Phineas POV
I stared at our now-conjoined hands in awe. They were literally inseparable, with the skin and fingers smoothly connected. How did that even happen? Oh, maybe by the random beam of light that happened to hit our hands only a moment ago. Duh.
Isabella was in a similar state as me, her eyes scrunched up in disbelief. She used her other hand to feel the connection. As she moved her fingers up and down our hands, the feeling of her touching my hand phased in and out. I could feel it on my side of the join, and it slowly numbed out into nothing as she trailed her fingers back.
"Should I be freaking out right now?" she asked me worriedly, looking at me.
"No, let's stay calm," I replied, taking several deep breaths. "I have no idea where that beam of light came from, but we just need to get the molecular separator that we used on Candace and Jeremy to get us unstuck".
"But Phineas," Isabella said, "don't you remember that Rover the dog destroyed the molecular separator?".
"Oh" I replied. I hadn't remembered about the incident at the fair earlier that day. In fact, due to the movie I had almost completely forgotten about what we had done today. I was so focused on Isabella and her new, strange behavior that I only comprehended bits and pieces of the movie. I was already so confused, and now this new problem had to arise! A grimace formed on my face and I growled at nobody in particular.
Isabella jumped a bit. "Are you okay?" she questioned me.
"Yeah, I'm alright, I've just got a lot of things on my mind," I told her. "Let's just get home and rebuild the molecular separator to get our hands separated".
I stood up and helped Isabella up too (It's not like I had a choice, but I would have anyways).
As we made our way out of the isle and towards the exit, I spotted two of the fireside girls, Ginger and Milly, making their way out of the movie theater as well. They saw us too and waited for us to catch up to them.
"I didn't know that you girls were watching the movie too," I told them, "We would have sat by you if we would have known".
"Actually, you wouldn't have," Milly told me, "because this place was booked. Didn't you notice?".
I had noticed when we walked in, but I had kind of forgotten about everything when Isabella had started ... being a close friend.
Milly then looked down and noticed our hands, but she took it the wrong way.
"Are you two on a date?" she squealed, excitement rising in her voise.
"You finally got to him, Isabella!" Ginger added.
"No, we're not on a date, right Isabella? We're just friends," I said, glancing over at Isabella. She said nothing, her face extremely red and avoiding eye contact. I shrugged it off, she was probably still confused. "Well, anyways, while we were watching the movie, some strange, green beam of light hit our hands and joined them together," I explained to Milly and Ginger, both of which had lost their smiles. "We've got to go now so I can separate us at home. We'll see you later!"
"Sorry, Isabella," I heard Milly mutter.
"Maybe next time," Ginger said soothingly. "Bye!".
We made our way out of the now-empty theater building and into the street. It was getting dark now, but it was still light enough that we could walk home safely. What Ginger and Milly had said confused me. They thought we were on a date. How could anyone possibly think that Isabella and I were dating? That's absurd. And what did Ginger mean by "You finally got to him"?
I thought I might ask Isabella to see if she knew what they were talking about.
Isabella POV
Wow. Today was turning out to be such a strange day. First it started out with the daily project, then Phineas and I finally got to go to the movies, and now we were literally stuck together. Ever since Ginger and Milly had started questioning about Phineas and me, I couldn't stop blushing. I'm just glad that it was getting dark outside, because it helped hide it. I was also (for once) glad that Phineas was so oblivious about my affection for him.
"Hey Isabella?" Phineas asked me. "What was Ginger talking about when she said 'You finally got to him'?".
My cheeks flared an even darker red. Maybe he wasn't so oblivious after all.
"Um, I d-don't really know," I squeaked back, turning my face from him to hide my blush.
"Well, whatever," Phineas stated, shrugging his shoulders. I sighed in relief. He then gazed up at the stars just starting to appear as the night got darker.
"You know what? We should have a sleepover at my house tonight!" he exclaimed, a grin appearing on his face. "I mean, we're probably still gonna be stuck together until tomorrow because the delivery guys have already finished work today. We'll just have to wait until tomorrow to get our hands separated. Is that okay with you, Isabella?"
"Yeah, that's great!" I said a little too excitedly. "Uh, I mean, yeah, that's all cool bro."
I couldn't understand my strange mood swings that day. In the theater I had a major confidence boost and was able to do everything with Phineas without being shy at all. Now, I was a jittery mess that couldn't even hold a simple conversation, too focused on hiding the blush on my face. What was up with me today?
I took a deep breath, shook my head clear, and began to stretch my arms to re-energize myself. Being the idiot I was, I didn't realize I would move Phineas too, and I pulled up his hand with mine.
"Oh! Sorry!" I said exasperatedly, pulling our hands down quickly again.
"It's okay," he replied, a smile on his face. "Now, what are we going to do tonight? We'll have to call Buford and Baljeet over, and then we'll watch a movie... Oh wait, we just watched a movie. I can't remember any of it!"
I giggled, almost too sure of myself why he couldn't remember Stumbleberry Finkbat. After all, I didn't really watch any of it anyways. Luckily, with a new topic, I was able to get a hold of myself and become the confident, charming Isabella that I was. We could talk about anything and everything with ease, and before I knew it, I could see home.
"Great!" Phineas exclaimed. "Only a block away from our houses! Let's have a race, and whoever wins gets to pick what we do tonight!"
"But Phineas," I said, laughing, "How are we going to race each other if our hands are stuck together?"
"I hear negative!" Phineas replied. "321 GO!" he shouted out in a flurry before taking off and dragging me behind. I rolled my eyes and started running to so I could keep up with Phineas. We awkwardly ran all the way up to Phineas's house and burst through the front door, laughing and gasping for breath. Ferb greeted us on the couch as we walked in, not yet noticing any mutation between us. He grinned, shot finger guns at us, and walked out of the room.
"Lets call that a tie" I heard Phineas say when he caught his breath. "Do you need to call your mom to make sure you can stay the night?", he asked me. "I mean, we're stuck together anyways, you might as well get permission."
I smiled and nodded, and Phineas grabbed one of the phones from the counter and handed it to me, one-handedly typing in the numbers to my home phone on the way.
"I've memorized your number, as well as everybody else's," he told me when I raised my eyebrow. I took the phone with my free hand and held it up to my ear, knowing too well what I would hear.
"Hola, chica!", I heard my over-energized mother tell me from my house. "How was your date with Phineas? Did you have fun?"
"Mom!" I said, my face heating up once again. "He's right next to me!" I whispered into the receiver with gritted teeth. "How did you know about my d - I mean about Phineas and I going to the movies, anyways?"
"Oh, that doesn't matter," she replied haughtily. "I would never spy on you all day, and never have, and never will!" I rolled my eyes and then remembered the reason why I was calling her in the first place.
"Hey mom," I asked. "Can I sleep over at Phineas's house tonight? He invited me over and I promise I'll be good."
"Of course, chica!" she replied with her usual vigor. "Tell Linda I said hello!", and with that she hung up.
"Yes!" I shouted, throwing the phone up into the air and nearly jumping for joy. The phone hit the tile floor and broke into tons of electronic pieces. I gasped; this was the second time I had dropped and destroyed something today!
"I'm so sorry Phineas," I said shamefully, staring at the destroyed phone. "I can buy you a new one, or-" he cut me off.
"It's fine, Isabella" he replied in a cheerful manner. "Ferb will be able to fix it in less than a minute."
As if on cue, Ferb walked into the room, holding a toolbox in one hand. He set to work and completely repaired the phone in less than 10 seconds. Ferb then handed the phone back to me, and I was astonished (not really) to see that the phone was in a better condition than before.
As I examined the phone, Ferb finally noticed the strange mutation between our hands. He stared at it in a peculiar way, then asked, "Is that why your having a sleepover tonight?".
"Yeah, our hands were somehow merged together in the theater and we have to wait until tom- Wait a minute, how did you know we were having a sleepover?" Phineas said, confused.
Before he could answer, the doorbell then rang, and we all walked over to answer it. In walked Buford and Baljeet, fully equipped with sleeping bags and pajamas.
"How is it that everybody knows about our sleepover and I haven't even called anybody yet?" Phineas asked confusedly.
"Its probably better not to ask," I told him, "We've already got enough on our hands right now".
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