30 / 三十 / san-jyu
Chapter 30, Kitten Bonding
"I'm leaving early. There isn't much to do anyways, right?" Kenma asked but didn't bother for an answer. Nekomata had allowed him, but Kuro didn't know where he was going to go.
"Kenma! Where are you going?" Kuro asked Kenma who was about to leave the gym. The others stared, curious for an answer too.
Kenma sighed, "Coach said I can leave early."
"But did I? Seriously, why do you need to leave early? We still have an hour left," Kuro raised a brow.
Kenma gave up and rolled his eyes, "I'm meeting with Shirome. We're hanging out at my house today," He looked away, desperately wanting to disappear in thin air.
Kuro smirked, as well as others, "Oya? What are you guys gonna do?" He teased, Lev stood at the back excited for an answer.
"We're just gonna play some games she brought, now if you'll excuse me," Kenma walked away, not wanting to talk with anyone anymore. He felt excited that Shirome had cleared some of her schedule just so they could bond. He hurried home.
As he approached infront of his house, she saw Shirome sitting on the porch. She was fiddling with her hoodie's ropes. Kenma opened the gate and the girl looked up.
"Kenma," She greeted with a smile, standing up she brushed off her clothes. Kenma smiled at her and opened the door with the house key. His parents were away.
"Shirome, do you want pizza, ice cream, or both?" Kenma asked as he changed out of his uniform.
"I'll have what you're having," She said as she fixed the game consoles.
He looked at her, she was stretching her neck. She was sitting on her legs under her as she fixed the consoles. She craned her neck to the side and read the description of a game.
As if noticing the silence, she looked at Kenma over her shoulder, "Is there something wrong?"
Kenma gulped and looked away, he stripped off of his blouse and immediately wore a hoodie. He went to Shirome and sat by her side on the floor. Shirome carefully put the game and connected the consoles. Kenma took one of the console and leaned on the edge of his bed, Shirome did the same.
"You're quiet today," Shirome said, looking at the screen while she was flicking through the modes.
"I'm always quiet," He said as he fiddled with the controller.
She just glanced at him, "Okay," She brushed him off. Both the gamers played the game and enjoyed the silence. Kenma felt happy every second, he's beside her and she's beside him. He wished it was like this everyday, just playing games with her and having no problem in the world.
"Ugh, Kenma!"
"Sorry," He mumbled as he wiped his sweat with the back of his palm.
She pouted, "We've been killed 9 times already, and we only have 24 kills. Stop getting killed," She sighed and assassinated a player from behind. Kenma snickered.
"I can't focus when you're beside me," He muttered quietly.
"Hm? Did you say something?" She asked as she killed a group of players with a combo.
"Nope. I said you suck," Kenma chuckled lightly.
Times like this reminded Kenma of how they would constantly play together at his house whenever her parents would allow her to hang out at Nerima Ward of Tokyo to play with Kenma, the Furumi family lived in Shibuya. And their parents were highschool friends, after all.
"Ah the Kozumes, you'll love them, Shirome."
Mama Furumi would always take them places, after the event of Shirome's abuser months ago. The whole family was deeply hurt at the pain Shirome went through because of it. It led to even destroy her bond with her older sister, and led her older brother in deeper state of depression. Her dad would fix things with authorities to make sure that it would not get leaked and protect Shirome's privacy even more.
"Mama, what is Kozume?" Shirome looked at her with dull eyes. She is still unable to move past the trauma that she went through.
Her mom smiled sadly but turned to a brighter face, "They're a family! Mama and Papa are friends with them. They also have this little boy who I'm sure would love to be friends with you."
"Little boy? Mama, would boys want to be friends with me? Would other kids like me? Would they appreciate me?" Shirome said as she tugged on her mother's sleeve.
Her mom was in the brink of flooding her cheeks with tears.
Her dad turned to them from the passenger seat as the driver continued to journey from Shibuya to Nerima.
"I'm sure he'd love you, my star," His dad smiled at her brightly.
Shirome blinked, "What about older brother? He will be lonely at home," She turned to her mother, "Mama, where did older sister go?"
"Shh, it's alright. They will be alright, don't worry okay? We're here to have a fun time!" Her mother cheered as the car pulled up on the driveway.
"We're here, boss," The driver nodded to her father.
"Alright. We'll only stay for a while Shirome. Mama and Papa has business to attend to," Her father said, going out from the passenger seat and carrying Shirome after opening the door from her side.
The parents rang the doorbell as the Kozumes answered it. Behind them peeked a cute little boy with the darkest and slightly long hair. His cat-like eyes met Shirome's phoenix ones.
"Aww, cute little Shiro! You have become the perfect kid!" Kozume mom turned to Furumi mom, "My, Shihana and Akamero. Your daughter is so beautiful."
Furumi mom laughed as they all went inside the house, "Speak for yourself, Lana. Little Kenma here is so cute!" She giggled as she carried Kenma and spun him around. He just looked confused.
"He just turned 9 this year," Kozume mom giggled.
"He has been enjoying games. Must be from me," Kozume dad laughed.
"Man, I'd always go back to the times you'd rage when I beat you in 1v1s," Furumi dad snorted as he sipped wine from the table.
"Okay, enough."
The parents laughed together as Kenma and Shirome just stared at each other down.
"Alright now. Shirome, mama and papa will go out with Kozume mama and papa. We'll be back by 8pm, okay?" She said as she pecked Shirome's forehead, followed by her dad.
"The maids here will take care of them," Kozume turned to the Furumis, "They'll be safe." She assured them, knowing what happened with the last babysitter.
After they left, Shirome fell on her knees and frowned.
"Mama... Papa... where did you both go? Did you leave me?"
Kenma walked to her side, "Didn't you hear them? They said they'll be back later."
He grabbed her hand and brought her up to his room.
"This is my room," He huffed, "Sorry I don't have barbies or girl toys, all I have are video games."
Shirome blinked at him innocently while standing by his bed, watching him sit on the floor and play on the TV with his console.
"Barbies? Girl toys? Video games?" She asked, curious.
Kenma side eyed her, "Do you not know those things?"
"I am 8. And I do not like toys," She said as she sat down beside him.
Kenma stared at her in disbelief, "Are you even a kid?"
She just stared at him blankly, "I am 8."
"Yeah, I know. But like," He paused his game and turned to her with a serious face.
"Do you not... entertain yourself? Do you not have fun?"
Shirome hummed confused and placed a pointer finger on her chin as she stared around.
"I study a lot! I am very smart," She said with wide eyes.
Kenma just stared at her with disgust. Not towards her, but the fact that she was proud that she studies a lot even though she's just a kid.
"Learning is fun...," Shirome said but got scared when she recalled the past events, "Except when teacher gets really mad.."
"Okay, cut it out," He frowned as he hesitantly reached out to another console.
".. Try this."
Shirome looked at the console with confusion. Kenma's eyes widened when she bit the device.
"No! Idiot! That's not food!" Kenma panicked and took it away from her mouth.
He pales when she pouted and started tearing up.
"Wait, no no no wait I have snacks!" He rushed to a box beside the TV and threw snacks on the floor. She stared at them and started chewing on the outside.
Kenma was so stressed that he almost started to cry himself.
"You open it first," He said, in the brink of breaking down, "Like this. See?"
Shirome watched him with her nose red as Kenma opened some chips and started eating what's inside the plastic.
"Try," Kenma said as he put a chip inside her mouth.
Shirome didn't do anything. Kenma grabbed her face's cheeks and squished them, "Oh my god, you chew."
"Why am I dealing with a kid who I teach how to eat? I just want to play some video games," Kenma whined and grumbled as he ate some chips and continued playing his game.
His eyes widened when he saw Shirome take out small chopsticks from her body bag and ate chips with them.
"I don't even care," He just said as he focused on the game.
"Menma, your hands will get dirty if you don't use chopsticks," Shirome mumbled as she continued to eat chips.
"It's Kenma. And no, that's the whole point of chips you eat them with your hands."
"That's dirty."
"You're hurting my brain," Kenma gripped his console tightly.
Shirome averted her gaze from the chips to the TV he was focused on. She was fascinated at the animated graphics.
"Those are video games?" She asked and scooted closer to his side.
"Yeah," He mumbled and sighed when he died from the boss fight.
"I want try," She said and looked at Kenma.
"No, you'll just eat my console again," He rolled his eyes at her. He panicked, afraid that she will cry again.
Shirome shook her head, "No. Console not to be eaten. I will learn when you teach me. I want to have fun."
Kenma gave in and assisted her with the console.
"Okay so you press these buttons in corresponding systems. Depending on what you want to do, they work differently."
The boy was shocked when she picked up fast. Her hands were moving skillfully as she blankly killed some enemies.
"How are you a prodigy at games and mistaken a console as food," He mumbled but played anyway.
A few minutes went by and the boss fight was there. Kenma shifted on his seat and aggressively pressed on his console to do most of the damage while you got baited by a trap chest.
"Kenma, help," Shirome frowned when she realized she couldn't do anything.
"Save yourself girl, I'm trying to win," Kenma said as his eyes were wide and focused at the boss.
"Please, Kenma. I will get eaten, please," Shirome's voice shook, startling Kenma. The boy can't help but run from the boss and attacked the trap chest, setting you free.
"Ah," Kenma pursed his lips when he died, taking a hit from the boss after freeing you.
"Is this enemy?" Shirome asked as she neared the boss.
"Wait I'll kill it give me that," He tried to take away the console from Shirome but she already lunged at the boss.
He put his hands on his head as he watched you completey annihilate the boss with combos.
You win! The video game said.
"Kenma, this is fun," Shirome looked at him with wide eyes and had her arms up.
He smiled and patted her head, "It is. Good job!"
"A smile won't hurt," Kenma said as he pushed the corners of her lips upwards.
Shirome teared up and cried, her hands now holding the arms of Kenma who stayed glued to her face.
"Wait why are you crying?!" Kenma panicked.
"Kenma.. this is sho fun," Shirome continued to cry, finally able to let her emotions out to which she was unconsciously suppressing the past few months.
"I know, I know," Kenma sweatdropped and awkwardly hugged her back when she did so.
"Kenma, do you like me?" She looked up at him through her tear-filled eyes.
He burned red and moved away, "Why are you saying those things?! W-What-"
"So you do not like me after all," She sobbed.
"No no no no no," Kenma face palmed, "Girls are so difficult."
"... I like you. Okay?" Kenma mumbled, feeling shy.
"You're good at games.. and you're pretty. And even though you almost ate my console.. I think you're cool."
Shirome sniffled and smiled, "Kenma and I are friends?"
Oh, that's what she meant. Kenma winced.
"Yes, we are friends. Though I never caught your name...," Kenma raised a brow and crossed his arms.
Shirome stood up as Kenma did, "My name is Shirome Furumi. Nice to meet you, Kenma Kozume!"
The boy had a small smile as he accepted the girl's hand to shake. They were both smiling.
Hours passed and the parents arrived. They cooed so hard when they saw the little gamers passed out on the floor, chips all over their faces, and the TV still on.
"They must have been playing all day long," Mama Furumi cooed as the parents cleaned the mess and put them in bed beside each other.
"Let's wait a few minutes for the kids to snore before going home," Furumi dad smiled as he closed the door of the room which is full by silent snores from Kenma and Shirome who had her braid messy.
"Kenma, behind you," Shirome said as she one-shotted the enemy that flanked.
Kenma sighed, "Whew, thanks. We would've lost there."
"Don't kid yourself. You know I always clutch the boss when you die," The girl said as Kenma scoffed at her.
Ding dong.
They both stared at each other.
"That must be the food. I'll go get it. You clutch this time," Shirome stood up and brushed her skirt off before leaving the room.
"Okay," Kenma said as he watched the closed door.
It's probably Kuroo though.
update again hi 2020-2021 version was too sexual and made me uncomfortable, so i changed it :p it is now fluff and wholesome
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