31 / 三十一 / san-jyu-ichi
Chapter 31, Hangout
A doorbell rang. When she went up to open it she was surprised when Kuroo appeared with pizza boxes and ice cream.
"Oh wow! Ahh!" She sarcastically yelped and punched Kuroo on the chest.
He huffed as his eyes widened at the impact, "What the hell woman?! You lagged or something??"
Shirome rolled her eyes and grabbed the ice cream from his hand, "You shouldn't do that, Kuroo. You know how startled Kenma gets when people do that."
"Sorry, sorry," He laughed and went upstairs, "Kenma here?"
"Yeah, wait for me," The girl said as she got plates, drinks, bowls, and spoons for their food. Kuroo assisted her by taking most of it from her hands by one hand.
"So," Kuroo started as they walked up the stairs, "You guys do something freaky?"
"What?" Shirome genuinely asked, "We haven't played any horror games yet."
Godbless her. Kuroo sweatdropped.
"Oh, okay. Now that I'm here, why don't we three play it?" He cheekily grinned.
"Sure," She smiled. Kuroo smiled wider, thinking that she looked cute.
"Food is here!" Kuroo shouted as he blasted the door to Kenma's room open. Shirome shortly passed him and placed the things on the floor.
"Can you stop with my door? It will break," Kenma frowned at him.
"My bad," Kuroo chuckled and sat down beside Kenma, taking the girl's place.
Shirome crossed her arms, "That's my seat."
"Now it's mine," Kuroo stared at her.
Kenma pushed Kuroo away and let Shirome sit on his place. Kuroo whined and complained at him while Shirome shot him a smug look.
"Heh," She smirked with her eyes squinted.
"Okay Kenma George who I'm not always on your left," Kuroo rolled his eyes and grabbed the third console.
They played horror games, with Kuroo occasionally screaming as Shirome only laughed maniacally at the chase scenes while Kenma was the one who actually did all the work.
"Go, human sacrifice!" Shirome yelled as she pushed Kuroo's character towards the enemy, watching it eat Kuroo's character as she and Kenma fled the scene.
"That's not fair! Why am I always the sacrifice?!" Kuroo complained and respawned near them.
"Because that's all you're good at," Kenma scoffed and threw an ingame book at him.
The monster crept behind them again as they all screamed, making their character sprint for their life.
"Your turn!" Kuroo laughed like a maniac as he threw Shirome's character to the enemy.
"I'm gonna die!" Shirome cried as Kenma aggressively pressed on his buttons to go save her.
"Wait why do you not save me when I'm getting killed?!" Kuroo sobbed.
"Because she memorizes the codes and guesses the lore right!" Kenma shouted as the three began to sprint again.
Shirome laughed and playfully pushed Kuroo on the side using her shoulder. Kenma was also laughing when he saw Kuroo's character trip on something and get killed by the creature again.
The three were exhausted after how many runs of horror games. It was about time for them to leave.
Kuroo sighed, "All that work and where did that get me?"
"Bro, you literally did nothing but scream," Kenma massaged his temple as Shirome chuckled, pouring them both a drink.
"It's getting late. I'm supposed to head back by now," Shirome hummed as Kuroo checked the time on his phone. Kenma frowned.
"Oh, right. I'll see you guys off from the front door," Kenma sighed as he got up and went outside the room.
"He likes you, you know."
Shirome, surprised, turned to Kuroo who just stared at her with a small smirk.
She smiled, "I'm aware."
The jett-head raised his brow teasingly and nudged her by the side as he stood up and grabbed his things from the bed.
"Come. He's waiting," He said as Shirome followed, her sling bag on her shoulder.
"After you," Kuroo smiled as Shirome thanked him, grabbing his hand for support as they went downstairs.
Kenma frowned, "I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too," Kuroo cooed at Kenma who slapped his hand away and turned to Shirome.
"Let's hang out another time. You guys are fun to be with, as always," Shirome flashed them a bright smile. Their hearts melted.
"Definitely need to sacrifice you more," Kuroo grumbled as he went outside, waiting for Shirome.
"Don't say bye now, Kenny. I'll see you at Nationals," Shirome mumbled as she hugged him, he hugged back and patted her back.
"I'll miss you," He muttered.
Both of them pulled away, "Hmm?" She hummed.
"Nothing. I said I'll see you too," Kenma flicked her forehead. She giggled and waved as she went outside as well.
"Where's my hug, yo?" Kuroo yelled from outside while Kenma just flipped him off.
"Stay safe!" Kenma yelled at them as they got a bit far.
It was silent as they walked down the streets. Shirome was yet again reminded by the height difference between her and the other captain.
"What's your plan?" Kuroo started, hands in his pockets.
Shirome looked up at him from the side as they walked, "Plan?"
"Yeah, with Kenma," He said as he lazily turned his gaze to her.
Shirome looked away and tilted her head, "I don't understand?"
Kuroo sighed and laughed, slinging his arm over her shoulder as he pulled her close, "You both are the same. Smart, but dense."
"Hmm," Shirome pondered even more as she crossed her arms, not minding the closeness between her and Kuroo.
"I think we're really good friends. We basically grew together," She said as she looked up at Kuroo who just pinched her cheek.
"You know that's not what I meant. You're smart, figure it out, babe," He grinned.
Shirome pursed her lips and rubbed the cheek he pinched, "Hmm."
She laughed, "I don't know. I never really thought of us that way, I guess? Or I never really had the chance to. I'm always so occupied with a lot of stuff... always so busy."
"What a hardworking girl you are. I'm proud of you. Keep it up, Shirome. But remember to take breaks alright? It's not the end of the world to think of other things other than, you know, life itself," He said as the boy gave a quick squeeze of her cheeks with a hand that was still around her shoulders.
"Thank you, Tetsurou," She smiled, "I'll keep that in mind."
He just grinned as they both allowed silence to comfort them both.
"Are you going to take the train or book a ride?" He asked as you both reached the corner of the bus street out to the city.
She shook her head as fringes fell off, "My driver is around. He'll escort me back."
"Mm, okay," He said as he fixed the strands of hair behind her ears.
"What about you?" She asked him after thanking.
He shrugged, "I'm just close by from Kenma to be honest. He threatened me if I didn't 'escort you and keep you safe'. His words, not mine."
"Sorry for the trouble, and thank you," She chuckled as she waited for her driver.
Kuroo sighed, "I still would've done the same if he didn't tell me to do so. It's only natural for a guy to keep a lady safe."
"You're charming," She teased with a smile.
He scoffed with a smug smile, "'Course I am."
The driver pulled up and got out of the car but Kuroo stopped him by a raised hand. He opened the door for Shirome instead.
He grinned and waved at her after the driver bowed and got back to his seat.
"See you at Nationals! Get home safe!" Kuroo said behind the window.
Shirome smiled and widened her eyes when she panicked to tell the driver to not drive off yet.
She pulled down the window and sheepishly smiled while holding her phone out, "Your number.."
Kuroo laughed and put his contacts in her phone before finally waving. He watched you drive off first before heading back home himself.
You're one lucky guy, Kenma. Kuroo thought as he whistled his way back home.
i love kuroo tetsurou everybody say it with me i love kuroo tetsurou
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