4 .Private Relations.
"We need to see the car," Wolf suggests, standing beside the couch while holding the laptop, looking closely at the timing of the explosion. "As well as visit the scene."
"We're supposed to be meeting with my sister." Jamie points out, having the cup of coffee from the pot that Vera brought over before stepping out to make a call.
He nods and lowers the device onto the table. "I'll go first then. I'll meet you both along the way."
She nods, relaxing against the cushions, as though she didn't plan on getting up anytime soon. He smiled from beneath his mask but she saw the scrunch at the corners of his eyes all the same.
"What? I'm kind of jet-lagged. Come join me, just for a minute." Jamie patted the spot beside her and he chuckled but sat down anyways, placing a hand on her leg.
She stared into his eyes while his fingers danced along her exposed skin, leaving hypnotic patterns that cause her to temporarily forget about the surroundings around them. "How is everything?"
"Fine so far. Gretchen says everything is pretty much radio silence and as long as we stay away from leaving any sort of digital trace, we'll be fine." He shrugs, looking down at his hand as it moved over her leg. Jamie could see that there was something else that was bothering him, but she waited for him to continue on his own because she knew he usually spoke up after going through a silent battle with himself.
"Crow hasn't been heard from since the day we left."
There it is.
"Are you worried about her?"
He doesn't say anything so she pulls his face to rest on her chest, running her fingers through his thick hair. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Let's just focus on Yasmine." He straightens and presses a chaste kiss to her lips then stands. "I should get going if I still wanna meet you later on."
"Don't worry about it. I love you, please be safe."
Jamie stood and kissed his cheek. "We'll talk later. I love you too." Hitter leaves first then Jamie grabs her bag and takes out her new trackless phone to check up with Rickson while waiting to say goodbye to Vera.
She stands with one foot balanced on the heel of her towering shoes and a relaxed posture, lips slightly pursed as she reads through the messages and checks in with the others as well. All the Davenport girls are being evasive towards what they're all doing exactly and that should worry Jamie. Still, the sisters are always something to worry about in general and this shouldn't be an exception.
At the chime of her phone going off, she lifted it to glance at the text on her home screen.
Love: Can I get my extra mask from your bag, please?
Footsteps alerted her of Vera's return before she even entered the room and Jamie stood to bid her farewell, thanking the woman for everything she helped them with that day before heading out to meet Wolf at their car which was parked in front of the driver he had sent for her.
Going around to the driver's side of her car, the window slid down to reveal Hitter behind the steering wheel, the engine humming lightly.
"Need I ask?" Jamie raised her eyebrows as she handed it over, bending over to lean over the door to make eye contact with her boyfriend.
"You can."
She smiled and looked behind her as a car drove past before leaning in and pecking his lips through the mask he was currently wearing then straightening. "Bye."
"Bye." As she walked away to her new car, Wolf checked her through his side view mirror as her body moved confidently with her hips swinging from left to right.
Jamie was a temptress in herself, and she always managed to have him captivated by the way she moved and spoke alone.
Changing gears once her driver had stepped out to open his girlfriend's door, Wolf waited for her to climb in and drive past in front of him before pulling out himself.
As they got to a red light, the two cars stopped beside each other, sleek, shiny grey cars with Davenport number plates and the back passenger window slid open, where Jamie waved at him from across their pause.
He smiled underneath his mask and waved back, with only one hand gripping the steering wheel.
He revved up the engine and watched her slide her sunglasses up on her head, dark eyes shining brightly in the sun and he was captivated. Are you indeed in love if the person you claim holds full possession of your heart doesn't take your breath away every time she so much as looks in your direction?
The light turned green and as they passed, their hands reached out their windows and touched before they took opposite turns, Jamie dropping her sunglasses again, rolling the window up again.
"The two of you are a sight." Her driver spoke and Jamie looked at Anne, slight acknowledgement at how much she had actually missed the woman on her time away.
"The two of us or me with him?"
"Honestly both. Figures when you find yourself a partner, he conceals his face."
Jamie laughed and checked her phone to confirm meeting with her eldest sister still. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"With all due respect, Ms Jamie - you have more secrecy in your life than all your sisters combined."
The Davenport daughter simply smiled. "Now now, that isn't true."
"Yes it is, and you know it."
"You were the one who was screwing my sister, so you're one more secret for her. Aren't you, Annie dear?" The driver tensed, her hands around the wheel tightening as she drove down the road on their way to a restaurant. The restaurant the Davenport's always went to for brunch and meetings.
"Don't worry, I could care less about your relations with my honey sister. Although, I am curious how long it's been going on and the current status of it too... However, I won't be nosey." Jamie spoke casually with her driver and even if Anne would consider herself a friend to her boss, she'd never dare deem herself comfortable enough not to be afraid of silent threats that came with the pressed smirk of her passenger.
It's true, she and Nial had been seeing each other on and off for just about two years but they've hardly ever established a stable relationship.
Niall and any of the Davenport daughters were basically royalty, and Anne wouldn't think to tie down a royal as just a chauffeur.
With that thought, she stayed quiet and hoped her boss would drop the subject but when did Jamie ever take a hint that relieved the discomfort of another person? "I'm surprised truly at the managed concealment you two had going. Not even the least bit of lingered eye contact while in the same room together which —by the way, is extremely hard. My boyfriend and I kissed once and I couldn't keep my composure when he was with me.
"You're literally sleeping with Nia but nothing. Maybe it's strictly physical but she's kept you around this long so I wouldn't assume that part which means it's something serious enough that you wouldn't dare risk it being ruined for some lack of control..."
Jamie took out a lipgloss and opened a compact mirror, touching up her lips then lifting her eyes to lock on the reflection of her driver through the rear view mirror, eyes slightly narrowed.
Anne swallowed noticeably —it was the most uneasy Jamie had ever seen the woman.
She truly didn't care about the relationship, she just cared for her sister.
"How's your daughter, Anne?" Right, there was that too.
"She's good, Miss Davenport." Jamie's first name didn't dare slip out.
"How old was she again?"
"Four this year."
"Hm." Jamie looked out the window and let that simmer in the air until they arrived at their location and she climbed out once the door had been opened for her, back to the problem at hand as she walked ahead to meet with Rickson.
The older sister drank a glass of wine even in the earlier hour of the day.
Jamie sat and ordered a glass of her favourite rosé. Chilled.
The sisters' sunglasses covered their gazes as they sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes. The rosé arrived and Jamie had a long sip, before straightening to get to business.
"Does mom have a Silver Hitter?"
Rickson tilted her head, took off her sunglasses and raised a dark eyebrow, framing her bright blue eye. "Rikki, does mom have a personal stalker? Somebody who is responsible for making sure she gets out of situations alive no matter what?" At the rephrasing of the same question, it registers to Rickson.
"Remember last year when we first met, Hitter?"
Jamie nodded. "The shootout." Rikki clarified. "Hitter was there. Your personal stalker when we discovered the hit was on mom. Why did he show up if she had someone of her own?"
"Because Hitter showed up first."
Rickson nodded slightly. That was a fair answer.
She sipped her wine. "I don't know."
"You do. You know everything. If mom were to die like yesterday, you'd carry the Davenport empire because you're the next person to know Yasmine Davenport other than Yasmine Davenport."
Once again, a great answer - this time not entirely right. "Wrong."
"Excuse me."
"Not even I know Yasmine Davenport as well as one person."
Jamie knew it. "But I wouldn't consider them her personal stalker."
"You better not be talking about Mario." The sisters laughed then Rickson sighed and finished her entire glass of wine before she continued.
"I will get answers and update you tonight."
"Why not just tell me, Rikki?" Jamie swirled the liquid in her own glass around and furrowed her eyebrows.
"I will, I just need to get these answers first."
One person who knew Yasmine Davenport not even nearly as well as she knew herself but better. Rickson hadn't thought to go there but, why would she?
Her mother is supposed to be dead... She wouldn't have thought to cross-reference the two facts until it was absolutely necessary but her sister was intelligent and with the help of the masked Hitman - the two seemed to only boost the other.
For better.
"I need to ask you again, bear. Do you think momma could be alive?" Jamie tilted her head and her sister smiled.
"You believe so. Elly does too and Nia may not admit it but she does too." Is her first response as she forms her next words carefully, "I will always listen to you girls and put your opinions into consideration."
Jamie nodded then told the blonde across from her about hers and her boyfriend's earlier finding, which definitely spiked Rickson's interest but she made no comment and instead listen intently.
Rickson had to strategize more than she had initially, which made her voice out the thought that had been bugging her since the previous day, "If you weren't here, with your determination and stubbornness... I wouldn't have the strength to do something about everything, Jay."
Jamie smiled and lifted her glass, clinking it lightly as her heart warmed. "I love you."
"I love you too."
Sometimes, it's truly important to pause and acknowledge how much you care for someone. Not just to yourself, but to the person because you never know it'll be the last time you decide to let your feelings show... And vice versa.
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