Turn 32: Witches and Mermaids
Inu walked down the hallways with hands shoved into his leather jacket as his younger brother walked up to him.
"You lost huh." Neko said simply.
"What else do you think..." Inu muttered. "I'm an idiot, so me being into the top 32 was good enough, I already knew that I was gonna lose first round."
"Yeah, but you..." Neko started the stopped. Inu walked past him and turned his head to look at his brother and shouted angrily,
"I'm not like you, I'll NEVER be like you!!" He turned his head back biting his lower lip and holding back his tears. "That was just a lie... And you knew it." He thought as Inu walked away.
(Insert theme song here)
"So far out of four crazy matches, we had Dax Heatwave, Zak Remashita, Kazue Yaiba and Backlion Demiza have won their matches!" The announcer exclaimed. "Who will join these four?! Find out in our next match, because in the blue corner, we have a mesmerizing young lady with a bright smile, its Sakura Kimura!"
A girl with soft pink hair in two pigtails, tied by green ribbon came out, she wore a simple white button up shirt and grey skirt, blue light following her. "Hello everyone!" She smiled.
"And in the red corner, her deck can literally turn the most overpowered and whelming forces into nothing but weaklings!! Its Rachel Mikushicha!" The announcer exclaimed.
Rachel shot out, red light following her. "I've been waiting for this!!"
"Nice to meet you Rachel, but I'm gonna win!" Sakura smiled some more.
"You may have won first time round, but I'm gonna win now!" Rachel smirked.
"We'll see about that!" Sakura shouted.
"Stand up (the!) Vanguard!!" Rachel and Sakura exclaimed.
"Whole Hearted Dream, Meruru!" Sakura exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding light ocean blue.
"Witch of Banquets, Lir!" Rachel exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding pale violet. "Stand and draw, I ride Dana and move Lir back, I end."
"Wasting no time at all, Rachel moves in with the first turn!" The announcer exclaimed.
Hand: 5
Damage: 0
Hand: 5
Damage: 0
"Hmm.. Stand and draw! I ride Mermaid Idol, Sedna, and move Meruru back. Attack! (8000 > 13000)" Sakura exclaimed.
"No guard." Rachel said.
"Trigger check! (Magical Charge, Vita) Nothing." Sakura said.
"Damage check. (Witch of Reality, Femme)" Rachel replied.
"End." Sakura smirked.
Hand: 5
Damage: 1
Hand: 6
Damage: 0
"Stand and draw, I ride Deirdre and call Nemain. Using her skill, counterblast and discard, drawing two cards. Deirdre attacks! (9000 > 14000)" Rachel exclaimed.
"No guard!" Sakura replied.
"Drive check! (Witch of Black Doves, Goewin) Score! Critical, power to Nemain and critical to vanguard! (3000 > 8000) (1★ > 2★)" Rachel smirked.
"Aw man, damage check! (Admired Sparkle, Spica, Jump on the Water! Amelie) Stand trigger. Power to vanguard. (8000 > 13000)" Sakura smiled.
"I end." Rachel said.
Hand: 6
Damage: 1
Hand: 6
Damage: 2
"Stand and draw, ride Vita and attack! (9000 > 14000)" Sakura exclaimed.
"Nemain intercepts! (9000 > 14000) And guard with Eine. (14000 > 19000)" Rachel said.
"Want to get early Legion on me huh... Drive check. (Magical Yell, Nina) Nothing." Sakura replied. "End."
Hand: 5
Damage: 1
Hand: 7
Damage: 2
"Stand and draw! Stand and draw! Queen of illusions, master of reality, show yourself!! I ride my avatar, Mezmerising Witch, Fianna!" Rachel declared. Her vanguard circle expanded violet.
Fianna appeared on the battle field, smirking.
"Call Femme and attack using her skill! (9000 > 12000)" Rachel exclaimed.
"No guard! (Great Ascent, Liddy)" Sakura replied.
"Then the vanguard!! (11000 > 16000)" Rachel exclaimed.
"Guard with Reina! (9000 > 19000)" Sakura exclaimed back.
"Twin Drive!! (Little Skull Witch, Nemain, Cherising Knight, Branwen) Nothing. I end." She replied.
Hand: 6
Damage: 1
Hand: 6
Damage: 3
Maxios was in his seat, eating a bag of buttered popcorn and drinking a cup of coke through a straw as he had a clear blue cap which was just a band and the bit that shielded your eyes from the sun on his head. "Next turn things'll become interesting, but I think Rachel can pull through." He threw some popcorn in his mouth and ate it.
"Stand and draw! Bring us all together in one big harmony, I ride my avatar, Miracle Voice, Lauris!" Sakura exclaimed, vanguard circle expanding ocean blue.
On Cray, in the glimmering water appeared a mermaid wearing a blazer and white button up shirt with a green bow tie and short orange hair. Fianna looked at the mermaid appearing out of the water.
"Huh, so this is our enemy..." She muttered.
"Generation Stride!! Lucky Rise, Elprina! Stride skill, counterblast and return Meruru to hand and draw a card. Next I call Amelie and then Emilia. Using Amelie's skill, I make both in Harmony!" Sakura smiled.
"Here we go, its Bermuda Triangle's Harmony!! Activated when a unit is placed in the same column as the Harmony unit, both units become in Harmony until end of turn!" The announcer exclaimed.
"Amelie gains a new skill. And I'll use it now, into soul, draw a card and give my vanguard 2000 power! (26000 > 28000) Then, I call Meruru and Lauris and use Elprina's skill, soulblast and add Lauris and Emilia back to hand, and use Emilia's skill to draw a card, then Meruru's skill to send it to soul, countercharge one and give my vanguard a new skill. Then I call Emilia, Spica, Sedna and Reina to rear-guard. With a boost from Sedna, Emilia attacks! (9000 > 15000)" Sakura exclaimed.
"Bermuda Triangle, known for bouncing back cards to hand. No guard. (Witch's Familiar, Kuroma)" Rachel replied.
"Then Spica boosted by Reina! (9000 > 13000) Using skill, return Emilia to hand, and use Emilia's skill to draw. Then I call Emilia again and add 3000 power! (9000 > 12000)" Sakura smirked.
"Guard with Deirdre. (11000 > 16000)" Rachel replied.
"Then the vanguard! Using Reina's skill, into soul, draw a card and add 5000 power! (26000 > 31000)" Sakura exclaimed.
"No guard." Rachel replied.
"Triple Drive!! (Talent of Perseverence, Shandee, Magical Charge, Vita, Heartful Ale, Fundy) Draw trigger. Power to Emilia and draw. (12000 > 17000) Attack! (17000)" Sakura exclaimed.
"Damage check! (Cultus Witch, Rias, Witch of Goats, Medb) Stand, stand Femme and power to vanguard. (11000 > 16000)" Rachel replied.
"Turn end." She smiled.
Hand: 5
Damage: 4
Hand: 9
Damage: 3
"Stand and draw! Generation Stride!! Supremacy Black Dragon, Aurageyser Dragon! Call Nemain and use skill. Discard and draw two." Rachel smirked. "Femme attacks! (9000 > 12000)"
"Guard with Fundy! (11000 > 16000)" Sakura replied.
"Vanguard attack! Using skill, counterblast, soulblast, retire my board! Reveal top two cards of deck! (Little Skull Witch, Nemain, Mesmerizing Witch, Fianna) One grade 1, add 5000 power and add these cards to hand. (26000 > 31000)" Rachel declared.
"No guard!!" Sakura exclaimed.
"Triple Drive!! (Witch of Black Cats, Milcra, Witch of Black Doves, Goewin, Witch of Precious Stones, Dana) Heal and critical! Power and critical to vanguard and heal. (31000 > 41000/1★ > 2★)" Rachel smirked.
"Damn, damage check... (Cherished Phrase, Reina, Image Master, Kukuri) Critical. All effects to vanguard. (11000 > 16000/1★ > 2★)" Sakura whimpered.
"End." Rachel continued to smirk.
Hand: 11
Damage: 3
Hand: 8
Damage: 5
"Stand and draw! Liberating the Generation Zone!! A beautiful voice resonates the battlefield as the match begins to come to an end! Generation Stride!!" Sakura exclaimed. "Celebrate Voice, Lauris!!" The vanguard circle expanded ocean blue.
As Lauris became engulfed in blue light, she was now in a popstar's outfit, blue and orange. She held a microphone in her hand and began to sing.
"Stride skill, add Emilia back to hand. Using Emilia's skill, draw a card. And then stride skill also lets me draw a card. Call Emilia and Nina and use her skill, soulblast two and countercharge two! Then I use Lauris' skill. Counterblast and G Blast! For every face up card in the G Zone, return to hand, Nina and Emilia! Using Emilia's skill to draw! Add a new skill to vanguard! Call Amelie behind Spica, both become in Harmony! Call Sedna behind vanguard, both become in Harmony! Using Amelie's skill and add 2000 to vanguard. (26000 > 28000) Then I call Wyz behind where Amelie was and Harmony! Call Emilia and Nina, using skill of Nina, soulblast and countercharge! Become in Harmony! Lauris attacks! (28000 > 36000) Skill, since everyoned in Harmony, add 5000 power and one extra critical to my front row!! (36000 > 41000/1★ > 2★) (9000 > 14000/1★ > 2★) (9000 > 14000/1★ > 2★)" Sakura smirked.
"Oh goody, extra criticals... Just my day..." Rachel grumbled in her mind. "Nemain perfect guards!"
"Triple Drive!! (Mermaid Idol, Sedna, Lover of Hearts, Penoletta, Miracle Voice, Lauris) Heal trigger! Power to Emilia and heal! (14000 > 19000) Then Emilia attacks! (19000 > 24000, 2★)" Sakura exclaimed.
"Generation Guard! Dark Knight, Ludvik! (11000 > 26000)" Rachel replied.
"Then Spica! Skill, return Emilia to hand, Emilia's skill, draw a card, and call again, add 3000 power! (9000 > 12000) (14000 > 20000, 2★)" Sakura replied.
"I guard with Medb. (11000 > 21000)" Rachel replied.
"Then Emilia! (12000)" Sakura exclaimed.
"No guard, damage check. (Witch of Reality, Femme)" Rachel smirked.
"I end and use Wyz's skill to discard a card and return her to hand." Sakura smiled.
Hand: 7
Damage: 4
Hand: 10
Damage: 4
"Stand and draw! Prepare to see what the world truly holds for you... Legion, Seek Mate!! Witch of Reality, Femme!!" Rachel declared. She shuffled back four cards, and her vanguard circle expanded violet, and the Legion symbol appeared between the two cards. "I activate Fianna's skill! Counterblast 2 and your front two rear-guards become grade 0's once you check the top ten cards of your deck!"
"I came prepared!" Sakura giggled and pointed at Emilia. "She has Resist."
"Then Sedna." Rachel replied.
"Ok! (Miracle Voice, Lauris, Lover of Hearts, Penoletta, Magical Yell, Nina, Jump on the Water! Amilie, Admired Sparkle, Spica, Magical Charge, Vita, Mermaid Idol, Sedna, Magical Charge, Vita, Miracle Voice, Lauris, Great Adscent, Liddy) Hm, call Amilie and Penoletta." Sakura said.
"Call Kuroma and use skill. Discard a Witch and draw two cards. Call Femme. Use Fianna's skill! Retire Femme and draw two cards. Call Deirdre and soulblast! Your back row rear-guard transforms into a grade 0 from the drop zone." Rachel smirked.
"Alright then, call, Fundy." Sakura said.
"Deirdre starts it off! (9000 > 14000)" Rachel said.
"Guard with Sedna! (11000 > 16000)" Sakura replied.
"Legion attack!! (20000 > 25000)" Rachel exclaimed.
"Wyz Perfect Guards!!" Sakura exclaimed.
"Twin Drive!! (Cherishing Knight, Brawen, Witch's Familiar, Kuroma) No trigger. I end." Rachel replied.
Hand: 10
Damage: 4
Hand: 7
Damage: 4
"Stand and draw! Liberating the Generation Zone!! School Etolie, Olyvia! Stride skill! Return Emilia to hand and draw a card. Then use Emilia's skill to draw a card. Then, I place Fundy into soul, add 3000 power to vanguard. (26000 > 29000) Call Emilia infront of Amelie and Harmony! Skill of Amelie, into soul, draw a card and add 2000 power! (29000 > 31000) Then I call Shandee and Reina. Emilia, attacks! (9000 > 16000)" Sakura exclaimed.
"No guard, damage check! (Mesmerizing Witch, Fianna) Nothing." Rachel said simply.
"Then Olyvia attacks! Skill of Reina, into soul, draw a card and give 5000 power! (31000 > 36000) Then Olyvia's skill! Counterblast and G Persona Blast! Return my field into hand and give her an extra critical! (1★ > 2★)" Sakura exclaimed. "Then call Emilia and Shandee."
"Nemain Perfect Guards!! Skill, draw a card, discard a card." Rachel said with a confident smirk.
"Triple Drive!! (Image Master, Kukuri, Admired Sparkle, Spica, Ideal Walking Weather, Emilia) Aw, nothing... Emilia, attack! (9000 > 16000)" Sakura cheered.
"Guard with Goewin. (11000 > 21000)" Rachel smirked.
"Turn end." Sakura smiled.
Hand: 7
Damage: 5
Hand: 13
Damage: 4
"Stand and draw... This is... The Final Turn." Rachel said, confidence resonating from her voice. "Liberating the Generation Zone!! A shattered and forgotten soul, rise with your dark blade! Generation Stride!! Dark Dragon, Phantom Blaster "Diablo"!!" The vanguard circle expanded violet. "Then, I use his skill. Counterblast and G Persona Blast! Add a new skill, 10k and extra crit! (26000 > 36000/1★ > 2★) Then, Deirdre attacks! (9000 > 14000)" Rachel exclaimed.
"Emilia, guard! (11000 > 16000)" Sakura exclaimed.
"Vanguard attack~ Skill, retire all my rear-guards~ Retire two to guard~" Rachel giggled. (36000, 2★)
"I can do that!" Sakura said with pride as she realised Emilia had Resist. "N-no..."
"Thats right everyone, when paying the cost to be able to guard from hand for Phantom Blaster's attack, Resist units cannot be targeted!!" The announcer exclaimed.
"This is-o-so bad for Sakura." Proffessor O said.
"Grr..." Sakura gritted her teeth.
"I've won~" Rachel cooed.
"Oh no you haven't, double Generation Guard!! Two Sailor's Medley, Nasha! Skill, reveal Lauris and Liddy from hand and since I have a same grade as it on my field, i.e, Lauris, add 5000 shield! (11000 > 51000)" Sakura exclaimed in desperation.
"Triple Triggers?~ Easy!" Rachel smirked. "First check~ (Lizard Witch, Eine) Draw trigger. Power to vanguard and draw~ (36000 > 41000) Second check~ (Witch of Goats, Medb) Stand trigger~ Power to vanguard. (41000 > 46000) Last check~ (Witch of Black Cats, Milcra) Heal trigger~ Healing one and power to vanguard. (46000 > 51000)" Rachel giggled.
"She pulled it! Three triggers!" The Announcer exclaimed.
"Sakura's only hope now is to get a Heal trigger! This is-o-so exicting!!" Proffessor O exclaimed.
"I just need a heal trigger... C'mon..." Sakura gritted her teeth. "Raa! (Magical Charge, Vita, Image Master, Kukuri) ...I lost." She sighed and laughed.
"And there you have it folks, Rachel Mikushicha has won!!" The announcer exclaimed.
"That was a fun warm up~" Rachel smirked as she walked away.
"I guess its time to visit her." Maxios laughed and got out of his seat to find Rachel.
Wyvon and Rino walked down the hallway Rachel came through in.
"I can't believe my sis won!!" Wyvon cheered.
"That Resist backfired on Sakura pretty badly." Rino laughed.
"Of course it did." Wyvon nodded. A brown haired boy wearing a black shirt with a white skull on it with a crack on the top with blue jeans and black converses strolled down the same hallway, only walking the opposite direction of the two boys. As they passed, Wyvon felt a shiver shoot down his spine as the boy looked at Wyvon with cold brown eyes and interest in Rino.
"Hey, weeaboo. Earth to weeaboo!" Rino snapped at Wyvon, who looked at him. "You don't space out often."
"Oh, gomen Rino-san, I just thought I saw an old friend of mine..." Wyvon said.
The boy that walked past them said, "Wyvon... Our paths cross once more."
Whoo boy, triple triggers and resist fun times, that match was fun to write XD
Next up, Granblue vs Gear Chronical! This is gonna be fun XD
Thats all, Fox out!
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