When the people she cares for are accused or called out for doing something wrong, she is usually the one to take responsibility. Carnie is quite selfless when around her friends. She likes to be in charge of groups, or leading people. Carnie is also not very organized and tends to not have a schedule or plan.
Clothing: Carnie generally wears flowy shirts, normally short-sleeved ones. She likes light colors but will wear a few dark accessories to balance it out.
Species: Angel.
Power(s): Carnie doesn't receive as much damage as a normal human, and can withstand a lot of pain. She also heals a bit faster than normal. She is also stronger than her body would appear. Carnie can sometimes (VERY rarely) summon a bit of light from around her and direct it at a person, which is like using a mirror to direct a spot of sunlight into a person's eyes, which can blind them temporarily.
Weapon(s): Carnie can use almost anything around her as a weapon.
Spirit animal: Giraffe. With its long neck reaching into the heavens, the giraffe symbolizes the ability to obtain things that would normally be out of reach. When your life is chaotic, Giraffe reminds you to keep your head up and avoid getting entangled in needless arguments. Towering up to 18 feet tall, the Giraffe's only vulnerability is the need to put their head down to drink water. Thankfully this creature can withstand the lack of water for upwards of a month. In this aspect, giraffe's message becomes one of using our resources wisely and also keeping our feet on the ground without losing our higher perspective and guidance. While a giraffe may not look threatening, one swift kick can kill a predator. This is the way in which it protects its calves. This gives a giraffe the additional means of safety and strength in times of need.
Amulet: Three small, simple and gold rings. She wears the moon ring on her left ring finger, with the two star rings on her right ring and middle finger. They help keep her grounded, and she twists them when she's nervous or frustrated.
Marking(s): Two compasses, once smaller than the other, located on the back of her left hand.
(These are obviously fake, but just imagine them as tattoo-like marks.)
Strength(s): Loyalty to those she cares for. She also is very brave and good at comforting those who are upset and close to her.
Weakness(es): She can get in trouble a lot because of her rash comments. She generally doesn't have a plan either, so traps are something she could easily fall into if she isn't careful.
Fear(s): Abandonment (Which is why she pushes people away a lot), becoming blind, forgetting things. She is also fearful of facing God again, because of her backstory.
Family: Father - Unknown. Mother - Unknown. Siblings - Unknown.
Backstory: Carnie only remembers being in heaven. She believes she died and was sent to heaven, but doesn't really know. When she was in heaven, and finally turned 9,035 (Which is like turning 19, which is generally when you are finally your own person and able to become a full-fledged angel (Ages in heaven are kind of weird too, so it sounds kind of off.)) she earned her first set of wings - the smallest. While she earned her second set of the four, she slacked off and broke some rules. She continued to break rules, slowly accumulating a bad record, even when the wardens and caretakers warned her not to. After a long time, she finally crossed the line, and God punished her. First, he burned off her wings, leaving two small scars between her shoulder blades. Then, he threw her to earth (Literally), where she landed and broke multiple bones. She stayed in the hospital until she was able to move again, and started to work. Now she is eighteen and is looking for a good college to get a degree in law. Carnie now lives in an apartment with her friend and is enjoying her last year in high school.
Other: Carnie loves dogs. Carnie has had a few 'accidents'. These are instances when she experiences extreme pain and accidentally sends out a small glow.
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