1 .I think Yasmine's dead.
Light kisses all over her neck and shoulders are what stir Jamie from her sleep and back into consciousness as she reaches her hand up and grabs a full head of hair while simultaneously moving her chin up for better access towards the soft lips.
"Happy Valentines Day, my sweet." The form of endearment has shudders running over her, accompanied by a bright smile and Wolf chuckles at the immediate reaction he gains from her even in her slumber.
"Wake up." He continues to urge, inhaling her sweet scent while pecking her skin over and over and over.
"I am awake." She mumbles and when he pulls back to check, her eyes are shut and she's barely holding onto reality, slowing slipping back into her interrupted exhaustion as her hand loosened from his thick hair.
"I've got pancakes and homemade berry syrup downstairs in the kitchen." Her eyes snap open within a second and her arms wrap around the back of his neck.
"Wolfy, I'm awake." She complains but he just pushes her away with amusement and gets up to stare down at her. Jamie's slim body is wrapped up in the bed covers with only her thin two piece pajamas underneath. "Happy Valentines Day. I don't think I've ever celebrated the holiday with anyone but my sisters." Her smile turns slightly sad and just like second nature, he's right back there kissing every inch of her face to offer her comfort. A lot of the holidays that went by over the months have gone similar to this but Christmas was the hardest to recover from and Wolf couldn't get in the request to call her family.
Christmas is the day Jamie was born.
Her birthday.
It's basically a second Mother's Day to her and... let's just say that not even his kisses could make her homesickness feel better. But she agreed to come with Wolf and she promised that it's what she wanted so she sucked it up and took his help because she could imagine how crappy Christmas already is when you're on the run or in witness protection services from your own family.
Plus he admitted it'd be his first without Crow in a while and she apologised for being so selfish. After that was over and Jamie was reassured that it was understandable to be upset, they made sure to have a banger New Years.
Hence, Valentines Day.
"I'm excited to celebrate it for the first time with you." Jamie pulls Wolf and pecks his lips before pushing past him and out of their room–straight to the kitchen without even looking back. He chuckles at her eagerness to make it down for breakfast.
Littered rose petals, rose bouquets with balloons, teddy bears and wrapped presents have Jamie slowing and turning to her expectant boyfriend who stood behind her at the bottom of the stairs. "Do you like—" He's cut off when she hurls her body at his and hugs him tightly.
"I love it all."
Heart shaped pancakes are cut into, grapefruit juice mimosas are toasted while the couple dig into their breakfast.
Jamie can't stop adding syrup and Wolf has to scold her on more than one occasion, despite the innocent batting of her eyelashes she does when he eyes her actions.
"What are you gonna do, Jamie–drink the syrup off the plate when you're done?" He motions to her drowning pancakes and her eyes roll, the expression taking him back to the days they'd just met and he knows that the moment she says,
"My love," That whatever her next words are won't be good. "If I wanted to take a bath in the damn syrup, it wouldn't be any of your business."
She gets very defensive about her syrup and pancakes. "This is why I put less sugar in the pancakes today. I know you by now."
Her response is an exaggerated gasp and widened eyes. "How could you? I knew it! I can't believe you've betrayed my trust — I'll never let you earn it again." Jamie stands, throwing her napkin down for good measure but before she can storm off to add to her dramatics, he's pulling her into his lap and she's laughing loudly as he kisses her all over.
"You have a problem." He states and she continues to laugh at his accusing gaze on her own.
"You love me."
"I do. But seriously, you have a problem." Her eyes roll once again, this time playfully and she rests comfortably in his lap while gazing into his dark eyes.
"I love you too."
Jamie takes the curlers out of her shoulder length hair and lets it bounce free, scrunching and spraying it to keep it stiff which isn't hard since her hair was made to hold such weight.
It's unbelievable that after their feast this morning as well as hours of opening presents, Wolf still had more planned for Valentines Day evening. Standing and backing up so she can look at herself in the mirror, Jamie's bedazzled floral jumpsuit hugs her like a glove, showing off all her curves and making her shape appear all the more prominent.
The sides have a slit each trailing up to the area her legs attach to her waist and her black heeled sandals compliment the rest of her bold jewellery by adding some simplicity.
Jamie leaves their bedroom, grabbing her purse and heading downstairs where Wolf waits, doing up the cuff links of his expensive blazer. He looks up and once she reaches the landing, she twirls so he can see all of her and his eyes trail over her as pride takes over in his chest.
"You look almost as good as the syrup you nearly killed me over this morning." She laughs and rolls her eyes, the mood light and romantic as it has been.
"Oh shut up. You look good too, wearing the watch I got you." Jamie grins and then he leads her outside, taking a moment to drape a heavy fur coat over her shoulders before they step out into the cold night.
"I hope we're going somewhere warm." She throws out to him just as she slides into their car.
"You'll have to wait and see." He teases.
It's crazy to believe that it's almost been a year since they started dating and six months of them being together in their hiatus.
They've adjusted well to Malta, and on some days they miss home, sometimes they compare the time here to Argentina even if they've been here longer. Something about their private island just made it a second home.
Jamie stares out of her window with her head against the seat, stroking Wolf's hand as it rests on the gearshift. "If I wasn't here... what would you be doing right now?"
"To be honest?" Wolf asks after stretching the silence for a little while.
"Nothing." Jamie turns to face Wolf. "I mean, it's Valentines Day firstly and second, when Crow isn't with me I'm just not up to much."
"No flings?"
"What's the point? I've done it all."
"Even me?"
"Nothing like you. You're an adventure every day." She smiles.
"Hey Wolfy?"
"Yes, my sweet?"
"I really really love you."
"I really really love you too."
Parking out front a restaurant parking lot, Jamie assumes that's where they're heading but instead they end up walking some ways down, the wind blowing and hitting her bare legs and she has to shield herself so her hair isn't too messed up.
Once they enter a barely lit two story building sandwiched between a bar and another parking lot, there's a lounge set up with different booths with other couples talking amongst themselves.
The room is filled with love and in the back, there's an empty, more secluded than the other sections with the same roses that were in their house this morning and even in the high class exclusive restaurant, Jamie feels that much more special.
Wining and dining isn't anything new but there's something about the lovers holiday that makes the level of deep connection that much deeper.
The sound of a ringing phone interrupts Jamie holding up a fork to Wolf and holding up a finger, he reaches into his jacket pocket and her eyebrows furrow as she ears the cake for herself.
Not once in months have either of them received an unscheduled phone call. Most days, they don't even have their phone so the air is thick as Wolf slides green on the unknown number and presses the device to his ear.
"Hit-, p-ease you a-d J- -mie need to–" The line crackles with static and then silence, before the frantic voice on the other line clears up. "Hitter," She's sobbing and when my hand moves to Jamie's knee, it has her alerted even though I'm trying to offer her comfort regardless of whether or not she can hear the voice that's coming into my ear.
"Is it Gretchen?" My beautiful girlfriend asks because it's normal to assume that it's the woman who's responsible with not only our safety but our comfort in a time where my life is being threatened and my phone isn't supposed to be ringing for anyone but her as far as we're aware—no not even, I know that she's the only person who'd be able to reach me through this number at a time like this.
As the voice continues to spew somewhat no coherent words through her sobbing and rush, I don't have the strength to tell either her or the blonde sitting beside me with worried eyes anything.
I think it's the fact that the person who's supposed to be the calmest in a situation when it gets crazy is the one who is freaking out the most. I'm honoured to be deemed the most stable in this situation and when I look down into her beautiful brown eyes, I know that I probably am going to be the stable—well, the most stable in this situation.
"Wolf." Jamie's soft yet firm voice cuts me out of my thoughts and I shake myself out of it and respond to the voice on the phone.
"Hey. Listen to me, it's gonna be okay. We're going to come back, I'll arrange a flight back as soon as I can–just stay all together and be safe. Do not split up until I'm there or tell you that it's alright to do otherwise. Understand?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I got it it's just..." She trails off and sniffs noisily, taking a deep breath to calm her panic from escalating further.
"It's okay. Do everything I tell you to and be careful. Okay?"
"Yes. We will. Thank you. Just... make sure Jamie is alright. Please."
"I will." I hang up the phone and draw it away from my ear, setting it down on the table delicately, as though it's as fragile as a thin piece of glass and the entire time, Jamie watches me silently. Her thumb and forefinger press together as she thinks about what to say or ask first and I'm grateful for her concern because it means I have a couple of minutes to think up my next move.
My relief doesn't last long however, because before I know it the words out of her mouth cut through me like a knife. "Wolf, what's wrong?" Her voice is quiet, gentle but demanding and I can't help but slowly begin to shake my head. "Wolf," She starts again and I meet her gaze, arched eyes reading my own intently and from what her own tell me, they know that something is wrong. "Who was on the phone?"
"Rickson." I answer quietly and at the mention of her sister's name, the concern in her gaze deepens as she swallows hard and nods once.
"What did she want?"
"To say..." I can't tell her.
"James I–" Again, I just shake my head but this time her patience is waning.
"Just tell me, Wolf. Is my sister okay? What's going on?"
"It's Yasmine..."
"What about my mom?" Her hand moves to her heart as though she's trying to physically grab a hold of it. "I swear Wolf, what's going on with my mom?"
"I think... Yasmine's dead." The words leave my lips finally and I look away from her, unable to face my girlfriends reaction because I know that she's going to be crushed. I know that she's going to be crushed because that woman is her whole world.
Even if the apparent issue is right in front of me, I can't help but wonder... How the hell could Yasmine Davenport be dead?
Oh my gosh, you all waited so patiently but here it is. I'm going to figure out a semi-stable posting schedule but I'll keep you posted with all that information. Aesthetics coming out tomorrow and the next day so look out for the day. Disclaimer, this is a sequel and you HAVE to read the first book 'Silver Hitter' if you don't want to be confused. Happy Reading!
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Xx, Your Favourite Koala.
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