Chapter 1
That's Cassie^
I wake with a jump, noting that my little sister is bouncing on my legs, jumping around like some animal. I groan, sitting up, and scooping her into my arms.
"And just what do you think that you are doing?" I question grumpily.
"Mom said you need to get up!" She bounces around some more, shouting "UP! UP! UP!" until I finally give in and stand, shooing he's out of my room and grabbing the things that I need for showering purposes.
I look toward my desk seeing my unfinished homework scrambled about, and silently yell at myself. I ignore the thoughts seeping into my mind of how much trouble I'm going to get in and strut off to the bathroom instead.
"Thanks a lot mom!" I shout down the steps, still very displeased with this mornings events of a child in my room.
"No problem dear!" She pauses. "Oh and Cassie?" I groan in response. "Help Sonya get ready when you're out of the shower. Thank you"
I roll my eyes and stomp to the bathroom, finding my brother, Jorge, inside. I grab the collar of his nicely ironed shirt and drag the twelve year old just outside the door and slam it in his face.
Twenty-five minutes later I find myself brushing through my silky dry hair, and putting my dryer away. I sigh, open the door, and stop in front of Sonya's door.
I hear squeals from inside and wonder if I actually dare to go in, then remember my mothers request, and open the door.
My eyes nearly pop out of their sockets when I see the child in front of the window that faces the neighbors house, naked, and waving her butt in the direction of Ms. Lacey. I quickly pull her away from the window —praying that she went unnoticed— and frantically close the curtain.
"Are you kidding me?!" I shout, gaining the attention of Jorge, who peaks inside the door that's cracked open.
"Can I help you Jorge?" I growl at him.
I don't pay much attention to if he stayed to watch me scold her or if he left, but I could care less either way, honestly.
"What?" Sonya —who is nine years old— questions innocently.
I snap at the dumb-ness she's putting on the mask of. "Don't you 'what?' me, you're nine years old for gods sake! You know better —I know you do— than to wave your naked-" I have to stop myself from swearing at her. I don't do it usually, but it slips sometimes. "butt in front of the window and shaking it at the neighbor!"
She shrugs and goes over to her closet, picking out some pink shirt and a pair of jeans.
"You just wait until mom hears about this." I mock.
She snaps her head at me, panic clear on her face. "You wouldn't" she tests.
I smirk. "Oh, but I would."
Before she can say another word, I'm leaving her room, headed down the stairs to tell my mother exactly what happened.
Sonya creeps down the steps with a look of worry on her face, she knows that I told on her sorry butt, and now, she's definitely in trouble. But instead of being some horrible sister and watching her be yelled at —again— I walk up into my room and begin to gather my unfinished homework.
I trample down the stairs at the same pace as Jorge —who's next to me— and throw my backpack over my shoulder, grab a banana, and shout over my shoulder "I'm going to school!" then reach for the door handle, but before I can head out, Jorge grabs my hand.
"Be careful sis, I know you're older than me, but you're still only fourteen." He then nods for me to go and heads into the kitchen. I slip on my flip-flops and run out the door, not bothering to lock it, they'll be leaving soon.
I run to the stop sign at the end of my road and being to peal my banana.
I look both ways and start crossing the road — like every other day — making sure that nothing is coming still, I take a bite of my banana.
I walk past the Rixon's house, waving at Mr. Rixon as he gets into his car for work, then turn down the side street I take to get to the high school.
I'm almost to the main road again when there's a tap on my shoulder, I turn around, and see nothing. I skeptically go to turn back around, but before I do, a cloth is held over my mouth and nose, and I fall, blackness overtaking my sight and mind from whatever drug being used against me.
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