Carol tried to find a way out of the rubble by following the light. The two ships collided in the air and fell on Earth, taking down half of the buildings in the city. Luckily, she received word that Mar-Vell and Coulson had cleared the area out. All she was doing was trying to get some fresh air.
There were metal parts where she had to destroy just so she could get out. A whole wall fell on front of her. With her strength, she punched the wall which fell on the floor. There was a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel which ran to. Using some leftover energy, she blasted it and flew outside.
Buildings were on fire and metals were still falling from the sky. A huge amount of damage was placed on the city and on the desert. She ran towards the barricade where soldiers were moving people away from the crash.
"Coulson? Did anyone get hurt?" Carol asked, approaching him. He was speaking to some commanders.
"Some people are still trapped under. But we already have a rescue team going in." Coulson reported.
"I can help. My strength will break down the walls..." Carol looked at the crash which was heavily burning, "probably."
"No worries. We recovered some tech from the aliens you knocked out earlier." Coulson pointed at the soldiers using lasers, "Pretty useful."
"And how's Mar-Vell?"
"Went back to base with his friends. He said they were injured and needed treatment."
"Should I go back then?"
"I think you should. Director Fury is waiting for you." Coulson nodded.
"Looks like Mar-Vell told you his name was Fury, didn't he?" Carol grinned.
"No. I knew his full name from the beginning. You should always know your director's name." Coulson said and smiled, "Only the ones he trust."
Carol shook her head, "You're an ass."
"Well, what are you waiting for? Go." Coulson turned his back to the conversation.
Carol stepped backwards a little and kneeled to the ground. Rocks were floating around her before she jumped into the air really high. She looked towards the direction of the base and flew quickly.
Through the hot and plain desert, she flew quickly. She slowed down when she got close to the base. Once she arrived, she went through the main entrance where everyone was staring at her as she walked towards the Director's Office.
"What happened while I was trapped inside?" Carol asked, entering Fury's Office.
"Mar-Vell came back here along with some friends." Fury said, holding his hands together and looking at her, "They're at the medical bay as we speak."
"Should I stay here?"
"Might as well give them a visit." Fury suggested.
"Alright. How many of his friends did he bring here?"
"Only two." Fury grunted as he stood up. He placed his jacket on. "Let's give them a visit."
As they passed the hallways, soldiers with firearms were moving outside. Fury informed them to all go to the city so they could join the rescue crew. A few minutes ago, they speculated that around thirty people were missing because almost everyone was evacuated.
When they entered the medical bay, there was a blue-coloured alien and a green-coloured alien being treated to. They appeared to be a male and female, respectively.
"My friends," Mar-Vell stood up and showed them his comrades, "He is Ronan the Accuser, leader of the Kree army. She is Nenora, commander of Ronan's strongest warriors."
"And who is she? The woman wearing the same colors as you?" Ronan asked, standing up. His black clothing emphasised his power.
"She is the Captain Marvel. The real Captain Marvel." Mar-Vell asked.
"That means..." Ronan stood there speechless.
"She is our greatest warrior." Nenora continued, bowing in respect to Carol.
"It's fine. You don't need to bow." Carol shyly said.
"We need your help, Captain Marvel." Ronan said.
"Look. I'm sorry. But I'm not capable of being your leader. I'm not really trained yet?"
"Mar-Vell. I thought this is Captain Marvel? She should be able to lead us." Ronan asked and pointed his hammer towards her, "Who are you, really?"
"Settle down!" Fury shouted, getting in between the hammer and Carol, "She is Captain Marvel. But she isn't at her best potential yet."
"How long has she been Captain Marvel?" Ronan asked but Fury did not answer, "Mar-Vell?"
"A month." Mar-Vell muttered in disappointment.
"So you're saying that a one month Captain Marvel can lead us against the Skrulls?"
"Easy blue man." Fury said. "You can be a leader even if you have no experience. One of the oldest war heroes, was a lab experiment. Just a few days after he started training. He became a leader after that. No training involve."
"We may be talking about your war, but we are talking about the Kree-Skrull War. And if it is not solve, you can say goodbye to our universe."
"So what do you suggest, Accuser?" Fury asked.
"That we take her to Hala." Ronan smiled at Mar-Vell who looked down in disappointment.
"Who is Hala?" Carol asked from behind Fury.
"Hala isn't a person. Hala is the home planet of the Skrulls."
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