Max Pov:
While I was editing my last video Adam walked into my office."Hey Adam." I wave at him," Hey mad max." He started running. Good thing too. I raced after him and caught him less than a minute. I have gotten much faster after chasing victims. It seemed like he noticed ,"when did you get so fast?" I tried not to stutter.,"I have been practicing so I can make sure you learn your lesson." I Glared at him. He shuddered and I took my foot off of him. Returning to my desk.
Sky pov:
After Max left I was still on the ground with his glare in my head. It seemed colder than normal ,his eyes had dulled. It made him look...."Hey you need to get a room?" I snapped back into reality to see Emily with her usual clipboard Ready to lecture me."In three minutes you have a do not laugh then in the next hour you need to do a Death run for SkyvsGaming..." She kept lecturing but I tuned out after that getting up and heading to my Office to do the do not laugh.
Max Pov:
After the do not laugh video. I had left my studio so I could go home and eat dinner.," Bye Maxxxxxxx." I heard ross say behind me. I didn't look back but I waved," Bye Rasssss." And I left back to my house. After eating dinner I got a call from Jess. I answered," Hello Jess." ,"Come my house quick." She hung up. Afraid I ran to her house instead of driving. Somehow like a super speed cause I got their within 2 minutes. I knocked. She answered quickly," Yes jess?" She didn't speak but opened the door." I saw the worst thing in my life. On the couch was her two kids dead. Their necks were slit opened. I was gonna say something until I heard Jess break down behind me. I went to comfort her." Want me to call the gang." I said in a soothing tone. She noded. *Ring~ Ring~* ," Hello this is Skymedi- WHO IS THAT CRYING." It was Emily talking on the phone," Aphmau. Now can you call the crew and tell them to come to Jess's house." Before she could respond I hung up. Crying a little myself," Jess who did this?" I asked," J-J-Jason." She squeaked out. *Ring~ Ring~* I got up carrying jess she just snuggled up in my chest still weaping. I opened thdoor to see the whole gang. They looked from me to crying jess to me again until Sky spoke up." What happened." That makes sense I mean I was sniffling and jess was full out crying. I moved out of the way so they could enter and see what happened.
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