35 / 三十五 / san-jyu-go
Chapter 35, Senpai
Bokuto got out of the restroom, grumbling about how the kid was too clumsy. The paint was slightly hard to remove, it took him atleast 3 minutes. Now his cheek looks really red.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Bokuto suddenly appeared infront of them. He had a large smile, and the slight damp on his shirt is evident.
"Bokuto-san, you're here," Akaashi nodded.
"Yeah– I almost flipped when I didn't see the both of you. Then when I arrived both of you are looking at each other, what's up?" He asked, confused.
"Oh, we were talking about you, Bokuto-san. I told her that time where you slipped in the hallways because you attempted to save your sandwich," Akaashi smirked, but looked at him as if saying that he knows he was lying.
Bokuto pouted, "Akaashi! You promised me you'd never tell anyone!" He whined and shot him a look.
Shirome laughed, "Was it a nice save though?"
The three of them laughed. Akaashi sighed, "Hey, it's almost time to eat dinner. Let's go to the ferris wheel after we eat."
"Roger!" Shirome and Bokuto saluted as they followed Akaashi.
"That was nicer than I thought," Bokuto sighed and patted his stomach–well, abs. Even he ate 10 tempura bowls, his body remains the same.
"Yeah, they served the food really nice," Akaashi said, slightly rubbing his abs.
Shirome laughed, "You guys really picked a nice place to eat. I never get to eat at this place when I go here. I usually go outside," She said and tapped her flat stomach.
"Wait, we should've gone outside then," Bokuto frowned.
She shook her head, "No, it's not a problem. Besides, the ferris wheel is nearer from here," She said as they walked.
"You got a point," Akaashi hummed.
The three of them queued in line for the ferris wheel, and after some time, they finally got theirs. Akaashi helped Shirome get on as Bokuto stayed at the back incase she slipped and fall. Her eyes sparkled as she took a seat opposite from them. The night sky looked really nice, and the stars seemed to shine brighter. The moon shined down on her, making a lighting effect. For the boys–she looked ethereal as she looked up at the moon outside. Her jawline was perfectly shown, her small pointed nose, her soft pink parted lips, and the wind that blew her bangs softly.
She was captivating.
The boys blushed, their eyes stuck on her. She was extremely stunning, she was the most precious thing in the world. She invited them to take pictures and they did. The girl didn't know Bokuto sent it in the GC, to Kuroo, to Daichi, and other captains/players he knew. He was proud – while some of the people who received it were envious. The photo immediately got likes when he posted it on Instagram.
Suddenly, she giggled and turned to them. The moonlight shone perfectly on the side of her face as she wore a teasing smile, "Your stares are really overwhelming."
They both blushed, but still couldn't look away from her. She leaned back her seat after putting her bag beside her, "Woah, you guys look really pretty under the moonlight," She stared at both of them in awe.
Says you. Both of them scoffed in their mind.
"We do look really nice though, right Akaashi?" He laughed, making the cart move a little.
Akaashi rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I know. I'm gorgeous," He smiled and looked at Shirome.
"Yeah, I'm stunning," Bokuto smiled, and looked at Shirome.
Both of them said the last word at the same time while they wore bigger smiles directed at Shirome. She smiled.
"You really know what words that describes you, huh?" She laughed and looked out to the night sky again.
"They're specifically directed to you," Bokuto muttered quietly, and Akaashi heard. But he agreed.
Shirome hummed in confusion but Bokuto shook his head, saying it was nothing. She just smiled and continued to enjoy the view.
But the most beautiful view for the boys is infront of them. And it's not the night sky, stars, or the moon. It was her.
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