A Month Later
It had been a month ever since you were kidnapped. It hadn't been as bad as you thought it would, Medic was a man of his word. You did as he said and you were never harmed.
"(Y/N) could you come to ze lab?" Medic asked. You nodded and followed him to his lab. He had a room that he called his "lab" where he would conduct experiments. Though he never called you into his lab before.
"So what do you need me to do?" You asked "You vill see soon enough." Medic replied. The two of you entered the lab and the sight of it made you gag.
"Like vat I haff done?" Medic asked with a smirk. Even though you were his prisoner he let you say most whatever you wanted, there were restrictions. "It's grotesque and horrifying." You said.
He smiled his sadistic smile "Gut. Zat is vat I vanted." You looked around to see everything he had done. The mutilated corpses of humans were scattered around. Limbs were littered around the counters and floors.
There was a steady waterfall of blood that flowed from one body. You guessed it was his latest victim. You then heard groans of agony and looked around for the source before realizing it was the body with the waterfall of blood.
"M-m-m-ms... P-p-p-please... H-help... M-me..." It said so you went over to it. The body was badly burnt and had numerous cuts and stitches covering it. The wounds were so bad you couldn't tell if it was male or female.
"Why are you here?" It asked "I'm his prisoner, I have to do as he says." You said. The person regarded you with sadness "I'm sorry... You're doomed too." The statement caught you off guard "What do you mean?" You asked.
"I mean eventually he will have no further use for you. In that instance he won't just let you escape, he'll kill you and keep your corpse here to experiment on it." It said sadly.
"How do you know this?" You asked. "Because I was like you once. He kidnapped me because he thought I was pretty or something like that. Anyway so he did the same thing to me. I managed to escape from him, he found me yesterday. He brought me back here and, you can see what he did to me." It said.
"So what are you? What gender I mean?" You asked. "Female." She said the sight of what had happened was horrifying. "I'm so sorry this happened to you." You said. "You can't escape from your fate. It's already been decided, when he feels like it. You'll be history." She said.
A machete went through her chest, you could hear the ribs snapping. A sickening snap over and over. You gulped and looked upwards. "Hallo Frauliene." Medic said with a sadistic smile.
He then picked you up bridal style, he did this often so you didn't fight. Instead you wrapped your arms around his neck, for whatever reason he liked when you would do that.
Despite being a sadistic killer, he was pleasant to you. He never gave the indication that he wanted to do you harm. He would compliment you often.
Often times you wondered if he had feelings for you, you would always dismiss them. "That's impossible." You would think. Eventually you decided to ask him about it.
"Medic? Where are you?" You asked and immediately he came out of nowhere. "Vat do you need liebeling?" He asked.
"May I ask you something?" You asked. He nodded "Go ahead." He said "Why did you pick me?" He tilted his head to the side in confusion.
"Vat do you mean?" He asked "I meant, why did you kidnap me?" You asked. He smirked "Vell, du bist schon und... Ich... Zis is difficult." He said. "Can you describe the feeling?" You asked.
He paused to think "Hmm... Vell, I do not vant to harm you. I vant to protect you. I try mein best to impress you vith mein verk, it never verks. I... I do not vish to be your master anymore." He said.
"Then if you don't want to be my master, what do you want to be?" He paused to think. "I, I zink I fell for you. Ja! Ich liebe dich (Y/N). Sei mein?" He asked. "I didn't understand what you said." You said cautiously.
"I haff known for a long time zat somezing vas missing from me. I now know zat somezing vas you, you vere missing from me. At first I took you because I vanted someone to control, someone to obey mein every command vithout question. As time vent on, I began to feel things for you zat I haff never felt for anyone else. I love you (Y/N), I know zat I put you through so much und I just vant to say I am truly sorry. You haff no reason to fear me mein love, I only ask of you zis: vill you be mein girlfriend?" He asked.
He sounded so genuine when he apologized for the torment he put you through. He never laid a finger on you though, but the torment he put you through was him trying to impress you by showing you what horrific tortures he could put people through.
"Master, I" he put a finger over your lips "Do not call me master bitte. Call me by mein name, Medic. You may stop following mein orders, you may leave. I vill not punish you for leaving if you vant." He said softly.
Your suspicions were proven correct, Medic had feelings for you. You always thought he was handsome but did you want to stay with him?
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