(this'll contain marijuana, drug consumption, Streber and Kevin smoking some of that ZAZA, smoking, intercultural sex, thigh-fucking, accidental anal and anal sex)
"You sure you wanna try this dude?", Kevin asked, getting the bong prepared, "oh, I'm sure!", Streber responded, opening up the window, for a little context, Kevin had multiple ways of reliving stress, and one of those ways, was smoking, and the second Streber found out, he immediately wanted to try...
"I'm just saying, you've never smoked weed before...or smoked in general", Kevin said, sitting down on the bed, once the bong was fully prepared, "I know, but I get stressed too! And I need something to take the edge off...", Streber answered, that was true, Streber was so amazing at comforting Kevin whenever he was stressed, that Kevin often forgot that Streber could get stressed too...
"Pleeeeeaase?", Streber begged, giving Kevin his best puppy dog eyes, those eyes were basically Kevin's weakness, and Streber loved using them against him, "heh, you can be so persistent sometimes", Kevin responded, chuckling quietly to himself, "so is that a yes?", Streber asked, cocking an eyebrow at Kevin, "knock yourself out", Kevin answered, handing the bong to Streber...
Streber happily took the bong from Kevin's hands, and held it to his mouth, before taking a hit, and blowing smoke out of his mouth...
Before immediately going into a coughing fit...
"I warned you...", Kevin said, smirking triumphantly at Streber, "i-i know, but I didn't think it'd be that strong!", Streber responded, still coughing violently, whilst trying to get used to the new experience, "it's fine, I was like that my first time too, you'll get used to it...", Kevin commented, trying to reassure Streber...
"You want me to take that for a while?", Kevin asked, "sure thing, here...", Streber answered, giving Kevin the bong, as he came down from his coughing fit, Kevin took the bong from Streber, before taking a drag of it, and blowing smoke out of his mouth, Kevin had smoked from a bong multiple times, so it took a little longer for him to get fully high...
This went on for some time, the two men taking it in turns taking hits from the bong, they kept going, until they were completely stoned out of their minds, with their eyes looking red, and the whole room smelling of weed, the only reason that the bedroom wasn't filled with smoke, was because Streber had opened a window...
"Woah...holy shit Kev...", Streber groaned, as he felt the marijuana taking effect, his eyes bloodshot, and filled with tears, making him look as if he had been crying, "now do you see why I take this stuff?", Kevin giggled, just as stoned as Streber was right now, "oh, absolutely...", Streber responded, giggling himself...
Kevin took the bong from Streber, before taking another drag of it, Streber smiled lovingly, as he watched Kevin blow smoke out of his mouth, in some weird way, Kevin actually looked...kinda hot when he was high, "Everything okay dude? Is the weed getting to you~?", Kevin asked, once he noticed Streber staring at him, "something like that, maybe it's just the weed talking here, but you're so pretty~", Streber cooed, resting his head on Kevin's lap, Kevin chuckled, gently petting Streber's head...
"Ahh~ your thighs are so soft~!", Streber said happily, squishing Kevin's thighs, admittedly, Kevin's thighs were pretty skinny, and he didn't have alot of meat there, but somehow, his thighs were so unbelievably soft, if Streber had the choice to rest his head on Kevin's lap, he'd take that choice in a heartbeat...
That's when he remembered something he read about online earlier that day, it would probably be difficult, considering how stoned the both of them were right now, but regardless, Streber wanted to try that thing out with Kevin...
"Hey Kev~?", Streber asked, looking up at Kevin, "hm? Yeah Strebs~?", Kevin asked, taking another hit from the bong, "I wanna try something...but you need to uhhh...get naked for it first~", Streber answered, nervous about how Kevin would respond, Kevin blinked a few times, before smirking, "oh~ sure thing babe~", he answered, getting up from the bed, to remove his clothes...
Streber watched intently, as he watched Kevin slowly remove each article of clothing, starting with his hoodie, and ending with his underwear, and chest binder, until he was completely naked, "so, what did you wanna try out~?", Kevin asked, smiling down at his boyfriend, "oh~ just trust me on this~", Streber answered, getting up from the bed, and pulling off his shorts and boxers, revealing his hard cock, that was practically begging for attention...
Streber walked over, and stood behind Kevin, "uhhhh...Streber? what're you doing~?", Kevin asked, confused about Streber's intentions, he obviously knew that Streber wanted something related to sex, he just didn't know what that thing was, "just trust me on this, it'll feel amazing~", Streber responded, winking at his lover...
Streber held onto Kevin's hips, as he began thrusting his dick in and out from between his soft thighs, "o-oh~ so you like m-my thighs, hm~?", Kevin asked, smirking back at Streber, "y-yeah~ are you okay with- ah~ this~?", Streber asked, his eyes watery from the weed, "sure, but only if I can keep smoking from this~", Kevin answered, gesturing to the bong he was still currently holding...
Streber continued getting off using Kevin's squishy thighs, as Kevin's cunt leaked juices onto his member, Kevin couldn't help but quietly moan, as one of Streber's hands was gently squeezing his breast, whilst his other hand fondled his t-dick with his index and middle fingers, just the way Kevin liked it, that, combined with Streber's quiet whimpers, made Kevin's head spin...
"I-i know my thighs aren't- ah~ that special~", Kevin whined, taking another hit from the bong, "are you kidding~? They're perfect Kev~", Streber responded, resting his head on Kevin's shoulder, Kevin smiled, letting Streber continue fucking his thighs, as the smell of weed lingered in the air, and sweat ran down their bodies, Kevin could feel Streber trembling behind him, his thrusts getting unsteady, as if he was about to blow his load right then and there...
"Damn dude, you're not even in my pussy yet, and you're already about to cum~", Kevin teased, patting Streber's head, "w-well...I could go inside you~ I mean, if that's okay with you~", Streber responded, subtly asking Kevin for consent, "oh~", Kevin responded, before handing the bong to Streber, and sitting down on the bed, he then spread his legs apart, showing off his dripping hole, before speaking again, "that's more than okay~"...
Streber gulped nervously, before quickly taking another drag of the bong, and walking over to Kevin, him and Kevin had sex numerous times before, so Streber didn't know why he was so nervous, maybe the weed was just getting to him? Regardless, he gripped Kevin's hips tightly, trying to position his cock near Kevin's entrance...
Unfortunately, due to the aforementioned weed, Streber currently wasn't in the right headspace, so everything was a bit disoriented for him right now, and he wasn't fully paying attention to where his cock was going, and...well...
"W-wait! Streber, that's my a-AHHH~! HOLY SHIT~!", Kevin shrieked...
Streber was startled by the scream of pain, he looked down, and sure enough, he had accidentally inserted his cock into Kevin's anus, instead of his pussy, "o-oh god! I'm so sorry Kevin! A-are you okay?", Streber asked, sliding his hands up Kevin's sides, and rubbing circles into them, trying to comfort him, as tears welled up in Kevin's eyes due to the pain, "I...it h-hurts~", Kevin sobbed...
Streber tried to pull out, only to be surprised by Kevin shakily wrapping his legs around his waist, "n-no...I didn't say p-pull out~", he whined, as some of the tears he had tried to hold back ran down his face, which was now a dark shade of red, "r-really~? Are you sure you're okay with this Kev~? We've never really tried a-anal before~", Streber asked, placing his hand on Kevin's cheek, and wiping his tears away, "y-yes~ just...please be gentle~", Kevin answered, trying to steady his breathes...
Streber began gently thrusting in and out of Kevin's hole, making sure that his thrusts were gentle enough so that Kevin wouldn't get hurt, but not gentle enough to the point where Kevin wouldn't be able to feel it, "th-that's it~ keep going~", Kevin whimpered, each thrust making his needy pussy throb and pulsate, as his hole opened up to take in more of Streber's dick...
Streber kept rocking into him, adoring the way his face twisted in pleasure, every tender thrust into him resulted in a small, broken whine, "i-is it okay if I speed up~?", Streber asked, placing one hand on Kevin's cheek, "y-yeeeess~ please go faster~", Kevin begged, his speech sounding slurred, Streber nodded, before beginning to move at a faster pace, Kevin reached in between his legs, and began fingering his pussy, as Streber continued fucking his ass...
The sound of skin slapping against skin was much more apparent in the hollow room, only outdid by Kevin's needy and loud moans, as his back arched with every thrust, "there you go, you're being so good for me~!", Streber praised, smiling down at Kevin, whilst trying to find that particular spot that would drive him crazy, Kevin weakly smiled back at Streber in an 'I'm getting my brains fucked out' way...
Streber could tell that he found Kevin's sweet spot, as one particular thrust made Kevin let out a loud moan that shook the bedroom, Streber making sure to abuse that spot, which had Kevin practically hyperventilating, Streber loved it when Kevin came undone like this, when Streber first met him a few years ago, he never thought this jaded and tired cashier at his favorite candy store would be under him right now, practically screaming his name...
"Nghh~! I'm...cumming~!", Kevin whimpered, feeling that familiar knot in his stomach, "that's it, be a good boy and cum for me~", Streber moaned, feeling himself coming undone as well, Streber leaned down to Kevin's face, and began making out with him, as he continued milking his hole with his cock...
"Ah~ ngh~ OH GOD, YES~!", Kevin let out a loud, gutteral moan, as he orgasmed, his hole convulsing around Streber's dick, the sheer sight of the face Kevin made when he came, as well as the feeling of his inner walls clenching around his member, made Streber orgasm a few seconds later, letting out a loud whimper, as he pumped Kevin's ass full of warm and sticky cum...
The two men groaned and panted, both trying to come down from their respective highs, Kevin whimpered, as Streber pulled his now softening cock out of his ass, with his cum leaking out of his hole, "ah~ a-are you okay Kev~?", Streber asked, worrying that he was too rough with Kevin, "g...give that bong~", Kevin requested, once Streber handed him the bong, Kevin proceeded to take a hit of it, blowing smoke out of his mouth, "now I'm okay~", he cooed...
Streber smiled, resting his head on his boyfriend's chest, "ugh...my ass really stings now...", Kevin groaned, making Streber chuckle nervously, "y-yeah, worry about accidentally...y'know...", he apologized, looking away in embarrassment, "eh, I'll let you off the hook this time, but only because you were stoned", Kevin responded, gently stroking the back of Streber's head...
"You stay right there Kev", Streber said, getting up from Kevin's chest, "huh? Where're you going?", Kevin asked, tilting his head in confusion, "I'm gonna run us a bath silly! We're both pretty sweaty...and we smell of weed...", Streber answered, Streber had a point, they both smelt pretty sweaty and musky right now...
"Alright, but...is it okay I...?", Kevin hesitantly asked, looking away nervously, "Streber smiled, rolling his eyes at Kevin, "sure thing, c'mere you!", he responded, pulling Kevin into a kiss, as if on cue, their bodies pressed against each other, their tongues dancing in eachother's mouths, Streber pulled away from the kiss, smiling lovingly at Kevin, Streber went to the door, going to run the bath, before turning back to Kevin...
"I love you Kev...", he cooed, smiling warmly at his boyfriend, "I love you too...", Kevin responded, smiling back at Streber...
"Oh, and Strebs, before you go..."Kevin said, "Hm? Yeah Kev?" Streber asked, turning back to look at Kevin, "Next time, stretch me out properly, next time we decide to try anal again...", he joked, Streber chuckled in response,
"I'll try to remember that next time..."
(Hi, I am genuinely sorry this chapter took so long! I've just been feeling super unmotivated, and part of me kinda wants to take a hiatus from this book, and I want to know if y'all would be okay with me taking a break from this...)
(Either way, hope y'all enjoyed!)
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