Chapter 5
"Do you guys have any siblings?" I mumble to the three that sit in front of me.
Savannah is the first to acknowledge that I have said something. Her eyebrows scrunch together in confusion, and she looks almost mad at herself.
"I-I don't remember.. Honestly" I nod, understanding completely, then look at Chase.
"I had too many siblings to remember all their names" he chuckles. I nearly commented on how he used past tense, but decided to let it go for now.
I play with my fingers while my brain is out is la la land. But I'm snapped back into reality when the cell is being unlocked.
"The two youngest" is all that's said and all that's needed to know that Chase and I are not going to be joining them.
"Pack your things" another exasperated. "You're cleared"
I squint my eyes.
"What do you mean cleared?" I sass.
The guard rolls his eyes. "They get to move into the dorms with the others"
"What do you mean others?" Savannah pries.
"I said pack your things!!" He shouts.
The two; Alex and Savannah, scurry around shoving the few things that they have into their laundry baskets until all that's left is mine and Chase's things.
The guard locks up again after they're led out, making it seem as though nothing happened.
"So" Chase starts.
"What did they mean by others?" He dumbly ponders.
"What, you think I know? We got here the same way; taken from our family's and somehow or another magically stuck to the ceiling!" I shout, then realize my actions. "I'm sorry, that came out way more harsh than intended."
He sighs
"That's okay, I'm used to being yelled at." He sulks.
I give him a questioning look, tilting my head to the side as I do so.
"Chase.. What do you mean by that?" I ask as gently as humanly possible.
He flinches as I speak, cowering deeper every time. His body language shows me that I need to act carefully when dealing with this subject; he's sensitive to it.
"Hey" I softly add, letting my fingers find their way to rub his back. "You can tell me"
He nods. I watch as he wipes the unfallen tears out of his eyes.
"My mum.. She-she never really payed much attention to me unless I was acting 'out of line' as she liked to put it. And my dad oh god-" he lets out a sob, choking over his words. I pull him in for a hug, cursing my awkwardness.
"It's okay. Please, continue." I nudge.
He lets out a sigh, and tries getting better control over his breathing. "My dad was a drunk. He always came home ready to fight, and I-I was the oldest, s-so my mum expected me to look after my sisters. I had six of them by the way. He-he used to yell and hit me a bunch, didn't really care how much I screamed for him to stop." He finally lets out.
We sit there for a while longer as I wait for him to get himself together. Me gently rubbing circles on his back. Eventually, he looks up at me, showing me his red-rimmed, bloodshot eyes.
"You're okay now, right? No ones hurting you like they used to." I mumble.
"Y-yeah, now I'm just some human lab rat." He rolls his eyes.
It's what he does next that surprises me most, nearly scaring me as he does it.
He leans in, and kisses me. He barely pecks my lips when I pull away, distraught, and the door flies open, revealing four guards.
Two stomp towards me, the other two tower over Chase, as they inject our necks with something.
Something that makes me see stars and eventually, black out.
Whenever I wake up tied to something, I'm automatically in a bad mood. Who would ever want that?
The room is —once again— all white, except for the ceiling that's all mirrors.
I pull on the restraints to no avail, and just as I'm about to give up, the door flies open. The door that I didn't realize was there.
My restraints are removed and I'm picked up bridal style. I nuzzle closer to the heat source, feeling myself shiver.
"Put her by the window, I want her to see this." Someone calls.
I'm set down by a 'window' aka a mirror from the other side. Inside the room, Chase sits on a bed that looks quite uncomfortable.
I'm handed a weird see-through tablet that's pill sized and told to swallow it, also being handed a glass of what I assume is water.
I don't do so happily, but in the end swallow the tablet.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see movement in the room Chase is in, gaining my full attention.
The younger boy snaps his head up at the sound of movement. A old man is gripping a ancient looking woman.
"Do it" rings throughout the speakers of the room I rest in, finally I realize that it was what the man had said.
He lets go of the lady, letting her fall to her knees. He shouts at Chase once again, and that's all it takes.
Anger is clear on his face as he stands up, tosses his arms in the air, pointing his left —being left handed and all— at the woman.
It's like magic as he picks her body up. It floats in the air like she's attached to something. I'm amazed at first, then, the man shouts once more. "DO IT!" Just like that, the woman's neck is turned completely around and her face is now looking towards me as blood seeps from her mouth.
I scream and jump back.
My new best friend in this place just murdered someone.
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