Omake: Miscellaneous
Welcome to the section of the volume where I dump the stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Usually, it's for the OST listing, the sets that would correspond with the volume, and some other fun stuff that I don't feel like making separate parts for.
Generations Volume 1 OST Track
Composed by me & KRX350
1) Identity by Mikio Sakai (Opening)
2) Beautiful Soldier by Minami (Ending)
3) Gluttony Fang II from BlazBlue Phase III Chrono Phantasma OST composed by Daisuke Ishiwatari (Yuuto's Theme)
4) Bullet Dance from BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle OST composed by Daisuke Ishiwatari (Yukina's Theme)
5) Clavar La Espada from Bleach OST 3 composed by Shirou Sagisu (Kaido's Theme)
6) Welcome to the Classroom of the Supreme Ability Doctrine from Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu E: Music Collection OST composed by Ryou Takahashi
Generations Volume 1 Sets
Character Decks:
V-CD01: The BIG BANG Knuckle Buster "Takanori Yuuto"
- Includes support for the Narukami clan, Imaginary Gift: Accel II markers and Takanori Yuuto's exact deck as featured in volume 1.
- Takanori Yuuto and Eradicator, Gauntlet Buster Dragon on the cover.
- Gauntlet Buster, Zuitan and one other random card/Imaginary Gift marker gets one copy of RRR foiling.
V-CD02: The Thorny Chapel "Ishima Akihiro"
- Includes support for the Dark Irregulars clan, Imaginary Gift: Protect II markers and Ishima Akihiro's exact deck as featured in volume 1.
- Ishima Akihiro and Cuticle Killer, Mirche on the cover.
- Mirche, Sabina and one other random card/Imaginary Gift marker gets one copy of RRR foiling.
V-CD03: The Planetary Collapse "Kazuraba Yukina"
- Includes support for the Link Joker clan, Imaginary Gift: Force I markers and Kazuraba Yukina's exact deck as featured in volume 1.
- Kazuraba Yukina and Wandering Starhulk Ruler, Brandt on the cover.
- Deity Brandt, Ruler Brandt and one other random card/Imaginary Gift marker gets one copy of RRR foiling.
Legend Decks:
V-LD01: The FATED SLASH "Mikazuchi Ryuzaki"
- Includes support for the Murakumo clan, Imaginary Gift: Accel I and Imaginary Gift: Accel II holographic markers and Mikazuchi Ryuzaki's exact deck as featured in volume 1.
- Mikazuchi Ryuzaki, Dueling Dragon, ZANBAKU and Dueling Dragon King, ZANGEKI on the cover.
- 1 in 6 chance that ZANBAKU and ZANGEKI will be in their SVR rarity.
- Each card has one copy in RRR foiling.
Booster Sets:
V-BT01: Freezing Depths of God's Cruel Symphony
- Includes support for Granblue, Shadow Paladin, Link Joker, Royal Paladin, Kagero and Nova Grappler clans.
- Mikazuchi Kaido, Ice Prison Necromancer, Cocytus, Rinbayashi Amou and Harmonics Messiah on the cover.
- Special A Class rarity (SAR) included for: Ice Prison Necromancer, Cocytus, Danger-lunge Dragon and Soul Saver Dragon.
- Special E Class rarity (SER) included for: Harmonics Messiah, Dragonic Overlord the End and Incise Raizer.
E Class Boys Group Chat
Owner: Yukimura ⚽️
Members: Mitsuba 💴, Ishima🛡, Kawaguchi 🦁, Tanaka📱, Nora ❄️, Takanori⚡️
Today at 20:08
Mitsuba: Guys.
Mitsuba: Mission accomplished.
Yukimura: NICE
Ishima: what a legend
Kawaguchi: What mission?
Yukimura: Kawaguchi you dumbass, did you already forget
Kawaguchi: I don't remember there being a mission...
Ishima: how tf did you manage to pull it off mitsuba
Mitsuba: A little help goes a long way.
Tanaka: Hi I'm his accomplice
Kawaguchi: Tanaka-san? What did you two do? What's this mission about anyways?
Yukimura: Finding out the girls 3 sizes
Kawaguchi: Didn't Mitsuba-san post a list of the girls breast sizes here already?
Yukimura: The dumbass forgot to mention he measured it with his eyes
Yukimura: Not even real statistics gtfo here
Mitsuba: I decided to repent.
Mitsuba: Since we were all curious I decided to take a leap of faith.
Kawaguchi: You didn't... actually...
Mitsuba: Yes. Yes I did.
Ishima: yea the girls had their health check up this week
Ishima: you can already guess what those two did
Kawaguchi: Oh man... that's... how were you not busted?!
Tanaka: Hi
Tanaka: I helped Mitsuba-san break in
Mitsuba: He vandalised the cameras for me.
Kawaguchi: HE DID WHAT
Tanaka: Relax it was just a bit of spray paint
Tanaka: Oh c'mon it was in the name of science
Yukimura: You know you wanna know the girl's measurements too, don't act like you're innocent
Kawaguchi: Well...
Yukimura: Even Nora and Takanori are in on this
Nora: Dropping by to say disclaimer: I never wanted any part of this
Yukimura: Stop being a special snowflake
Yukimura: This is a secret between bros, and none of the girls will ever find out
Yukimura: Don't put Mitsuba's hard work to waste!
Kawaguchi: Ah, whatever! I'm more concerned about our Cl anyways! I don't really care for the 3 sizes
Kawaguchi: Vandalising will be counted as a negative thing! It's damage of property!
Yukimura: I want my shitty points too but I want to know how big Kazuraba's boobs are more
Yukimura: My priorities are set straight
Mitsuba: I'm already sitting on 12 points. I got nothing to lose.
Ishima: same here if tanaka's the only one in trouble
Ishima: you sacrificed yourself for a good cause my man
Tanaka: I don't mind getting in trouble since my mom and dad aren't here to tell me off for it
Yukimura: Lol what
Tanaka: It's actually pretty thrilling doing something wrong
Tanaka: I've always been the goodie two shoes type so to do something wrong feels great
Ishima: i think we found a future criminal lol
Tanaka: Lol don't worry I'm not gonna do anything extreme in the future
Yukimura: Bet
Tanaka: I won't
Yukimura: Nah once you get that high you always chase after it
Yukimura: You ain't fooling no one
Tanaka: You sound like a criminal by saying that
Yukimura: I learnt it from football stupid
Yukimura: The day I scored a goal with my amateur feet, I've always been chasing after that amazing feeling of scoring a goal
Kawaguchi: It's a bit like me and Vanguard. I'm always fighting because it feels great when I win.
Yukimura: What's taking Mitsuba so long to post the details???
Tanaka: He took a photo of it so he's probably going back and forth typing it
Yukimura: Just send the photo dumbass
Yukimura: Stop wasting my time
Mitsuba: ...I didn't think of that.
Mitsuba: In order of biggest to smallest.
Yukimura: HOLY
Nora: Um... here's my theory, I guess...
Tanaka: Who even is Rinbayashi-san?
Yukimura: The quiet girl loner with long black hair and apparently sexy body???
Yukimura: Me and her traded seats
Yukimura: I regret it since I don't get to sit next to Sakigamiya-san anymore
Nora: Rinbayashi-san's a quiet girl who always spends her time alone. In class she never speaks up, so she never draws any attention to herself. Since you guys are always preoccupied with... *other* things, you don't really notice her existence, which is maybe why you didn't realise...?
Nora: That's what I think at least...
Yukimura: Damn it, if you noticed her big boobs you should've spoken up Nora!
Nora: I don't pay attention to this kind of stuff...
Yukimura: Liar, all boys would be entranced by a chest that big
Yukimura: Stop keeping things to yourself and start talking to us more
Kawaguchi: I thought Katsumi-san would have the second biggest breasts, not Rinbayashi-san
Ishima: same here
Yukimura: Since you're close to Katsumi (who also has some big boobs) you get to spend time with the girls more than we do
Yukimura: It's your job as scout to play recon and report back to us with your findings!
Nora: Um... Yukimura-kun, that's a little...
Mitsuba: Even if she rocks a body that nice, I wouldn't want to go out with her though.
Mitsuba: She's not popular and she seems really boring. I'd rather go out with a popular girl like Sakigamiya-san who has smaller breasts, than a gloomy girl like Rinbayashi-san who has a bigger chest.
Mitsuba: Plus, Sakigamiya-san has a cuter face. Rinbayashi-san... I don't even remember how she looks like. She could be really ugly.
Yukimura: What Sakigamiya-san lacks in chest she makes up in thighs
Yukimura: I want to get choked by them
Ishima: most girls in our class break 80... thats really impressive lol
Tanaka: I'm surprised Sakigamiya-chan is so low down the list...
Yukimura: She has a nice body regardless
Yukimura: But damn, I really want to see Kazuraba's naked tits now
Yukimura: I need to get a look
Ishima: ask takanori to help you out?
Mitsuba: I don't think he'll be happy when you ask him...
Yukimura: If he won't help me, I'll punch him
Yukimura: Ok no I won't punch him
Kawaguchi: Violence isn't the answer
Mitsuba: Lol Yukimura-san trying to be non-violent is like water and oil mixing.
Yukimura: I'll kick him out of the group
Tanaka: That's better than violence at least
Yukimura: Nobody asked for your opinion
Yukimura: I'll kick you out next
Tanaka: I did nothing wrong
Mitsuba: Dictator Yukimura-sama!!!
Yukimura: Ugh you guys are annoying
Yukimura: Shut up a little bit so I can talk to Takanori
Ishima: ok
Yukimura: @Takanori_Yuuto get your ass online
Yukimura: Bruh this guy didn't even change his username yet
Mitsuba: That's pretty sad.
Yukimura: I told you to shut up
Takanori: Yukimura-san?
Yukimura: Hey man
Yukimura: Could you help me see Kazuraba's boobs?
⬅️ Takanori has left the group chat.
➡️ Takanori was added to the group chat by Yukimura.
Yukimura: Hear me out before you leave
⬅️ Takanori has left the group chat.
➡️ Takanori was added to the group chat by Yukimura.
Yukimura: Ffs just listen
Ishima: lmao
⬅️ Takanori has left the group chat.
➡️ Takanori was added to the group chat by Yukimura.
Yukimura: Stop being a bitch
⬅️ Takanori has left the group chat.
➡️ Takanori was added to the group chat by Yukimura.
⬅️ Takanori has left the group chat.
➡️ Takanori was added to the group chat by Yukimura.
Yukimura: You piece of shit
Yukimura: Wait until we get to school tomorrow
⬅️ Takanori has left the group chat.
Yukimura: I'm going to knock your fucking teeth out
Yukimura: So just fucking stay
Tanaka: Oof
➡️ Takanori was added to the group chat by Yukimura.
Yukimura: Stop it
⬅️ Takanori has left the group chat.
Yukimura: Ok
Yukimura: I'm done with this idiot
Yukimura: I'll just see Kazuraba's boobs by myself
Ishima: yikes
Mitsuba: Takanori-san's in trouble.
Kawaguchi: I wouldn't want to watch Takanori-san and Yukimura-san fight
Yukimura: I'd obviously win
Yukimura: Takanori has arms like twigs
Yukimura: He's like every generic background character ever
Yukimura: Name me one good thing he's done
Yukimura: Or one skill he has
Kawaguchi: I honestly can't tell you
Mitsuba: He's better than us at academics?
Yukimura: Nora exists
Tanaka: Good Vanguard player?
Yukimura: Kawaguchi and Ishima exists
Kawaguchi: Physical ability? Jk lol
Yukimura: He's done fuck all except get an above average score in sprinting
Yukimura: And I exist
Mitsuba: Yeah I cant think of any use for him.
Mitsuba: I guess he's closer to Kazuraba than any of us?
Yukimura: I'll be changing that in a couple days so it's fine
Mitsuba: Weren't you going after Sakigamiya-san though?
Yukimura: I'm going after both so I have a back-up plan if one of them gets a boyfriend
Yukimura: Popular girls like them get asked out all the time
Yukimura: One of them might accept that confession and begin dating
Yukimura: Hence ruining the time I've spent to become closer with them
Mitsuba: You're serious about getting a girlfriend, huh?
Yukimura: Yeah.
Mitsuba: Good luck then. I'm probably gonna go after whichever one you don't end up picking
Yukimura: Try your shot at Kazuraba then
Yukimura: I want Sakigamiya-san more
Mitsuba: Heheheh. I have Kazuraba-san, you have Sakigamiya-san, Nora-chan gets Katsumi-san.
Nora: Me and Kou-chan aren't a thing...
Mitsuba: Which girls are you guys going after?
Kawaguchi: I'm not going after anyone
Mitsuba: Which girl do you like the most then?
Kawaguchi: Sakigamiya-san, but Yukimura-san's already claimed her
Yukimura: Thank you for backing off on my territory
Tanaka: I like Sakigamiya-chan too...
Tanaka: I want her or Hono-chan!
Mitsuba: Tanaka-san gets Hono-san then. C'mon Kawaguchi-san, Akihiro-kun, choose one before all the good ones are gone.
Kawaguchi: The only girl I'm close (using it loosely) to is Tadokoro-san, but I wouldn't date her
Mitsuba: You get Tadokoro-san then.
Kawaguchi: Dude, I just...
Nora: Ignore them, Kawaguchi-san. They're being idiots...
Mitsuba: You should be grateful since you get a hottie like Katsumi-san.
Nora: We shouldn't be treating the girls like pieces of meat we can ogle at...
Yukimura: The girls did the same thing to us
Yukimura: How else do you think The Big 3 Loners of E Class became a thing?
Mitsuba: Akihiro-kun, you're up.
Yukimura: I don't feel bad for Takanori, Kouji or Ikesugi though
Yukimura: Just stop being anti-social freaks lmao
➡️ Takanori was added to the group chat by Ishima.
Ishima: i managed to persuade him to come back
Takanori: No more pervert talk
Yukimura: Yeah sure whatever
Yukimura: just don't pussy out and tell me what's wrong next time
Yukimura: I can't read your mind dumbass
Mitsuba: We're talking about which girl who we'd go out with.
Mitsuba: So far: Yukimura-san x Sakigamiya-san, Me x Kazuraba-san, Nora-san x Katsumi-san, Tanaka-san x Hono-san, Kawaguchi-san x Tadokoro-san.
Kawaguchi: I didn't agree to this
Nora: I was forced to join them
Yukimura: Shut up you babies
Ishima: lol
Ishima: hmm
Ishima: that's hard since i woul probably say sakigmiya or kazuraba
Ishima: since you guys chose them already im guessing i must choose someone who hasnt been yet ?
Yukimura: Ya
Ishima: ig misogi
Ishima: she baked me cookies once
Ishima: i liked them
Yukimura: When the fuck did this happen?!
Ishima: while you were at the trial i got approached by misogi after she finished her extra home ec class with the cookies she baked
Ishima: and she offered me a bag
Yukimura: Bruh
Kawaguchi: Also known as the plot of Omake SS that would've been told if Aki-kun won the poll instead of Yukimura-san
Yukimura: ??????
Yukimura: Stop spouting nonsense
Kawaguchi: I said nothing
Mitsuba: Akihiro-kun x Misogi-san. Takanori-san, you're the last one.
Mitsuba: Sorry, but I've already got Kazuraba-san. You gotta choose another girl.
Takanori: I don't want to participate
Yukimura: god you're LAME
Yukimura: This is just for fun, stop being so uptight
Takanori: I don't want to be part of something so degrading towards the girls. Is that too hard to grasp?
Yukimura: Whatever
Yukimura: We'll pick one out for him
Tanaka: I say pair him up with the slutty gyaru Fujimura geheheheh
Yukimura: LOL
Mitsuba: Fujimura-san's such a troublesome girl
Mitsuba: I'd feel bad if Takanori-san got paired with her
Ishima: what about rinbayashi?
Ishima: they're quiet similar
Ishima: quiet doesn't stand out and blends into the background
Yukimura: They're both so boring, it's a match made in heaven!
Kawaguchi: Takanori-san x Rinbayashi-san... I kinda see it, but at the same time, not really
Mitsuba: Who else would want to date a guy like him, except a girl who's the exact same as him? Takanori-san x Rinbayashi-san is free real estate!
Yukimura: lmao
Yukimura: I don't know whether to feel bad or not since she's so forgettable, but she's got such a nice body
Mitsuba: Final list: Yukimura-san x Sakigamiya-san, Me x Kazuraba-san, Nora-san x Katsumi-san, Tanaka-san x Hono-san, Kawaguchi-san x Tadokoro-san, Akihiro-kun x Misogi-san, Takanori-san x Rinbayashi-san.
Mitsuba: Let's pair up the rest of the boys, shall we?
Kawaguchi: Sure lol
Ishima: yamaguchi x fujimura cuz theyre both terrible human beings
Yukimura: LMFAO
Yukimura: Nah I was thinking Matsushita and Fujimura
Kawaguchi: The cool ikemen with the slutty gyaru... what a contrast
Yukimura: I just paired them because I hate them both tbh
Kawaguchi: Matsushita-san isn't that bad
Yukimura: if he wasn't that bad I'd let him in the group chat lol
Kawaguchi: Eh.
Ishima: ayano x kita is agiven
Mitsuba: Mhm.
Mitsuba: Ikesugi-san and Kouji-san are our next main concerns.
Yukimura: Neither of them deserve girls tbh
Yukimura: Ikesugi is just a rude asshole when you talk to him and he plays basketball lol
Yukimura: Kouji is a depressed edgy kid who doesn't give a shit, more so than me
Yukimura: and I'm king of not giving a damn
Mitsuba: I'd pair Kouji-san and Jomko-san together because they both play Nova Grappler. Ikesugi-san with Kiba-san because they look similar to the main couple of a romance manga I read.
Yukimura: Lame reasons but whatever keeps Matsushita x Fujimura
Ishima: yamaguchi x suzuki then
Yukimura: Ya
Mitsuba: We ran out of boys for Demiza-san though...
Yukimura: Fuck it, she can be our wing(wo)man
Mitsuba: Final list time!!
Mitsuba: Yukimura-san x Sakigamiya-san, Me x Kazuraba-san, Nora-san x Katsumi-san, Tanaka-san x Hono-san, Kawaguchi-san x Tadokoro-san, Akihiro-kun x Misogi-san, Takanori-san x Rinbayashi-san, Ayano-san x Kita-san, Matsushita-san x Fujimura-san, Yamaguchi-san x Suzuki-san, Kouji-san x Jomko-san, Ikesugi-san x Kiba-san, and Demiza-san is our wingman.
📌 Yukimura pinned a message.
Yukimura: That's a wrap
Kawaguchi: Lol. I'm gonna go to bed now. Goodnight
Tanaka: Night
Yukimura: See you
Ishima: same here
Ishima: my laptops gonna die
Ishima: cya
Yukimura: later
Mitsuba: Just me, you and Tanaka-san left.
Yukimura: I'm gonna confess something
Tanaka: Is it bad I don't have interest in Chabashira-sensei?
Mitsuba: *demonic screeching*
Yukimura: Lol less competition for me
Mitsuba: Shit, Tanaka-san actually went off. Oof.
Yukimura: Whatever. If you find Shizuka-chan-sensei's 3 sizes, I'll give you 6000 pr
Mitsuba: DEAL.
Yukimura: Good luck lmao
Hiden-sensei: For reference, Chacha-chan's 3 sizes are B102/W60/H89. Don't ask how I know, teehee. ☆
Art Gallery
I forgot to draw Nora's glasses...
Behind the Scenes
Here's some production notes about volume 1, in no particular order.
I wrote this volume with the intent to make it sound like an actual translated light novel, from Japanese to English. That's why I use honourifics and Japanese-exclusive terms. The names are even done with family name first, given name second.
The word "omake" translates to "extra", so the whole "omake section" means "extra section". There was supposed to be no other bonus content aside from the six side stories, but by popular demand, I created an omake section for QnA, reports and other fun stuff. This included a SS for a character who won a poll that everyone voted for. The four options were Yukimura, Kazuraba, Ishima and Sakigamiya. Yukimura and Ishima tied, so they had another poll. In the end, Yukimura won and his SS about the trial came to be.
If Kazuraba won, it would be about her and Takanori playing together, similar to him playing with Ichinose and Kinoshita in 9.1 and 9.3. If Ishima won, it would've been a SS that included his testimony for the trial alongside his meeting with Misogi after she finished home economics, offering the cookies to him. If Sakigamiya won, it would focus on her and Matsushita at Rina's Restaurant, and their discussion on what they should do about a certain troublesome student in their class.
Originally, Volume 1 was supposed to be 9 chapters long. However, during 9.4, I created a scene in which Tsuji and Keisaki make their debut as Rina's waitress and waiter. I kept the scene since it showed the other classes attitude towards an E Class student.
Chapter 9 was supposed to have 5 parts, with chapter 10 being the original "5th part". But because I kept the scene, I needed to make a new part so the chapter didn't drag. Hence, I made a chapter 10 for Takanori's soliloquy. It fits better as a separate chapter anyways.
Similarly, 4.5 was supposed to be just Yuuto buying a laptop. However, after going through it, the part was quite boring to read. So Megami was added into the chapter to make it more interesting. She wasn't supposed to appear at all in the volume, like Tsuji and Keisaki.
I put a reference to the man, the myth, the legend, John Fields, in 9.2. He's the guy sitting in the train Yuuto takes to get to the Stark White nation.
Originally, the first half of chapter 3 wasn't going to exist. I made no plans to include scenes where the characters interact on the cruise ship, but ended up adding it to introduce characters earlier and start building the relationships between everyone. Plus, it enabled me to show off Ishima's strange Mirche deck.
Ishima uses Mirche as a homage to his original deck, Times Purgatory, which is a fan-clan created by me, made during the G Era, focused on milling the opponent out. However, when V Series was introduced, I never remade any cards for the clan, so I had to give him an already existing clan to use. Since his avatar was a female unit (Fuzen), and had an evil aesthetic to it, Dark Irregulars was an obvious choice. Mirche's serious and hollow face reminded me of Fuzen's serious and hollow personality, and as a result, she became his new avatar.
Unfortunately, the card Shura Stealth Dragon, Fuzencongo, was revealed after I wrote that part and made the double page spread which had Ishima listed as a Dark Irregulars user. Fuzencongo would've been a better homage, since he actually has Fuzen in his name. Oh well, what's done is done, but Ishima as a Nubatama user would've quite interesting.
In chapter 6, the original plan was for Takanori to encounter Tachibana (Student Council Secretary) and fight him, giving him the only win of the entire volume. However, I scrapped it since the fight had no substance behind it and I'd much rather get to the main body of the fight, which was Takanori vs Mikazuchi.
One of the ideas for Takanori's entrance exam was a coin toss. Then I remembered this was a Vanguard fanfiction.
Kinoshita's scene in 4.4 was supposed to happen after the school revelation (chapter 7 onwards) and Takanori would make comment on how, as an E Class student, he got insulted like this everyday. This was to show the hell E Class students went through. The time frame didn't work out though, so I used Nora instead.
In the double page spread, Takanori is shown smiling, but throughout the entire volume, he doesn't actually smile. This is a mistake on my part, as I decided Takanori wouldn't smile after the art was finalised. Since I didn't want to redraw the whole thing, I just went with it, so enjoy seeing the only time he smiles.
I was going to save the "72 students in Drachma Red" reveal for another volume. However I found a good chance to put it in, so I did.
Mitsuba's family name "Mitsuba" is a not so subtle reference to one of my earlier characters, Mitsuba Shoutai, who was a female Vanguard fighter from "The Underworld". In fact, the references don't end there. Mitsuba Shoutai's teammate, Suzui Nibiiro, is a yet to appear character in Generations. Continuing on from this, Suzui was also the subject of cardiac arrest (heart attacks) issues from Itteki Shin, another yet to appear character in Generations.
Generations is actually pretty much a melting pot of a lot of different creations I've made over the years. Takanori, Kazuraba and Ishima's friendship is based on an old Vanguard RP by my good friend AndytheSPECIAL1, who also owns Jomko, an E Class student. The Yamamoto twins from A Class (Yami and Yumi) and Nora, Katsumi, Ayano and Kita from E Class are imported from an original book "Remnants of the End". There, Nora's a lot less shy, but his lack of confidence is common with both. In that book, Ayano and Nora squabble a lot, so I'd like to keep that, somehow.
Another import are Kawaguchi, Tadokoro, Mitsuba and Himeji. They're originally from the "Card Wars" reboot I tried doing. Kawaguchi was the protagonist, and Tadokoro was one of his love interests. I referenced it in the group chat bonus. Mitsuba's card collector trait comes from this book, but I added his perverted nature while developing Generations. Kaede Himura, another character from Card Wars, was split into two, becoming Kanazawa Kaede (Demiza's D Class friend) and Satsubatsu Himura, the Queen of GEN Academy.
More imports come from a Yu-Gi-Oh! character I made, which is where none other than the godly 4th dimensional roadman John comes from originally. Naturally, he plays Dimension Police since it has trains, and his Yu-Gi-Oh! deck was... well, trains. My main character for anything My Hero Academia related is actually Zyriot, who plays Megacolony in homage to his spider mutation quirk. Yet to appear characters Nibiiro Suzui and Itteki Shin come from the "Elite Ten". Nibiiro will be using Spike Brothers and Itteki will be using various clans. Real OGs remember what Itteki's true clan is.
GEN Academy wasn't the original name of the school. But, since I couldn't think of anything else, and everyone used "GEN Academy" or some variation when referring to the school prior to the publishing of volume 1, it just kind of stuck.
The volume's name is [Yuuto Birth] because it's a dawn of a new protagonist and his turbulent story through GEN Academy. If you thought Z World was ambitious, Generations is even more ambitious. Sorry if it gets boring to read though.
I'll be reflecting on some characters now. Feel free to comment about your personal interpretation of the characters I discuss. I'd love to talk about it more.
Takanori was designed to be exactly like a generic light novel protagonist. These features included his plain appearance, boring personality, and overall lack of assertiveness, interests and skills. To put simply, he is very much a self-insert character. However, unlike most generic light novel protagonists, he isn't OP or broken in some form (alongside the fact he didn't come from another world) and has an actual backstory that influences the way he behaves. Not to mention he's a legitimate loser (both figuratively and literally) unlike most who find themselves surrounded by the main cast early on. However, he's showing signs of change, such as when he reached out to Mikazuchi-sensei to accept his offer (which he declined at first) or when he bravely asked Kazuraba, a person he didn't realise was important to him, to help him rise from the bottom to the top.
Kazuraba was designed to be an ideal female protagonist that anyone would fall in love with (I sure did). She's popular, she's got a good personality, she's got good looks... what more could you ask for? However, since this is from Takanori's perspective, you can argue that he puts her on a pedestal because he feels that she's superior to him in every way possible (which is true to an extent), and because she means so much to him. This makes their interactions quite muted as Takanori tries to keep her moments with her as perfect as possible as a result. In addition, as the only person kind enough to reach out to him in middle school, he doesn't want to lose that friendship with her (especially since he doesn't have many friends to begin with), so when she starts playing with him less and less, Takanori rationalises this as the gap between them is growing larger and larger, when in reality this isn't the case.
Also I really suck at writing female characters, so please pardon me if Kazuraba gets zero development at all and I somehow find myself making someone like Kinoshita the main female protagonist instead...
Ishima was originally designed to be Takanori's best friend, or something equivalent, but since Takanori became a loner, that was scrapped. However, Ishima still plays an integral role as the other male protagonist. He fits a more classic hero role than Takanori due to his reactive nature, and serves to act as a opposite to Takanori to an extent. Ishima is someone who doesn't mind sticking out if it means doing what's right, which is the opposite to Takanori's passive attitude where he just follows everyone else.
Mikazuchi is Takanori's to be rival, if he can beat him that is. Mikazuchi shows just how wide the gap is between the 1st Years and 3rd Years, and how much they'll struggle on their road to reach the top. His icy tongue and scathing personality to speak without concern for others let him cut past the lies and pierce straight at the truth. Without tact, he reveals that Takanori hates his father, who plays a central part of Takanori's inner struggle. Not only that, Mikazuchi beats him three times in a row mercilessly in 9.2. The cards are stacked against Takanori to defeat such a difficult foe.
Even though Takanori has yet to come into contact with him, D Class's de facto leader, Zyriot, is also an important character to reflect on. Despite being a foreigner, he managed to unite his class, even though there were lots of troublemakers and delinquents. Zyriot embodiments the results of hard work and never giving up, respecting others and understanding them better, alongside creating a better community space for everyone else and showing that everyone has a good side to them despite their past behaviour. This begs the question on how he ended up in D Class though.
Kinoshita became C Class's leader under poor circumstances, and will have to use her headstrong personality to guide her indecisive class. Besides this, she's a tsundere towards Takanori due to the caste system they were placed in. As a C Class student, she can't be with Takanori at all, an E Class student, since it ruins her image and popularity. She's a prime example of what societal pressure does to people, and how people change due to other influences. Her attitude towards Takanori on the surface is cruel and uncalled for, but when they meet in secret, she's sweet and kind towards him, showing a lot of concern and regret. Going back to the idea that Takanori puts Kazuraba on a pedestal, for Kinoshita, Takanori doesn't do that because they're childhood friends. He feels comfortable talking to her and acts more intimately because he's not afraid of losing her friendship due to that closeness they already share. He feels secure around Kinoshita but anxious around Kazuraba.
Ichinose is a very impressive girl, and is someone Takanori has been to elementary, middle and high school with while growing up. This means they recognise each other very well, but they don't know each other past the surface level. It's clear Takanori is shocked by how well Ichinose has grown as a person, being extroverted and charming, while Takanori hasn't really changed from his middle school days, being introverted and gloomy. Perhaps Takanori laments on the fact such an incredible person was always near him, yet he never had the bravery or courage to approach them due to his inability to socialise. However, Ichinose isn't perfect, and Takanori gets a glimpse of it when she opens up to him about her troubles.
Ryouta, the A Class leader, is still shrouded in mystery. Like Zyriot, Takanori hasn't encountered him yet, but in the few moments we do get of him in the side stories, he's portrayed as someone unimpressive looking but has a lot of hidden wit and strategy, similar to Takanori. However, being an A Class student, it's obvious he's miles better than him, and is who Takanori will be looking to take down to reach his ultimate goal of turning E Class into A Class.
I could go on some more about other characters, but I'll save that for the next volume. I hope it made the characters more interesting to look at.
Thank you so much for reading volume 1 until the very end.
♪「Rise by MADKID」
"I'll rise suddenly in this world"
The first official war between classes begins!
E Class and D Class go to war— but this time, it's official! With their class points on the line, E Class must solve the situation of lacking good Cardfighters, all while D Class cruises through their preparations smoothly. The siren of hell signals the beginning of the war on Higashi Mall.
Takanori unknowingly assists a D Class student, Shimizu Hoshimi, and gains the attention of D Class's iron-willed leader, Zyriot Feirbuster. Zyriot is set on winning the war to make his class rise to the top, but Ishima decides to get in his way with a new deck?!
"In the end, I'm no one but myself"
♪「HEROES by Brian the Sun」
Cardfight!! Vanguard: Generations Volume 2 [Zyriot War] coming 2021!
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