Chapter 5: Back to class
"Have you two argued?"
Right in that very moment, all rational thoughts seemed to leave the minds of both males. As Clark's gaze gravitated towards Roshan's full lips, all he wanted to do was kiss them, with Roshan seemingly anticipating the action as his tongue lightly brushes his mouth, making them ready for contact. He finds his eyes slowly closing as he now lets his other senses take over. Clark's warm breath feels ticklish against his skin and then contact is made.
The moment is cautious to begin with, the touch delicate like the wings of a butterfly as Clark hastily pulls back, making Roshan once again open his eyes. They both look at eachother, as if to try and read the others' mind that this, what they were doing was ok...completely unexpected, but ok.
Now, with wordless consent, Roshan pushes forward, finding purchase on the borrowed apron as he pulls Clark close to him. Clark finds his fingers making their way into the back of Roshan's hair, as their bodies become flush with each other. The kiss soon gets fast and messy, with roaming hands and heavy breaths and he can't speak for Roshan, but Clark can't seem to resist the desire to....
Knock knock
The pair suddenly jump apart, looking at each other as if brought back from some other reality, or was it a fantasy? "Y...yes?" Roshan says, his voice a little broken as he straightens the collar of his whites. Clark pulls at the apron which had gotten puckered up around his chest. Roshan glances at Clark one last time before opening the door. "What is it?"
There stood Ben, a little nervous now he was faced with the teacher. "Uh...Tully. He sent me to ask you if we were going to try again, you know, with the eggs. He wants to eat." Ben now looks up a little more, sensing the tension between the two males which seemed to drift from the room like a breeze.
"Yes. We're done here." Roshan says rather curtly as he heads out of the room and walks past Ben, leaving the door wide open with Clark still standing inside. He looks at Ben a little sheepishly as he clears his throat.
"Have you two argued?" Ben questions. Placing his hands on his hips.
Clark now walks to the doorway, he peers around the corner to see Roshan disappear back into the classroom. "I don't know?" He replies. Making Ben look at Clark with confusion.
"Well you either have or you haven't." He says under a chuckle.
Clark sighs, choosing not to answer the question. "C'mon, let's go before we are scalded for lateness on top of everything else." He begins to head back to the room, with Ben following behind.
As Clark enters the room, he notices more faces than he would like staring at him. Most graced the look of annoyance that he had disrupted their lesson because of his carelessness. He was actually rather glad to hear Roshan's voice draw their attention back to the front.
"Ok, so, ah yes. We were frying eggs...."
The rest of the class seemed a little surreal. Even though eggs were successfully fried by the most part, even by Clark, with a little help from the guys sitting in front and Tully was able to satisfy his hunger, Roshan had given Clark's desk a wide berth. So he was especially surprised when at the end of the session, Roshan called out. "Mr Layton, remember, I still want a word."
As Clark hands back the borrowed apron to Ben, he sits back on the stool. "Good luck." Tully mouths as he holds up two thumbs, with Ben doing the same. Soon the class is empty, apart from himself and Roshan.
Clark watches as Roshan opens his cupboard door once again, removes his whites and puts back on the pink cardigan. He then disappears into the cupboard a moment, only to re-emerge with a folded item. He finally looks at Clark as he approaches his desk. "Here. You can borrow this." He says, offering over the item as he places it on the table and slides it over. Clark looks at the item briefly, before picking it up and seeing that it is an apron, with two strawberries on it. "A little more professional than Subway don't you think?" He adds with a half smile.
"Y...yeah, thanks." Clark says, returning the smile.
"Thanks...." Roshan prompts.
"Thanks chef." Clark concludes, rolling his eyes.
Roshan taps the table a couple of times. "Ok, so I'll see you next week." He finishes off and begins to head to the desk at the front to get his bag.
Clark lowers the apron and looks up at Roshan walking away. "What, that's it? That's all that we need to talk about?"
"Yes." Roshan repeats. Not wanting to turn around and face the man he had shown a moment of weakness with. How unprofessional of him.
"So we're not gonna talk about what went on in the medical room?" Clark asks once again, now getting up from the stool and following Roshan halfway across the classroom.
Roshan momentarily stops in his tracks. He closes his eyes and balls up his fists and utters. "That was out of character."
"Out of character?" Clark questions. "Look, I don't go around kissing people like that every day either! But I still think we need to at least face the fact that it happened. Something made us do it."
"You caught me off guard." Roshan replies, now turning around to face Clark. "I don't know what came over me. It was unprofessional for one."
"How was it unprofessional?" Clark questions.
"I'm your teacher, you are my student..." Roshan begins, but he is cut off by Clark.
''We are all adults here, we're not at school."
Roshan looks at Clark and doesn't understand why the guy is making him feel this way. Why was he making his heart beat so fast? Why was he making him do such reckless things?
"Are you telling me you regret the kiss?" Clark asks, wanting to fill in the awkward silence between them, but ultimately making the tension mount with his burning question.
"I...don't...I..." Roshan tries to answer, tries to explain the unexplainable. Emotions and feelings were never so simple as a recipe of instructions.
Clark takes a step forward yet again and looks into Roshan's eyes...
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