Chapter 25-Epilogue
Chapter 25
Aris was working at Saint Mungoes when it was announced that Harry was back at Hogwarts and the school was being attacked by Voldemort and the deatheaters. They were calling for anyone who was willing to help fight and look after possible wounded. Aris was one of them.
When she arrived at Hogwarts she was immediately put to work. Aris tried to look for Draco or any of her friends. There had already been fighting and then the dark lord announced that he had Harry and he was dead and everyone else was to surrender.
But when he arrived with Harry in the school things happened quickly. Neville had killed Voldemort’s giant snake and Harry had disappeared and then reappeared to fight the dark lord. Other’s were fighting the deatheaters as well.
Aris looked for Draco, and then she saw Narcissa bent over someone, it was Draco. She made her way to them, trying to avoid the fighting or getting hit by a curse.
“Narcissa“ she called out. And Draco’s mother stood up, hugging her tightly.
“I nearly lost him Aris,” she cried, tears on her face, “Harry saved him.”
Aris sat down on the ground by Draco. She took out her wand and ran it over him looking for any unseen injuries, “He’s going to be alright, he just inhaled a lot of smoke.”
She used some of the healing spells she’d already learned to clear his lungs and help his throat. Suddenly he opened his eyes, “Am I dead because I must be in heaven,” he said roughly, grabbing Aris in a tight hug.
She held him to her, gently stroking his soot filled hair, and it almost looked black. He told her and his mum what had happened in the R.R. with Harry and how Crabbe was dead and had almost taken them all down with him, but Harry had saved him.
The fighting around them was worse and they stayed in the corner of the room. And then it happened, Harry defeated Voldemort. Deatheaters began to run, being captured by aurors and others.
“I want to leave this place,” Draco said softly, holding Aris’s hand. No one bothered them. Suddenly they were joined by a man Aris knew had to be Lucius Malfoy. He didn’t say anything but simply hugged Draco. Aris didn’t know what to think of him, but at least he loved his son.
“Lucius,” Narcissa spoke-up, “this is your daughter-in-law, Aris.”
He looked her over and then surprised her, “It’s very good to finally meet you,” and he hugged her stiffly, “thank you for caring for my son,” he whispered near her ear where only she could hear.
“And now I would like to see my grandson,” Narcissa said firmly.
“How did you know?” Aris asked surprised.
“I had to tell her,” Draco admitted.
“Draco couldn’t help bragging about him to me. It was hard not being able to come see him, but all that is in the past now,” Narcissa said smiling.
Aris took them all back to the little cottage by the sea so they could spend time with Ty. It was touching to see how Draco’s parents doted on him. They stayed to visit for a few weeks before returning home, Narcissa having decided that since Draco and Aris had decided to make the cottage their permanent home she was building her own small place nearby so she could see her grandchild whenever she wanted. ………………..
Draco and Aris stood at the station at Platform 9 ¾ waiting on the signal for the train to load the students to take them to Hogwarts. Ty was jumping around excitedly, his silver-blue eyes dancing with pleasure. He looked just like Draco had at that age with his platinum blond hair. Aris couldn’t help but feel a little sad thinking how she was going to miss her little boy, who was growing up quickly.
“Settle down Ty, the train will be loading soon, let us have a little more time with you,” Aris laughed.
Draco reached down lifting a pretty little toddler in his arms. She looked like Aris, flawless skin and cinnamon red curls, her light green eyes sparkling right now with anger.
“Want to go Daddy,” she said taking Draco’s face in her small chubby hands, squishing his cheeks together, making him look at her.
“I’m sorry Maggie, but you’re not old enough yet sweetie pie,” Draco laughed softly at the disappointed pout on her face, she was going to be something else when she did go to Hogwarts, “don’t worry, it won’t be long and you’ll get to ride the train.”
“Look Maggie, there’s Nana and Granddaddy,” Aris said waving at Narcissa and Lucius as they headed toward them. Ty ran to them and Maggie wiggled down out of Draco’s arms running on her little legs to them only to be scooped up by Lucius.
Aris was smiling, it was good to see everything so happy for Ty’s first year at Hogwarts. Aris felt arms go around her from behind, arms she knew only too well and she leaned back into Draco, “I love this place. You want to know why,” Draco whispered in her ear. Aris turned in his arms facing him.
“Why is that my prince?”she asked, leaning up, her face near his and gave him a sweet kiss.
“Because this is where a wild haired angel nearly ran me down when she came into my life, changing it forever,” he kissed her lips softly.
“And that is a good thing?” she teased him.
Draco kissed her deeply, not caring who might see, and looked at her deeply, love in his eyes, “Oh yes, it’s a very good thing.”
The End
Thanks so much for reading!!!! I hope it has been good! :D If you haven't please check out my other two Draco stories on wattpad.... "Moonlight and the Madness of Loving You" and "One and Only" and let me know what you think....and please vote!!! :D
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