Morning Arc: Parties and Prophecies
I forgot to mention, each arch will have roughly 10 chapters, so remember that. Also, I'll be taking long breaks between each Arch ending.
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~Super rich kids with nothing, but fake friends~
Super Rich Kids- Frank Ocean
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It was the fifteenth of December. A cold night. Too cold to be having a party. But that never stopped the Waynes. And unfortunately, Rachel had to attend. She was having a terrible evening, stuck at this dreary place that she didn't even want to attend for gods sake, talking with people who only knew about her from their parents. They surrounded her as if she was the sun and they the planets. To make matters worse she was in this tight dark green dress that she was forced to wear. Courtesy of her parents. Although, it wasn't a ugly dress, the opposite actually.
It was rather stunning, the gold glitter imbued on the sleves of the mid length dress sparkled everytime the light hit it. It complimented her eyes nicely as well, making them seem brighter that they actually were. The gold earrings and her trusty enchanted necklace, that was given to her from Lou Ellen for her birthday, that she matched it with, was the cherry on the fabric cake. It just tied the whole outfit together.
"Did you hear? Louis Brett got a new head chef. Apparently he was almost assassinated. Luckily, some maid stopped him and they investigated the situation and found out that the head chef was a spy!" Percilla, the daughter of the CEO of Marvil lottery, was currently entertaining the others. "Oh yes, I heard that afterwards he had to stay in the hospital for a month."
The chatter continued for a moment, some local news here, lavish spending tales there, excitement for the holidays here, you know nothing unusual. That's why Rachel was confused when someone directed the attention to her. "So Rachel, who was that boy that you were with, the one with the eyes." Izzy asked. "Who? Percy?"
"Yes, the one with those enchanting green eyes." The Dare could see how her face lit up while talking about him which would make you think that she had talked to the son of the sea before, but she only saw him for a minute at most when he dropped by to pick up Ella's hair clip that was left by from the last time she was here to help Rachel with reconstructing the Sibiline books.
It was rather impressive that Izzy managed to remember Percy, but then again, who wouldn't. Rachel may be the Oracle, but she could admit when someone was good looking, and her green eyed friend was exactly that. Last year in Goode he was voted as most attractive swim team member for goodeness sake.
"If you'll excuse me, I would like to speak to Miss Dare for a minute." Rachel turned her attention to speaker at the mention of her surname. The voice belonged to a tall, seemingly well toned individual dressed in a slick burgundy suit and tie that complimented his skin tone. His black hair had reminded her of Rayna's hair, healthy, neat and dark.
"And why do you request my presence Sir?" Brushing a voluminous curl from her face and tucking it away behind her right ear ever so gracefully Rachel addressed the stranger. "Wayne. Richard Wayne." At the mention of his name, the flock of people around the Oracle let out a collective gasp and began whispering amongst themselves. "I heard that you're an artist, so I'd like to propose a potential collaboration with you."
That got Rachel's attention. She had never publicly announced to society that she did painting and such activities. You had to do a decent amount of digging to find that out. It's not as if she hid it or anything, its just that she never thought it was important to mention, and no one asked.
Which means she was researched, extensively at that. This was more than a simple business proposition. Narrowing her eyes, she agreed. "Sure." Richard, motioning for her to follow him, began to walk towards the west of the gigantic ballroom.
Her heels clacked against the detailed cream tile that was placed on the floor as she shadowed Wayne. They passed by a golden chandelier that hung from the ceiling, giving off a glow that illuminated the room. Soon they left the ballroom, and were in a hallway. Passing by paintings of seemingly mundane things, Rachel subuded the urge to stop and take a better look at the pieces, settling for quick glances at them as she walked by.
Richard ubruptly, ushering her to a seat and took the facing her, the only thing between them was a large marble table coloured in hues of purple. "So, tell me Miss Dare, how are you affiliated with potential terrorists?" Rachel inhaled sharply and sent a glare his way. "I don't know who you're getting your information from, but I don't commune with terrorists. " She shot back. "That seems odd, since there are multiple pictures of you being in contact with Perseus Jackson. I have video evidence." He seemed quite proud of himself. Rachel was hysteric. Gods, mortals crack her up sometimes.
"Percy isn't a terrorist, far from it actually. " She announced, after her laughing fit. This statement left the young Wayne in visible confusion. "The evidence says other wise. I would advise you to answer truthfully."
Just as she was about to speak, a familiar feeling came over her. The feeling that caused the beginning of so many problems. This damned spirit that possesses her body on a whim, coming and going as it pleases. Oh, how she despises it.
The last thing she could think of before she lost consciousness was a very aggressive 'fuck you' to the sun god, and she swore she could hear him giggling from his place on Olympus.
Richard has seen many things before. Psycho nature freak seducing Batman? Check. Invincible alien fly around earth multiple times? Check. Warrior amazonian giving Batman a run for his money? Check. Heck even Martians! But the sight in front of him definitely knocked some of his wild expirences out of the ball park.
Rachel Dare, the wildcard of the well known Dare family, suddenly became even wilder. He was just doing his job, questioning her as a suspect in an investigation that Batman was looking into. She had denied that her friend, Perseus Jackson, was a terrorist, that much he expected. What he didn't expect, was her to start leaking green smoke from her mouth, and for her eyes to start glowing a sickly green.
The room suddenly was cold, the green mist from her most was encasing the room. She began to speak, but her lips weren't moving and the voice that he heard was definitely not Rachel's.
As the darkness grows restless
Thirsty for revenge
Clear sighted heros join forces
With the seven champions of Olympus
An Apollo child's fate set in stone
Taken to a land that always snows
A ritual from the olden days
To throw the world in eternal shadow
The sky spawn must fall
For the sun to rise
After the darkest of nights
After the extremely long poem, the mist disappeared, as quickly as it seemed to arrive. "Fuck." Rachel, now back to her non foggy self, had come to. "What did I say?" Snapping out of his daze, the Wayne recited the odd rhyme that he heard moments before.
She seemed to ponder something for a while, her face scrunched up like a used candy wrapper. Then she took off her necklace, that Dick had now noticed was around her neck, and said something. Out of nowhere, a bronze dagger appeared, as if it was summoned for thin air. It was an unusual weapon for a lady of her status, even if she was a wildcard. Usually when interested in a weapon, they would learn archery or even some form of swordsmanship. "Give me your hand."
"Why would I give you my hand if you show me a dagger?" The young heir asked, cautious of the red head in front of him. Sighing, as if she'd expected this, Rachel answered, "I need the dagger and your hand to confirm something. So give me your hand."
Richard was in one hell of a predicament. He didn't want to offer up his hand. No sane person would. He didn't know or trust her. They had just met this evening! But he wanted answers. He needed answers. He was about to comply to her demands, but before he could, she threw the dagger at his head.
It was so swift that he barely registered the small motion. It hit him on his left ear before he could dodge, shocking him. "Why would you-" Right as he was about to ask the girl what her intentions behind her actions were, he realised he couldn't feel anything.
At this moment, he could swear that he was a replica of the surprised pikachu face. He touched his ear, feeling for blood but there was none. "So, you're a superhero Mister Wayne." Rachel had announced, crossing her legs in her seat, a smug look flashed across her face.
The silence that encased the room was overbearing. The only thing that Dick could hear was the sound of his tinnitus.
Word count: 1540
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