The Chase
Episode 1
Part 7 (Final part)
TW!!! Small-ish lime, weapons mentioned, explosions,
"What is up Keith?!"
"Hey, lover."
"I need some serious help in here!!!"
"I can't let you just lay there."
I gasped loudly, as pleasure ran down my spine. I arched my back, pushing my chest against his. Breathing in shakingly, I slowly opened my eyes, knowing lust completely covered them. My vision blurred as rough lips lightly kissed the exact spot the pleasure came from. I reached up and grabbed tightly onto his grey shirt. I moaned quietly, my iris' quickly hidden once again. I rose up and pushed him down onto the carpet floor. I smirked and roughly kissed his lips, straddling him and pushing my hands on his chest. Keith looked up at me with lust, love, and slight shock.
Third person pov btw
Kaela speaks into her ear piece, "Requesting for army and municipal police assistance! There's someone attacking an army convoy. They've stolen an I.F.V. and are currently fleeing toward the capital on the Aqua Line."
"The royal family has declared material law and say we are to obey General Bern's orders until further notice." The news women was going off, explaining what was happening.
"Now what's going on? Is this a revolution?" Boris questioned loudly.
"I want everybody out there immediately! Mario, take command on the scene! Brandon, you're our liaison with the local cops. Boris, you're with the army. Also, I'd like you top oversee our unit placement." Eric yelled out orders.
"You want me to do what?" Boris questioned.
"Please, do it."
"Alright, fine."
"Yeah?" The girl replied, her focus on the large screen showing off the news, maps of the scene, trying to get a glimpse of the motive.
"You're with Lily."
"Got it!" She called, following the chocolate ponytail outside.
"Keith." Eric called out.
"What?" Groaned the tall male.
"There's an emergency. I'd like your assistance."
Through the town, the blood red tank zooms by, shooting spontaneously at buildings, cars, people, many being the police. The destructive tank smashed any car in its way, not carrying if it was the police or an average citizen.
A large tardis blue police car as well as a smaller olive green jeep followed behind the scarlet tank. Red lights bright and sirens ear piercing. Brandon and Mario in the deep sea van with Lily, Boris, and Scout in the jeep.
Though the speaker, Mario said, "Hey Lily, we're gonna swing around go the back of it! Can you hey ahead or next to it?"
"I, uh..."
"Try cutting through the park!"
"Roger doodle!" Scout internally face-palmed, as Lily slowed down and prepared to dive into the park. "W-Wait! Hang on, Lily! Don't--!"
Lily drove the car of the side of the freeway and into the woods, speed increasing. Scott yelped and held on tight to the seat, knuckles tiring a brought white. "He didn't mean that literally! Are you crazy?!"
"Use the road! The road! Ahh!"
"Target acquired!" Mario yelled through the com. "Lily!"
"We're here!" Lily yelled back as she drove back onto the highway, right in front of the large shinny blood red destroying machine. We slowed in front of it, bumping the back, giving Scout a slight scare. The tank rode the olive jeeps bumper, making the front of the car lift of the ground a good two or three feet, before getting them out of the way by firing a few rounds. Boris pointed out the obvious, "The damn thing is firing at is!"
"Sorry! Backing off!" The tank kept shooting, making the jeep spiral out of control. Mario was concerned, yelling "Lily!"
He watched as the female caught back up to him.
"We can't get in close in this car! You get ahead of us!" The blue van moved ahead of the smaller car. The tank kept firing, but it was spraticaly, shooting a large ship that was sailing calmly nearby, sadly killing all who was in there. Scouts eyes widen, fearing it would be them next, yet they also held curiosity, wondering, what and why this person is doing this.
The tank's speed increased, and soon released a purple gas before entering a tunnel. Mario followed in after. He quickly gave up, no longer having any radar/sign of the I.F.V. He called in, "This is Alpha. Eric, where'd the IFV go?! Requesting instructions!"
Boris commented "Great. Who the hell are these people?"
Scouts POV:
I was thinking about this case and I realized something and needed to share it with Eric, now!
"Pass me the receiver now! I just got a idea for why this could be happening!" I commanded, reaching my hand forward. Lily gladly handed it back and I called in, "Eric, I just thought of something!"
"Scout? What did you find?"
"They somehow obtained a hybrid IFV that hasn't been revealed to the public yet. Listen to the audio before it entered the tunnel. It has a more high-pitched tone that one would hear from an inverter. It would explain why it vanished from our thermal scopes. Its a brand-new IFV. Its stealth abilities have been upgraded." I explained quickly, hopping they understand.
A different voice came through, "its a cutting edge IFV. Word is it was independently developed by a corrupt military country in top secret. Its known as the Five-O."
"That's right. I've read about it somewhere before."
"Of course you have Scout. Now lets see, they stole a classified item, caused a ruckus, exploited it's capabilities, then vanished into thin air under the cover of night."
And in unison, Keith and I said, "it's either the work of a lunatic, or a genius."
I giggled slightly but he continued with his thought. "Either way, this is gonna be tricky."
I smiled, but figured he could tell, and said, "Do your stuff Genie."
Eric contacted us two minutes later, giving us orders to follow. I was apart of Beta. Lily, Boris, and I were heading to the Museum of Flight. We all nodded, and we took our separate ways. Lily drove off in a rush, making both me and Boris cling to any part of the car that could keep us from flying out. The "road" was rough and extremely bumpy and it was a lot of work to not bump the roof of the car. The alarm was blaring and slowly giving me a headache as the red light flashed above me. Boris tried to speak, "Uh, Lily-"
"Don't talk, or you'll bite your tongue off!" But was cut off by the driver.
The front car light suddenly caught sight of something red, causing Lily to gasp and slam on the breaks, making me and Boris to learn forward from the force. The vehicle stopped but lightly hit the blood red machine, Lily rushed her apology while jumping out of the jeep, hand on her holster. She climbs onto the IFV and opens the hatch, gun out and ready to dispatch. Her words were slightly inaudible to me as my ears were still ringing from the siren. She looked over at me in the car and gestured me to come. I nodded with my hand on my gun as well. I climbed up, but when I looked inside the tank, the seats were empty. "What the hell?"
Boris crawled out, groaning loudly. Lily's voice is filled with confusion, "What's going on here?"
As some police cars pull up behind us, the headlights shinning brightly, making my heart beat louder in my head.
The next day, my phone rings loudly on my desk. I groan, pulling a pillow on top of my head, trying to ignore the noise. Soon it stops and I try to go back to sleep, but knocking wakes me right up and Lily's voice is heard. "Hey! Scout! You gotta wake up! Killer B has struck again!"
Arriving to the scene, all I see is the burnt up remains of a train. People were taking pictures of the destroyed locomotive, but Keith was crouched looking at something on the rails. I stalked over, crouching down beside him. Almost translucent dust flew off his calloused fingers, catching me off guard. Could this be connected to number 13?
His thoughts were unclear to me, but my eyes got stuck on his face, and all the noise around me faded away.
His bushy eyebrows were slightly raised and his forest green eyes shone brightly. And suddenly he looked over at me, and we just stared at each other. All the pain he once gave me was suddenly washed away in that one moment, as my ocean crashed with his forest. I wanted to speak, but I froze up once he stood up and walked away. I watched as his slumped form moved farther and farther from me. I didn't notice at the time, but a single tear ran down my cheek.
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