Chapter 2
You know that feeling you get when you wake up from a dream and you feel like you're falling? Yeah, that's how I woke up, too. But try to imagine this: waking up like that, with a killer headache, and you have absolutely no idea where you are. Sounds awesome right?
I try to sit up, but for whatever reason, I can't. I try so hard to pull myself up, but I just can't!
"Hello?!" I shout, noting the echo that it creates. What am I in some sort of cave?
I try it again, counting the echoes, it ends up being six times that it's repeated. Weird.
I try sitting up multiple more times, but nothing seems to work. It's not like I have restraints on either, nothing is tied around my wrists, legs, stomach, or neck. But I'm definitely being held down by something.
The room —or whatever I'm in— is pitch black, my eyes never adjusted, and somethings telling me that they aren't going to.
Oddly enough, I don't know how I got here.
There's a tapping in the distance, and I can't tell if it's happening over and over again, or if it's just echoing. The noise then gets closer and I decide on it's really happening.
It almost sounds as if someone is taking a stick and stabbing it onto a concrete or rock-like material.
Then, there's the sound of a switch being used, and blinding lights surround my sight, blurring my vision and causing me to squint ever so slightly.
When my eyes do end up adjusting, I find myself looking at a smooth, glossy, white surface. I tilt my head a bit, looking at it oddly, until a thought crossed my mind.
I tilted my head. I moved. I can move.
No sooner does the thought exit and I go to swing my arm out, I fall. Not like some graceful fall some of those famous volleyball players know how to do either, I did a flat out face-plant. It's only then that I realize, I was hanging from the ceiling, but nothing was holding me up.
How the heck was I hanging from the ceiling?
I scramble to my feet, but find out that the smooth glossy surface, is like walking on ice with wet bare-feet.
I'm no gymnast, but these floors sure made doing the splits incredibly easy.
"Ouch!" I'm sure you must be thinking that was me who said that, I did too at first. The thought went through my mind, but it never came out of my mouth. Not even once.
I glance around the —completely white— room, and soon notice a red-headed girl, appearing to be no older than eleven.
"Hey! You! How'd you get here?" I shout, soon remembering that it echoes and get yelled at by two boys who are also in the room.
Wonder why they didn't hear me yelling.
The boys look around the ages of eleven —also— and thirteen.
All of us walk toward each other, and stand awkwardly once we reach close proximity.
"Well.. This ain't gonna do us any good, I'm Chase." The older of the boys —by looks anyway— introduces.
I nod. "Cassie"
The girl finally looks up from where she was staring at her shoes, and speaks in a calm, yet panicked voice. "I'm Savannah"
She immediately looks back down, her face bright red —must be shy—
Chase and I look towards the youngest looking boy, waiting for him to give us his name.
He only shakes his head in a 'no' matter.
"You can't tell us your name?" Chase questions.
The boy points to his lips and shakes his head once again. By the time I finally register that he can't talk, Savannah has already said "I don't think he can talk"
He begins making odd waves to his hands that I don't understand in the least.
"His name's Alex" Savannah spoke out.
"How do you know?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
"Because, smart one, I can read sign language, and he just told me! He can hear too, he just can't talk" she snaps.
"Oh, sorry" I mumble.
"Okay girls, no need to get off to a bad start, we need to figure out how to get out of this room"
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