#14: Homura
"Sheesh, I can't believe the start of the Tokyo's Finest event is so close." Akira said, letting out a sigh of happiness. "I can't wait for Homura to prove we're the best! Maybe then she'll finally kick me in the nuts!" He exclaimed, stuffing his bag with some of his clothes.
"The fact that you enjoying her punishments turned into a shield against it envies me and the rest of the guys. We can't fake it so only you can get away with doing shit and not getting a nutshot after it." Emon grunted, tossing his folded clothes into his open bag. "You should fold your clothes or else your bag won't close."
"Ah please, that's all urban myth, I've done this plenty of times." The white haired boasted. "This ain't my first rodeo, cowboy."
"Never say that again or I'll use my katana to cut off what you want Homura to kick." Emon said, his eyes covered by shadow as he slowly drew his katana.
"I-i'm sorry man, why did you even agreed to buy one?!"
"Ask Hikaru."
"Asking Hikaru for an answer is like asking a tree why it barked-"
"Never open you mouth again!" Kaminari exclaimed, throwing one of his sneakers at Akira's face. "Not for puns that don't make any sense!"
"Sorry..." Akira muttered as he rubbed his face.
"We're already packed. If you two want a ride home, then hurry up." Bruno said, looking at his watch.
"Say no more!" Akira grabbed his bags and ran past his room's door.
"I'm also ready. What about Saki?" Emon asked.
"Homura's doing her usual. Looking at the sky from the garden. She's probably trying to clean her mind for monday." Bruno explained. "Now hurry up, my car won't wait forever."
"You're the driver."
"Homura, we're leaving. Want a ride back to town?" Kaminari asked, stepping into the main room of the house.
As per usual, Homura laid on her sidr over the wooden panks between the room and the inner garden, staring at the sky. "No. Now go."
"Are you-"
"I'll kick your balls into another dimension if I hear your voice before monday." Homura warned, grititng her teeth.
Kaminari prepared to speak, but instead nodded and went to join the three other boys outside the house. He looked at them and shrugged. "She gave me the attitude. Probably stressed because of the event."
"Probably. You know how Saki is." Emon said. 'Stressed? Maybe. But not for the event, but for whether or not she can keep playing for any longer. With each fight she has, she loses more interest in the game. If Ryuuga isn't the opponent that defeats her feeling of doubt, then she'll become a husk of what she's now.'
Akira snapped his fingers in front of Emon's face. "Hey Emon, wake up, we gotta hurry up or else we'll get caught on the afterwork rush hour. Dumb parents picking up their dumb kids will become nightmare fuel for a traffic jam!"
"Hm? Yeah, I'm going."
It started with a dream a student fresh out of high school had one random night. His name was Daiki Saki, who was eighteen years old at the time. He dreamed of one day opening up his own card shop, which he'd call Hot Sauce, a joke about how his family name, Saki, sounded like the word 'sake', and how in an anime series he had watched when he was younger, one character had a sake business, though in a censored version of the episode for american audiences, it was replaced by hot sauce.
However, there was a catch to young Daiki's dream. He was just your regular teenager, who had graduated from high school some days ago. Never before had Daiki ever wanted something in life, any ambition he had was something of a small scale, like buying a certain video game or going out with some special girl, so out of excitment for his dream, he enrolled in college, more specifically in economics so that he could, one day, open his Card Shop Hot Sauce.
Over the five years he had of college, he also took classes in corporate businessmanship, gaining enough knowledge to one day score an office work if his dream failed, and met two people who'd impact his life somehow. The first was one the guys in his class and also his drinking buddy, Ryuzaki Mikazuchi, who despite being smart, knew little to nothing in how to manage a company; the second was Maeko Hirabayashi, a girl of orange hair who studied in the same college as him and who'd one day become his wife.
Daiki graduated from college in the year 2023, being regarded as the seventh best student of his class and the sixteenth best student of his year. The next thing on his list was opening his card shop, though that failed miserably. The shop was never opened or created as a whole. Daiki lacked the funding for it and most banks refused to loan the amount needed for everything. In the end, Daiki ended up taking a job as an office worker for a company in downtown Tokyo. In the year 2028, he married Maeko, and in 2031, Daiki and Maeko had their two daughters, twins in fact. The first one was called Homura while the second one, born three minutes after Homura, was named Kanao.
Two months after the children were born, during one of his nights out with his work friends, Daiki came across Ryuzaki, who had been successful in opening his company and who had been a father about a year before Daiki. Ryuzaki offered Daiki a corporate job in his own company, something he accepted and a job he'd do until 2045.
Growing up, Homura and Kanao were close to their father, despite him working a tiresome corporate job. He always found time to be with his children, even if it included asking Ryuzaki to let him go earlier. It was their connection that lead the two to Vanguard, a game their dad started playing in middle school and had kept playing over the years. Afterall, it was Vanguard which sparked his dream. Kanao wasn't the greatest of players, but she enjoyed helping in anyway she could. As for Homura, she won her first game at the age of eight, the same game had been her first fight ever. She picked the Narukami clan for one reason: the units looked fierce and brave. Homura quickly grew to love the game and had been playing ever since, giving it always her best and never going easy on anyone.
It was during his day off where Daiki told his daughters about the dream he once had. Homura's reaction was spontaneous. She jumped off her seat with her fists up and spoke words that would change her father.
'I'll give my absolute best at Vanguard, so you'll give your absolute best at following your dreams! We'll all help!'
Throughout the following six years, the Saki household began saving up money to one day open the card shop. Kanao, who had gained the bad habit of swearing alot during her middle school years, filled many swear jars; Homura skipped certain sets to save up money for the card shop; Daiki and Maeko saved from money from their monthly payments, all so that one day, they could accomplish Daiki's dream.
It was in 2045, when Homura was only fourteen years old, that the final piece of the puzzle was set. Ryuzaki called Daiki to his office, placed a letter in front of him and said some words.
'I won't have my drinking pal be one of those depressed corporate slaves, not in this company. Daiki, you're fired. Now go add that cash to your savings and open that damn card shop.'
Months later, Daiki opened Card Shop Lightning Train, a name created by his family, turning the card shop that was previously his own dream into the dream of the family. And it was the opening of Lightning Train that turned Homura into what she is today. It was because her father never gave up and gave his all to accomplish his dream that she gives her best in Vanguard. She isn't able to go easy on someone, she isn't able to give up, all she can always do is go 200% against any opponent. With that mentality, Homura kept her winning record clean and unchangeable. She hadn't lost a fight in ages. Not giving her best would be an insult to the man she looked up to, to her father.
But never losing lead to never finding a good opponent. Every opponent was similar. No matter how good they were, they were like bland food for Homura. She finds joy in giving her best, but that is just a temporary thing. What she needed to find was an opponent that would push her beyond her limits. But her choices were very limited and she never found that opponent, leading her to consider many times to give up on Vanguard, something she tried her best to stray away from as it would be an insult towards her family. That was what she felt.
In the year 2047, Bruno Ghirga joined the Fukushima Royalty, and one year later, in 2048, the three students who came from Heiwa Academy joined the Royalty. Emon Kiba, Izuku Akira and Han Kaminari. Fighting them was good while it lasted, but after that, everything returned to the same. However, Homura found an out to her situation. An opponent that could change this. That opponent was Ryuuga Sawada. But even when against an opponent like Ryuuga, there was still the chance of nothing changing. What if she won and returned to her usual state of not finding any opponent good enough? What if Ryuuga wasn't enough? Those questions, and many others, created doubt in Homura's heart, doubt that lead her to where she now stood.
Homura stood in front of a card shop located in the bottom floor of a building. Over the door was a sign reading "Card Shop Lightning Train" with the 'Lightning Train' part stylied to look like the tracks where a train would run. The entrance door was right in the middle, between two windows with booster boxes, cards and even figurines in display.
"I'm coming in." Homura announced, stepping into the card shop. At the time, it was still empty, which was confusing at first. The sun was already setting, and today being especially a friday, the place would have been packed by now. "Where is-"
"Hell yeah, you came bitch~~~!"
Homura shivered. "That swearing... Kanao..."
Kanao, Homura's sister, hugged from behind. Kanao bared little to no difference when compared to Homura. They had the same height, the same face and even the same bust size. The only thing that could tell them apart, besides their clothes, Kanao being dressed with a plain white shirt and black skirt under her blue apron, and personality, was their hair. While Homura had her orange hair long and wild, Kanao had hers straightened and shorter than her sister's. "Fuck yeah, you stopped by bitch~~!"
Homura's left eye twitched every time her younger sister swore. "K-kanao... For the love of god, stop the swearing..."
"Hey hey, my shitty ass swear jar was one of the biggest factors in opening this store, you should be happy that I say bitch fuck shit cock and balls so much!" Kanao pouted.
Homura's left eye kept twitching as she freed herself from her sister's grasp. "I'd kick your balls if you had any!"
"I do have balls and they're the same size as yours."
"Not that type of balls! Just- Where's dad!?"
"He went to get popcorn and drinks. We're having a movie night on the shop, hence why no one's around yet. You know how dad is when it comes to doing cool things like this for the community."
Homura sighed. "Yeah, I know he is. And he kept you in command for who's sake?"
"He did it because I'm the best at overwatching this store, bitch~~!"
"I find it weird that you're the only person able to call someone a bitch in an actual sweet way." Homura deadpanned.
"It's the Kanao Effect!"
"It's the annoying effect." Homura sweatdropped.
"Damn bitch, you're a giant meanie!"
"STOP SWEARING ALREADY!" Homura yelled as she scratched her head. "You can be so much more annoying that the guys at my Royalty....."
"And I get away with it since you can't nutshot me!"
"I am aware of that!"
"Let's fight!" Kanao exclaimed, pulling out a pink deck box.
"Huh...?" Homura tilted her head. "Why?"
"You silly bitch, I can read you like an open book. I know you came here because you're uncertain about something, it's written all over your face!"
"I... Will you stop swearing..?"
"I promise!"
"Huh... Sure, what the hell."
"Yay, bitch~~~!" Kanao clapped her hands.
"You just said you wouldn't swear! That's it, we're not fighting anymore." Homura declared, sitting down.
"Wait noooo!"
"I have made up my mind."
"Then I won't talk to you again!" Kanao pouted and sat down in front of Homura with her arms crossed. "Hmph!" She expressed.
Homura looked at the window, tapping the table with her knuckles.
"Hmph!" Kanao expressed louder.
Continuing the silence treatment she was giving to her sister, Homura pulled out her phone and started looking through a boxing news website.
"I said hmph!"
Homura chuckled at her phone, not paying a single bit of attention to her little sister.
"Hey, I'm ignoring you! Stop ignoring me ignoring you!"
"So long for never talking to me again." Homura laughed.
"Why you- Hmph!" Kanao crossed her arms once again, pouting harder than before. "What is it this time? What are you doubting?"
"Will this event make a difference?" Homura softly spoke, stepping out of the fierce and angry persona everyone saw her as. "I don't know what will happen... I want to believe that fighting Ryuuga will make me fall in love with Vanguard again but I doubt it every single time I think about it... And that is all I can think about!"
"Sister, your life is messy."
"No shit, Sherlock!"
"Oh so you can swear and I can't? Why?!"
"I'm older!"
"By three minutes!"
"It still counts!"
"Dammit, this is so unfair!"
"Welcome to the real world."
"HMPH!" Kanao expressed louder than before, crosiing her arms and pouting harder than she ever did before.
"Stop doing that! Why do you 'Hmph' so much?" Homura asked.
"Because I'm your younger sister, it's my duty to be your personal tsun-tsun bitch~~!"
"Can we just get back to my issues for one second?"
"What if I told you we were always talking about-"
"Them? Yeah, no."
"Okay, okay, I'll focus now, even though I don't have to because I know you. This isn't the first time you came across that 'certain opponent' who might pull you out of our loop. Whenever this happens, you start overthinking about whether or not it will make a difference or not and you're scared that you'll eventually end up quitting Vanguard. And you think that is like insult dad and his dream, that's why you're always so secretly afraid of never finding that one opponent." Kanao explained. "See? It's always same shenenigans. It's all mental."
"You're not a great helper, you know that?" Homura said, staring at her sister with a blank face.
"I know. So let's cardfight instead!" Kanao smiled.
"Cardfighting isn't the answer for everything, Kanao."
"I know but I like helping so I'll help you wth a fight! Genesis got support so I can actually be more of a challenge now!"
Homura looked at Kanao and sighed, reaching out for a deck box. "Alright fine, but just because I know you'll help me as much as a door would."
"Death to doors." Kanao coughed.
"What? Oh well, since we're already on a table, we can fight right now!" Kanao exclaimed as she took her deck out of deck box.
Homura narrowed her eyes at her sister and shook her head, smiling a bit. 'You're the same dumb dumb as per usual.' She thought, taking out her own deck and setting down a starting vanguard. "Are you sure you want this? You know who I am and what I can do."
"I know, I've slept in the same bed as you before." Kanao replied, sticking her tongue out to mock Homura.
"H-hey, that's not funny and it's a weird thing to do after that weird thing you said!" She replied, shaking her head quickly.
Kanao laughed and placed down her shuffled deck. "It was just a fucking joke, bitch~~~! Don't pay much attention to that shit."
"Can you not swear for five minutes..." Homura muttered, placing down her deck aswell.
"Oh fuck no. Swearing is life, swearing is god! Swearing beats Shinto as a religion!" Kanao exclaimed, drawing herself five cards and placing all of them in the bottom of the deck. "I don't want to see that hand ever again."
Homura sighed and draw five cards aswell, returning two and drawing other two. "I'm good. You know I won't go easy on you."
"But I love it when you go hard on me, big sister~~!"
"Hehe." Kanao giggled. "I'm taking you out of your confort zone, silly. Only I can tease you, that's what makes me a special opponent. Stand up, my bitchy vanguard~~! Aiming for the Stars, Artemis! (6000)" Kanao's vanguard circle expanded pink.
"Stand up, the vanguard! Varit Dracokid! (6000)" Homura exclaimed, her vanguard circle exploding thunderous yellow.
"Oopsie daisy, it's my turn. Ride! Astraia of Vast Sky! (7000) Drawing with Artemis, then with Astraia, and then I botdeck one hand card. Since I rode Astraia, I also soulcharge two. Turns endsies."
Hand: 6
Soul: 3
Damage: 0
Hand: 5
Damage: 0
"Stand and draw! I ride Demolition Dragon! (8000) Varit's skill, draw! Demolition at the vanguard! (8000)"
"No guardsies." Kanao tilted her hit. "Spank me harder, big sister! Make me your little bitch~~~!"
Homura's left eye started twitching again as she grinned, not out of enjoyment for what Kanao said, but out of being pissed beyond what she thought was her limit but the words her sister spoke. "I'm going to kill you after this, Kanao! Drive check! (Rising Phoenix)"
"Damage checkies! (Prometheus of Dancing Lights) Oh man, there goes my husbando~~!"
"I- I draw one with Demolition and end my turn..." Homura sighed. "You're broken beyong repair..."
Hand: 6
Soul: 3
Damage: 1
Hand: 8
Damage: 0
"I-kno-ow-bi-tch~~~! Ride my husbando! Prometheus of Dancing Lights! (10000) Promy-kun' skill, I look at the top two cards of my deck and place one into the soul whilst the other one stays on top. Then I call this bad bitch! Suadela of Loving Auspices! (7000) Her skill, rest her to give Promy-kun 10k! (10000>>20000) Then my next soulblast gets it's cost reduced by two, which means I can call upon this badder bitch! Battle Maiden, Sahohime! (9000) I counterblast and soulblast none to draw two cards. Let's see... I'll put Talisman Angel into the soul and power up Sahohime by 5k. (9000>>14000) Promy-kun, attack her vanguard! (20000)"
"No guard!"
"Drive checksies. (Battle Maiden, Kukurihime - Critical) Oh look, a critical trigger. Of course I'll make Promy-kun go critical and give the power to one his bad bitches Sahohime. (20000>>20000/2) (14000>>24000)"
"Grr, damage check! (Detonix Drill Dragon) (Supreme Army Eradicator, Zuitan)"
"Sahohime, show her how bad of a bitch you are! (24000)"
"Rising Phoenix, two of them! (28000)"
"Oh snap, that was a fat guard. Turn endsies!"
Hand: 6
Soul: 6
Damage: 1
Hand: 6
Damage: 2
"Stand and draw! I'll get my revenge for everything you said and will hit you hard!"
"That's the only way I like for you to hit me, big sister!" Kanao cried.
"Wait- Dammit, I was tricked again! I ride Fiendish Sword Eradicator, Chou-ou! (9000) I counterblast and bind Sahohime!"
Kanao placed her rear-guard in her bind zone. "Goodbye, my bad bitch."
"Since one of your cards was bound, the skills of my two Rising Phoenix in the drop zone activate! They are both brought back with a 3k boost! (8000>>11000) (8000>>11000) Chou-ou attacks the vanguard! (8000)"
"Oopsie daisy, Kukurihime says no maisy! (24000)"
"That isn't a real word and you know it." Homura said as she flipped the top card of her deck face up. "It's Gaiban, the attack doesn't hits. Boosted by Phoenix, Phoenix! (11000>>22000)"
"No guardsies. (Perseus of Probity) Not another husbando! Oh life, why must you be so cruel..." Kanao sniffed.
"That's the way! Turn end!"
Hand: 5
Soul: 6
Damage: 2
Hand: 7
Damage: 2
"Stand and draw! I will now ride the baddest bitch of them, but since I'm placing her over Promy-kun, he will be the one riding her! Let's go, bitch~~~~! Oracle Queen, Himiko! (13000)" Kanao's vanguard circle exploded pink. "Imaginary Gift, Force II! I give this extra critical to the extra thick bitch in my vanguard circle! (13000>>13000/2)"
"You're worse than guys..."
"I don't caresies. Calling upon the power of the husband Perseus of Probity! (13000) And I call the bad bitch Suadela once again! (7000) Resting her and throw 10k to make Himiko thicker! (13000>>23000) My next soulblast is also reduced by two! Himiko's thick skill activates! I soulblast three and throw Talismas Angel onto the bottom of the deck to activate it's trigger effect twice! I give the power to Himiko and Perseus whilst drawing two cards! (13000>>23000) (23000>>33000) I call Spirit Soul Sorcerer, Croot! (13000) I use the skill of the incel sorcerer! I soulcharge five cards! I have a soul as thick as Himiko now! Crotus, attack the Chou-ou with your incel wand and make him an incel too!"
"Hear yourself for once, Kanao! I guard with Zuitan! (14000)"
"Himiko, give big sister your thick sticky hot blast attack! (33000>>40000/2)"
"Tch, no guard!"
"Twin drivesies! (Oracle Queen, Himiko) (Suadela of Love Auspices) The ultime bad bitch combo!"
"Damage check! (Eradicator, Gauntlet Buster Dragon) (Wyvern Guard, Guld - Draw) I got a draw trigger! I give the power to Chou-ou and draw! (19000)"
"Right on cue. Persy-kun attacks! I counterblast to draw two and put a card from hand into the soul. (23000)"
"Malevolent Djinn! (34000)"
Kanao pouted and crossed her arms. "Hmph! Turn endies."
Hand: 6
Soul: 9
Damage: 2
Hand: 6
Damage: 4
"Stand and draw! This is it Kanao, I'M ENDING IT AND YOUR ANNOYANCE RIGHT HERE AND NOW!"
"Yay, big sister is going to give it to me!" Kanao cheered.
"The main fister! Fist me, big sister!"
"Imaginary Gift, Accel II! I draw! I'll call Zuitan (9000) and Gaiban (7000) over my lane of Phoenix! The Phoenix are gone. Now I use Gauntlet Buster's ability! THUNDER BARRAGE! I counterblast and drop a Rising Phoenix to bind your front row rear-guards!"
Kanao bound Perseus and Crotus. "Goodbye Persy-kun, Crotus the incel, I will only miss one of you!"
"And that's not all, I move Suadela up! Zuitan's skill! When a rear-guard is bound, give himself and all Gauntlet Busters on my field 5k! Two units were bound, so make that 10k! (9000>>19000) (12000>>22000) And since a rear-guard was bound, my three Rising Phoenix are brought back with a 3k boost! (8000>>11000) (8000>>11000) (8000>>11000) I call Dragonic Deathscythe! (9000>>14000) I soulblast two and bind the front row Suadela!"
"Not my bad bitch..." Kanao cried as she bound her unit.
"Add 3k! (14000>>17000) Zuitan's skill, power up himself and the vanguard even more! (19000>>24000) (22000>>27000) And now, my favourite part! THUNDER BARRAGE CHARGING RAMPAGE! For each open rear-guard circle in your front row, Gauntlet Buster gains 5k and one critical! (27000>>37000/3) BATTLE! Boosted by Rising Phoenix, Gauntlet Buster attacks! THUNDER BARRAGE RAIGEKI! (37000>>48000/3)"
"Hai, haiiiiiii no guardsies." Kanao softly spoke.
"TWIN DRIVE! (Fiendish Sword Eradicator, Chou-ou) No trigger! (Malevolent Djinn - Critical) Critical trigger! Power to Phoenix, critical to the VANGUARD! (48000>48000/4) (11000>>21000)"
"Haiiiiiii! (Oracle Queen, Himiko) (Goddess of Self-sacrifice, Kushinada - Draw) To the bad bitch Himiko! (23000) (Perseus of Probity) Persy-kun! (Prometheus of Dancing Lights) PROMY-KUN NO WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! HOMURA YOU BITCH WHYYYYY!" Kanao cried.
"Because I'm the best." Homura said with a smirk, crossing her arms. "Although... The question still remains."
"That is true! What did you learn from this fight?" Kanao asked.
"That I need to burn your Citrus collection." Homura deadpanned.
"Only if you were my older step sister, but you're my twin sister older by three minutes. What else did you learn?"
"That I must keep fighting, or else I'll bring dishonour to our family's dream!" Homura declared, proudly, getting from her chair and pacing her right hand over her heart.
"Hmmmmmmmmm." Kanao hummed, smiling with her eyes closed. Then she bursted. "HOMURA YOU DUMB BITCH, YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO LEARN THAT YOU SHOULD FIGHT FOR WHAT YOU, NOT TO HONOUR THE DREAM!"
"And you should learn that I don't like when you swear."
"I- Huh?"
"Come here you...!"
"H-homura what are you-" Kanao was pulled out her chair by Homura before she could finished her question, and then, Homura proceeded to declare war on Kanao by tickling her. "H-H-H-H-H-HOMURA YOU D-D-D-D-D-DUMB BITCH I H-H-H-H-HATE Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-YOUUUUUUUUU!"
"THAT IS WHAT YOU GET FOR NOT WATCHING YOUR PROFANITY!" Homura exclaimed, grinning at her sister's screams.
"M-MERCY MERCY MERCYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" Kanao cried until Homura freed her. After a pause to get a hold of her breath, Kanao pulled a list and some money out of her apron's pocket and handed it her older sister.
"What's this?"
"Things for you to buy for the movie night and money. Since you're here, you're off with supermaket duty. Hehe, I said duty." Kanao chuckled.
Homura stared at Kanao but eventually chuckled too. "Hehe, you said duty. Alright, I'm off to buy whatever is on this list. See ya soon, Kanao." She said, stepping outside the door.
"I hope you punish me hard when you get back and drill me with your special card, big sister!" Kanao moaned as the shop's doors started closing.
"Why you little-" But before Homura could finish, the doors clsoed on her face. She just sighed and started heading off towards the local supermarket.
In the path from Lightning Train to the supermaket, Homura walked through one of Japan's best known locations, the riverside hills. She looked at the river as she walked, surprised by how shiny the water, when reflecting the sunset, looked. But in the midst of glancing at the river, she noticed one thing. One single thing that she thought never to see. There was a bench on the bottom of the grassy hill, and the one sitted in one of the bench's ends was her soon-to-be opponent, Ryuuga Sawada, whom she recognized from the hair knot behind his head.
"Ryuuga..." Homura looked around to see if he was waiting for someone, but once she confirmed that he was there alone, she started walking down the grassy hill and sat down on the opposite side of the bench.
"It all got screwed up. She opened her eyes and then opened mine. It was a relationship that had almost no base to stand." Ryuuga said, looking out at the river.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's fine. I'm not going to blame you or anyone else." Ryuuga scratched the back of his neck and untied his hair. "The way the water reflects the sunset sure is pretty."
Next Week-
#15: Grieving
MINI SOUL: "Opening a second Lightning Train"
Daiki: I think I wanna open a second shop. *places down a swear jar*
Kanao: *exists*
Daiki: *buys a second shop*
Homura: Hmmm.... I want to buy steel boxing gloves for better nutshots. *places a down swear har*
Kanao: *exists*
Homura: *buys steel boxing gloves* Too easy.
Akira: :gasm:
Ryuzaki: This chapter is-
Kanao: I call Ryuuga a boomer next week.
Ryuzaki: I want her face in every Spiral Soul promotional image out there.
Ryuuga: *blinking guy meme*
This week's meme is brought to you by Maeko, Homura and Kanao's mom, doing a Yoda.
This is the pain of good work ethic. I haven't done much progress in my ero/romcom journey... I havent started any show to be honest. I started watching Kamen Rider Fourze and its quite good. Poor Genny thought he was gonna get lucky in episode 2 but what can you do. But yeah, next week is the volume finale, start sending your questions for QnA #3. Next volume is the final volume of the Tokyo's Finest arc, big hype.
Hikaru: I like the way Kanao talks. Genesis units are really bad bitches.
Kanao: Yeah bitch.
Ryuzaki: The word bitch has been sued a total of 30 times in this chapter, most of them by Kanao. Also the best development I've gotten throughout the years is this chapter explaining that Im also a normal guy, I had to go to college before starting Ryuzaki & Co. So calm down, suckas. Im a normal corporate guy with my corporate sleeves. For legal reasons thats a joke.
My name is Shida, thanks for reading and I will see you later. Bye bye!
EDIT: My main dude Fox has released the first volume of Generations, his own Vanguard story in the V part of the CCEU! Go check it out.
Ryuuga: Welcome aboard, Yuuto. Prepare your ass to get lynched.
Sakate: Yuu-kun!
Kaido: You have daddy issues.
Oh yeah also-
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