Chapter 4
"I call top bunk!" Chase shouts as he pulls himself onto the top of the bed that leans against the left wall. Savannah looks at me, almost as if she's asking for permission to take the top. I wave my hand in a 'I don't care' matter, and begin to rummage through my laundry basket.
Finally, I find what I was looking for. Sheets. There's a bottom sheet, top sheet, and one pillow case.
Yet, no pillow.
Those thoughts are put to rest as I glance behind Chase and Alex's bed, finding a pile of four pillows neatly tucked between the wall and front of the bed.
I scoot my feet toward them, dodging the articles of clothing being thrown around.
I take one. That leaves one for everyone else, but, if no one claims them by tomorrow, you can count on me taking another.
A guard bangs on the door —the one that was left to watch and make sure we didn't leave—
"Get changed into the white clothes" he demands.
Not a single one of us moves and the guard —that has the number 127 on his vest— crosses his arms.
Chase is the first to speak up. "Um, w-while we're in front of each other?" He deadpans.
The guard stands up straight in some sort of sassy-like-manor
—probably rolls his eyes— and speaks up. "You could hold blankets up for each other if you're that worried."
I glance around. No we can't! The only 'blanket' we have are some white —see through— sheets.
"Here," I start off slowly. "Chase, we'll all turn around and you can get changed."
He picks up the clothing we were told to put on, looking at the tank top and shorts while a worried look dances on his face.
"A-actually, Savannah, you can um.. you can go first." He tosses her the size —oddly enough we all got everything in our sizes— and walks over next to me.
I glance at him, noting the long black shirt and grey shorts.
"Chase?" I whisper, hoping to get the truth.
"Hmm?" He replies.
I'll admit, I almost asked exactly what was on my mind, but then I thought that I should start off simple with him; easy questions.
"Where are you from?"
He gives me a sideways glance, his eyebrows furrowed. In the background, I see Savannah with no shirt on and quickly snap my head forward again.
"Cassie.." He trails off. "I um.. I don't know"
I gift him with a goofy look from me, but come to think about it, I don't know where I'm from either.
Or much more, for that matter.
Did I have siblings?
Was I loved?
Thoughts like these crossed my mind like crazy. Eating away all sanity I had left.
"Next" Savannah chirps, snapping me out of my trance. I look at the girl standing before me, she wears a white onesie that appears to be made of spandex and is very form fitting.
The next twenty minutes is spent on all of us getting these awful outfits on.
I've never had such a bad wedgie, and I can only imagine how Chase and Alex feel.
The guard speaks —without even glancing at us— "No shoes or socks are permitted."
I groan —very dramatically— and begin yanking off the socks I had on, throwing them at 127.
They smack him right in the back of the head and I stifle the giggles wanting to leave my mouth.
"You kids are very lucky they need you alive." He growls. "Also," he begins again." no jewelry is allowed."
Chase makes a choking sound —he must've choked on air cause we don't have anything to eat— and stands, beginning to pace the room.
I follow suit and grab him, trying to get him to look at me. Refusal is all he grants.
I look at his left arm, it's covered in rubber bracelets.
"Chase!" He stops dead in his tracks, glancing at me sideways. "What's going on?"
He glances at Alex and Savannah, then back at me, his eyes silently begging me to not make him say whatever it is aloud.
I grab him by his shoulder —he's about an inch shorter than me—
and lead him to the east side of the room.
"Please don't make me" he begs. I cross my arms, awaiting an explanation, but when he says nothing, I'm pretty sure I've figured it out.
I reach out and grab his arm, holding tight so that he can't yank it back. Moving the rubber bracelets up, I see the —small— cuts, they look mostly healed, like he hadn't done it in a while.
"Why would you do this?" I question softly.
"I- well, honestly, umm, I well- I don't remember doing it." He splutters out all at once. Giving me a shameful glance, and looking down.
I rub his shoulders slightly, hoping to get the heavy pants he's letting escape his mouth to calm a bit.
"You really don't remember?"
He shakes his head.
I only nod, gently beginning to remove the bracelets. In the end, there's thirty-two of them that he had on.
Why didn't they take his jewelry in cleaning like they did mine?
I ask myself over and over again.
The guard obviously knew that he had it, too.
I decide to let these thoughts go
—for now— and focus on eating the food that was just shoved into Savannah's —who was closest to the door at the time— hands.
"Let's go, you won't get another potty break for a while" the new guard —he replaced 127 for shift change. His number is 334— mocks.
We're lead down a hallway, it's brightly lit and is once again
—almost— all white.
I'm stopped at a door that has a toilet on the metal plate —that all the doors seem to have— on it.
Alex being the first to go, then me, Chase, and finally Savannah. It took me a few minutes of walking back to —what I thought would be— our new room to realize, they sent us in alphabetical order. The person who runs this place must be some crazy organized nut-case.
When we finally get to what I thought would be our room, it's not. It's some sort of science lab.
The technology in this place amazes me.
"TS2, follow me." One woman speaks in a leader-like voice.
It took me a while to realize, I'm TS2. I'm their test subject. I'm led to a chair that has TV's above it —that aren't turned on— and, once again, I'm sat down, and can't move. Nothing's holding me down, but I can't move.
A mask is put over my mouth and I hold my breath for as long as I can
—not very long— but eventually, they inject me with some kind of serum —in my neck— that takes my breath away, causing me to splutter and cough for air. I get a burning feeling go down my throat, almost like I had just down a entire bottle of vodka, and my vision blurs, then goes black.
Then, I see a little girl, she doesn't look much older than nine or ten. Bright green eyes light up her features. Pink lips, rosy and plump cheeks, and light brown-dark blonde hair.
"Come on sis!" She yells.
Am I her sister?
Must be, because she grabs my arm and yanks, jolting me towards her.
It all comes snapping back then, her name is Sonya, she is my little sister.
I awake from the- well, I don't know exactly what to call that, but whatever, I wake up from it just like waking up from a dream.
Some stuff is fuzzy, some stuff is clear as daylight in a pitch black room, and some things I really have to strain my mind to remember.
"TS2 was a fail ma'am" One scientist tells the 'head lady'
—I'm guessing— Who only shakes her head.
"Bring in TS5" she demands.
5? But there's only four of us.
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