Morning Arc: A Normal Winter's Night
~I'm just playing cards I was delt bad~
Ghetto Gatsby- Bret Faiyaz
The crisp winter air entered Pollux's lungs. He was just about finished with his routine check up on the vineyard when a councilor's meeting was called, which was weird since it was almost time for curfew to be called.
When he made it to the pong room, everyone else was there waiting for him, some their eyes were half closed while the others were yawning. "Good everyone's here now. Percy, may you?" As Chiron spoke, Percy, who was draped in his turtle nighty, made a circular motion with his right hand, causing the water in the atmosphere to form a floating ring of water. Following the sea spawn's gesture, Soltace extended his arm and began to glow, making a rainbow.
Chiron walked forward to beginnings of an Iris message, tossing a drachma into it and called out, "O Iris goddess of rainbows, please show me Rachel Dare, Gotham city." A few seconds passed and the image of the red head sitting, on what appears to bean bag, could be seen. "What's the matter Red?" Travis asked, in a serious tone, rather unlike his usual self.
"We've got another prophecy. "
This is fake right? The room felt stagnant, a cold wind passing through like a blizzard. This has to be fake. "It's a small prophecy right?" Pollux asked, his eyes darted around frantically for someone to give him some slither of hope that his wish was true. "Right guys?" But alas, everyone just confirmed his fears.
"I'll recite it now."
It was a few minutes before anyone really recovered from the shock that this was happening so soon. The first person to speak was the head of the Athena cabin. "So I'm guessing that they're the superheroes mentioned in the prophecy?" "Correct." Was the swift reply received from the young miss of the Dare household.
"Hold on a minute! You just can't give out confidential information like that." Artemis exclaimed, causing Rachel to turn to her.
"Listen, miss..." Rachel paused, signaling for someone to give her a name. "Artemis." "Miss Artemis, this entire conversation under normal circumstances would not have been witnessed by the likes of you 'super heroes.' Secondly, this entire situation is greater than us. We are trying to save reality as we know it from crumbling and being destroyed by some godly being. So if you'd do us the bare minimum and be cooperative so that we can save the world, it would be greatly appreciated. "
That seemed to quite all of them down as they all shared the same look conveying that it was in their best interest to settle. Well all of them except some odd masked man who was concealed in a corner of the Iris message. "All right guys, it's pretty late now, and I'd think it would be best if we all could group in the morning to discuss this when were all refreshed. " Everyone nodded in agreement with the centaur.
"Rachel, see how fast you can make it here with these super heroes so that we can have a more secure conversation away from prying eyes and ears."
Sighing, the red headed Oracle agreed. "Okay so its settled. Tomorrow before breakfast we'll have a meeting. I'll send Percy to collect you lot, Apollo's been teaching him to drive the sun chariot, so he'll be there at sunrise. " A groan could be heard near Annabeth, which one would assume originated from her tired boyfriend.
"I understand, goodnight everyone."
Percy let out a yawn as he held the steering wheel of the now transformed sun chariot. The wind harassed his hair hair, throwing it in a multitude of directions while the bright red paint from the sun convertible almost blind the half asleep demigod.
His godly cousin was sitting in the passenger seat, smirking at the state of the hero. If you're wondering how he was even allowed in the sky, that's because Zeus thought it would be a funny segment of Hephaestus TV, so he let it slide. "So how far is Gotham from here?" Percy asked, eyeing Apollo as he changed the song that was playing to a more high tempo piece.
"We're just about there. Look my Oracle's right there." The sun god pointed in the direction as he spoke. Oh. They stood on a heli-pad that was in the backyard of a very impressive looking house. Percy slowly descended the chariot, parking it near Rachel and the super heroes, who were still in costume for some reason. Probably somthing to do with confidentiality. They all had a bag in their hands except R.E.D. of course, she had everything she needed at camp already. Percy took a couple seconds to take in the group. There were five kids about his age and one middle aged man, which would raise some eye brows as to what exactly was going on in the superhero business.
But that didn't concern him.
"Okay we've got to hurry since Apollo here needs to go. He can only spare us five more minutes so everyone go into the convertible." And with that, everyone gathered around the vehicle but there was a problem. "It's too small." A redheaded boy commented. "Yeah I can see that. But that's not really an issue. Lester." Percy turned to the sun god. "I got it, lover boy."
The car suddenly changed its appearance, transforming into a mini bus. "Are you sure that 'lover boy' is the nickname you should be giving to others? It seems to me like it fits you more." Rachel stated as she entered the mobile.
"This is going to be instant and fast so hold on tight." Percy annouced. He then proceeded to face Apollo. " I think that you should get your priorities straight for the new year. Though, you're the furthest thing from it."
Apollo scoffed. "I can't remember the last time I dated someone. It's been a while."
By now everyone was ready to go. The sun chariot started levitating and backing up. "Isn't the youngest girl in the Apollo cabin four? Yeah sure, a while." Percy asked as he stared at Apollo. He didn't reply. "Oh so you're not going to rep-"
Luckily, for the flirtatious sun god, a familiar hill appeared. "Looks like we're here! Everyone quickly get out!" Apollo hastily exclaimed. Percy stuck out his tongue and was met with a similar gesture from the sun god.
Percy carefully lowered the 'chariot' down on Halfblood hill with a sort of mastery that, unfortunately, couldn't be appreciated by the motion sick passengers.
Everyone took their luggage in hand and stood on the beginnings of the hill. A tree could be seen in the distance. A huge rock was next to it, and on a branch, a glittering object was draped. The momentary silence was interrupted by the archer.
"See ya later cuz. I've got some free time, since the whole shorter days thing, so we could discuss about that agreement we came to." Percy gave a curt nod, and with that the sun rose.
As they approached the tree, the heroes came to the realization that the rock was not, infact, a rock. It was some sort of huge, dark blue lizard with wings. Whatever it is, it was definitely dangerous. "Hey Pelus. Did Clarisse feed you yet?" The animal started bouncing at the sound of Percy's voice, his tail wagging declaring that he was happy.
"These here are our guests, so no attacking unless I say so, okay? Come on guys, this way." Percy motioned for them to follow him. "What was that?" Richard whispered. The sea spawn glanced at him, showcasing his notorious smirk. "A dragon, duh." This surprised the visitors quite a bit. Well, I guess it wasn't that weird that it did. This mythical creature stood at nine feat, towering over Bruce and absolutely dwarfing the others.
"Before you guys get starstruck, I'll be needing your names to allow you entry." the sea spawn said. "Robin, Kid flash-" "Not your superhero names you dolt. I'm not sure if that would even work."A small "Oh." could be heard from the kid with the 'R' on his shoulder as he glanced at the red headed boy. "You know, I guess we could test it out. In case we invite supers over again or something."
As Percy started to give permission for the superheros to enter, surprisingly their hero personas was enough, an image of cabins and children could be seen in the distance. "WOAH!" The entire group seemed awestruck, which was the general reaction for new comers. Heck, it was Percy's reaction. A laugh escaped the son of the sea as he gestured to the scenery below him.
"Welcome to Camp halfblood."
Word count: 1467
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