Chapter 10
HitTheTarget hit the ground too hard
iBallisticSquid hit the ground too hard
No. Squid's dead. If I were there I must've been able to do something. And HTT hacked the settings, so he won't respawn. I'm so glad he died, that ugly, green faced...never mind.
Maybe I can finally get out of here. I slam my paws against the door, well the trapdoor that leads to the floor. "Hello? Anyone here?" I yell hoarsely. I swear I've been yelling and screaming for help for at least two days. I honestly have no idea how I can keep yelling. No one's going to come anyway.
"Lee?" a familiar voice calls, "Where are you?" Squid? I thought he died as well. What the..."Lee!" "I'm down here!" I yell back. suddenly the trapdoor opens and I see Squid looking down at me. "Mate, how'd you manage to get down here?" Squid asks jokingly. "Very funny," I mutter as I climb out, "I thought you-" "Died?" Squid interrupts, "yea, I did. Hit The Target must've lied about the hack." Wait a minute...then he!
"Yes, I did lie. I'm honestly surprised that you didn't think that immediately." Hit The Target replies. Squid snaps around and punches him hard in the face. HTT stumbles back a little but regains his balance. He grabs Squid and holds a diamond sword up to his neck, just as...Stampy bursts in?! What is going on?
"Oh look, the cat has come to join the party as well. What a great surprise!" Hit The Target says sarcastically. Stampy looks over at me, mirroring the surprised look on my face. I lunge at Hit The Target while he's looking at Stampy and try to grab the sword.
"Oh you silly bear. Don't you know that you're on my side?"
I stare in awe as Lee's eyes roll behind his head. He floats into the air and starts glowing black. "Lee!" I gasp out. Hit The Target's grip tightens on me and the sword comes closer to slicing my neck. "Just wait," he hisses at me. Lee falls to the ground, on his paws and knees, panting."Lee? You okay, mate?" Stampy asks nervously. Lee's head snaps up and he stares at me.
His eyes are dark, murky back pits, with no soul. The most evil, scariest things that with one look they could have you praying that your soul isn't sucked straight out of you.
"Stamps?" I say, without taking my eyes off of the demon in front of me. "Yea, Squid?" "I don't think he's okay," I tell him. Suddenly Stampy sprints towards me, but Lee tackles him down and holds an iron sword to his stomach. "Don't move," Lee growls at a terrified Stampy. "You are coming with us," Target says. He leads me and Stampy - who has a sword point on his back - into a dark room and slams the door shut.
Hey Kitty Cats! So apparently I'm going to be more busy than I thought. I might update right before Christmas, but if not, maybe a day or two after. Hope you understand. Peace out!
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