Netty and Salem had left the meeting annoyed, but it was for the best. It had quickly devolved into an argument between the boys, and neither of them felt like dealing with it. They had decided to check on Naught Netty and Sneaky Salem's base when a skeleton came out and started shooting at them. Salem landed it while Netty sat back and shot it with her bow. One of the arrows flew off target about two blocks and hit a button hidden in the grass. Then the floor came out from beneath Salem.
Netty shot and killed the skeleton before going over to the hole to check on her friend.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I didn't lose that much health." said Salem "Hey, there are stairs down hear. I think we should see where they go."
"Okay, just wait for me," Netty said before placing a water bucket to get down without breaking her kneecaps.
The duo went down the stairs until they reached bedrock, then went forward a bit. There they saw a large obsidian cube with a noisemaker in front of it. They wandered around the cube until the found an iron door with a figure crouching behind it.
"What do you think is in there?" Salem asked.
"Not sure. Press the button and open the door," said Netty.
"Alright stand back."
Salem pressed the button. The second the door opened, a person wearing a red shirt ran by without a second thought.
"Rude," Salem commented.
"Do you think that could have been Grian?" Netty asked.
"Maybe, but why would he be down hear?"
"I don't know."
Then Netty turned her head back to the cube and saw something they both missed a small, light yellow block. She went for it when her whole body just spasmed.
"You alright?" Salem asked.
"Sneaky Salem, take control of your good half. They let the prisoner escape," said Netty.
Salem felt her other half try to take control but fought. It was not easy, because every move she made took a lot of concentration. She turned her head to see what her friend saw before being taken over. A command block. Salem ran over the best she could to delete whatever command was on it. Naughty Netty, seeing that her cohort is not in control, ran at her with a sword. Salem flinched, breaking her concentration just enough for Sneaky Salem to take control.
"That was a pain." Sneaky Salem said.
"No time for that now. We have to get Grain before he can tell the others."
Grain ran as fast as he could, not turning back. He had not expected that to work, but it did. When he saw the pit at the top of the stairs, Grian wasted no time digging out. He had no way of knowing whether it was the normal Netty and Salem that had come to the door, but he couldn't chance it. He had to run away because the evil sides could take control at any moment. Grian knew he didn't have much time. The escaped emperor ran to spawn, knowing there had to at least be someone nearby who would help him if his captors came back.
In the distance, Grian could hear at least six people shouting. He ran to it. A wave of relief washed over him the second he was spotted by Mini.
"Oi, there he is." Mini Muka shouted.
Grian collapsed to his knees, breathing heavily and exhausted from running that far.
Zee ran over to help him. "What happened to you man?" he asked.
"Naughty Netty and Sneaky Salem, they dragged me to an underground cell with a lead. The used a command block to keep me in and made me give them blocks," he said between pants.
"Mate, just catch your breath, then tell us what happened," Martyn said.
"Netty, what are you doing back here?" Timmy asked.
Everyone faced the direction Timmy was facing. Netty was standing about five blocks from everyone. Grian panicked and hid behind Zee and Mini, who were staining furthest away from Netty. Mini readied his sword, and The Property Police stood firmly. Then Martyn spoke.
"Netty, where did you find Grian?"
"At the bottom of a stairway in an obsidian cube. He ran out as soon as I opened the door," she answered.
"Okay," Timmy continued, "Do you know where he was when he disappeared?"
"From what I've heard he was at his empire base. Martyn, I swear I have nothing to do with this."
"I believe you dear," Martyn said.
Timmy and everyone else just stood there in awe.
"I know you would not do anything like this." He said, wrapping Netty in a hug, "I know the real you wouldn't do anything this evil."
Naughty Netty growled and pushed him to the ground.
"You conniving little..." she said.
"Hey, it got you to reveal yourself, didn't it?" said Martyn, as he was trying to get up off the ground.
Naughty Netty got out her sword to hack at Martyn. Timmy readied his in defense of his buddy but was thrown off balance as Mini and Zee were knocked into him. Grian felt a familiar lead tighten around his neck.
"Calm down dear. We've got what we want."
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