Phineas POV
I turned off the alarm clock 10 seconds before it went off. Whew! That was a close one! Ferb gave me a thumbs up then marked another tally on the wall. It was our eightieth day straight beating the alarm clock, and I wasn't gonna let it go that easily.
"Morning Ferb!" I greeted, pulling on my signature orange and white striped shirt. "Had a good sleep?" Ferb nodded then began heading downstairs. "Hey, wait for me!" I shouted, running to catch up.
We finished breakfast in record time, then headed out to the backyard to figure out what to do today. I brought our sketchbook out with us so that we could look for any ideas that looked fun. Cheese-grater slide? Too dangerous. Finish summer homework. Did that the first day of summer. Build a Doom-inator? That was just plain evil.
We continued struggling to find an idea when the gate swung open, Isabella walking in.
"Hey Phineas. Watcha doin?"
I stood up. "Hey Isabella, we're actually not sure yet. I was thinking about making a cheese grater slide, but Ferb here doesn't think it meets our safety expectations." I then thought of a new idea. For some reason, I don't know why, I just wanted to make Isabella happy. "Say, Isabella," I asked her, "Anything we can do for you today? Like a fireside girls patch?".
"Oh," she said flirtatiously, "I've got an even better idea". And with that, Isabella walked up to me, grabbed me on the shoulders, leaned in, and planted a kiss on my surprised lips. My eyes widened to the size of saucers and my heart temporarily stopped. "What's going on?" I thought frantically, and also excitedly as she pulled me closer."
My eyes shot open to see nothing but darkness. In a second my pupils dilated and I could make out the silhouette of Isabella next to me.
"Isabella?" I asked. "Did you just...". I saw a giant floating baby head appear behind Isabella's head, and then I blacked out.
**The Next Morning**
I woke to the sound of a bird chirping some wonderful song and felt the sunshine warming my face. I felt so comfortable that I decided to keep resting where I was. Until I felt a cool breath hitting against my face.
I opened my eyes, and found myself nose to nose with a still-sleeping Isabella. I quickly breathed in as I realized the position I was in. Somehow, in the night, we must have migrated closer together, for we were now wrapped up in each other's arms. I don't have any idea how Isabella managed to get out of her sleeping bag and into mine during the night.
I thought about trying to give her some space, but I would probably wake Isabella if I tried to move. Besides, this was exactly the sort of close friendship stuff that she was talking about and doing at the movie theater.
I peered around the backyard to see if anybody else was around. To my surprise, Isabella and I were the only ones left in the backyard. "They must have already woken up," I thought to myself.
I thought about the strange dreams that I had had throughout the whole night. All of them were about Isabella, and most of them involved some sort of affection between us. What was with these new dreams? I didn't even like Isabella! Well, not more than a friend. ... Okay, maybe since yesterday at the theaters I started liking her a littlemore than a friend, but that's not important.
As I continued to think, Isabella stirred besides me. She slowly opened up her eyes, then gave a small smile.
"Good morning, Sunshine!" I whispered, beaming back at her. Isabella's smile widened, then she let out a huge yawn. Because yawning is addictive, I was forced to yawn as well.
She let out a giggle, then said, "Good morning, Phineas! How did you sleep?"
She then realized that we were in the same sleeping bag, widened her eyes, and began blushing furiously.
"How did I get into your sleeping bag?" she asked incredulously, not moving from her position.
"I was wondering that too," I responded, "but to answer your question, I had a great sleep".
When neither of us made a move to leave, Isabella smiled more, then hesitantly leaned her head on my chest, which caught me by surprise. Could she possibly like me back? Eh, probably not. Its not like she had ever given out signs before.
"Yeah I slept well, but I had some really weird dreams."
"Really? What were they about?" Isabella asked, moving her head back to face me and sounding almost nervous.
Drat. Why did I even mention my dreams to Isabella in the first place? Now I had to fib to get out of it. "Oh... nothing important," I said, reddening up and trying to evade the issue.
"Oh come on, tell me! I wanna know what the great Phineas Flynn dreams about!"
"Um... I dreamed about ... " I unconsciously started scratching my ear. "Uh, Perry! Yeah, I had a dream about Perry being a secret agent, and trying to stop an evil pharmacist from taking over the Tri-state area!"
"Lame excuse" I thought to myself, hoping she'd buy it.
Isabella rolled her eyes. "Whatever" she told me. Then she again rested her head on my chest and hugged me a little tighter. Although I still had no idea how we ended up together in the night, I was beginning to enjoy it. I hugged her back, then began studying the green stalks of grass that made up the lawn.
We stayed like that for a while, cuddling together in the morning rays of sun. Isabella occasionally sighed, and I secretly hoped it would never end. At one point Isabella brought her head back up with our noses touching. But neither of us seemed to mind.
"This is nice," she told me, staring into my eyes. I stared back and we held each other's gaze for a while. We started leaning in, and were about to touch when-
"PHINEAS!" Candace yelled from the back door, startling us both. We each backed off, blushing like crazy. "It's 10:30 Phineas!" Candace yelled, "Mom wants you up so she can clean up breakfast!" "10:30?" I thought. Great, that just broke my 80 day streak of beating the alarm clock, back to day 1.
Candace went back inside, slamming the door behind her, and Isabella and I began to untangle ourselves. I helped her out of the sleeping bag, then we drowsily walked towards the house to eat. As we walked, I noticed that Isabella was looking sad.
"Hey Isabella," I asked, "You okay? You look kind of down".
Upon hearing me, she brightened, and replied "Yeah I'm great". I could tell that she was still sad, but decided not to press.
Isabella POV
Before eating we had another awkward bathroom break, then changed our clothes again with the smartphone. Luckily there were once again no major problems with changing. As we walked down the stairs from my room I saw Buford, Baljeet, and Ferb playing some racing video game in the living room. Baljeet was calculating the fastest way to win in his head while Buford was getting ready to shove him. Before he did, however, Buford saw us and began chanting, "Phin-a-bell-a si-ttin in a tree! K-I-". He was cut off as Ferb sqeezed the pressure point on his neck and knocked him out.
I blushed at this but said nothing, and noticed that Phineas was doing the same. "I'm starting to think he might actually like me!" I thought to myself as we made our way to the kitchen to eat. There was a stack of warm blueberry pancakes in the center of the table along with a beaker of buttermilk syrup, and fresh orange juice to drink.
Phineas, being the gentleman he always is, handed me a plate and helped serve me before himself. I blushed again for the umpteenth time today, seriously wondering how he could be so oblivious. I took a big bite of pancake and tasted the sugary syrup in my mouth. "Mrs. Flynn-Fletcher is a really good cook," I thought to myself, chewing on the yummy goodness.
I watched as Phineas was about to drink some orange juice, but then he stopped, licking his lips.
"What the," he said, smacking his lips together. "I've got strawberry lip gloss on my lips! How did that happen?"
I stiffened but then relaxed, letting out a giggle.
"What?" he asked me, cocking his head. "Do you know anything about it? Did you and Ferb prank me with lip gloss last night?"
"No, I don't know why you've got lip gloss on your lips," I told him, my smile spreading wider as I remembered what had happened the night before. I tasted the strawberry lip gloss on my lips and let out another giggle.
"Lies." Phineas gave me an evil death glare and smirk then told me, "I'll get you back later". I decided to play along and stuck my tongue out at him as he began chowing down on pancakes. It was entertaining to watch how fast he could wolf them down in adolescence, and he had finished four of them before I had even gotten through one.
As we ate I thought about what happened that morning. This random merge in our hands was arguably the best thing that had ever happened to me. I mean, this morning I was able to cuddle with Phineas for ages, and I think that if Candace had not rudely interrupted, then we may have even kissed! I was a little bummed about that before, but I realized that I had made miles of progress with Phineas in only a day, and that was excellent.
After we finished breakfast, Phineas and I took the initiative and did the breakfast dishes together. As we worked, Phineas started telling me about one of his latest daily ideas. As he spoke, I couldn't help but sigh and smile endearingly at him, I loved how worked up and excited he would get when he was happy.
My smile continued to grow until we heard the doorbell ring. We answered it, and it was the delivery guy, with the parts needed to assemble the molecular separator again and get us apart. My smile instantly fell; Phineas and I would be separated and it would go back to normal: no more huggling and cuddling and having to stay together. I looked over at Phineas and noticed that he had the same look on his face, but I didn't say anything. I just hoped he was thinking the same thing as me.
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