Checkmate 9: Traitor
❝𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓐𝓬𝓮? 𝓜𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓸𝓵.❞
"It's weird that it's really quiet here.." Kazane said, walking along the observation deck.
"I mean, this is a tall building." Junji replied.
"I guess you have a point."
She sighed, continuing the boring walk.
"But seriously, not even a single student is here. Could this be a restricted area?"
"Possibly, but I'm guessing the only restricted area is the staff room or some sort."
"Have you went to skytree before?"
"When I was younger, I did. It was a White Flower event celebrating their 16th season."
"Was it true that they surpassed Your Villain Academia?" Kazane's face lit up.
"According to Soggyroll."
"Remember how the animations were terrible-"
"But it was one to remember."
The two Brilliance members laughed before the sound of footsteps could be heard from a mile away after a short while.
"I think we're not alone anymore.." Kazane muttered monotonously.
A black hooded figure peeked out from the corner, letting out a cackle, she started sprinting away.
"HEY YOU-" Kazane chased after the figure.
"Kazane wait-" Junji was about to ran after her.
"JUNJI! We need your help at floor 15!" A member from Brilliance called from a distance.
He stopped in his tracks turning his head to the member before back to where he was going to head to. Kazane was already gone by the time he did.
"I'll be there, lead me the way."
The boy responded with a nod as they both sprinted.
'Be on your guard, Kazane.'

(Opening here)
Kazane darted up the stairs and slammed the door open. Panting, she looked around the view.
"Already at the roof.. Nowhere to run now." The figure closed the door.
"I need answers now! Who are you?"
"Why, isn't it obvious?" She walked facing towards Kazane.
Everything clicked for her.
"Sakayanagi.." She narrowed her eyes.
"It's nice to finally see you in person, Kazane."
"You don't call me that, it's Ace to you."
"Going with the formalities now? I thought you were supposed to be the laid back of the bunch."
"It's different with you."
Sakayanagi took out a glass rainbow Bishop chess piece.
"Oh, how about now?"
"How did you-"
"I have my ways. Fight me and you'll get your reward."
"And if I don't?"
"I'm not giving you a choice."
"I don't even have the chess pieces!" Kazane walked straight to the door only to find that it couldn't be opened. It felt like, someone was holding it.
"You're indeed a terrible liar. Running away from your problem? That isn't like you at all. Tell you what, if you defeat me. I'll leave you and the school alone."
"Fine, but another condition from myself. I get to unmask you." Kazane turned around with a smirk.
"That's a deal." She chuckled.
Sakayanagi and Kazane settle down their decks on a table. Standing across each other, the two girls turned over their first vanguard.
"Stand Up Vanguard!"
"Stand Up The Vanguard!"
The two turned over their starting cards face up.
(Play the music)
"Mecha Trainer! (6000)"
"Silver Thorn Assistant, Ionela! (6000)"
"Pale Moon? How does it feel after Dorianne got hit?" She cackled.
Sakayanagi ignored her question drawing a card.
"I ride Silver Thorn Assistant, Irina. (8000) I'll draw one card because of Ionela. My turn is done."
Hand: 6
Soul: 1
Damage: 0
Hand: 5
Soul: 0
Damage: 0
"I draw, riding Wonder Boy! (8000) I draw with Trainer's skill and get a quick shield. Wonder Boy swings in!"
"Go ahead."
"Drive check! (Provoke Needle)"
"Damage. (Silver Thorn, Breathing Dragon)"
"I'll end it there."
Hand: 6
Soul: 1
Damage: 1
Hand: 7
Soul: 1
Damage: 0
"I'll draw, I ride Silver Thorn Marionette, Lilian. (9000) Irina's ability, checking the top 3 cards of my deck, putting two into the soul. (Purple Trapezist. Silver Thorn Breathing Dragon) putting the other to the bottom of the deck, draw. Lilian's ability, I'll pay a counterblast to search my deck for a Luquier, and put it into the soul. Calling Romy, her ability." She rest the card and slide it into the soul. Looking at the top 3 cards of the deck she only put Silver Thorn, Rising Dragon to the soul. "Attack. (9000)"
"No guard."
"Checking the drive trigger. (Hoop Magician) a front trigger, what a shame. (19000)"
"At least that's one out of the way. (Sonic Breaker) I spoke too soon-"
"Fufu, turn end."
Hand: 7
Soul: 5
Damage: 1
Hand: 7
Soul: 1
Damage: 1
"Stand and draw, riding Powerback Renaldo! (10000) his skill, I counterblast and put a card from my hand to the soul, checking the top 2 cards. Enter the field, Offensive Punter! (8000) I'll end it there."
Hand: 7
Soul: 5
Damage: 1
Hand: 6
Soul: 3
Damage: 1
"Damage denying me won't help you." She drew a card. "With the thundering crack of her whip, she brings all dragons down to their knees. I ride, Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier! (12000) Imaginary Gift, Accel II. I draw a card, calling Irina (8000 > 13000) and Comicality Chimera (12000) Luquier attacks Renaldo. (12000)"
"No guard!"
"Twin drive. (Silver Thorn Conjurer, Romy. Silver Thorn Beast Tamer, Shayda.) No triggers."
"Damage check! (General Seifried)"
"Irina. (13000)"
"Quick Shield Ticket do your thing! (15000)"
"Useless move, I'm highly disappointed." Sakayanagi taunted with a smirk.
"It doesn't matter, I'll end your scheme and finally unmask you, Sakayanagi."
"It's a shame that won't happen. Do you want to know why?"
"Shut up! I don't need some kind of lecture from someone like you. I know what's best for myself."
"That's exactly your flaw, your pride always gets you. Comicality Chimera attacks the vanguard. With his ability, I can soulblast adding Irina to the soul, I countercharge and this attack adds another 5000. (17000)"
"You don't know me! (Cheer Girl, Marilyn) draw trigger, all effects to Ronaldo! (25000)"
Sakayanagi chuckled, her eyes stared at Kazane's.
"Pride, something hard to build and easily crushed. Like a promise if you will."
Kazane gritted her teeth.
"Are you done?"
"Why of course."
Hand: 8
Soul: 7
Damage: 1
Hand: 7
Soul: 3
Damage: 3
"Stand and draw, If you can't push it through might as well crush it! I RIDE THE ULTIMATE JUGGERNAUT DEADHEAT BULLSPIKE! (13000) Imaginary Gift, Force! I'll put it in the vanguard circle. (13000 > 23000) I call two Provoke Needle! (10000), Commander Gary Gannon! (8000) and another Offensive Punter! (8000) with a boost from Punter, Bullspike! I'll soulblast to add an additional skill and power! (33000)"
"Go right ahead."
"Twin drive! (Silence Joker) a critical trigger, the critical to Bullspike and the power goes to my left Needle. (Spike Bouncer)"
"Damage. (Purple Trapezist. Hades Hypnotist) a draw trigger, the power obviously goes to Luquier. (22000)"
"Punter's skill, I draw a card and put him to the bottom of the deck. Right Needle, supported by Gary Gannon! Bullspike's skill, soulblast and pass! Needle's skill, whenever there's a force marker on him, he gets 10000 power. (30000 > 38000)"
"Shayda. Her ability, since I have more than 4 Silver Thorn cards in the soul add 15000 power to Luquier. (37000) I'll add Lilian. (42000)"
"Since the attack didn't hit, I get to draw a card and retire Chimera! Left Needle! Skill, soulblast, pass! (48000)"
"I won't guard that. (Comicality Chimera)"
"Turn end."
Hand: 7
Soul: 8
Damage: 4
Hand: 6
Soul: 3
Damage: 3
"Let me ask you something then Sakayanagi."
"What?" She drew a card.
"You told me of how prideful I am, but have you looked in the mirror?"
"You're just stubborn, I think it's time you learn your lesson about the difference of pride and ambition. It's time for the final encore. Persona ride, Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier! (12000) Imaginary gift, Accel I! Luquier's ability, counterblast 2, discarding a card. The time has come, Silver Whip Revelation! Luquier! (22000) Rising Dragons! (14000) (9000) Breathing Dragon! (8000) Lillian! (9000) Irinas! (8000) Luquier and Rising Dragon gains an extra 10000 an addition, add 3000 to the front row! (27000) (22000) (25000) (12000) (25000)"
"This is fine." Kazane thought biting her bottom lip.
"Luquier attacks. (25000)"
"I don't guard!"
"Checking the twin drive (Silver Thorn, Barking Dragon) a critical trigger, power to Lilian (22000) critical to my vanguard. (25000/2★) and the second (Silver Thorn Beast Tamer, Serge) Perfect, a front trigger 10000 to the front row! (37000) (32000) (35000/2★) (32000) (45000)"
"THIS IS FINE-" A sweat dripped from Kazane's forehead.
"Damage check (High-speed Brakki. Silence Joker) ALRIGHT! ALL EFFECTS TO MY VANGUARD! (23000)"
"Rising Dragon. (37000)"
"Silence Joker! (38000)"
"Boosted by Irina, my other Rising Dragon. (40000)"
"Cheer Girl, Tiara! (43000)"
"Lilian. (40000)"
"Marilyn, Perfect guard!"
"Luquier, end it. (45000)"
"I'm not going to guard. Only a heal can save me now, damage check... (Deadheat Bullspike)"
"I win, now hand it over."
"..Never." Kazane held the chess piece that's in her pocket.
"Excuse me? We had a deal."
"I'd rather give it to another faction member than you!" Kazane swung a punch to Sakayanagi's face.
Sakayanagi lost her balance and fell to the ground, luckily for her, her face mask blocked the impact. Kazane saw this as an opportunity to run towards the door, unfortunately Sakayanagi yanked her ponytail and throw her to the ground causing Kazane's bones cracking at the impact.
"You want to make this into a real fight?" Sakayanagi looked down at the pitiful sight. "Then so be it." She raised her fist and swung it at Kazane's mouth.
Her first instinct was to roll over, but it was too late, her fist clashed against her mouth.
"I always knew you were terrible at fights." Sakayanagi thought.
Kazane stood up wiping the blood on her lips, she curled both of her fist swinging a punch at Sakayanagi, but the girl grabbed her wrist with one hand and landed a blow on Kazane's stomach.
It made Kazane coughed out blood during the impact, causing her to fall back. She gasped for air trying to get back up.
"Pathetic." Sakayanagi said taking the chess piece that was in Kazane's pocket, she exchanged a galaxy colored glass chess piece and put it inside of Kazane's pocket as she left the premises slamming the door shut.
A/N: Cardfighting in a CCEU cardfight vanguard fanfiction? No lmao
Throwing hands? Y E S.
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