Dancing and Fire Whiskey- Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Dancing and Fire Whiskey
Back at Hogwarts Aris had to go to the hospital wing. It was already morning. Madame Pomfrey healed her ankle good as new. Classes had already started so Aris was allowed to skip that day. In her room she discovered she still had on Malfoy's scarf. She quickly took it off and hid it under her bed covers before someone saw it. Luckily no one had been around the Gryffindor common rooms. She took a long, hot shower and being really tired she decided to take a nap, Draco's scarf lying beside her.
Aris didn't wake up until almost dinner time, when her friend Lanie came up to check on her. "It's time to get up sleepy head," she laughed, jumping on the bed beside her. Aris woke and quickly tucked the scarf under her covers, but not before Lanie saw it.
"What you got there," she teased, and quickly reached and grabbed the scarf from under the covers, "eeewww yuck, what in the hell are you doing with that," Lanie said, scrunching up her nose and tossing it down like it smelt bad.
"It's nothing," and she told her friend all about her and Malfoy's time in detention, leaving out the kisses of course.
"Draco Malfoy being nice," Lanie shook her head in disbelief, after Aris had told her about him offering her the scarf and his coat, "I can't believe it. And it's hard to believe he didn't have anything to do with your Quidditch accident and he saved you from that fall."
"I know but it's true," Aris said wishing her friend would change the subject of Malfoy. Lanie was still looking at her suspiciously but she didn't say anything else about the detention, "Well, you'd better watch it with him," she warned, "I overheard Harry and Ron talking and Harry thinks Malfoy is a deatheater."
Aris thought about it as she dressed for dinner. Surely Malfoy wasn't a deatheater. She knew there was bad blood between him and Harry, especially after Draco's dad was involved in the deatheater attack on Harry last year. She knew Draco could be mean and snobby, but a deatheater. In the hospital wing and the forest she had known a different Malfoy so it was hard to believe he could possibly be a deatheater.
True to his word, Malfoy had completely forgotten about her and what happened between them. It was frustrating for Aris. She knew she should forget about him. The pranks had stopped over the last few weeks, but were replaced by the cold, aloof Slytherin prince who was still nasty to everyone else but ignored Aris completely. Aris was finding herself constantly watching Draco Malfoy trying to figure him out. She knew what Harry and others were saying about him and Malfoy didn't look well. He was paler than usual and had dark circles under his eyes as if he wasn't getting enough sleep. She wondered if he was still having nightmares. Even sitting with his Slytherin friends he looked lonely, as the rest of his group were laughing. Something was going on with him and she wanted to find out what.
Aris and Lanie had met in the library to work on homework when Eric showed up, flopping down in the seat beside Lanie, "Hello ladies," he beamed at them, "how's it going?"
"Great, were all caught up on our homework for the weekend so we're free to enjoy ourselves at Hogsmeade this weekend. What about you? You know you could work on yours a little more," Lanie said.
"Your worse than my mum, I'll work on it later," Eric complained, "but I came to tell you about a party in the room of requirement the Hufflepuffs are giving and all the houses are invited. So are you both up for a little partying?"
Lanie convinced Aris to go to the party though she didn't feel like it. They got ready in Lanie's room in the Ravenclaw house. They helped each other with their hair and make-up and then tried to decide what to wear. They both decided against the usual jeans and sweater and went with a slinky, sexy dress and heels. Lanie wore black that made her blond hair and blue eyes really stand out and Aris decided on a yellow-gold that made her cinnamon hair shine and her green eyes glow like a cat.
"Wow," Aris said as they both stood in front of the mirror. They both looked much older than 16, "you look really beautiful Lanie; Eric won't be able to take his eyes off you."
"What did you say," Lanie hit her in the arm in shock.
"You heard me."
"Why in the world would I want Eric's eyes on me?"
"Please," Aris said rolling her eyes, "I know you have a thing for Eric so quit playing dumb. I think he's got a thing for you."
"Aris, Eric has always liked you," Lanie said frustrated.
"Well I don't have feelings like that for Eric and he knows it, he's just using me as an excuse not to let you know his true feelings," Aris told her truthfully.
"Do you really think so," Lanie said hopefully.
"Yes, I do."
Her friend hugged her, "You look great to. So tell me who the lucky guy is."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Come on Aris, I know your mind has been elsewhere lately. So who is it? Harry Potter, maybe?"
"No, there's no one," Aris said blushing slightly. And she was telling the truth. She had feelings for Malfoy, but there was nothing to it especially on his part, but she couldn't tell her friend that right now.
"Okay, you keep your secrets, but we've got a party to go to," and they both headed for the room of requirement.
The Hufflepuff party was in full swing, and it seemed like every single 6th and 7th year was there, even some 5th years. Aris and Lanie were both having a great time and even drank some fire whiskey that Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan had brought in. Aris had drunk before in the past, but nothing like this stuff. She and Lanie were both quite drunk; otherwise she never would have gotten on the dance floor with Cormac McLaggen. She had to admit he could dance though.
Draco sat back in his cushioned leather chair near the wall looking out over the dance floor. He couldn't believe Aris was dancing with that damn idiot Cormac. She had already danced with half their 6th year and some 7th years. He couldn't keep back the sharp pains of jealousy that ran through him. This was new to him, he'd never felt jealous about any other girl. Aris looked so sexy and beautiful on the dance floor and he wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms, but he sat back in his chair and took a swig from the bottle of fire whiskey he held in his lap, just watching her. Some other girls, including Pansy Parkinson had tried to get him to dance but he didn't feel like it. He didn't know why he bothered coming, but he sat back sulking. The girl he wanted more than anything right now was out on the dance floor displaying herself in that sexy dress for every guy to see, and they all seemed to be watching her and her friend Lanie, a Ravenclaw. He wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow half of them were asking her out or to go steady. He took another long swallow of the fire whiskey and when he looked up he noticed that his fiery angel was coming toward him and then she was coming toward him. Well it was too late to run.
Aris had been dancing and having a good time, especially now that Lanie and Eric were dancing. She needed a break and was about to leave the dance floor but she felt like someone was watching her. She turned and there sat Malfoy in a chair in the corner watching her. She didn't know what made her do it, maybe it was the fire whiskey giving her the courage, but she started toward him. She really didn't give a damn about his trying to avoid her, she was tired of it.
Draco couldn't believe she was coming to him, right there in front of everyone. "How are you doing tonight Malfoy," she asked, leaning down over him, giving him an eyeful of her cleavage, he could even see the black bra she had on under that sexy dress, "I haven't seen you on the dance floor all night, why is that?"
"I haven't felt like dancing Donavon," he said stiffly, taking another swallow from his bottle.
"Well, I say you must dance at least once tonight," she was obviously a little tipsy, "in fact I insist you dance with me, now."
"Donavon I can't do that," he said roughly.
"Oh, why not," and he could not believe what she did next, she sat down on his lap sideways, "may I," she asked, then took the fire whiskey bottle and took a huge gulp.
"You really shouldn't drink so much," he scolded.
"And you shouldn't be such a prat," she laughed, bringing her fingers up to his face and caressing his cheek and then lowering them she started unbuttoning the top of his shirt.
"Stop that," he said in shock, grabbing her hands.
"You need to loosen up Malfoy," she replied putting her hands in her lap, "I tell you what, you dance with me and I won't make a big scene."
"Okay," he said in frustration, helping her off his lap, they walked out on the dance floor to the slow song that had just started playing.
Aris couldn't believe her luck when the slow song started. She knew she needed to leave Malfoy alone but she couldn't help herself. He seemed so lonely sitting there by himself, and she knew he hadn't been dancing all night cause she'd been watching for his beautiful platinum blond head. She felt other people's eyes on them but she didn't care, she'd deal with them later, she just wanted to be in his arms.
They found a somewhat secluded spot from everyone else near the back of the room. Her hands were in his and as the rhythm of the music picked up he put his arms around her, pulling her closer. She rested her head on his shoulder, putting her own arms around him. She heard him sigh and tighten his arms around her. They moved together slowly, their bodies pressed together and Aris felt feelings she'd never felt before in her life. She felt like she wanted nothing more than to become a part of him. As they danced she brought her hands up around his neck and started running her fingers through his soft hair and she could feel his hands caressing her lower back.
"You know Malfoy, you look really good tonight," she said looking up at him, "of course you always do." And he did in his designer black suit and impeccable black shoes.
"Donavon, you look really gorgeous yourself. A little too sexy," he said with his usual angry sneer, "you've got most of the guys here drooling over you, in fact it wouldn't hurt to tone it down a bit next time."
They had stopped moving and Aris was looking up at him in surprise, "Are you jealous Malfoy," she asked, a smile on her face.
"Please, give me a break," he laughed harshly, "I never get jealous. Your beautiful Donavon, but I've been with girls a lot more beautiful than you, girls I actually wanted to be with."
She looked away quickly , not wanting him to see how his words had hurt. They started dancing again, but this time Aris barely held on to him.
"I don't feel well," she said quickly, "must be the fire whiskey, I think I need to get some air," and she left his arms and quickly left the room of requirement.
Draco felt if he could he would kick himself in the ass. He was always hurting her. He hadn't missed the hurt look on her face when he'd made his nasty comment. He was trying to distance himself from her, but she wasn't letting him, so he did what he was good at, hurting people. Only he didn't want to hurt her, she was the last person in the world right now he wanted to hurt. For some reason she was seeking him out. He knew she had felt something when they had kissed in the forbidden forest and they had really enjoyed each others company when they stayed in the hospital wing, but why would she want anything to do with him, he was a Slytherin, and she knew how he felt about muggleborns and bloodtraitors. She could probably have any guy in Hogwarts. But the thought of Aris Donavon with any other guy made him feel sick. Could it be possible that she really liked him? Draco made his way out of the room of requirement, he had to find Donavon.
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