42 / 四十二 / yon-jyu-ni
Chapter 42, Petrify
"I'm sorry, they're usually like this when they gain interest in a place," Shirome slightly bowed and sweatdropped as she eyed the girls getting excited at the surroundings. Even the scenery outside amazed them.
The coach of Inarizaki urged her to raise her head and laughed, "It's fine, at least they're not violating school grounds."
At least. Heavy on 'at least'. Shirome shut her eyes tight.
The girl froze, recognizing that soothing but chilling voice from before.
The coaches looked confused when she was dumbfounded as she looked at Kita who wore a gentle smile.
"Shinsuke!" She mumbled, eyes wide. He gently laughed and pulled her in a soft hug which she returned.
Shirome laughed, "It's been so long! How are you? I missed you."
"I missed you more," He mumbled on the girl's shoulder. The coaches were surprised and looked away.
"It's been alright. Been focused more with studies and the club. I apologize if I neglect to update you."
He noticed the coaches and pulled away, "Pardon. She's my cousin from the mother side."
Inarizaki and Fushichou's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.
"Alright then. By the way, I already discussed the simple things, right? Kita, you know them already. If anything goes wrong, don't be afraid to reach out to us okay?" The coach kindly said to Shirome.
She nodded with a thanks as the coaches left. Kita hummed, "You continue to grow as a beautiful young lady."
"Thank you, Shinsuke. You're a gentleman, as always. Please do come visit at the manor if you have time.. mom misses you," She smiled.
Kita was about to add something else but a loud voice stopped him.
"Shiro-chaaaaan!" Atsumu yelled while dashing to the unprepared girl.
"?!" She nervously turned to him as he hugged her by the waist and spun him and her around, barely missing Kita who took a large step back. Both teams couldn't do anything but just watch. The girls' had their eyes bulging out, and the boys sweatdropped but still wore a shocked expression.
By the time he put her down, he smiled widely while Shirome slightly got tipsy from the harsh spin. Kuro was about to rage and walk there, but Ichiro stopped him.
"Woah, I didn't know you go to Fushichou! I'm looking forward to later," His eyes sparkled.
"Same goes for you and Inarizaki," She nervously laughed and craned her neck up to look at him.
The blonde froze infront of Shirome who had a confused look on her face. He slowly looked at Kita behind him who had his arms crossed and a bitter look on his face.
"Get back on the bench with the others," He said, sending chills down the omelette haired boy's spine.
"Right!" Atsumu nervously saluted and dashed to the bench where the other members shot him a confused look, demanding an answer.
"I thought you didn't like girls?" A boy asked him.
"Shut yer trap," He scowled.
Shirome didn't notice that most of the girls that were watching by the bleachers. They were glaring at her hardcore.
Did I do something wrong? Shirome sweatdropped.
Kita raised a brow at her, "How did you know him?"
"Relax, Shinsuke. I met him from the youth camp," She chuckled.
He hummed lowly, "A friend, huh?"
She nodded as they both walked to the benches.
He sighed, "I only got informed and saw the list of your team just earlier. I was surprised when I saw you there."
"I didn't get informed at all," She sheepishly smiled, "I was late.."
"That's alright," He ushered to the court, "We stretch first."
The two captains seperated to their own teams. Only to be met by suspicious gazes– but with slight tease. Shirome raised a brow with crossed arms and they all immediately silenced. In the side of Inarizaki, Kita raised a brow, making them all shudder and shut up.
Amazing. Their family line must be full of intimidating people. The coaches and super visor thought.
"Hey, let's mess up her serve the worst when it's her time," A girl silently whispered to the group of girls who nodded in agreement.
After both teams stretched they walked to their designated side of the court. The coaches sat on their team benches and watched, the referee was testing his whistle and other things.
"Do we have to play against them? They're girls," A bored dark brunette lazily asked another member.
"Suna, don't slack off," Kita called out a little hard to Suna. He can tell that he's ready to be inefficient for the game.
Suna flinched and the other members shot him a teasing look.
It was Kira first in serving. Fushichou was surprised when they hear booing.
Kira shrugged as she made a jump serve and the other team's libero easily caught it. The ravenette's eye twitched but got into position anyway.
Atsumu tossed to someone who looked identical to him but with silver hair. Shirome's brows slightly raised.
He spiked it at the back, the other girls unable to react fast. Kira and Hito frowned. Ameri had her arms crossed on the side, ready to judge them.
"Be attentive!" Ameri yelled at the back liners.
"Sorry," Kira and Hito apologized.
His tosses just got harsher. Shirome mentally said.
"Shiro, I didn't know you're the captain," Atsumu's mouth formed an 'O'.
"Oi, focus," The on court captain scolded him. Atsumu gave an apologetic smile and got into position. Shirome just grinned.
The team rallied, occasionally gaining points. Inarizaki was leading though— they were higher by 1 point.
Ameri gave Shirome the usual a-pass. She tossed it to Hito but was blocked by Suna. The crimson head dove for the ball and went to Shirome.
The white haired girl put up a toss form, but did a spike to the side. Atsumu cursed slightly but received it. Their setter had the first touch.
He silently whined but Shirome didn't mind. His twin went for the toss and set it to Atsumu.
I'll give the first touch back to you. Atsumu snickered in his thoughts.
Shirome sighed silently. I'll repeat what happened if he really forced me for the first touch.
And he did. The omelette head spiked it to Shirome who received it.
"Fucker," Ameri grumbled and went for the toss.
She made a libero toss, surprising everyone but their team and members. Shirome made a run and jumped, spiking it with her left hand. Suna and the other guy stumbled for the block, slightly taken aback at her high apex, but their arms were thrown back from the heavy force.
Are you serious?? She flew.. Suna pursed his lips.
"Woah, that's even harder than before at the camp," Atsumu hummed. Shirome furrowed her brows and told him she was just spiking like usual.
"Yer telling me, she has an abnormal jump?" His twin raised a brow.
"Yup. Shiro-chan, this is 'Samu. My younger brother," He pointed to his twin who had a deadpanned look.
She slightly bowed to him and waved at Atsumu as she went to serve.
It's my serve. Shirome sighed mentally.
She bounced the ball, feeling every surface of it. The referee blew his whistle.
"Get lost kid!"
"Rotaate! Subb!"
"You can't serve!!"
She stopped before she could run, hearing a lot of disapprovals and insults behind her. There stood the girls who were there the whole time, but only boo-ed for her.
Inarizaki sweatdropped and the girls were trying hard not to jump to the bleachers to rip their cocky smiles off. Kita was about to approach them, but Guren stopped him kindly, "It's alright."
Shirome stood up straight, dribbling the ball with a hand. She slowly looked at the girls over her shoulder.
The girls slowly stopped. They shrieked and flinched hard at her heavy stare. Her eyes were glowing a cold red hue. The girls at the bleachers looked away because of the heavy pressure. Kita silently glared at the girls which fuelled their tension. He got back to their bench to stand and continued to watch the smaller captain.
Shirome looked infront with a blank stare, 4 seconds remaining for her serve. She did a fast jump serve which their libero failed to receive because of the spin. The ball bounced off of the court to the bleachers.
"Sorry! I'll get it next time," The setter said.
"Don't mind," Aran calmly said.
Woaaah. Atsumu's eyes widened.
Shirome took a half-step sideways behind with a foot as she caught the ball that was passed to her again by a ball boy without looking, glancing over at the girls who screamed at her earlier.
"I can serve...," She started, ".. Can you do that?"
The girls sneered and blushed from embarrassment. The students outside the gym doors were recording their faces as they snickered.
"Are you silent, or were you silenced?!" Ameri laughed at the court with her hands propped on both her knees. The people on the court had a small smile, while others chuckled, amused. Kita had a lazy smirk, which Suna stumbled to get his phone out from the bench when no one was looking, zoomed at his face and took a picture.
He was lucky to put it back and jogged back to court before Kita looked over.
Ever since then, the bleachers went dead silent during her serves.
The girl served again, but this time she aimed for their ace. He barely caught it, leaving Atsumu for a flexible toss.
Hito, Aoi, and Shirome went infront when Miya'samu went for the toss. His eyes twitched as Shirome blocked his spike.
Fushichou won the first set, only four more to play.
i love ameri
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