Chapter 27
I feel like crap. Complete and utter crap. Not having Sqaishey in my life is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I wonder if she misses me too. I miss her, though. Her silky brown hair, her perky voice, her smile...
"Stampy!" Squid exclaims as he bursts through the door and jumps on my bed. "What do you want, Squid?" I ask angrily. "Jeez, I guess I'll just keep it to myself," he says sadly. "Look, I'm sorry, mate," I apologize as I sit up from my bed. "It's just...I miss her a ton. I don't know what I'm gonna do without her," I tell him. "I get it, Stamps," he says, nodding understandingly. "Anyway, I have something to tell you!" Squid says. "What is it, mate?" I ask him.
"I'm gonna kill myself!" he says happily. Wait, what? "Squid?! Are you insane?! You can't just go and freaking kill yourself!" I yell at him. "Stampy, you don't get it! Lee told me everything!" he argues. "Squid, what's up, mate? Why do you want to kill yourself? You won't respawn," I explain to him. "I want to get back to the real world! Where everything isn't made of blocks, and you can eat whenever you want, and where you don't have to work your butt off to build a house!" he says excitedly. "And the only way there is to kill yourself?" I ask him. He nods slowly then stands back up.
"Stampy, please believe me. I'll explain everything later, but I will tell you one thing now," he says. "And what is that?" He stares me straight in the eyes with a solemn expression on his face. "You'll be able to see Lee again," he says firmly. I pause for a moment.
"Lets do it."
~Le Time Skip~
I didn't tell Squid the other reason I agree, and I'm sure if I did, he'd kill me before I got the chance to kill myself. I was already thinking of jumping off a cliff after I broke up with Sqaishey. It killed me inside to break up with her, but I had to. Finding out that my father became Herobrine and that people were hunting and trying to kill me, Justin, and Netty because we're his kids...who knows what they'll do to people who know about him? I just couldn't risk her getting hurt because of me.
Squid and I trudge up the massive hill that we found to jump off of. There's a bit of water at the bottom, but it's easy to miss. When we get to the top, I almost tumble back down because of the extreme wind. I look over at Squid, and he looks at me, my fur and his hair blowing in the wind. "Are you sure this is gonna work, Squid?" I ask him. "Pretty sure," he says. "I'd like you to be more sure, but where else are we gonna go?" I ask him. "Fair point."
We walk up to the edge of the cliff and look down. "That's a far drop," Squid says nervously. "Yea. I have an idea. On the count of three, we'll jump together," I suggest. He nods and we step back a few paces and grab each other's hands- his hand and my paw -. "One, two, thr-!" "Stampy! Squid!" Sqaishey screams. We flip around to see Sqaishey and Nicole standing behind us with terrified looks on their faces. "What are you doing?!" Nicole yells over the wind. They run up to us and Sqaishey hugs me, and Nicole hugs Squid.
"What were you thinking?" she whispered, letting go of me. "I-I missed you. And Lee," I answer. "What does this have to do with Lee?!" she asks me. "I don't know how to explain it, really. But Squid told me that if you die you won't respawn here, but in the real world. And nothing's gonna stop me from finding out the truth," I tell her. She looks at me with a confused face, then shuts her eyes. She opens them after a few seconds and looks me straight in the eye.
"You sound completely mad, but if you're doing this, then I am too." she says firmly. "And me." "And me." "And me." "And me." "And me." I turn around to see Finnball, Rosie, Amy, Netty, and Ash- who still looks pretty sick from his hypothermia -all standing at the top of the hill with us, with determined looks on their faces. Ash steps forward. "We've been through hell and back in the last couple of months. And I don't plan on splitting the MAC up just yet," he says with a smile.
"And I don't plan on letting you guys leave me behind," another voice says. I look just behind Ash, to see my brother, Justin. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! You think we're gonna just let you come?" Finnball says angrily. Justin gives me a pleading look and I turn to the rest of the people crowded on the hill. "I have a confession to make. Well, Netty and I do," I say, looking at Netty. She nods and I clear my throat.
"Hit The Target, Justin to me, is our brother," I tell them. Amy gasps, Justin smiles, and Finnball gives me a disbelieving look. "You expect us to just believe this?" Rosie asks me. I'm about to answer but then Squid interrupts. "I do, because we've all trusted each other for years. That's a part of the deal we made when we created this club. We can explain later, but we've gotta get this over with," he says. They look at each other for a moment. "Sorry, Stampy. It's just a shock. But we'll definitely accept him. Now lets get back to the real world!" Amy says, throwing Lovely Jubblies into the air.
"Come here you guys. We'll jump on the count of three," Nicole says. Ash, Finnball, Amy, Netty, and Justin all come over to us and we join hands. "Three," I say, looking over at Netty. "Two," she says, looking over at Justin. "One." And we all jump.
That's it! The last chapter of this book. I know I didn't give you any warning that this would be it, but don't worry! I've already begun the first chapter of the sequel. Yep, I'm writing a sequel. Be sure to check it out, I'll let you all know when it's out, so be sure to archive this! I plan on releasing it within a few days, so you don't kill me. Hopefully you enjoyed, and for the last time in this book, peace out, Kitty Cats!
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