16 / 十六 / jyu-roku
Chapter 16, Finally
Shirome sighed as she got up and leave the other gym, her instincts telling her to come quick.
"Stop embarassing me!"
Her eyes widened slightly, she heard Haide's voice. She frowned, feeling that they were about to fight infront of many people.
She approached the gym and opened the heavy doors, slightly wincing at the large sound it made in the quiet, awkward tension gym.
She entered with a blank face, approaching the pair who froze at the sight of her cold gaze.
Ameri sweatdropped. They've done it.
"S-Sorry–!" Kira and Haide exclaimed.
"Why are you apologizing to me?" Shirome said to both of them, her voice slightly echoing in the quiet gym. The others could only stare, unable to do anything.
"Behave. Apologize," The small captain muttered.
The pair bowed to each other, to Shirome, and to the other people in the gym, slightly cringing. Shirome sighed lightly, "Bench," She quietly said to them.
The pair quickly went to the bench as Shirome turned around, "Aizen."
The said girl nodded and approached the small captain with her jersey. She put it on with ease, number 1 with a captain mark was shown.
She went to the serving zone and caught the ball thrown at her by the referee. She smiled at him, "Sorry for the trouble."
The referee nervously nodded as he waited for her to adjust to the ball. The boys were amazed, being able to stop the pair's fight in an instant. And most of all, staring at her small size, and being the captain despite it.
Aoi sighed in relief, startling Hinata infront of her, "Just when I thought we'd lose."
The whistle blew and Shirome immediately served it to the other side, catching their libero off guard as the ball dropped just beside his face. He gulped nervously as he stared at the cute server.
"Nishinoya-san don't mind!" Number 5 told the libero, both their eyes sparkling at her. The other teams shivered at her serve, and Bokuto laughed.
Shirome turned to the person who laughed and immediately waved, Bokuto waved back.
"You know her, Bokuto-san?" A ravenette asked him.
"Akaashi, that's the 2nd time you've asked me today! And yeah, I do know her," He beamed at him.
The whistle blew and this time she went for their captain, also landing the ball infront of him.
"Eh?!" Hinata exclaimed.
"Tch," Kageyama squinted his eyes on her.
This goes on until they were at match point, scoring 4 points with her untouchable serve. Both teams were at match point. Not feeling satisfied, she spun the ball on her palm.
The coach of Karasuno requested a time out.
Gathering at the bench, the team sat and drank as they dried their faces with a towel.
"I'll settle for A-passes for now. Hito and Aoi, keep sharp at their spikers. Ameri, read their spikes. Leki and Aizen, give it your all to my tosses. That's all," Shirome explained to the team as she stood infront of them and sipped on her bottle, oblivious to a few stares from other teams.
"Their number 10 and number 5 pisses me off," Hito frowned.
"We'll deal with them together. Now come on, break is over," The small captain said as she handed Kuro her bottle.
They went back to the court and it was still Shirome's serve.
The whistle blew again and Karasuno tensed up, sharpening their positions as they eyed the server.
Shirome glanced at the scoreboard and frowned a little, confusing everyone.
She sighed as she lightly tossed the ball with her left hand, and slamming it with her right.
A normal serve? Is she holding back on us? Karasuno thought.
"A-Alright!" Nishinoya said as he bumped it to Kageyama.
Hinata jumped and blockers were there, but he was just used as a decoy so number 5 slammed it to them. Ameri failed to receive it with a curse, Shirome couldn't do anything about it since she would've collided with Ameri if she caught it.
25-24. Karasuno.
Rotating, it was Kageyama's serve. Tossing it high, he hit it fast.
Tooru's serve. Tooru's serve was better though. Shirome thought.
Ameri caught it with ease, making Kageyama scoff. She bumped it to Shirome who was at the side of the net.
She tossed it to Leki, who slammed it down perfectly. But their libero was fast and so he caught it.
The ball was long so Hito was able to receive it. Aoi jumped, attracting the blockers.
Shirome tossed it to her side, making a fake set and a dump instead. 25-25. Now they only need 1 point to win.
Nishinoya slid as he failed to receive the ball, his eye twitched as he cursed under his breath.
"Yikes," Aoi frowned, realizing she was used as decoy for the blockers.
It was Hito's time to serve and it reached their captain. He bumped it to Kageyama as Hinata already started running to the side.
Shirome's calves and shoulders tensed as she swiftly tossed the ball to her brother who was already slamming his hand for the ball.
"Yay!" They both cheered as they succesfully pulled off another quick of theirs.
"Your toss is really fast, Shiro! Keep tossing and I'll hit them all!" Her brother beamed at her.
Slightly tensed shoulders and calves, Shirome read it.
Ah, just like back then. Shirome hummed and worked with her fast reflex.
Hinata slammed the ball but Shirome was already there, she blocked Hinata's spike with her arms. The gym was extra silent as she landed quietly, Hinata was frozen as his eyes widened.
He slowly looked at the ball that dropped.
"W-What.." He quietly muttered, confused. Shirome was oblivious to the stares as she face the team who was staring at her with sparkles on their eyes.
"What?" She quietly muttered.
"Caaaptain!" They cheered and pulled her into a hug.
Karasuno was still slightly frozen.
"Blocking Chibi-chan on her first encounter with him, that's scary," The captain of Nekoma slightly shivered, "You think so too right, Inuoka and Lev?"
"Yeah," They both answered.
The match ended and it was time for spiking drills. Shirome and Ameri stood opposite from each other with distance. Karasuno lined up, their captain was first.
The cherry head nodded and bumped the ball to her. The taller captain ran and spiked the toss of the smaller captain.
Shirome grinned, "Nice kill."
The taller captain smiled at her, "I'm Daichi Sawamura, thanks for training with us," He said and retreated, next was number 2.
The ½n½ took a glimpse at his fingers, it looked trained. She thinks he was a setter.
"Setter?" She asked and the silver head nodded with a soft smile. He looked angelic. Then, Ameri did the usual and Shirome tossed. He spiked her toss and complimented it, she did the same to his spike.
"Ooh, Suga-san is a legal hitter right?" Hinata said, amazed.
Kageyama rolled his eyes, "Of course he is. Dumbass," They both glared at each other before Daichi shot them a look from a far.
"I like my tosses high....if you don't mind. I'm Asahi Azumane by the way," Number 3 muttered, slightly shy.
Shirome smiled and motioned for Ameri to bump. Asahi ran as he saw Shirome's ridiculously high toss. He smiled and jumped, connecting his palm to it.
He turned to the small setter with sparkles in his eyes, "T-That was really niffs," He bit his tongue. Some of Karasuno laughed at him, as he sheepishly bowed and went back. A silver head laughed and patted him on his back.
Next was number 5, and he tried to appear as manly as he could. He shot a flattering look to Shirome who just tilted her head in confusion.
Ameri bumped the ball and Shirome tossed, Tanaka released a shout as he spiked the ball harder than usual.
"How was that?" He asked as he looked at Shirome with a weird pose.
"It's great," She grinned. Tanaka looked over his shoulder and shot Nishinoya a thumbs up, he responded back.
Next was Karasuno's sub captain, number 6. He nodded at Shirome, telling her he's ready. The cherry libero bumped the ball to her and she tossed the ball slightly faster. The boy connected to it and shot her a smile, thanking her. She smiled back as he retreated. Next was number 7, she tossed it a little faster, like with the previous ones. She noticed he had great aim.
"Nice aim," She told number 7. He slightly blushed and bowed. Next was number 8, the small setter noticed he can go a little higher, so she tossed it a bit high. But nonetheless, he connected. Shirome gave a smile and said nice kill, he gave her a friendly smile and got back.
Kageyama furrowed his brows as he stared hard at the smaller setter, she noticed this and raised a brow. He looked away.
"Cute," She muttered. Ameri bumped the ball and Shirome went for the toss.
He's a setter, right? He's fast and has strong jump power, I'll give him a fast and high toss. The gradient head planned in her thoughts.
She jumped and tossed the ball to Kageyama, the toss felt perfect on his palm. It was a good toss and spike, Karasuno can't help but stare in awe.
"Nice kill," She chirped at him, he looked away with a tiny blush. The ravenette retreated to his team, looking at his hand that spiked a nice toss.
"My turn! My turn! Hehe," A tangerine beamed at Shirome. He was too bright, Shirome almost covered her eyes.
"Hey, do you want a quick toss?" She whispered to Hinata, and he nodded furiously with a blush dusting his cheeks.
"Y-Yes!" He gave a thumbs up.
Shirome motioned Ameri to bump high and the redhead nodded. She bumped it high as Hinata ran. When he jumped to spike, Shirome had already marked his reach and tossed the ball to his falling palm. The ball bounced on the other net, and Shirome looked like she didn't touch the ball at all.
He brightened up and smiled widely at Shirome who was smiling back at him, Ameri had to cover her face because they were shining too bright. The small phoenix exchanged high fives with the little crow as he bounced happily. Kageyama stared in shock from afar.
"So there's another setter that can perform the freak attack with Hinata, huh? I wonder if there are others," Ukai muttered as he stroked his chin with his finger.
Kiyoko sighed, "There are really those who are born with talent.."
"Nice kill," Shirome smiled at him. He smiled back, "And nice toss! That toss was better than my setter's!" He beamed.
A towel was thrown at the back of Hinata's head, making Shirome's eyes slightly widen, "Are you okay?" She worriedly asked the tangerine.
"Bakageyama!" He shouted at the blueberry who was glaring at him. He muttered annoyed words after he waved bye to Shirome, he retreated to the team.
A tall bored blonde looked straight ahead as he fixed his glasses. Ameri raised a brow but bumped the ball, Shirome tossed high because he was tall, and he executed a hit. He sighed, slightly feeling satisfied at the toss.
"What's wrong? Was my set a little rusty?" Shirome asked him. He shook his head no and went back to Karasuno. She slightly frowned but brushed it off. Next was the last one, Yamaguchi.
"Hello," She shot a short smile and focused to the bump of Ameri. The guy ran and spiked the girl's toss, amazed when he landed. He smiled at Shirome who said a nice kill, waving at him as he got back.
Finally, it was time to help Karasuno stretch and seek their weak points, the small captain took the clipboard and pen from Kuro and went to them. The other teams already went back to play, occasionally glancing at them.
As Shirome was scribbling notes, Hinata approached her, "U-Um! I haven't introduced myself properly yet, I'm Shoyo Hinata, 1st year, and a middle blocker!" He said while staring at her, serious but his eyes were sparkling.
She smiled, "Hi. I'm Shirome Furumi, 1st year, and a setter."
"1st year? H-H-Hello!" He blushed as he stuttered.
Nishinoya and number 5 sighed, a little disappointed that Hinata stuttered. Their captain just sighed.
"Oi, Hinata. She's not interested, come back and stretch," Kageyama scolded him.
"It's alright, I'll help him," She smiled at Kageyama whose ears turned pink.
"Haide!" She called to the orange head. Quickly making her way to the small captain, she received the clipboard and pen.
"Come on," Shirome gently dragged Hinata and placed him on the floor.
Slightly pushing his back, Hinata slightly shrieked as his spine felt like it was going to break. Shirome pulled back, and pushed him again, slightly harder than the first one.
Hinata was slightly crying but he endured it.
"Hi! I'm Ryuunosuke Tanaka. I'm a 2nd year and I play wing spiker!" Number 5 greeted Shirome as he tried to appear as manly as he could.
"And I, am Yuu Nishinoya. 2nd year. I am the greatest libero there is," Nishinoya said with a dramatic pose.
Slightly taken aback, she smiled, "Hello. Both of you were really great earlier."
The pair dropped to the ground, melted and crying at the angel infront of them. The other teams looked at them weirdly until the captain scolded them.
"Nishinoya! Tanaka! Stop messing around and get back to stretching!" Their captain yelled.
The girls were occasionally giving tips to the players they were helping at stretching, and surprisingly, they followed well and seemed to get used to the harsh stretch.
She let go of Hinata, "Yuu-senpai, I can help you stretch. Ryuunosuke-senpai, I'll help you after I help Yuu-senpai," She said as she stood up straight.
The duo froze, making Shirome concerned, "Are you okay–"
They both cried dramatically, "She called us senpai!"
Haide went to Shirome and took care of Hinata. A certain ravenette girl approached Shirome and pulled her away.
"Sorry about that, they're like that with girls," She paused and slightly smiled at the gradient head, "I'm Kiyoko Shimizu, 3rd year. This is Yachi Hitoka, 1st year. We're their managers."
Shirome smiled sweetly, "Ah, nice to meet you, Kiyoko-senpai and Hitoka-san. I'm Shirome Furumi, 1st year. Pease call me by my first name," She bowed slightly.
"Eep! Y-You too!" Yachi squeaked out.
S-So pretty! She's cute too! Yachi shouted at her thoughts.
Kiyoko slightly laughed, "You too, Shirome-chan. It's impressive that you're a 1st year and the captain despite that."
Tanaka and Nishinoya stared from afar, overwhelmed at the 3 pretty girls chatting to each other.
Shirome grinned, "Thanks. Ah, sorry. I got to finish these notes soon and move to the next match. I had fun chatting, see you later," She waved to both girls as they waved back.
She approached the blonde coach, "Um, Ukai-san? These are the notes I gathered from the boys."
Ukai was a little shocked but took it, "Ah, thank you. You're the captain of the girls right?"
She nodded, "Shirome Furumi, I'm a 1st year."
"Wow, 1st year and captain huh?" He asked.
"The coach didn't really have a choice and so did I. Long story," She sweatdropped as she nervously smiled.
"Ah, I see. You're up to Nekoma next, right?" He said, eyeing the notes she made, a little surprised.
"Yeah, I'm actually excited," She smiled as she looked at the team, a little surprised since some of there were also staring at her. They quickly looked away with a blush.
They're cute. Shirome laughed on her own.
Shinzen's coach gathered the team captains for an important short meeting. They were going to decide what to give to the losing teams as punishment.
"Last time when Shinzen, Ubugawa, Nekoma, Fukurodani, and Karasuno played against each other, the penalty of the losing teams are chest dives. But we're planning on doing something different. Since your team is new here, why don't you suggest something as penalty for the losing teams?" The coach and the other taller captains turned to the smallest captain.
"Hmm," She hummed and looked around. The hill looked really fresh, an idea popped up in her mind.
"The hill looks really inviting. Instead of in-court penalties, let's settle for outdoor. It'll help strengthen our endurance," She sweetly smiled.
The coach hummed, "That's a good idea, does someone want to object?" He asked the other captains.
They agreed on the smallest captain's idea, and it was settled. The losing team's penalty is running up the hill. The coach nodded and dismissed them.
Walking away from the team captains, she approached Nekoma. The team was behind her, slightly awkward from the stare of a certain guy with a blonde portion on the top of his head.
"Oi, Taketora stop it. You're making them uncomfortable," Their captain bonked him at the head.
The match was starting and both teams got in position. Shirome walked to the side infront of the scoreboard where she saw the captain of the other team.
"Tetsuro Kuroo, 3rd year. I'm looking forward to our match together, we'll be receiving first," He smirked as he shook her small hand a little tightly.
She smiled at him softly, "Shirome Furumi, 1st year. Tell Kenma I said hi," She smiled at him and got back to her position on the court.
"Did she just–" Taketora's eyes were wide.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," He waved him off, feeling a little cocky, "Kenma, she said hi to you. Do you know her?"
Kenma glanced at him as Lev gasped at him, "Well, yeah. We're friends since elementary, although we had different schools."
The team was slightly shocked but focused as Fushichou served. They didn't expect that.
The match started and they played, the other teams watching them.
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