Turn 47: Burning Bugs and Entangled Knights
A dragon's hand laid on the floor, defeated. Blood dropped out slowly as Electron Fist Dragon laid there to rot. The other forces were gone. He was left. Panting, he said, "I'm sorry Sanda... I wasn't... Strong... Enough... To... Help... You... Win... This... One... Now with you gone... The barrier broken... Well... I guess... We're goners..." He said his final words and gasped. A Dragonic Overlord noticed Electron Fist slowly have his life taken away. He fluttered down next to him and smiled.
"Do you want to live?" He asked with the smile turning into a smirk.
Rukia was in the hotel room bed, sleeping quietly as Yza already woke up.
"Man, I need to stop worrying about these things... I'm losing sleep over it." He laughed sheepishly as he noticed a card in the floor. He picked it up as it read:
Yza Blade vs Mai Heatwave
Round 5
Time: 4pm
"I've been pushed back to round 5? The heck?" He raised a brow and shrugged it off. "I bet it's a printing mistake. Zak and Dax's match is on now..." Yza turned on the T.V and sat on the bed, where Rukia rolled in her sleep towards him.
"Hello Vanguard Fans! The second round of the tournament has began! And the matches timing have been shuffled! Players facing are the same, but the timing is randomised! Still in round 1 is Dax vs Zak, round 2 is Shika vs Kurakuya, round 3 is Rachel vs Max, round 4 is Maverick vs Ryu, round 5 is Yza vs Mai, round 6 is Maxios vs Kane, round 7 is Backlion vs Kazue and last but not least in round 8 is Aya vs Ayato!" The announcer declared on the T.V.
"Wow, I feel bad for Backlion and Kazue, getting pushed so far back." He mumbled to himself as he stood up again and went to go his breakfast.
(Insert theme song here)
Yza slurped down his ramen quickly as he watched the screen. Both players were on grade 1 currently as Rukia was now awake and brushing her long, blonde hair in the bathroom to start the day.
"Stand and draw! Ride, Magnus and call Aglovale. Skill, I counterblast and look at the top three cards of my deck! Call, Josephus! Skill, soulblast and draw! With a boost from Josephus, Aglovale! (9000 > 14000)" Dax declared.
"No guard, damage check! (New Face Mutant, Little Dorcas)" Zak said with a smile. Dax smirked and attacked with his vanguard.
"Magnus attack! (9000 > 14000)"
"Guard with Earth Dreamer! (7000 > 17000)" Zak said as Dax flipped the top card of his deck face up.
"Drive check! (Bluish Flame Liberator, Percival) No trigger unfortunately. Coulda been awesome if it was a critical." He laughed as Zak laughed aswell. "Turn end."
Hand: 6
Damage: 1
Hand: 5
Damage: 2
"Stand and draw. Ride, Sweet Cocktail and Aristo to rear-guard." Zak said. Tension filled the arena, even though the match was in it's early stages. "Makeup Widow to rear guard and attack! Aristo's Dark Device, add 2k! (9000 > 11000 > 15000)" Zak declared.
"Intercept with Aglovale and guard with Gwydion. (9000 > 19000)" Dax replied. "I'm gonna fill my drop zone quick so I can burn his bugs to the ground with my Explosion Blue!" Dax thought with a smirk.
"What's he smirking about? Once I go into Obtirandus, he won't be able to call at all." Zak kept a composed and neutral face. "Vanguard!! (9000 > 14000)" One eye nearly opened up from his shouting.
"No guard!" Dax replied.
"Trigger check! (Scissor-shot Mutant, Bombscissor) Alright, a critical trigger," Zak smirked. "Everything to vanguard! (14000 > 19000/1★ > 2★)"
"Damage check. (Oath Liberator, Aglovale, Steel Blade Liberator, Alwilla) Damn, a critical at the wrong time." Dax groaned.
"Turn end." Zak couldn't care less for the critical.
Hand: 5
Damage: 3
Hand: 4
Damage: 2
(Kick in the song in the media now and play on repeat! (Sorry it's so short; couldn't find the extended/full version on YouTube *sweatdrop*))
"Stand and draw! Blue flames that dance and risk everything to protect their pride, burn them all to the ground!" Dax exclaimed. "Ride my avatar!! Imprison them! Bluish Flame Liberator, Prominence Glare!!" The vanguard circle expanded dark blue with streaks of gold.
"Prominence Glare..." Zak mumbled. "Bring it on!"
"Call, Zorron. With a boost from him, Josephus attacks! (7000 > 14000)" Dax declared.
"No guard! (Punish Stag)" Zak replied.
"Now, Vanguard attacks!! (11000 > 16000)" Dax exclaimed with a fierce grin on his face.
"No guard." Zak smirked slightly as Dax flipped two cards over.
"Only need two criticals!! LET'S DO THIS PROMINENCE!!" Dax exclaimed. (Holy Mage, Bryderi, May Rain Liberator, Bruno) "Damn, nothin'." He laughed.
Prominence Glare rushed in and charred Sweet Cocktail's body with scorching hot blue flames, slowly burning the bug.
"Damn, he knows our weakness... We aren't made for the heat!" She gasped Aristscythe looked worried for their leader; but that's when a light green light suddenly started to emerge from her.
"With Zak's damage check being a Scissor Finger, he's left with 4 damage and 4 cards in hand! But Dax is strong with 6 cards and 3 damage! It seems all over for Zak!" The Announcer exclaimed.
"I wouldn't doubt Zak; he managed to beat Narukami, a fairly strong clan that should've won. But maybe, he was just lucky, like with how Dax pulled those critical's on Zeon." Dr. O laughed.
"Stand and draw..." Zak grinned darkly as his eyes shot open, revealing the purple coloured creepy eyes he was now famous for. "Let's show them, my avatar." He mumbled to himself as at that point, he then broke a seemingly crazy grin. "A single swoop with your claws, let the evil within you thrive as you become the new leader of a new age! I ride my avatar, Intimidating Mutant, Darkface!" Zak exclaimed as the vanguard circle expanded light green. "Generation, Stride!..."
Dax gulped at this. "He's gonna go with Obtirandus, isn't he? No, I'll just go Explosion Blue on him then!!"
"Claws of darkness, evil has spoken, and the time to break out the your true self is now!! Generation Stride!! Merciless Mafia Leader, Darkface!!" Zak declared as he closed his eyes. "Stride skill. Counterblast, and Gigaparalyse, your left row!" He then closed his eyes. "Activating Darkface's skill! Counterblast and G Persona Blast, your Zorron cannot be chosen for effects, and cannot intercept. He gets 5k aswell, (26000 > 31000) so have fun Dax. Call, Earth Dreamer and Sweet Cocktail. With a boost from Dreamer, Cocktail attacks! (9000 > 13000) Skill, counterblast, since boosted, your Guido becomes Gigaparalysed and cannot intercept!" Zak grinned.
"Three paralysed units? Damn..." Dax commented. "No guard. (Bluish Flame Liberator, Percival)"
"Darkface attacks! (31000 > 36000)" Zak said.
"Bryderi perfect guards!!" Dax declared.
"So be it, triple drive!! (Makeup Widow, New Face Mutant, Little Dorcas, Sky-slicing Rending General, Superior Mantis) Stand. Stand, Cocktail and give power. (9000 > 14000/[< ] > [^]) Attack once more! (14000)"
"Guard with Bruno! (11000 > 16000)" Dax gritted his teeth.
"Go, Aristo! Skill, add 2k! (9000 > 11000 > 15000)" He said calmly.
On the other hand, Dax was slightly panicking, "Guard with Ketchgal! (11000 > 21000)"
"Turn end, Dark Device of Widow Maker. Into soul, countercharge and pass." Zak smirked.
Hand: 5
Damage: 4
Hand: 2
Damage: 4
"All my rear-guards are gigaparalysed... What now?" Dax gritted his teeth.
"Skill of Earth Dreamer, since you have three or more rested rear-guards, he returns to deck, I shuffle and draw two cards." Zak smirked.
"Tch, you only got two extra cards. Who cares? It's my turn now, so I'll crush ya! Now, Generation, Stride! In the chains of the blue flames, you are trapped! Imprison them!! Bluish Flame True Liberator, Holy Flame!!" Dax exclaimed, the vanguard circle expanding dark blue with streaks of gold. "Skill of Holy Flame, counterblast and G Persona Blast! Since I have a Liberator heart card, for each face up copy like your Darkface, I get to look at the top three cards of my deck, superior call, Oath Liberator, Aglovale! The rest goes to drop, and he gets 2k-"
"Darkface's Generation Break 2. Soulblast 2 and rest your Aglovale." Zak said softly in a creepy way. Dax was stricken by this and became more tense and panicked. Sweat dripped from him as he rested Aglovale.
"No way... I've got nothing now except my vanguard... Damn it!!" He exclaimed in anger. Go, Holy Flame then! (26000)" Dax, in desperation, exclaimed loudly.
"Starshield declines your attack," Zak smirked.
"Damn, the pressure really is on," Dax laughed simply to cover his true feelings. "Triple Drive! (Flaming Passion Liberator, Guido, Numinous Tree Liberator, Elchea, Regulation Liberator, Aglovale) Ah, just a heal. I'll take it and heal one damage!" Dax was put at slight ease when he got the heal. "End."
"Gigaparalyse skills go off, I draw three cards." Zak smiled.
Hand: 8
Damage: 4
Hand: 5
Damage: 3
"Stand and draw. Ride a new Darkface. Liberating the Generation Zone! Don't try to struggle now; it's unsightly. That is what he'd say to a fake knight like you! Enter, Lawless Mafia Deity, Obtirandus! Stride skill, counterblast, and Gigaparalyse your back row units! Then, I use Obtirandus' skill." He smirked evilly. "Counterblast two and discard a card! You can't call next turn!!" He exclaimed as Dax gritted his teeth while trying to keep a smile on, even though on the inside he found this quite difficult.
"I see how it is then." Dax commented as Zak started his assault.
"Call, Vulcan Lafertei and Punish Stag. Stag's Dark Device, Gigaparalyse Aglovale and add 2k! (9000 > 11000) Using Larfertei's skill, you can't intercept. Call Earth Dreamer and all I can say is good luck. With a boost, Sweet Cocktail! (9000 > 13000) Skill, counterblast and Gigaparalyse Zorron!" Zak exclaimed.
"All my units are gigaparalysed... Shit! I can't even call next turn. Man, you've dug me a deep pit. Guard with Aglovale! (11000 > 16000)" Dax said.
"Attack with the vanguard! (26000 > 31000)" Zak declared.
"Perfect guard! Bryderi's skill, since a copy is in the drop zone, countercharge one!" Dax declared.
"Triple Drive!! (Cyclic Sickle Mutant, Aristscythe, Scissor Finger, Intimidating Mutant, Darkface) Nothing... With a boost, Punish Stag attacks! (11000 > 19000)" Zak exclaimed.
"No guard! (Holy Mage, Bryderi)" Dax gritted his teeth.
"One Perfect Guard left. I think I'll drive you into losing next turn." Zak smirked.
Hand: 7
Damage: 4
Hand: 2
Damage: 4
"Stand whatever I can and draw." Dax said.
"Skill of Earth Dreamer, return to deck and shuffle, draw two cards." Zak said, now fanning out his ten card hand to make Dax feel more uncomfortable with his three card hand.
"Generation Stride!! Golden Dragon, Ray Breath Dragon! Ray Breath attacks! (26000)" Dax declared.
"Weak and pointless, Starshield guards! Skill, countercharge." Zak said.
"Triple Drive!!" Dax exclaimed with his teeth gritted. (Ketchgal Liberator, Bluish Flame Liberator, Prominence Glare, Oath Liberator, Aglovale) "Yes, a stand! I can stand Zorron! (7000 > 12000) ([< ] > [^]) With a boost, attack! (12000 > 19000)"
"Ma chin in' Honeybee stops you! (11000 > 21000)" Zak exclaimed.
"Couldn't you've said Machining like a normal person?" Dax sweatdropped.
"Nah." Zak said.
"Turn end. And since Zorron stood you only get to draw three cards." Dax was quite proud.
"Actually, if the unit is still in rest at the end of the turn and it's Gigaparalysed, I still draw a card, even if it stood. If you left Zorron at stand, I would only draw three, but I'm glad you gave me four." Zak said as he drew four cards.
Hand: 11
Damage: 4
Hand: 5
Damage: 4
"Stand and draw. Ride another Darkface." Zak opened a single eye. "Should I continue to fight or truly make it as they would call it in Japanese, "Owari"." He mumbled out loud, thinking. "Owari it is. This is the end for you~ The finale of this wretched game... Generation, Stride!! Force them into submission and tie them up... Go, Force Spear Vice Mafia Deity, Stun Beetle! Stride skill, Gigaparalyse your front row! Skill of Lafertei, into soul and countercharge! Call, Little Dorcas, Punish Stag and Bombscissor. Skill of Punish Stag, Gigaparalyse your back row rear guard! Add 2k! (9000 > 11000) With a boost from Scissor, go, Punish Stag! (11000 > 15000)"
"Guard with Aglovale! (11000 > 16000)" Dax declared.
"Vanguard attacks! Skill of Scissor, into soul, draw and add 5k! (26000 > 31000 > 36000)" Zak declared.
"Damn, Generation Guard!! Sleimy Flare! Skill, look at the top four cards of deck, call to guardian circle Barbtruc and Maleagant! (11000 > 26000 > 41000) Dax gritted his teeth. "Let's hope he doesn't get one trigger..."
"Triple drive. (Intimidating Mutant, Darkface, Charming Mutant, Sweet Cocktail, Rebel Mutant, Starshield) No trigger." Zak said, eye twitching slightly. "Sweet Cocktail attacks, skill, Gigaparalyse your last rear guard! (9000 > 16000)"
"Ketchgal guard! (11000 > 21000)" Dax exclaimed, feeling more confident seeing as he pulled through this turn.
"Impressive. Next turn, I will win." Zak closed his eyes and passed.
Hand: 10
Damage: 4
Hand: 2
Damage: 4
"Stand and draw! Generation Stride!! In the chains of the blue flames, you are trapped! Imprison them!! Bluish Flame True Liberator, Holy Flame!!" Dax exclaimed, the vanguard circle expanding dark blue with streaks of gold. "Skill of Holy Flame, counterblast and G Persona Blast! Since I have a Liberator heart card, for each face up copy, I get to look at the top three cards of my deck, superior call one and repeat! Since I have three face up, I can do this three times! Check one! Call, Bruno!" Dax smirked.
"Skill of Darkface, soulblast two and you rest Bruno." Zak said simply.
"You only have two more soul! You can only do it once more now! I just need to pull an Aglovale to get this over with... The three go into drop." Dax tried to stay confident.
"You've discarded your last perfect guard and three of your stands are gone. I've won..." Zak smirked. Dax tched and continued.
"Check two. Call, Josephus, skill, soulblast one and draw." Dax said as he got ready to rest his unit. He realised Zak wasn't going to do anything and continued.
"Last check. Damn, Magnus, call." He said, throwing a total of nine cards in the drop zone.
"Skill, soulblast two and rest." Zak said smirking, as Dax did so.
"Damn, vanguard attack then!! (26000)" Dax declared.
"Starshield, perfect guard! Skill, countercharge." Zak said with a smile.
"Triple Drive!! (Bluish Flame Liberator, Percival, Passion Flame Liberator, Guido, Oath Liberator, Aglovale) Shit. Turn end." He sighed. Zak drew two cards.
Hand: 10
Damage: 4
Hand: 6
Damage: 4
"Stand and draw. Generation, Stride! Claws of darkness, evil has spoken, and the time to break out the your true self is now!! Generation Stride!! Merciless Mafia Leader, Darkface!! Stride skill, Gigaparalyse, your back row left and right rear-guards! Then, use Darkface's skill! Counterblast and G Persona Blast! Gigaparalyse your other rear-guards and add 15k to himself! (26000 > 41000) They can't intercept or be chosen for effects next turn, so have fun... Call, Aristscythe and Vulcan. With a boost from Vulcan, Aristscythe attacks! (9000 > 16000)" Zak declared.
"Guard with Alwilla! (11000 > 21000)" Dax exclaimed.
"Vanguard attacks!! (41000 > 46000)" He declared with a stern voice.
At the hall Dax went down to the stadium, his older sister switched off her phone that she was watching the match on and sighed.
"It's up to me to save our family... You did aswell as you could brother." She mumbled to herself, walking away.
"I-I can't guard..." Dax sighed. "No guard."
"Triple Drive!! (Scissor-shot Mutant, Bombscissor, Charming Mutant, Sweet Cocktail, Sky-slicing Rending General, Superior Mantis) Critical trigger! Everything to vanguard! (46000 > 51000/1★ > 2★)" Zak smirked.
Darkface swiftly crashed his claws onto Prominence Glare as the fight between the two promptly ended.
Two cards, being the Legion Pair of Prominence Glare and Aglovale, fell into Dax's damage zone.
"Ah, that was hard but fun." Dax sighed with a smile.
"Yup, that was a fun match." Zak nodded.
"Unexpectedly Megacolony is winning!! Could Zak be the dark horse of this tournament?!" The Announcer exclaimed.
"We need to keep an eye out on him it seems." Dr. O nodded proudly.
As the stadium cheered, Zak waved his hands proudly at them and some of his new found fans.
Dax returned to find Mai.
"Sorry I didn't win sis." He laughed.
"It ended when he attacked with his vanguard... I didn't bother watching the rest cause of it." Mai said as Dax laughed nervously.
"Right. Good luck in your game." Dax said as Mai looked at him with a "idiot" look.
"I have the advantage. I'm playing Shadow Paladin after all. Yza'll burn out his resources while I strike with Gurguit and win. It's easy." Mai smirked.
"I see." Dax nodded.
It turns out I'm surprisingly good with Megacolony XD
See Vanguard anime? The Megacolony always wins XDDD
Anyways, 1/3 Gold Paladin users down, only two more to go... XD
Next week is Shika v Kurakuya, so let's have fun for that.
That's all, Fox out!
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